Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 06, 1904, Image 1

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NO, 5.
Twenty Killed and
Thirty Seriously
Passenger Running Forty
Miles an Hour Meets a
Freight All on the
Train Hurt v .
Topoka, Kan., Jon. C. Fourteen pas
sengors were- killed In a collision bo-
tweon tho Rock Island, Chicago & San '
Francisco limited and a freight train
nt 1 o'clock this morning, five miles.
vrost of this city. Twenty peoplo wero
seriously injured, and five fatally
none on beard tho train escaped in
jury. A relief train has arrived hero
with 20 of tho mes: seriously injured
and two corpses. A second train Is
coming with tho dead and injured. An
other roport says 20 wore killed.
Tho passenger was running 40 mln
utcs lato, and running 40 mllos an
hour. Tho engineers and flromon of
both trains jumped and wero unhurt.
Tho locomotives and tho flrBt cars tol
oscoped. Of tho 20 dead recovered, the fol
lowing nro identified: John Black,
Chanuto, Kan.; Thomas Small, To
poka; Z. A. Wright, Kansas City;
Jnno Griffin, Claremont, Mo.; W. Mar
tin and William Wells, Dekalb, 111.;
Gall Fuller, Jacksonville, 111.; Mrs.
Honry Klisor and children, Gormnny.
There nro six unidentified children
and flvo unidentified woraon. Tho
forco of tho collision-was so great
tho smoker Jumped high In tho air and
landed on tho roof of tho first chair
car. Tho second chair car telescoped
Into this. Tho engines wero com
plotoly driven into each other.
Tho freight had several cars of cat
tlo, which woro slain, or' Injured, and
Htrown over tho wreckage
its Saint Jean Now.
Rome, Jan. 6. An Imposing coro
mony preceded tho beatification of
Jean D'Arc at tho Vatican today. Tho
popo dollvorcd a spoech, In which he
hopod Fronchmon would bo worthy of
tholr glorious ancostory, and would
pnt an end to this antl-rellglous cam
paign. To Deliver the Ships.
London, Jan. C Ono hundred and
twonty British sailors nnd ton officers
loft Genoa today to tako the two
newly acquired Japanoso cruisers to
Yokohama. Lloyds nro now charging
65 por cent on Oriontal-bound ship
ping. New York Harbor Closed.
Now York, Jan. 6. Tho woather has
modoriUed, and It Is only four above
2oro thts morning. Thorb woro five
deaths duo to cold last night. For tho
first tlmo In years the harbor is near
1 closed by Ice.
!! 20 Percent v- I
Kecktctf on
On Men's and Boys
i! Overcoats
O r- i
we nave a. gooa assortment oi sues ana qualities
ior you to select irom.
" Ifvotfaaveanv use for
time to oet one at
i u
? wr
1 ne new yok;
X Dolls, frames, books dressing cases, and pictures. at
i exactly ONE-HALF PRICE.
Salem's Cheapest One Ptice
Cash Stone,
Mf -NHS If f iOI8gf
Senate Anticipates De
lay on Report on
Panama Affairs
House Will 5 end a Committee
to Florida to Investigate
v Charges Against
Jud$c Wayne
Washington, Jan. 6. The senate
committee; on foreign relations this
morning, for the first tlmo took up
thQ nQW cana, M or Mgft
. .
lsslppl, and Clark", of Montana, are
both ill and absent. In view of Mor
gan's proclivity to lengthy discussion
of anything pertaining to Isthmian
affairs, It Is oxpectod tho committee
will bo unablo to roiwrt for a consid
erable porlod. Tho President sent
tho nominations of Captain O'Nell to
bo rear-admiral and Commnndors De
lano and Wadhiyn to be captains. The
house committoe on olectiona sot Feb
ruary 15th for hearing tho Reynolds
Butler contsst from St Louis. The
house commltteo on judiciary today
decided ot send a sub-committee to
Florida to investigate tho charges
leading to tho Impeachment of Federal
Judgo Way no, which was recently de
manded. Tho Carmack resolution, calling for
a congressional Investigation of the
postofllco dopartment, created flurry
today when Senator oLdgo moved it
bo referred to tho commltteo on post
offices. Carnack wanted a more
thorough Investigation, and Lodge de
clared congressional Investigations
wero clumsy nnd worthless. Clay ag
gresalvoly charged Perry Heath, with
being largoly responsible for corrup
tion In tho dopartment. Ho said, "why
are tho subordinates indicted, but the
principals allowed to escape?" He
shook tho Brlotow roport aloft and
said: "If this is truth, Perry Heath, in
his office, originated tho postal
frauds from beginning to end. If ho
Is slandered wo' want to know It. If
ho is guilty, ho ought to bo puntshod."
' Rerry Heath Home.
Salt Lnko Jan. C. Perry Heath re
turned horo Tuosday of this wook. Ho
drovo hurrlodly to Bonator Koarns'
house and dropped out of sight Two
secret sorvlco men nro watching. It
Is rumored thoy will arrest tho former.
postmaster, Koarns.
Two 'Washington secret sorvlco In
spectors have subpoonaj for Heath to
testify In tlio postofllco scandal.
Strikers Are Weakening.
Salt I-ako, Jan. 6. Tho United
Mlno Workers has withdrawn its sup
port from tho unmarried strikers,
urging thom to Beok work elsewboro.
j. r i .. i.
. ;
an overcoat, nowfc the ii
4 1
!! ! !
J. Pierpont Morgans
Collossal Steal
The Loss to Stock Holders
Will Be Nearly Five
Hundred Million
Now York, Jan. 6. Stcol common la
quoted at $10.50 this morning. It Is
the opinion of tho brokers that tho
dividend on tho common stock, of
which half a billion dollars worth' of
shares aro held by 40,000 persons, will
never be, resumed. Tho publlo paid
$40 to $G0 a share. , This half billion
is worth about $50,000,000. Brokers
this morning offer to wagor ovon
money that tho next proferred divi
dend will b'o cut.
Wheat Takes a Jump.
Chicago, Jan. C Wheat 88. Great
oxcltomont and turmoil characterized
ke morning session. When tlio board
opened thero was a gain of 2 conts
ovor yesterday's close. The rise was
caused by tho warlike situation In tho
far East, and tho decllno of British
- Vonzlttel Dead.
Munich, Jan. C Councillor Vonzlt
tel, president of tho academy of bcI
once, died today.
Muscovite and Malay
May Yet Go to
Neither WilUccept the Pro
posals of the Other, and
TheyWlll Fight It
Toklo, Jan. C. A semi-official state
ment shows that Japan and Russia are
nearer the breaking point than oyer.
Russia has declined Japan's proposi
tions, and submitted countor proposals
calling for u noutral zone, and practi
cally claiming Manchuria.
Wallace, Ida., Jan. 0. Acting undor
order of District Judgo Morgan, tltc
sheriff of Shoshono county publicly
burned yostordny all gambling para-
.'phornalla which waa solvod soveral
J , , , . . .
weeks ago In a raid on gambling ro-
I i
sorts in Couor d'Aleno cities.
I DoVlCeR Of nil dOSCrltltfonB WarO COn- '
sumed, valued at many thousnnd dol-. catarrh, which is nothing but an In
ters. Ownors who had paraphernalia flamed condition of the mucous sor
insured stato that thoy will hold In-' vices.
suranc companies for tholr loss.
arge Lot of Bids.
Tho board of trusteos for tiro insane
J asylum is this aftornoon opening bids
aro many bids, and a large quantity of
samples of tho various kinds of sup-
.piles havo been roceivud for oxnmlna-
j The Excitement Not Over.
The rush to tho drug store sltll con
Itlnuea and daily scoroj of peoplo call
iThnnn nnrf T.ikmv. for the ..rn nt .
Coughs Colds. Anthma, Bronchitis &7 'a Portland. Tho same arrango
and Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, i went applies from Portland, idrlne all
fithe standard family remedy. Is Bold on Portland peoplo a chance to visit val
la guarantee and never falls to glte en. ,.
tire satisfaction. Price 25c and 50c.
TauaaUl It Mfcfat Da.
Mrs. Newrocks I'm- determined that
Cynthia's debut shall pass off with
groat eclat In
Mr. Newrocks-What's eclat, Maria- J'"
Witnesses Say Orches
tra Escaped After
If Usher Had Not Locked the
. Doors Half the Victims
vWould Have
Chicago, Jan. G. Oeorgo Duscnbury,
head ushor of tho Iroquois, who is
charged with having tho doors of tho
.oxlts locked, and several othor nt-
tachecs of tho play-houso, wero exam
ined by tho flro Inspector today. The
witnesses show that tho orchestra
played aj waltz through after tho flro
started, and then escaped with cobo
through tho oxlts underneath tho
stage. Two more bodies wero Identi
fied ithls morning, leaving only two
others unclaimed.
Guarding the King.
, Seoul, Coroa, Jan. 6. A heavy guard
has been placed around tho king's pal
aco, although everything Is quiet to
day. Reply Not Rocelved,
London, Jan. C Tho Japanese onv-
bossy denies tho Russian reply tothe
Japanoso demands has been rccolved
at' Toklo.
Him in the Wash
Went Through His Safe Get'
ting Thirty-Three Hun
dred Dollars and a Lot
of Jewelry
Chicago, Jan, 0. D. Frooman, man
ufacturing Jowolor, was hold up by
two unmasked mon at 9 o'clock this
morning on tlio sixteenth floor of tho
Masonic Temple. Thoy locked him In
to tho wash room on top of tho basin,
tho robbers looting tho safo of $4000,
of which 3300 was In hundred-dollar
hills. Freeman's cries brought holp
an hour later.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured.
by local applications as they cannot
reach tho diseased. portion of tho ear.
Thoro la only ono way to euro deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional,
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an !
Inflamod condition of the mucus lin
ing of the Eustachian tuba. When ' w
thB tul)e ,8 jnniunu(1 you lmvo a ,,.(
bllng sound or Imperfect hearing, jR
and when it Is ontlroly closed, deaf-
n08s ,B tu ro8U,t' and ""I088 tho '"'i
flamatlon can bo taken out and this
,, . . t .. . , .,,,
tllU0 restored to Its norntal condition, '
hearing will be destroyed forovor; I
nltln MlMl nut nt ton am niiiluu liv I
Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars
'for any case of deafness (caused by.
caiqrruj mat cannot do ourea uy
Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for clr-
iculnrs, froe.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family PJlls are tho best.
"Portland and Return Only 20."
The Southorn Pacific is now soiling
round trip tickets to Portland from
Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday
or Sunday, returning Sunday and Mon-
" &viaB " AW Sunday And MOD
W. El COMAN, O. P. A.
Branson & Ragan.
Keep all klndtt of groceries, and
they are the best that oan be found
the city. Tou don't know It until
a Comment on His.
Indorses Work of the Book
Agent and Wants An In
terviewiWith a Gold
Brick Man
Washington, Jan. C Speaker Can
non wroto a testimonial yestorday,
and, although It is framed In words
moro forciblo than any ovor employed
by him In an oratorical flight In tho
halls of congress, the chances nro that
it will bo used for advertising pur
poses. Sitting nt his desk, his bristling
board standing out nt right angles from
his face, tho speaker filled out a check
for a comfortable sum, thon turned
tho paper ovor and wrote:
"This check is in full paymont
both legal and moral, for CO volumes
of books called for In tho contract
with tho payoo. Tho books aro hot
worth a d , and aro high at that"
Tho Illinois statesman paused for
n momont rubbed his chin reflective
ly, and thon with Bpu'ttorlng pen con cen
tinued: "Wo nro novor too old to learn, but
tho way your gontlemanly agent camo
it ovor your 'Undo Joseph' Is worth
tho check."
With that the, speaker seized an en
volopo, directed It to a woll-known
publishing house, inclosed tho check
and sent th6 testimonial on Its way.
"Bring on tho oxploslon on tho lako
front," ho said to hla secretary. "I
might as woll got It all ovor with now
as ovor. It thoro is any ono waiting
with a patont lock, show him In at
onco; or, perhaps, you might bo ablo
to find somo affable stranger with n
gilded brick. By all means let him in.
Spcakor Cannon was ovorcomo by
symptoms, nnd Mb volco failed him at
a momont when fulsomo rhetoric was
expected. Tho books for which Spcak
or Cannon sont his chock aro hand
somely bound, but, in tho, opinion of
tho sponkor, thoro is nothing Inside
tho covers but ompty words.
. .. r
0f Gteat
Clearance Sale
Has attracted a great throng of eager buyers who havo kept our
large force busy from early morning untl the. closing hour. They
have btcn quick to grasp the opportunity of getting their wants up
piled at much below the, regular price. Are you one of them?
In placing on sale our latest style tailored suite at prices that can
not fail to clear them out
Tailos Suits
nio latost creations of" tho lato
fall stylos. Tho latest stylos
shown In tlio city. All aro hand
somo garmonts, hlgh-grado tailor
ing and aro great bargains at reg
ular prlcos, but to add a now In
centlvo wo havo placed them bo
foro you at lrroslstablo prlcos.
Any $13.50, $15.00 or $18.50
that you may select Is yours for
Any $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 or $27.50
will becomo your proporty for tho
modest sum of
Will Visit America
After Glancing at
Will Make the Trip to San
Francisco, Take in St.
Louis, and KnoW
L,ots More
Berlin, Jan. 6. Tho Klein Prossa
Berlin, Jan. C Tho Klolno Presso
after ho has vlnltod England, will tour
America, In an effort to forget his do
mestic griefs. Ho was divorced from
his wlfo two years ago, and given tho
custody of his daughter, tho Princess
Elizabeth. The latter died while,
with him In Poland recontly. Tho
Grand Duko oxpocts to visit Now York
nnd sovoral of tho largo Eastorn cit
ies, and then Snn Francisco. From
thoro ho will return to tho St. Loula
exposition, aftor which ho will visit
Washington, Philadelphia nnd Baltl
moro. Boforo deciding on tho tour ho
askd tho kaiser's pormlsftlon. ThQ
emperor. In roply, said ho was de
lighted when any ruling Carman prince
doslrod to seo and study America and
Amorlcan conditions. Tho duko will
travol Incognito, and ontlroly without
For a Bottle of Beer.
Snn Francisco, Jan. O.-r-ln. a quarrol
ovor tlio jmymont for a bottlo of boor,
Edward Richards, a llvoryman of Via.
nlla, this .morning Bitot and killed
Joseph Martin, proprietor of a saloon,
Log Cabin Creams Pcp
permcnt Chews, Chocolate
Chews and Peanut Candy
'64 Stats 8t Phono 1971 Main,
And eldordown droeslng booquiw, :
In all sizes, colors nnd grades to
suit your form, complnxlon and
pocketbook. Chwoso from our Im-
inoiiBQ Una
Thy aro nil reduced
This Is a bargain worth looking1
up as It mans a ,'rcat saving to
Ladles Corsets
In our corset department, boo-
ond floor, we havo on display some
spoclal linos of corsets ranging
in prico up to $2.60. Evoryono a
good numbor and are axcoptloaal
bargains at
you havo tried them.