w., ,- ypm0ts7jr" v-jjiT-'- YT'fW'PPJW)S'VWM'' WV""' "" DAILY CAPITAL JOURNALj, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1904. 8EVEN My W Jy JKr sH flgr W Ur Bfff Ban -J&rkj Jm Us CU a . iCI JlMfUiX Qf7 .4-ff GtfClJeXJCiLt- u -rtEC GOOD ROADS LEAGUE Liberty Is in tha Lead, and Well Satisfied With the Past Year's Work rho first regular mooting of tho Sborty Good Roads Loaguo was hold Saturday ovonlng and was well and enthusiastically attondod. Bruce Cun ningham was elected to Biicceod Presl- ISont J. II. Dnnlol, roslgnod. Action Bras taken looking to tho holding of R convention of tho Marlon county leagues at nn early date. It la hoped secure the attendance of dologntoo from all parts of tho county and thus securo conoertod action by nil the Bengues In tho mattor of permanent ad work. Tho pooplo of Liberty Rro woll ploascd with tho results of st season's work, and aro anxious Rhat tho bonoflts of good ronds may be extended to othor sections. If a lebnvontlon Is held In Snlom,.the mem bers will bo enabled to soo for them- Eplvoo tho results of work at Liberty which will doubtless do much to Rrouso Interest and action In othor dls- rlcts. Tho Liberty loaguo has taken bp tho systematic study of tho laws Rid work of othor and oldor states. Ills will In tlmo no doubt, rult In ho onactraont of bettor laws on road nnrovemont and tho adoption of aodern and moro successful methods. LIBERTY. RICH MEN ARE NOT ALL HAPPY Croesus, King of Lydla, Had Troubles iof His Own, and There Are Others. ICroo3UB, the John D. Rockofollor of We kingdom of Lydla. was very wojl- lo In worldly goods and chattels. rich as Croesus" Is a saying about 60Q yoars old. Ho had trouble iKowcvor. and some of them woro full town. Ho waa taken captive onco Cyrus nnd only saved himself torn being burned alive by quoting a lying of Solon, tho Sago. Ho finally lad to floe his kingdom for irarts un- aown. Many of the rich man's troubles to- lay come from high living and coull je avoided. Thoy aro brought on by rating all kinds of rich, heavy foods We liave the new Game PIT Variety Stoe? i A ; ti. r' v'W!.W L 5A4A m 0" A , UJ04 O- -r at Irrogular tlmoa, lack of proper ox orclso, undue mental st.aln, unnatural stimulants, etc., and aro commonly known ns Indigestion, dyspopala and woak stomach. Thoy aro serious troublos all right, but not only can thoy bo avoided but can nlso bo curod, and that without lose of time or prop er food and nourishment. Stunrt's Dyspopsla Tablets aro tho cortaln rollef of dyspeptics, rich and poor alike. There Is no such thing as stopping their onward progress now. A groat nation has placed Its stamp of approval upon tholr noblo work, Tho thousands and thousands! of euros thoy havo affected and tho hap piness resulting thorcfrom havo mndo their nnmo a housohold word through out tho land. Tim otory of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can bo told In a word. Thoy actually do the work that tho weak and wasted dtomach Is unablo to do and allow it to rccuporato and rogaln Its strongth. Thoy contain all tho oa sontlal proportion that tho gastric Julco and othor dlgostlvo fluids do, and thoy dlgoet tho food just as n sound and woll stomach would. Thoy rollovo tho stomach just as ono rostod and refreshed workman relieves tho J ono on duty that Is tired and worn, and Naturo dooa hor work of restor ation. It Is a tilmplo, natural process that a child can understand. You can oat all you want without foar of re sults. Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablots are for Balo by all druggists at GO cents a box. Druggists all know bettor than to try to get along without thorn, as the demand for thorn is great and uni versal. General Longstreet Dead. Atlanta, Gn Jan. 4. General James Longstroot, Boldlpr, statesman and diplomat, and tho laiit Lloutenant General of the Confederate army, with tho oxceptlon of General Gordon, died at Galnosvlllo On., Saturday from an attack of acuto pnoumonla. He had boon HI two days. Goneral Longstreet was a sufferer from cancor of ono eye, but his gon oral health had been good until Wert nosdny, whon ho was seized with n .suddon cold,, developing later Into I pnoumonla of violent naturo. He was 84 years old. He Is survived by hli wife, two sons and a daughter. He , will bo burlod at Galnosvlllo, which has boon his home since tho Civil War. Fire Took Peruna. Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 2. The Pom na Drug Company's new brlok building was destroyed by firo this morning; loss $150,000. Mfss'A. M. Welch, Proprietress. k&Ifo'L- . "-'". . " fr ,. S Hi J i r eH YAQUINA A GOOD HARBOR Has Plenty of Water and Is the Most Convenient Harbor in the State (Toledo Loador.) Tho Orogonlan of Ducombor 28 un der head of Washington nows says: "Yaqulna bay Is etlll vlowed with disfavor by tho army cnglnoors," Imt fall to substantiate this assertion by facts, but quotos "tho recont ropojt mado by Major Langfltt shows that ti total oxpondlturo of $710,000 has boon mado at Yaqulna nnd that this ex penditure has provided a channel dopth of from 18 to 19 foot on tho bar. This depth, especially In vlow of tho fact that thoro 1b a rango of tide of noarly six foot a day, is, In tho opin ion of tho onglnoeors, all that is rc qulrod by tho commorco of Yaqulnu bay." Tho onglnoors doos approvo of an appropriation for repairs and hooping tho Jotty in jordor, nnd thoy nowhoro eay that a groator dopth Is Impossible or Is vlowed with disfavor. Thoro has never 'boon a like amount of $710,000 Bpont with bettor results, as now thoro la by this report from 24 to 25 foot of water on tho bar each day; tho bar Is ehort and only four mllos from railroad terminus, Instead of 120 mllos of tortuous rlvor that has exhausted tho rosourcos of a rich and powerful city to keep the sand bars dredged; Yaqulna I only sixty-three mllos by rail, with very oasy grado, to the center of tho great Wlllanotto Valloy. And this oxpendlturo mado on Yaqulna bay has savod millions of dollars to Orogon, and Yaqulna with her 26 foot of wator and easy access, even If tho groat commercial forcos it present chooao not to uso tho Yaqulna, tho fact of this safo harbor, Its 25 foet of wator and Its railroad facilities makes Yaqulna bay at the prosent a groat factor In keeping down freight on othe, transportation linos, thus saving thoimands of dollars to tho producers and shippers of Orogon, hence the government Investment at Yaqulna has moro than paid for It self, and wo aro pi.d tho onglneers, knowing those facte, are unanimous In keeping the jetties In repair and con tinuing tho Watting of rocks In thi channel. Branson & Ragan. Keep all kinds of groceries, and thoy aro the best that can bo found In the city. You don't know It until you havo tried them. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of (ZrftfZ In Memory of Charles W. Qleason. Tho group at tho fireside Is lonely, For Charlie, their dear one's not thero, And sad are their hearts and bleeding, As they gazo at his now vacant chair. Ills form at tho table Is missing, . His voice, as In days gone beforo, With peals of Its bright boyish laugh tor, Wo'll hear tholr sweet echoos no mor6. Tho children will wait for his coming, No more, as tho daylight fast fades; His school mato will long for his presonco When ralnclouds cast o'or their dark shades. Yos.Charllo has gone on beforo us, And loft us to weep all In vain; His sweet, gontlo spirit has vanished From a world of great sorrow nnd pain. In daydreams wo picture our Charllo In beautiful mansions above Surrounded by bands of bright nngols And safo In a dear Savior's love. Thero, waiting for father and mothor So happy beyond tho blue Bky, Whcro loved ones, will all bo united And dwell In God's presence on "high. A Friend. Salem, Oregon, Jan. 2, 1901. Empress Dowager Dead. London, Jan. 4. Tho Coreaii dele gation today confirmed tho roport that tho' ompross dowager of Corca wns dead. Mrs. Chas, Sandors. of Astoria, brought hor son to tho stato blind school on Sunday, whoro ho has been Market Quotations Todays, Mike Btlem Good Home Mtiket' M. !,' T v "W"l Capital City Mills Quotations. Bryant & Penned, Props, Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 80a Poultry at Stelner'e Market Chickens 89c. Eggs Per dozon 23c. Turkeys 12 15c. Ducks 910c. Hop Murket. Hopi 1922c. Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc. Potatoes 30c. Onions lc. Dried Fruit. Peachos 10b. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c. Petlto prunes 4c. Italian prunos Gc. Wood, lenco Posts, Eto. Big fir ?4.00. Second-growtl $3.60. APh $3.00 to $3.75. Body oak $4.60. Polo oak $4.00. Cedar posts 12 c. Hide, Pelts and Furo. Green Hides, No. 1 5c Green Hides, No. 2 c. Calf Skins 10 5c. Shoep 75c. Goat Skins 25o to 31.08, Grain and Frour. Wheat, Sa'em Flouring Mills, ex port value, 68c. Oats 32c. ' Barloy $18.60 per ton. Flour Wholesale, $3.60. Live Stock Market Steors 3c. Cows 2 Ho. Shett 2 Via Dressed real flttc. ': Dressed hogs c. Llro hogs 4c Mutton 2c per pound. Veal 6 He. Hay, Fcd, EU, Baled cheat $11. Bale' clovor $1O0$11. Bran $20. Shorts $21. Creamery and Dairy Product. Good dairy butter 2025c. Creamery butter 30c. Croaiu separator skimmed, at Com. Croamory, 30c, not. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla W.-JIa, 71c72c Valloy 78c. Flour Portland, best grado, $3,750 $3.85; graham, $3.75. Oats Cholco White, $1.10 Barloy-r-Food,- $20 per ton; olled, $21. Mlllstuff Bran, $18. Hay Timothy, $16 Potatoes 6060c Eggs Orogon ranch, 37Ho Poultry Chickens, mlrod, 10c(i lOVtO per pound; spring, lie turkoys, live, 12014c. Mutton Dressed, 5 6c. Pork Dressed, 66c. Boof Dressed, 66c, Veal 88c Hops 1903 crop, 15022c. Wool Valloy, 17018c; Eastern Oregon, 12015a; Mohair, ZiQllMo. Hides dry, 16 pounds ami apwards, IS to 16Uc Butter Best dairy, 2O0J2Hc; fan cy oranaery,J0c; store 15$16V4c Iinininiimii ihmH I CLASSIFIED i ; Advertisements, five lines or V i ; lefia, In this column Inserted ,1 three times for 25c, 50c aweek ; ; $1.50 a month. All over five T . . lines ai xne same rate, llllllllll IIIIIIHIHI-H-H' WANTED. Wanted. Elevator boy, nt Wlllamotto Hotel. l-2-3t Wanted By mlddlo-agod man of ed ucation and oxporlonco, placo to work In storo or ofllco. Modorato wages. Address 279 Trado street, Salem, Orogon. l-l-3t LOST AND FOUND. Money Found. Anyono would fool n thrill of ploasuro to pick up a stiver half-dollar on tho highway. Thoy aro lying around roady to pick up (no capital required) it you aro willing to rustle and can talk only a llttlo bit. Good for either sex, young or old. Address -or call at Journal oOlco. 12-10-tf FOR 8 ALE. For Sale. Two thousand scares of stock in tho "Golden Rulo Consoli dated Mining & Milling Co.," at a bargain. Address "B.," caro Jour nal. 1-2-Gt For Sale. Fine socond-growth maplo and ash wood. Dollvorcd to any part of city. Apply to J. W. Man loy. Phono 2075 Black, or call at homo west of brick storo, South Salem. 12-28-1 mo For Sale Or trado, a flno 10-acro chicken or fruit ranch; first-class buildings and improvements; closo to school, postoulco, storo and rail way station. Will trado for city or unimproved farm property. Address "W. J.," Caro Journal. 11-5- For Sale. At a bargain. For anyono wanting a good business location, largo storo and houso combined; good chanco to carry on a general merchandise business on ono of Sa lem's best stores. Address Ira Towno, Salem, Ore. 12-16-lm Choice Farm For Sale. Throo mllos northwost from Brooks, having dwelling house, barn and two hop housos, with 30 acros of hops, bal anco fanning land, with running water, oaccopt enough cholco tlinbor to supply tho placo. M.J. Egan. 11-12-tf Vetch Seed for Sale. I havo a quantl ty of first-class votch sood for salo, both variotlos. Call at placo or ad' dross F. Achlllos, half rollo west of Kalsor school house, four miles north-of Salem. 12-10-lm-lwk For Sale. O. K. Grubbors. Boat In Oregon; thoo stato premiums; ono horso has tho power of 99; can grub an aero a day. James Flnnoy, Brooks, Or. 11-20-lm For Sale Inmprovod and unimproved block property In South Salem. For information inquire of E. I Iof or, Journal ofllco. 10-9-tf For Sale Eighty acros of land in Washington county, for $460, A bargain for somo ono wonting to mako a homo. Some tlmbor on the placo; some cleared. E. Hofor, Sa lem, Oregon. 10-0-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Good Livery Horses At Slmpson'.i now brick livery stablo. l-2-3t Dr. Harrison ' Scovell. Suggostlve thorapoutlca. Osteopathy, Nervous and functional dlsoasos. BoomB 4, 5 and 6, D'Arcy building. Phone 2855 Main. 1-Mm Moler1 Barber College Of Salt Lake City, offors advantages in teaching the trade that cannot be had ttso whera. Avoid schools tho Oregon and California harbors' new laws aro apt to close at any time. Write today for our special offer to dis tant students. 1M0-Im The Proper Thing Tho popular drink for family uso Is G. S. soda and carbonated beverages. Every body should keep tbeso goods at their homes. Call up Gideon Stolz Co. 'phone 421. 8ay Have you tried Edwards & Lusch. crs for meats. Wo havo tho best pausago in town, Come and try it, and be convinced. 410 East State street Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company In Sa eom. Piano ard furniture moving a specialty Offloe 'phono, 861. W. W, Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. CO Stato stroot 9-1-1 m Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 297 Commercial street, upBtalrs. Singing school Rudlmontal and sight reading class es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc tober Hth. Class ovory Wednes day evening to May 1st, next Tui tion, $1.00. Unique Cleaning Rooms Shaw A Johnson, the cleaners, aro now lo cated at 209 Commercial street They do a general presslug and re pairing business. Specialties: Skirts, silk waists kid slovee, seats' cloth ing, etc. Phone 2614. 5-28-lyr. FOR RENT. For Rent Largo parior bedroom, with prlvato ontrnnco; uso of par lor, baths, tolophono, etc.; wontd like to ront to two young men who would bo steady roomers, 138 Mill stroot C. W. Hellenbrand. 12-28-lwfc Rooms for Rent Tin pfnir ' rtti. block, by day, wook, or month. AP bo light housekeeping rooms. Elec tric Hghta Opon all hours. Commorclal St, No. 333. Phone: 29U5 Main. Mattlo nutchlns, Prop. DRE83MAKERS. Mrs. L. Campbell Does dressmaking; ai uur uomo, on mo car lino, noar tho South Salem comotory. Country trado solicited. 11-18-lm-dV n m i PHYSICIAN AND 8URQEON. Dr; W", ? M"-Wlll horeaftor' br "u vu ui uroy DIOCK, Z75W Cow- morc,5iLBtr60t ovor Oregon Skoe U). Offlco tolophono, 2931: roal-"1 donco phono 2751. Office hours 9 to 12. and 2 to 5. v New Sweet Cider, Sond your ordnr t tho nearest grocory, or call uo phono 421. Gideon Stolz & Co. 9-10-tf W. Calvet Practical Watchmakef " "wo stroot, makoe a specialty of repairing watchoa, clockn and Jowelry, and guarantees good work nt reasonable prices. 11-12-lyp RESTAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 95 State stroot Opon day and night Oar 20c meals aro bottor than xny 2Ce houso In tho stato. Six 20o moals for $1.00; 21 20o meals for $3.00. LODGES, Valley lodge. No. 18, A. O. U. W. Meets in thoir hall in Holman block, cor. nor Stato and Liberty, ovory Moa day ovonlng. Visiting brethrn wolsomo. Ruy Mclntlro, M. W. A, E. Aufranco, Recorder. Central Lodge No. 10, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, corner Stato and Liberty Sts. Tuesday of each wook at 7:30 p. m. A E. Straw O. C. R. J. Fleming K. of R. and S, Foresters of America Court 0ber wood Foresters No. 19. Moots Fri day night in Turner block, a W. Minturn. u. it.: a. L. Brown. Ben. Modem Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets overy Thursday ovonlng at 8 'o'clock Holman Hall, Frank A, Turner, T, C: A. L. Brown. Clork. Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Or dor Halted Workmen, meets every Saturday ovening in tho Holmaa HalJ. corner 8tnto and Liberty Btreoto. Visiting brothren woloom. J. O Graham, M. W.; J. A 8ollwootf Record or. 08TEOPATH8. Drs. M. T. 8clioettle, Frank J. Bart and Anna M. Barr. Graduates Amoricnn School of Osteopathy, Klrksvltlo, Mo., Bucceesors to Dr. Graco Albright OffiC' hours 9 ttt 12 nnd 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd Fellows' Tomplo, Phono Main 2721f rosldcnco phono 2603 red. TON80RIAL AND BATHS, Evan's Barber Shop Only first-class shop on Stato street Every thins now and up-to-aato. Finest porce lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut 28e baths, 25c. Two first-class boot Macks. O. W. Evans, proprietor. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at offloe. Bills payablo monthly In advance. Mao all complaints at the office. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meats all mall and sosaoniror trains Baggage to all parts of the city, Prompt sorvlco. Telephone No. 241, nECKMAN.DEDRICK & IIOMYBR WIRE FENCING. VS Jutt Arrived. A carload of woven wlro fencing. Special prices till Docombor 18th. Poultry Nottlng, Shingles nnd P. & B. roofing. WALTER MORLEY, CO Court Street DENTI8T8. O. M. MACK RncroBflor to Dr. J. M. Keone. in White Cornor, Salem, Oregon. Parties doslrlng suporlor operations at moo erat foo in any branch aro in especial request THE ELITE CAFE 203 Commercial 8treot Regular Dinner at Noon 25c Meals at all hours Service a la Carte B ECKERLEN. Proprietor OASTOniA, WATCHMAKER. .-