Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 04, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Glass iot tfie Lass
Who Loves It
For tho lass who loves Cut Glas and is about to bo Wedded,
what bettor wedding gift could you select than ono of tho
beautiful table pioces of Hawkoa' Cut Glass that tho Barr Store
displays in such abuudant novelty. Oi all Cut Glass, Ilawkcs'
is tho very handsomest, finest and most artistic. If you will
como and inspect tho Cut Glass Fruit Bowls, Salad Bowls, Bon
Bon Dishes, Water Pitchers, Vases, Tumblers, and so on that wo
arc showing wo feel very suro you will look no further for a
w(cdding present.
SoaPtfr .tewy outoe
Corner State and Liberty Streets,
Salem, Ore.
W"H-M-M"H 8 Mil llllilllll;
. . Local
' Events
I! In the
H-l-M-H-H I It I I I I I 111 I I I I C
Social Realm
E. P. McComnck was a passonger
for Portland this morning.
F. VanPalton wont to Qorvnls this
morning for a few days stay.
Horman Schcllboig, of Sublimity, Is
In Salem for a few days' stay.
L. M. Rocdor, of Aumsvlllo, is In
tho city for a fow days's visit.
Job Donycr, of Turner, .camo down
tbiB morning for n short visit.
B. 0. Horron wont to Aurora today
for a brief visit to his hop farm near
that place.
Hon. Z F. Moody was a passongor
for Portland this morning, on his way
to Tho Dalles.
Miss Lena Blor has roturnou to
f Portland, after a fow days' visit with
relatives in this city.
Mrs. J. W. Dullotto and daughter,
' Hiss Myrtle, left this morning for a
short visit to Portland
Mies Ethel Quiss returned to Wood
burn last ovonlng, after a few days'
yislt with relatives In this city.
It. M. Thompson spont tho past few
Idays in tills city with his family,
heaving this morning for Portland.
Attornoy-Gonornl Crawford has gono
to Itosoburg, whero ho will attend tho
sessions of tho circuit court this week.
Dr, W. If. Byrd Joft last ovonlng for
Idcrvais on a professional visit, In ro-
sponso to a call from Dr. White, of
i that placo. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Lehman, of
Chorolcoe, Iowa, arrived in this city
Saturday night, for nn oxtonslvo visit
to their nophow, U. J. Lohmnn.
Mrs. M. E. Holcomb has returned
from a few wooks visit with hor
daughtor, Etta at Roseburg, whom sho
loft vory much improved in health.
Mrs. C. C. Goodale, of Portland,
camo down from Aumsvlllo last ovon
lng for a fow days' visit with Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Goodale, Jr., and other relatives.
Tho Mlstios Allco Dougherty and
Mamta Ryan, of Portland, returned to
. their homes last evening, after a fow
, days' visit with Mr, and Mrs. J. E.
Illoenan'In this city.
Mrand Mrs. J. W. Spriggs, of Port-
'land, spent tho past fow days In this
city, on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Durbln. Mr. and Mrs. Spriggs aro tho
paronta of Mrs. Durbln.
Aldermen of Bat Faith
Will Choose Of-
And Confer With Mayor
Waters as to Policies of
the New City Government
Tho Republican members of the
new city council that will bo sworn In
Tuesday evening meet in party cau
cus tonight at tho First National bank
building, to chooso suitable olectlvo
officers, and consider mattors relative
to tho policies of tho new administra
tion. There are an even dozen of tho Re-
("publicans and two Citizens, and It Is
oxpected that they will also hold n
caucus, and try to keep tho factional
clemonts of their party from unseem
ly strife.
The office of street commissioner
scorns to be tho one most sought after,
and tho following aro among tho ap-
Miss Bella Morrison has returned to
school nt Portland.
Miss Jennie Goodo has gono to
Portland for a fow days.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Krausso and chil
dren have returned to Portland.
County Treasurer Richardson has
returned from a fow days spent at
Dr. Woods Hutchison returned to
Portland Sunday. Ho Is still connected
wnn uiu buuu uuaru oi ncaiwi.
T. P. Welch, who has boon working
as a carpenter at Portland sevoral , pllcants and persons suggested ns fit
months, has moved down with his nion for the dlfforont places:
family. Street commissions Honry Tarp
H. Goo. Moyor wont to Portland ly. W. II. Byars, John Knight, A. F.
Sunday to uttond a session of tho McAtoe L. Parmonler, C. L. Worrlck,
state harbors' board. Ho was accom
panied by Mrs. Moyor.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cattorlln and sons,
Lloyd and Donton, who woro Now
Yoar's guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Cat
torlln, have roturnou to tholr Portland
homo. '
D. II. Woyant, of Mehnmn, was in
tho city over Sunday. Ho has rented
his ranch near Mehama for a term of
throe years for a good cash ront.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Simpson and
daughter, Lena, of Portland, and Mr.
N. Keck, of Chicago, who spont tho
past fow days In this city visiting Dr.
nnd Mrs. M. S. Skiff and other friends,
loft last night for Portland.
Mlssos Alta and Eva Savage, who
havo boen sponding tho holidays with
thoir paionts, roturnod to Monmouth
yesterday, whero thoy will
Somo of the Republicans feel Ilka
continuing tho present incumbent,
but tho chances aro that tho caucus
will shut out "pap" Grlswold.
Flro chlof W. W. Johnsbn, prosont
lncumbont, Frank Wolsh, D. W. Pugh,
MIlo Moo, W. II. Phillips, prosont
Policemen J. W. Lewis, L. R. Mur
phy, prosont Incumbents, J. H. Pen
land, J. B. Underwood, J. W. Gamble,
C. W. Stump.
For engineer thoro Is no opposition
to Wnltor DoLong, nnd ho will prob
ably be retained.
Is the Law Unconstitutional?
Recently an execution was issuod
nut of tho Justice court against Z. T.
Smith, a guard at tho penitentiary,
resu'mo nnd tho man's wagos woro garnlsheod
their studios at tho Normal School. Jl" tho hands oltho socrotnry of stato,
J. II. Portor. of Aumsvlllo rnnmW an old judgment hold by R. G.
down this morning to nttond court
this wool:.
South Salem Personals.
Miss Elizabeth Lord hns1 roturnod
to St. Holon's Hall, Portland, nftor
sponding the holidays with her pa
rants. Jamofl Woodruff, of Portland, spent
Sunday with his slstor, Mrs. W. P.
Bahcock, in South Satem.
Mrs. Paul Schmidt and littlo daugh
tor havo roturnod to Albany, after a
fow days' vislt with relatives In
South Salem.
. The new way of dealing is
shown at your grocer's in Schil
ling's Best; it is still new in the
sense of not being general.
JKoono for ?100. Tho notlco was sorvod
on Mr. Ihmbar, and Saturday after
noon he appeared in court by Deputy
Attornoy-Gonoral Pnrkor and moved
a dismissal of tho proceedings, on tho
ground tlmt tho law undor which tho
proceedings woro had, tho Kny act of
tho regular session of 1903, providing
that tho salarlos of employes of tho
stato can bo garnlshcad, was unconsti
tutional. Judgo Jlorcan took tho mat
tor undor ndvlsomont, and this after
noon ho dismissed tho proceedings,
holding that tho law was uncon'stltu
tlonal. Notlco of appeal was at onco
sorvod, and tho caso will bo appealed,
and go to tho supremo court for n
final decision.
I - GEO. E. WATERS egg --
l Wholesale Tobacconist and
Qga Dealer
Largest Stock In Willamette Valley
LBLHE3iK3 uEoiSi
BJWIPii i m
A clear Havana 12J4c cigar. For sale
teln, Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon.
by all dealers. Aug Hucken-
New Designs
ion J 904
Iu jewelry and watches aro now
shown at Pomeroy's. If you want
the latest and best tbero is, you
will examine tins stock. You can
make your selection at a price to
suit, and will be euro of getting
tbe best value for the money. '
Priees cut in two.
Mrs. J. R. Whitney wont to Portland
tills morning.
Jack West returned to Soattlo Sun
day afternoon.
J. Q. Wilson Is at Turner today, on
a visit to his farm.
Miss Vlrgla Byrd returnod to Roao
burg this morning, after a fow days'
vlslt with hor parents in this city
Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Foland wont to
Stayton today, for n woek's visit with
Mrs. Foland's paronts, Mr, and Mrs.
C. K. Reed
D. S. Bontloy and family leave to
morrow for tholr now homo at Sherl
daH, whero bo has bought n ranch In
tho Grande Ronde.
Frank DoParcrj, of Tacoma, whoro
ho Is In charge of tho Wostorn Union
olllcb, Is in tho city for a few days'
visit. Mr. DoParcq was formerly
managor of tho Snlem office of his
Mrs. B. J. Snelllng, of Albany, came
down yesterday afternoon, waB met
ut the train by her brothor, Judgo Geo.
H. Burnett, and drlvon to Derry, to
the bodsldo of hor slstor, Mrs. Nelson,
who is very ill.
G. A. R. Joint Installation.
Sedgwlok Post No. 10, G. A. R. and
the Woman's Relief Corps will hold
a joint Instillation on noxt Tuesday
evening, January C, at tho G. A. R.
hall. Department Commander D. II.
Turner, of Portland, will bo in atten
dance and take part in tho ceremonies.
Rathor Deep Soil.
W. J. Townloy reports his artesian
bore down 275 feet, still In soil, with
plenty of water, but no sign of a flow
of artesian water. The depth of the
soil is romarkablo. Union Republi
Several Guards and
Others Step Down
and Out
!! Out Record
New Men Gathered Up From
, Different Paris of the
State to Improve the
At tho ponltcntlary sevoral changos
havo taken placo In tho last fow days,
and several now men havo taken the
places of old employes. J. A. Foland,
the overseer, who has been at tho
prison for 12 years, resigned last wool:,
and Frank Glrard has his place. Oscar
Balr and A. W. Drager two of tho
fenco guards, havo quit their posi
tions, and new men havo boon placeJ
In them. Mr. Balr has been at the
prison for nearly four years. John
Staplcton, ono of tho shop guards,
who has hold that position for about
18 years, last Saturday nfternoon filed
his resignation, to tako effect Febru
ary 1st, noxt. Frank Cronor, the en
gineer, who was appointed by tho now
administration last July, has been
succeeded by Robert Hubblor, of Port
land. Tho two" new guards aro J. D.
McKay, of Columbia county, and A. W.
Daly, of Lebanon. Cronor will bo re
mo'niborod as a cartoonlit on several
papors In tho last senatorial cam
When Cronor was appointed, It will
be recalled In this city, thoro woro two
candidates for tho position of onglneer
at tho prison, Cronor and George
Emort. Tho two Domocratlc factlona
at Salem lined up on the fight, nnd L.
II. McMahon led tho successful con-
tost for Croner, who hold his position
Just six months. Ills successor is
apokon of in hlgh'tormB ns a thorough
ly coinpotont engineer.
Two years have passed since wo entered our prosont quartors; and
without thought of boasting wo can say that our success has far ex
ceeded our expectations.
I Of tho olovon years spent In old store our last year was tho record
breaker, but 1902 loft that year far behind. And now combs 1003,
foiging away ahead of all provlour records. In fact,
Out total sales the past year were
more than double out average sales
iot ten yeats in the old store
Wo do not ascrlbo our succo3s entirely to tho fact that wo carry
tho largest stock of its kind in tho valloy, nor yet to tho fact that wo
havo ono of tho most convenient and well-lighted Btoros In Oregon,
but moro largoly do wo bollovo It la duo to our buslnoss methods.
Moro than ono has loft our storo without buying, becauso wo had
told him that tho suit ho was considering was not all wool. Yes, tho '
truth has occasionally lost us u salo, but after all our patrons havo
learned that our word can at all times bo rolled upon, that no man
over takes cotton or shoddy goods from our storo without knowing
what ho's getting, and hat an unsatisfactory purchaso Is always
gladly rectified.
As wo entor upon the now year wo shall redoublo our efforts to
merit your confidence, and wo wish you ono and all
A Happy
I i
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A Threatening Blaze,
Tho flro department was callod to
tho soventh wnrd for tho first tlmo
this morning, and tho boys mndo an
oxcellont run. Tho alarm camo from
tho- rosldcuco of John A. Carson,
whoro a chlmnoy flro, ono of tho fierc
est ovor known In Salem, throatonod
tho house with destruction. The do
pnitmont soon got tho flro undor con
trol, and no damage was done Mr.
Carson oxprosscd Mils thunks to the
departmont for tho prompt assistance
given him, for, without tills holp, tho
houso would havo been destroyed, and
ho oxprosscs his gratification at being
a rosldont of Salem, thus entitling htm
to tho holp of tho department. Ho
says ho has already recolved ovldenco
that it paid tho suburbs to como In
side tho city limits, for had ho still
boen outsldo, his homo would now bo
a smouldering heap of lulne.
I Ml?
W X M,M0
The strongest, most appealing, most
engaging short story that has come
from the hand of this undisputed
master of fiction is his contribution,
"The Christmas Peace"
Mr. Page is undoubtedly one of the
foremost short story writers of the day,
and this delightful Christmas tale, in
which he has woven the charm and
pathos of which he is master, will ap
peal to hundreds of thousands of
readers. This story, beautifully
illustrated with drawings by Blendon
Campbell, appears in the
MAGAZINE for January I
Wc 4)
"A Chriatmaa Reverie"
by Bliss Carman
Love Story of Mary, Queen
of Scots"
by Maurice Hewlett
"The Real Parsifal"
by James Huneker
160 Pages
of reading. Really a 35-ccnt
Magazine, for 15 cents.
12 Short Stories
Jeweler and Optieiaa, 288 Com, St. I
y rttuue n.