Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 04, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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& J
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8cr)pps Neks Association Telegrams.
Dally One Year, 4JOQ In Advance.
Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance.
Dairy by Carrier, 50 CenU Per Month.
Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Advance.
Cne WmR . $ 10
Ono Month 1.3
Three Months JUOO
tAt Journal Office.
At Oaue's Grocery, South Salem.
At Bowersox Orocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Orocery, East 8tate St
National.. Ilroslock.. codronUon,
Portland! January 121S ,
Aagora goat aliorr, Dallai, Janu
ary IMS.
The Weather.
Tonight and Tuesday, occasional
light rain. '
at each fide, for Whtoh there Is no ns-j
but to satisfy the caprice of fashion
of man. 8o, baa rtolon Interfered
with, and deprived of air, th wonder
hi that with the other treatment he
gets he is not bHnd oftener. Besides
Uilt, In other case Ms necK t aimo-
fwiiMi nut nt urint liv overhead check
reiaj that ratio hit face to the glare
of the sun unprotected. Or, on tho
xthar hanA dnrlvd of check rein.
he !c bitted with a curb that pulls his
Jaws to bli ureaet and tortures him
In lhlt fashion. And then according
to the spreading fashion of the day
ht Is subjected to that most cruel of
all prattle, docking, which dm
merely tortures in the practice, but
Lares him to the torment of files fo
the seat of hlf life. It is the merci
ful man that Is merciful to his beast,
and If it is the merciful that obtain
mercy, we have as a people, nora"
way to come before we get that
blessing. Tillamook Headlight.
llgion and Is Indifferent to good
roads has a brand of Christianity that
Is liable to got stuck In the mud some
Attendances at churches, lodges and
all social gatherings would douoie
with good roads, good crossings and
good sidewalks.
The highest act of wisdom would be
for any neighborhood to resolve that
not another dollar should be spent on
building mud streets any more than
they would build the mud huts of our
prehistoric ancestors to live and raise
their families In.
Just now the makers of Portland
aernent ore huy endeavoring to dl
Wade Uid United States lawmaker
from going Into the cement making
The government has decided to
tallM & IJ)W).000 dam across Halt
rtrcr. in Arisen, and mjM barrels
of Portland cement (wlll be required
to eomptete the work.
At the Urn the dam was contain
Illated, It ,ws estimated that cement
would eot t a barrel, but suddenly,
and without warning thr price Jumpe-1
U 9 a barrel Apparently the only
reason rer the jump was the liopo
8f (he manufacturers that they could
High from Uncle 8am some or tils
flWjbiutaUd ourrenoy.
ilteaWrtng, doubtless, that the Post
bo ilopartment had uroven a sucker
f"ady to nibble at any kind of bait.
9 eemMl mamifoaturenr concluded
at other deiiarUntntw would bo nllko
wok and, nilke criminal, but Juit now
toro unppetiH to b a little wholesome
f$ar In the hearts of thow wio ore
lifting government contnuU.
'The people are on the watch; In
pester are supposed to be doing
Uieir duty. Neverjhele u i tiue.
jkt In the minds of many mnnufno.
(pm. whenever tftwla 8am buyn a,
MMm dollars' worth of kxhU. the
Ifaeuld m r rakeoff of flftr dollar
f&J" Somebody.
' The contract for l cement was re
Jtel, and th povsrament decided
ftat K weuM no into the manura
mffm iHtetness for lUreif. Then, of
Hli, the manufHoturen wm at
ffie willing to compromise. They
ftWHl that It was Mt nvoMMry to
aflaKia lht te to quite utah an e
t(it Thr was found to be no ground
ft, Hielr ream In r-Wiril ,8 ttu
WHt of the priM of raw material.
Kstablliblng factories by glrlng a
large bonus Is a popular way of so-
curing a large payroll for any commu
Hut the burden of ralMng the bonuB
falls on the onterprlsing and the ac
tive business man who Is already
taxed too heavily.
The private employer but slowly
builds up his Individual business, and
Increases his payroll almost Imnor-
The only other wage fund that glves
employinent to labor on a lame scale
Is through pubHe Improvements. Sa
tan Is doing nothing.
Sunday a Salem mechanic and hie
family moved to Portland to make
their home. They gave un a oom-
fort able home here to rent one there.
Portland has spent nearly a million
on iHibltc Improvements the past year.
Seattle has spent two millions.
Thoso cities are attractive places
Tor worklugmen. and a town like Sa
lem is continually drained of imputa
tion to supply them with labor.
If Salem would oven hold the non-
illation It has there must bo nn era of
public Improvements Inaugurated that
will keep laboring men here.
There must bo nn extensive nro-
gram of street Improvements, sowers,
sidewalks, crosswalks and lot eradlnc
adopted nnd kept up.
This city Is rich enough and nroi.
erty Is valuable enough to stand for
bitter conditions, and without theso
conditions the town cannot grow.
The sintlsttrs of our nubile schooia
how almost no growth In the past
year. This is not comnHmantarr in
Sfllsm., and does not argue the need
of more builnsM hens.
If a thousand laborer war wit n
Pttbltc work here, ami sewors built to
make this city sanitary, anil streets
were built, at m M good as the
farmers in the Had Hllta re building,
five hundred new houses would l
built this year.
There are those who take offense at
these) sumesUons. but The Journal u
not afraid to toll the truth bIhmh u-hn-
this community needs, and ikonmms
to ket on lliln u until better con
ditions prevail.
' ' ej
Wllllpm J-nnlntrs Bryan has led
the Democratic prrty nnd dislocated
Its pollcks for eight years.
The Dufar Dispatch Explains
the Difference Between
"Gamble" and
(The Dufur Dlspntch.)
The anti-gambling bill, lost In our
last legislature by hook or crook or
lawyer, legislator or gambler, Is by no
means a great loss to the state. The
... . ... 'pnt.rlrti.niilnk sentiment thnt now
Its pollcli.8 ror eigne years, mis iaeat
did not moot with popular favor and holds the world In its grasp, will not
no snoum give nis urea pariy u rwi. (oniy steal unis, uui win siuuy 10 evouu
Uryan hr aVca'dy abundantly law and 8ot at nauS"t a edicts of
proved to tho people or Uroat Urltain logiamiuros ana couns uy uvuisiuu aun
that while ho may havo boen born actual defiance. Wo nro nware that
speechless, ho did not remain that thero ,g BUch a thng og aotual rlgllt
way long. I,i nnni ,,.. ruun in h
m t m i ui.u upturn niuuj,, vioii.ui.ua. in uii,
Urj-an Is coming back at tho Amorl- sense, and with tho Interpretation we
can pooplo with a new Issue fho ' look upon It, Is wrong, but this Inter
public ownorshlp of all franchise, nrotnUon hna nothin,, ,c do-nrlth the
The first astalmorts arc sprung In ,
.. ,. . ... .' .hazard, It only has reference to the
the Hearst papers this week.
securities the gambler alms to obtain
All Uncle Sara has got to do with to ,.... hIs phanPftS . 1,SBn fh,
Columbia Is to "sot 'om up" a fov , . , , ....
uMuututi ui ma ui'injuuuu j &1UL U1U-
chlno with wheel divided equally be
twoen two colore might run nny lencth
lo- of time Without detriment to thn nlnv.
couse that town had ono of Its fair or, save the loss of his time. He then
daughters burned up In that Chicago might play one color, nnd from tlmo
theatri fire. to time change to the other with
out material loss. This would not be
gambling, the elements are not com
m& 3
Hair Vigor
So young? And hair t
rov? whv not have the
rich color restored? It Is easily
done, every time. tSiUCSSSz
0 w C? So young? And hair turning
"The Best Ever Given."
Coserove's Concert Orchestra,
or the finest concert companies on the
road today, will appear at the armory
In this city on Tuesday evening, Janu
ary 12th, under tno auspico ui v-um-
pany M., Third regiment, O. N. O.,
nnd one or the finest entertainments
or the season Is promised
Tho mem-
Orchestra best concert entertain,
ment over given In city. (Signed)
John Smith, chairman Odd Fellow
A Few Pointers.
The recent statistics of the number
or deaths show that tho large majority
die with consumption. This dlaease
may commence with an apparently
oers or the m.I.Ua Invite their friends gr-Jj. - wWe .g
l nnn ila .nnrorf whlrll Will be I .. . " i . l.lv. 1- . -
tlmos to the liver-colored
iloro or that republic.
Portland Is actually onvloiis
n nttnnn thla cnncCrt Which Will be
an evont or tho social season. Follow
ing tho concert, tho Cosgroves win
fnrnih nn nrehostra and a grand mili
tary ball will bo given, to which. thos9
tvhn nftpml thn nffalr will bo Invited.
Tho Military boys are making great
preparations to mako this a success.
ThlB company appeared in Walla
Walla on December 23d, under tho
misnlces of the Odd Fellows, and Capt
Murphy received tho following tolo
gram from John Smith, chairman or
the Odd Fellows' commlttee:
"Walla Walla, Wash., Dec. 23, Chas.
A. Murphy, Salem, Or. The Cosgrove
throat and luncs. which la Guarantor
to cure and relievo all cases. Price
26c and 50 cents. For sale by all
rug3lst8. 1
i 11
When You Want
Something to eat, Just try tho White
House. They can sorve you at aay
hour or tho day of night,
fW tb j9 lb KiniJ Y" Haw Always Boogff
Oguxm'yr. S2?-fZ.
f wftiJOr 4ZtcAA
Itryan Insures the public that Tol
stoi In as little a socialist m he is
plete enough do not give advantage
enough In favor' of one and against
. . . ,.,,,... tht othe'"- Kunnlng oft a dertaln num
As long as the chhf c orlt or the ,,. f . . , . :
ir.. .... , - .,.. . b,r of fard8 t0 two or mre men to
,i, i.. i i it .i ,., ..., ue presented under certain rules tha;
what boy he handed the gambling bill ,, . . ...
in Uso Senate, why blame President "'I " '";' V r .
Ilrownsll with tho tli.ft? Who nut ""'"K ,e world rears or needs
U.e bill in IU envelope In thb HounT ". T, ,' T , , 3 ff ,! '"
Wan the bill ever given to Chief Clerk ! ? T8 ' '" '8 U" Vem .t,int no
Jennings or did ho deliver a dummy? ,., "Z n'T ?, , , .
, . lenjw are mado on the chanco of best-
Klnmath, Falls will havo a Chamber lnB ome ono; mvirt races aro run ou
or Commerce. tho chance or excelllng: close shoU
are mndo; all those and tons or thou-
Oregon Democrats will celebrate sands or the acta or Ilfo are mado on
Jackson day at Portland, Jan. 9th. i tho thought of beating somo one.
, ......". ,I-"e Js an offort, not of gambling, but
The bright llttlo city of Jefferson tn flni n ' , ,,. ., '.L -
has now a full twelve-courso nlcht i.-- -., .... l h'" Ul
.i..,i i, ,i ... ,. """-" no manner or moans
Bchool. At the annual school moeUne i. i ,
no,, in i, r in .m. . i . uum" u gamuung oven ttioug h
ueo. ail a tax of nlno mills was levied ani, ,o. .....i .
. mm a .. . .. . -..... uiu nuhoiuu mm won. we nil
PloyL Their school Is now one of , ;,,:,'.:." '.'."'"" D. "uu,rc
the beet In the state. Z '":'.," "" w" regard
(.. (.una umi muse upon BKIU or
The Journal's motto is nearly this: c,,ance. A ten cent game under the
IndoiHtndeneo are my flutterlnr lftw '" Banil)Hng when those ongnged
plumes." Cyrano de Uorgerae. ,n ll h'nk a little of trying to make a
... living by the play as they would think
Th. n (Tol"10IL?a,,or 'of trying to fly without wings The
The Oregon Lealskiteure emloreod man that attempts to live by fraud by
hy cheating.
or dice, in commerce
i Getting Ready for Invoice and want to clean up some
I lines entirely.
Mackintoshes for ladies or children, all this fall stock,
20 per cent reduction.
Knit Shawls for 25c. the best vou ever saw for the
Ladies' Hose fleece lined 12 l-2c a pair, best value in
the city.
Towels at 10c each, bleached with colored borders,
look like they are worth 25c.
General Reduction on all goods in the store except
spool cotton
Rosiem &, G eenbatm
302 Commercial Street.
Kldmt Itooowolt. and as soon us misrepresentation
Senator Piatt or New York hoard whether at cards o
Th bom, the mort useful 0r all
l!ta. ht the one marked for the
f$W of omn's IHtreatownL F-or the
m l't bowml m IHllHhted, III.
VUte,l 8Ha uuwUJw, nHartmi
WW l ll full fawrlty. rarad tor
m PUNSirts. M. nmimM le deHrerod
W a the HHnrafetSN ) of iko
J mmmm. Th.
" Wis inmrmi, to .
ttai .dIm.i. hfcw ,
- w wrw. ana that er ht
2? zTP rNm tvttm' Md w'
Ajfc ma ht Mr thy w
.rT'1.'' ihe km
5, '. ba, ,h
m WHMNHI. 0Hroik. and work.rf
Jefjifc. mm ha,hy.
mum kZ
w utT"' Dy,p ln-
Jteoept a small part of the county
road leading to the cemetery, the
street of South Salem are vorv .nm.
cult of navigaUoa.
Theiy are hanlh- .uvi ,..1. ,..
..-LI li . n W.BW ,w
Nilcl4s HHd uot qHlte imsMWt for
" iiwr ar mat a. .1.-.. 1.
for many years la the low part
of the town.
There I one D.lug ikM siMHld mH
to the mltul of aay Mn-n.t
pnresses of bioltttag .treet, w g
h re tietire.
Tet th Hed Hill frwn Wi. uu.
t)'. a oniHo MlMhbariMMiJ u,k .
th Hegre UjutteM,' prevail,
are built Uroitea rock rod.
Thlr broken rock roads are clean
and hard sad sauoth u it.. i
AmxJ -k a . m ,Ml,rt
u a aelecMiou g Smiltmlim
rer Ubr;r m ,kt.v WMllJ .
aM ay they Umt,
THey would rail a meeting & --.
dare Uettftelva r-. ,. "T. w
wd how ., no ore Bon,J Ts
hey hHv for rem mm
The aUnaMoo . 9 Ulfm
as H U m vry Mtx
"' The Monk, ...,.,
4wl ros4. ctub. and got JUt tMt
re . mentally snd hlgfcwny lclly
ho Will Mr IU; u- g,. .
oodenongk a. will .,,
WPo any rnanae. u...
at. .. I .. "" ". ren
" m ciumm wat4l to
nwtM ettl roniUtkNL uui .. .-
lli Mlw tr MUo
Tko action of th uiu. ..i.
a oo4 rean. ZJZm
-tedeU HHr than mS.
uie news no nnatann.1 in lunin. '- i . . ..
u'-r n , 11 , -.- u, m unjr department or the toll and
1Z , ? t"?' 0,0tt', l9a" mo" of llf8 ,8 ". one the law should
seems to he hackejl hy Hoyle. Hantm seek to punish. We helleve l gam
and all other celebrated authoritlo. lWnr lam. hut . M! , .?
-, ......v v ,,, 1MUHIIIK
The Plret National bank of Bwuana
mwnt enlarge Ita qnartere and employ
more help.
an Wa. tho pioneer launurvmnn of
Albany. Is iload.
II a lelOIlV for fincni-lnn- n 11,11.
sport that is Inexpensive nnd found
in the natures of nations and kindreds
of earth.
How's ThlsT
WfO Offflr nnA ni.nn.i ,i,i .
a i- ..... ...., .... ...... . " """"' uunure ro-
nV-r . T l0Ul8 ar1 for any cnse of cata"h that
. Is approclatod at Snlom. cannot be cured by Hall's Pnh
Cure. p. J. CHENEY & CO..
Toledo. Ohio
I We, the undarslcno,) im. i,
- . ""- -v nuunu
1 I PIl&HA.. - ..
1 """ ur uio inst 15 yoara
(CorvKlUs OaMlia 1 and blleva him ..nrA..i.. u '
tH-,a- . ......... " 1 " uunoraoie
. .mm hd was most stranu '" u" ousmess transactions and flnan
own la his denial tliat the ltetmblloan olal'y nule to carry out any obllga-rti-
had anything to do with pre t'ons mnde by their firm
WrUr wW be th nret to hold Umt WBST & TRUAX, Wholesale Drug-
m ' iwviww inr hbv r mu isi Ktaui. iniMin nhin
- i 1 . .
1 903 J 904
We Wish to Thank
Our CUEOttllora for tho vorv lihornl natrnnncrn hpatnirnrl linnn
us during tho year just ended. Trusting every ono was woll
nlpnfind nnd snfisfinfl wWli nnr nfTnrfa in lin noo) Wn iirill ..,
I - ..- ...... uu. vi.utra ... v..v uav. I. u .1111 HJ
to deserve your valuou patronogo in tho future. Our best ser
vices are always at your command,
Wishing Yot All A Happy
an$ Ptospetous
We are yoars gratefally
The CorvallW Times man ha a
"""HHwni article: "Sjoa inuutw :
ttght." lihi swear off dtdn't in u. '
M. Btedemettf Ptoptietot .
' "MnwejweliliiMiW'inWIWeiMBnnMnMBAjBiMnsMsW
SMmtor lwlton doesn't Ilk., if.-
w. The only dlfforoni 1-.
twooii the sewtor atul most other
Heh hi Umt he w not afrnU to go
to heidauarvors and say ao. '
CorvnJIto u gaining a reputation U
' ,'V lemrt- town, thmu. .i,
c of eoig tocnl ecrtbgn. Wnen,ve
inner vuiu tilt burg he ga 094.
tuna or more fro mAvanum ... .. -
lmpr..iu ,, 8lV0B wt thmt ho nnM
ai all the doming wealth of Uie
lowa This puts ull ho oih.r takers
la the H)umry on to th plact
What are Humors?
They are tlttUxt or morMU fluto coum.
C Ihe Tto aad frM(, ,1.
TUy are Kmwj due to iMmut (Hsed.
an out a wmrtiuwa luijerMed.
Hew d Hter iuiliwi ih..... .
isH rhenm w .om,. pimni.
d weakness tanrr, .j u,,,
lie a ....
wai.uinu, KINNAN & MARVIN,
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally, aotlng directly upon the blood
and MUC0U8 BUrfneA nt ,
rr..i . . . ,"n lOm.
teuujoHiais sent frea p,i .
lr bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Halls Family puis are the best.
West Salem Literary Society
The Weat !... 1 1. .
i"'1' .rfwtar ting Sunday
lilrtt at 7: JO at the West Salem
school house.
The question for debate was- -lie.
lved that Are is more destructive
than water."
The debate was decide.) in . .
atlve. Tho mewboN or iwui. ...
snowed unusual iu.i 1 ... ..
S!!!,,'R,tor,lwor spent
ZTZ , ,Wn,c "4ln until
wit n IS"' n are
I I 1"MW w- w ,ookd fward
to by the residents of Went Salem.
A Sudden n.ih
Hood's Sarsnnn,m L VKIL N .'
The Entire Stock
Of Boots and Shoes and Rubbers
We have purchased of Tacob Vnot mitR i
:: l 1 .1 , ,r. L lk 1
. ut boia ax a sacntice, Come ear lv and i
. i. y1 '
21 get ne oat gains,
1 1
i "D
ISuccMsor to Jacob VoBt. 2 6S Commercial Street 1!
; Tt'Tefiaie?10ll
j ::::::::AliKNCY OF "
! I GRAIWP'm AHDmiPraRsnFp ajkt i I
ii Oats For Sale.
S HOP CR0WER9 SUPPi ipo r,. .
- wuac ana stick Bninw
riL? Bp ,U ' "t ha. H Heart me 1!
iitfe4 from them. "" t by Rev. Baa " !.?
The man who prwends to Hx re-
i J. (i. aranam, Agent,
J to Jh. bt meJiclw au ,, ree. with W. 'w l8e
207 Commercial St., Salem, Ow. J