Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 04, 1904, Image 1

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The President Deals at Length With the Isthmian Imbtoglio,
Asserts Positively That the Government Had Nothing
To do With the Revolution, Dkectly o Indirectly,
The Governments Course the Only One Possible.
Mercury Takes a Tom
Me and Lands in
' the Cellar
Washington, Jan. 4. Tho Presi
dent's Pannma message delivered "to
congress today reviewing ithe , canal
action required 28 prlntod 'pages, em
bodying reports, telcgramB and canal
Jotters. Almost all of these letters
'have been published from time to
time. It opened by reviewing tho
treaties covering tho eouthorn coun
tries. Referring to Colombia It said:
"At the time negotiations woro
offered with Colombia, tho adminis
tration was criticised as bolng too lib
Loral. Colombia's objection, which
jwas based on the ground of having to
relinquish toverelgnty ovor tho canal
ntrlp was an nftor-thought No nation
could construct and guaranteo the
loutrallty of tho canal with a loss do-
Igroo of controlvthnn that stipulated
In tho treaty. Tho refusal to grant
such a degree of control was neces
sarily a refusal to make any practl-
I cable treaty at all. Tho refusal there
fore raised tho quostlon whether Co
lombia was ontltled to bar transit
cross tho Isthmus. Tho people of
Panama wanted America to build the
inal. Furthermore, Colombia, after
Raving rojectttl tho' treaty, desrplto
sr warnings- and protests, has sinco
irvurn thi iitnmRt. oncrernaBB to ac
Ibpt the samo treaty, If only tho status
luo could bo restored. Letters' from
high Colombian officials offered to
yarry tho treaty, through If America
would land troops and compel tho rec-
IpgnKion of Colombian sovereignty. It
ys- "I won't for ono moment dls-
cubs tho possibility of committing an
ct of such baseness as to abandon
tho now republic of Panama." Regard
ing tho NIcaraguan routo quostlon a
reasonable tlmo after tho rejection of
Log Cabin Creams Pep
armeni Chews, Chocolate
fchews and Peanat Candy
154 SUto 8L
i r
Phone 1971 Mali
tho treaty by Colombia did not occur,
as within thro cdayn after tho Colom
bian congress adjourned in October,
tho Panama revolution broke' out,
Panama actually became an. Indepeud-J
ent stato, and control of tho canal
strip then became obtainable Colom
bia had been treated with all fairness
Secretary Hay had ropeatedly -warned .
hor of tho fooling on tho isthmus, and j
yet Colombia paid no heed. That Pan-1
araa contemplated a revolution was a
matter of common notoriety, oven in"!
tho month of August. Tho President
horo quotes numerous press dis
patches, showing tho condition of tho
isthmian feeling. Ho alBo quotes tho
report galnod by Gonoral Young, who
wont to great pains to learn tho Pan
ama situation, allowing enormous
quantities of arms wore In the pos
session of tho revolutionists. Over
tho entlro isthmus a great organiza
tion was effected, and that revolution
would undoubtedly follow any refusal
of Colombia to ratify tho canal treaty.
This report was mado to Young by
Capt, Humphroy and Lieut. Murphy,
who visited- Panama in Sopteraber.
Young advised Roosovclt to interview
the officers personally, which ho did.
Tho officers bolloved a revolution
might broak out even before Colombia
had tlmcj,a ratify or rgjecthotreatyj
They said" It 'was certain thoro'wdimld
bo a revolution is tho treaty was re
jected by Colombia, Tho message
later roviows tho Bogota's firing on
Panama, and tho landing of marines
to maintain tho froo and uninterrupt
ed transit of tho isthmus. He quotes
from a lettor of Commander Hubbard,
on board tho crulsor Nashville, dated
at Colon, Novombor 6th, a letter that
shows that before tho United States
mado any attompt to rostoro order
Qonoral Torres practically dcclarod
war on Amorlcan cltizons, saying
that unless two Colombian officers
seized by the revolutionists tho night
boforo woro not immediately returned
to the Colombian lines, bo would kill
ovory citizen of tho United States on,
the Isthmus. Hubbard then Iandad
tho murines. Tho messago says Hub
bard's prompt action saved great loss
of llfo and property, as well as gave
protection to our cltizons. It says all
insinuations that tho United States
had any complicity In tho revolution
are as dostltuto of foundation aa of
proprioty. No ono connected with
this government had any part In pre
paring, Inciting or encouraging thq
revolution, or had the government
any knowledge that tho revolution
was imminent, except such as was ac
cessible to any person of ordinary (in
telligence who reads tho newspapers.
Later It says: ' I haven't donled, nor
do I wish to deny, either tho validity
or propriety of tho general rulo that
new statos shouldn'tbe recognized as
Independent until thoy had shown
their ability to maintain their inde
pendence But tho rulo has excep
tions, and there were, in my opinion,
clear and Imperative reason's why the
departure from this rulo was Justified,
and oven required. In tho presont in
stance theso reasons are: First, -qur
treaty rights; second, our national ill
torosts and safoty, third, tho lntorosts
of collectivo civilization. After re
viewing these reasons tho President
says it was uudor tho circumstances
tho United StateB, Instead of using
its forces to destroy those who sought
to roako tho engagements of tho trea
ty a reality, recognized them as the
proper custodians of tho sovereignty
of them. In closing he says tho main
question before thbj government is,
not that of tho recognition of Panama
as an independent stato, as that was
already an accomplished fact, but tho
.nialnquqjtlonJsjyhotlier; .qr.,riqt XQ
shall build the Isthmian canal.
New England Visited by a
, First Class Blizzard,
,,and Beried Under
Snow Drifts
Wtiebllng, Wl Va., Jan. 4. It Is un
precedented cold weather, tho mer
cury Showing 22 bolow. Ralway traf
fic is delayed. ,
Mayor Harrison Re
fuses to Modify
Closing Order
None Can Re-Open Inside of
Two-Weeks and Many
Will Have to
Chicago Passing All
Kinds of Stringent
Schools ClosedToday in Mem-
ory of the Thirty-Seven
Teachers Burned to
A Three. Million Dol
lar Structure of
20 Pe cent
On Men's and Boys
We have a good assortment of s&es and qualities ;
for yo to select from. ; j
Ifyoc Have any use for an ovexcoat, now's the ;
time to get one at ; j
The New Yok!i
Dolls, games, hooks dressing cases; and pictures at J
Salem's Cheapest One Pice
Cask Store.
E. T. BARNES, Ptop.
The Library Was Partially
Saved--Loss Estimated
at Nearly a Million
Des Mqinos, la., Jan. 4. -Tho state
capltol building which cost $3,000,000,
is burning, and It Is fearod tho dam
age will be groat. The lire Is sup
posed to have been caused by tho
crossing at electric wires.
The Iowa stato house, at 2 o'clock
this afternoon, Is doomed. The south
wing Js now ablaze. Tho legislative
bolls have collapsed. Tho governor
will probably call a special session
Saturday, - Tho library contained 7,50,
000 volumes, which are .being removed.
Tho damage 1b already estimated at
Will Tear Down Theatre,
' Berlin, Jan. 4. As a rosult of tho
Chicago flro tho kalsqr today person
ally Inspected tho Koyal 6pera house,
accompanied by exports, who came to
the conclusion that It was unsafe, and
ordoredt It closed. The building will
be torn down as a result The kaleer
will personally revise the plans and
bear the cost'of rebuilding, and. In ad
dition will pay th,e salaries of the staff
during Its close, It will cost blin a
half million dollars.
, i-4
Porto Weans Not Aliens.
Washington, Jan. 4. The supreme
court opinion handed down by Chief
Justice Fuller to3ay declares the citl
xeas of Porto Rice are not aliens. The
question arose fa the case of Isabella
Goniolo, a&alBBt Iraralgratloa Com-
wkttlpstr WJHtawa, of Waw York, who
denied hr landing, fearing she would
become a public charge. The court
directs tbat she be psnuUted to ca
tw the Vnjtea BUtM,
Glovcrsvllle, N. Y., Jan. 4, Tho
thermometer registers 26 below.
ZanoBvllIo, O., Jan. 4. Thirty below
and great damage is done. Fruit Is
killed) and stock suffering severoly.
nosljon, Jan. 4. New England is ox
perlericing tho worst blizzard in fivo
years, Railway trnfnc Is completely
off Us schedule. Tho trolloyh aro tied
irp and there aro Immense snow drifts
and a 34-mtlo gale. It Is four dogreos
bolow zero.
Chicago, Jan. 4. After on execu
tive session, lasting some time, with
tho managers of tho 35 theatres In
Chicago, this morning, tho mayor do
ollxed to make any 'modifications of
Saturday's order, closing all places of
amusement. Tho managers wanted
permission to open tho lower floors.
Theatrical men bollevo It will bo two
Weoks before any playhouso can com
ply with tho law. Many can't rosumo
at all, but must rebuild.
Now Yorlt, Jan. 4. North Carolina
and Virginia aro sufforing .the worst
storm of tho year,
New South Wales Masacrea,
Brlsbaiio, N. S. "W., Jan. 4. Tho
stoamor arrived today reports that
natives of Gorman Now Guinea had
massacred tho engineer, a trader, two
Chlncso and 10 friendly nntlvos ovor
a dispute In a land deal. A punitive
expedition killed 25 natives.
Chicago, Jan. 4. All tho schools In
tho city aro closed today out of r
spect for tho 37 tcackors who lost
their, Uvea la tho Iroquois, theater
fire. Two moro victims who wero In
jured in tho rush aro doad. There la
great activity in gaining evidence In
th,o case. Many of those who lost
relatives have omployed detectives to
assist in gathering evidence for tho
prosocutlon. The noronor's Jury this
morning visited tho hospitals to vlow
the bodies of- victims who died from
their Injuries. Laws have boon draft
oil for Introduction In tho council to
night, forbfddlng tho aldormon to nc
aapt thaater, railway or strout car
passes. v
The Oratorio Society
'Will meet tonight at tho Collogo of
Music, In Mr. Seloy'a Btudlo. It
Clearance Sale
xtlII JL Yf Ol J. Jd r JhL JIJCx.
Will continue to be the great store attraction throuQh January. The time of the ear when every article of
merchandise In this great stock Is offered at a great reduction from the regular selling price. The foundation
or good store keeping is to have the right thing at the right price, at tho. right time, The purchasing power
of your dollar wilt be a happy surprise to you as you shop through the different departments, for giant values
at dwarf prices are greatly In evidence.
Laces and
Prices on ltces and embroideries lowered to tho
last notch. Valenciennes Jucos, Torchons, Point de
Paris' laces, Bonds, Appliques, Gallons, Allovors,
Nets, Chiffons, Real Laces, Novoltlos, Tho hand
somest variety wo have evor shown, and every
yard at prlcos that will please you.
Edging and Insertions, Nainsooks, Cambrics all
widths, Sots, allovers, flounolng, eta, daintiest
patterns, everything reduced,
Qur entire stock of handsome drosa trimmings
radically reduced for the Groat Annual Ooarance
Sale, Duy dress trimmings here at u big saving.
Gloves, Ribbons
Everything in kid and fabric glovoo, rlbbonn and
ladles' neckwear markod at marvelously low
prices. Unaqualcd stock of tho host merchandise
for you to select from. Real French kid gloves, In
nil grades, all new styles all sizes every pair guar
anteed unusually low prices prevail.
Silk ribbons, all kinds, Satin Taffettas, Taffottft.
Fancies Satins, all widths, Volvct ribbons, black
and colors, ovory yard reduced.
Tho largost nnd best stock of ladloa' neckwear
at praoUeally your own prices. Silk and cotton
novelties, "Kattor" Neckwoar, Lace Collars, etc.
Lowest prices over known.
Evey Article in Out State Is Reduced
Except Contract Goods Which Manalactweys Will Not Allow Reduced
Ladies9 ,
tilt Prices Suffer. ' Although
real wintry weather has. only Just
bagun, down go the prleeB of wo-'
mop's and misses suits.
Some woro soiling much below
cost, on others we simply make
you a present of the profits, that
should rightfully belong to u but
clearance sale fever has caught this
department, and they all must go.
1-2 aad 1-3
Tho first Wednesday 'special sale
of thla year marke tho 167th con
secutivo Wednesday sale. On this,,
day wo give you an exceptional
bargain .in
Of standard grade, all colors, Just
what you need for house dresses,
wrapper, efte.
Regular Value 10c yards.
Tho pollay of the ready-to-woar
department has always been to
carry absolutely nothing over from
ono eoason to another. Prices
have been, reduced to effoct this
end. In pursuance of thla method
we -begin a clearing today, with the
flnost lot of skirts' over offered at
tho price. Here are bargains In
everything In, tho fSklrt Hn from
tho plainest walking shirt to tho
finest silk dree klrU.