f DAILY CAPITAL ' y Y JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1904. A Ha PPY New ear i44 54. ie Urw Now Yea,t iot us. The past twelve months have been the most ptos petous and satisfactory in out business career in nearly a quarter of a centory. We manic out patrons for their substantial support, and shall endeavor in the coming year to please them as never fcefore. IN PAYOR G. W. f PPWtMflWlp'fBIHBHi JOHNSON & CO. OURNAL THE DULY J 8rlpp New Association Telegram. DY HOFER BROTHERB. Dally One Yetr, jfiQ In Advance. Dally Thru Months, 1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 60 Cnts Per Month. Weekly Ona Year, $1,00 In Advance, MBMMnnnanaHMaMnMia JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. Oao Woflk f .10 Onu Month I .36 Tbroo Months fLOO tAt Journal Office. At Daue's Qrceary, South Salem. At Oe-Waraox Orocery, Yew Park. Asylum Avenue Orocery Store. Btectrlq Qroqery, East State SL fBHtiummmnmn WTTj' 4-N-H-HM 1 lllllll M-M-H 1 OREGON COMINQ EVENTS. National. . livestock., convention, Portland. January 1MB. Aaora Kent ahor, Dallni, Janu ary IMS, i i 1 1. The Weather, Toiilnlit at Stiaday, efcwdy and oo oaakwally thrtwtamlnft ' i ' i THE POPLAR HELD. Hy William Cowpr. TbiK)iUw utv failed; farewell le Mia k Inula, Ana thtt hlinrii muW nf the tm WbrafiftilM The wlmk r m leaser and ting In the WAV Nor Oww on bU botem Uiilr Image lives. bn doni rimI th millH)k fur 1901 In. the now schedule of ftvn to he collect very favrahl. ji'd by coiinty rworder 'nrrcases tlioao Thin wctlon. of thi rountry literal (fee In many cases unreasonably In all ly Iim "money to biiru," aa a result of but Multnomah county, good crop and ood price all around. Many of thea change affect - tho The went Imp In the price of hope ' debtor clan, and the farmer la hit In will probably be followed by a almllar advance in nrunw, and then all will lw on' vlvel for 1001. The Mibatantlal charncter of the Willamette vnlley people Iibh been proven by the way Salem merohnnU who hnve pushed trade have mtc ceeded. Many of the 8alm merchants hnve doubled and trebled their atocka of woods In the pait few year. The per manent rewHiree of till section are the foundation of mfr prosperous mer cantile COIKlltllHIH. Twelve mm hire ttom eta I flrfJ Uwk a v(ew Of My favwrlie M4 and Uie Wank whara they mw. And ku'w In tk rtkm beheld Uiy are laid Ami the tree to my teat that were kttt me shade. v The bta&blnl bus (1m4 to aaathar re treat, Whwe the batata ajfoN Ww a mwk (row lh heat. Ami the ihnhw where fata weludy ckwrjtWKl me before HHMmnd with hi Rowing ait ly m tnn IMPROVE THE pUSINESS STREETS i ne entMrtHlM or the people of Court 'etreet In moving for a perma nent imrement U matter for nenernl rongrHtiilaUou. ttveu a hlgliprlcetl aaphalt nave- inent would net tejet to exceed (ISO for a eO-toot front, ami on 10-yeur In- eUUwenu the ooet would he 20 n year. The Mraace In renu would more Uan par tlila anniwl exiwHe In the of an ImnroveweHt tax. and pweerty wtwht iMreaee In value. Itat the bHefneM part of the city abonhl not be orvrkwhed. Ilrlck pave liteitt oh ODnimerainl atreet nnJ nn n few blociM (m State and court I x ilble ami detKrable. Tb briek the buetneae blecke fnun Oeter to TWe m CowefclaL Ub. eny rrem GhetHeheta to Ferry, and Stale and Cwirt (nm Proat to Church womM be a itmed ttet In advance, and otiflHl to b.- nedenaken. The bual advance In th cot of recording hop contract from $2 00 to $1.00 and $S.00. This U nil oiitraKeoua nil vanco. A atlll Kreater onlraRe was perpe trated In raining the expense of nut urnllilnK foreign citizens to a llRiire that In most cnson will bo prohibitive A mero declnrntlon of Intention to becomo n cltlzon will coat J1.G0 In. atwid of B0 conta, under the old law. llnOordliig complete naturalization of an alien U rnlaed from $S.50 to tH$. How many forolgu-born cltlzeiw will iwiy $5 00 for the prlvlloge of becom ing a voter? They are nioetly poor fnrmora and working men In tin towim and cltlea. Such lefslalatlon In a premium nn the rich man operating In nolltloa. and In future a few rich politician will pay for nnturnllaatloii where the foreinn-boni voter badly needed, la not mich n itate law a bad low to advert lee to the world that foreign born oIUimui are put under the Un of extraordinary exiwuae to become n cllUenl AnH yet aueh tiraiHMltloM nra ruahetl tbnuigli without reading them, ami newepapera and politicians hoaet of the achievement, and Imagined they chtHk-nwtel what they conceived to tie a ttroko of pollttca on th nnrt nt a lemocrat1c Governor. o . THE RAILROADS ARE AGITATED. There are Indications that the ral'l. road people are agitated mi niwmm .,r ..-n.,,nns. , H ,tNa, . ... street of UrtMun Cltv Hr. t.v-.i I lh fHllg off la iklpmeuta In et-r,i ihta way tor lea years. Oregon, r.us-,1 by the advance Jn (rehjht rate. eare are ail htutiux My futtlr away. Awl I mtiet we km lie aa kiwty a Uwy. With a ur on mt Umti aad a atotM m mi hs4. lire aaotkur u h grew fci MlM ,fc IW Tta attht to otMBt nt, IT anyUUn, van, T mm en the tHOn tltaennM v n4e4ie TheU Ma Me be a im. t . jwynMMs, ee. Maw a bete hw & tw i,, U8INB8 YEAR. TH VtR t ifae Alloa, w.. EVILS Or THE 8H0RT SESSION. The aha (ee4o In luetf aa aR an evil, bet (he mletake w u.,i. when the UonbHcaM CMuma decided m mw hw about thirty nbMt for tottolaiion, nd then ttlli insist a ttNltM of Uiree 4a. Th evil Nftulto Vf IMa j, H9 VttttK ttt etVB OUi nil nil .LIl 8nieUr a day noes by but enwe fan. r f lerikMUve Intent It dnwioeed antntenUonal ba4 result i! vealed Oovemor CnanUiurUin u .i i- Inniatlna hHat only a short teuton M be rtMlttlrwi u. rMy tho w w ine uuaflon aad , law The Hotnihtlvw w.-re wraua In ma, m( oecipina in lata .... . . - " " v "v iwtwrtkiK nwtter. After "" tfAe un thirty menanrre they aewnhi have etaeM ... . ... inn. "" fcU ei theanaoho, wKn work to ink i, .... n. U. Mnnofclk-nna ahM not have - " tt thtaiO to tkM najm. mm ar neanlnr u.M.. "n THERE IS A DIFFERENTlAl nc $8.00 PER THOUSAND IN FAVOR 'liwtrntnra. $2.00 PER THOUSAND OF PORTLAND. If Uie sixty per cent advance rate a'ands on Western Oregon sawmiiis, .i.- .iii Im mllllnn made by Some iliviv n. mw ........... big lumbor trurts, and Western Ore- gon Industries win oc niueu, uu ""- i.orinn.ta u-lti im forced Into the nanus of capltnllMs for ono-tonth their valu THERE IS A Ulr-r-fcHtr i iu vr $2.00 PER THOUSAND IN I-Avuit OF PORTLAND. rri.lu la lha linttlf. nf tho IndttStrlOS that the Salem Commercial Club id fighting, single-handed, for the flhl:- ..Ai r,r Wmlnrn Drezon. TIlO lllli fiatfnftumntm nf tlm fllnta nro flllent. They are padlocked by some mysteri ous power, and daro not even hibcu tlm matter, much less give tho news about the advance in rates that goes Inlc effect January 19th. THERE IS A DIFFERENTIAL Or $2.00 PER THOUSAND IN FAVOR OF PORTLAND. It Is the most serious crisis that has ever confronted our mausiricB, ana will have to bo resisted by tho ship ners and tho neoolo conorally. unlesa they want to abandon all hope of get ting a market. THE DIRECT PRIMARY DILL. The nrlmnrv bill nronosed by the Clackamas County Direct Nomination league may bo imperfect, but It Is a move In tho right dlreoilon. It will compel discussion, nnd in the end the subject will bo bettor under stood, and (he real cause of roforni ho advanced. There is d miner of undertaking too much, r.nii that Is tho weak point of tin- nrnposed bill, which would abol ish all political conventions at one sweep. Kxistiua political Institutions can lv amended, changed and better pro cesses substituted, but can never be wept away and abolished at one step Direct nomination began In Minne sota and other states at city elections, extended to counties and thus grew to take In the whole itate. That Is the natural process of the development of political Institutions, and all political organizations are a growth, a development The bill prepared by the Marlon County Dliect Primary League, and submitted to tho last legislature, had this defect. It wont too far. The representatives of tho people would not trust themselves to vote to abollh all political conventions. as the majority of the people lmvo been nccustomod to meeting In con ventions, and will not nt once aban don that custom, or surrender that privilege. 1 SALEM HAS HER REVENGE. Say, wouldn't the dreariness of the Portland New Year papers distress HHir soul? Of all the tiresomeness ever put In print the imge and pages of roaurrect- ml "statistics" take the bnkerv. Salem write-up and Salem ads were coiwplcuoiwly absent. This town hns caught on, and didn't invest. Saiem got nn advertisement In the feer "microbe" editions that will do this town for years to oome. Pages of Illustrated matter were given out to convince the world that this wna n pestilence-breeding, fever- stricken community, when offlcldl search failed to disclose any cases wnatever. That do gives Salemltes an eye- opener as to what the hundreds of iloiiare they shell out for Portland pa per may bring them "It they aiv good." There Is no way to treat such so!- fish furgetfulnee of the true Interest of the community, but to forget the HnBBnBBiiHaaniniBaBaanBnHBan Cherru Pectnrall elf 'Cures consumption. Not all m J cases, but very many. Your nnw tArxntnt flll full tfrtii mff nfintif UVWIVl Will IW1I JJ IIIVI V HUUUI this cough remedy. JEm?.0;: B9Q0999991O9Q9to9QWi99991 And tho king showed that ho know ucnnfi, oy Benaing me iour-oyea young lady from tho Dock Bay a bouquet. JOURNAL X-RAYS a i9s)eaie09oe9o The telegraph service yesterday wna "fpw and far between." As tho opera tors all had a holiday from noon until 1 o'clock. Tho difference In time so fixed It that when there was some one to send thoro was no ono to rocolve, nnd contrnriwiso. And now Mabel McKinley lo playing the lost diamond advertising act. The arts of the actress aro quickly learned. A church choir In Montreal struck because their pastor criticised thorn for chowlng gum and eating candy ilurlnc tho services. Aa between Qod nnd tho candy, thoy choso tho latter, and tho church was Improved by tho strike. The car comnanv needs some new rollers on scmo of thobo car do'.Ts, If thoy have to go to Corvallis for them. If the Soclallft.1 want to take up a llo subject, why don't they debate the (litostlen: "Resolved. That tho Republican j nrty Is tho true friend of the laboring man. Albany hnsn'l hnd n special session of the legislature but they lmvo had a week of theological discussion on, at tho hnnds of Dr. I. D. Drlvor, which I nearly as oxcltlng. A Uoston girl sent K'ng Kdward nn Invitation to her coming-out party. Astoria pridos Itself on tho fact that the fines nnd forfeitures In the police court tov Deeomber amounted to $1070, asngninst ?(85 last year. Astoria Ih growing. At tho theatre fast night, tho most Interesting question was, "Whdro lb Moses?" Uurliisr tho hiatus in tho olectrlc lights at tho thoatro last night, lamps wero lit nnd candles produced. It seemed quite old-fashioned and home like, but tho kaleidoscopic beauty of bright costumes and piquant faces, llko the lights wont out. p Tho Ihentro management was like Memory last night, because thef brought "tho light of other days around us." Fall apples aro high, although It la nlalnlv to bo soon by their bruised ex teriors that they liavo taken a tumble. o As a rule, men, donkoys and facta. nro stubborn things. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought &&&. Boars tho Signaturo of U903 J904I Wc Wish to Thank Our cueolmora for tho very liboral pntronngo bestowod upon HO 1 II l1M i I S IfAH M IHni nvaWM.l 'P.. l!u .. II uo uuuuk uiu vein jusi t-llliuu. J.rUBWIlJJ UVUTV OI10 WAS WOll S pleased and satisfied with our efforts in the past. "Wo will try I to deserve vour valund nntrnnnrfA in tlm fntiirn Om. nof ooi-. " y . -. w ...v ,uwvw. nsu uvg, aji- 1 ' vices ate always at your command. i Wishing You All A Happy I xBw. H and Prosperous ew Yea We are yours gratefully Yokohama lea Store M. Btedemeit, Ptoptietot. kin. u. tr -- rw ""' nil l HIV WI nilljii m L.k'.w ... wmu, M ktt W.t t . . "" ""in "-" " aBMUMHi tM ai mi OF PORTLAND Tb Oratr iwilom rv.,.o.i. Club of Salem baa towibictwl a earn pabi" U favor of Uo afelira that la bjtunlag to bay. kwu airi .,. !! ar iHdlratttNM that tt prohlbl- "rj- raiM win iw mmhhBwJ. THERE IS A DIFFltRENTIAL OF M.00 PER THOUSAND IN caui,. wr PORTLAND. Thw ilttltborat rat of luwi.. .. - - - .nTTIWI VCt o abottt atM) uor ut Xo al, jR vmwwaia. irow all tki Interior taw, WllU. will ba a trrlLU. 1,1.. . .v, ... InduattlM THERE IS A DIFFERENTlAl. OF fcM PER THOUSANO IN FAVOrl r rui UINO, l a rUt4 by Uie maiug,,, (lf .- m. r. ua uHW oro. aud tbl w at Orvio ItutMUto wu ntrk t an kichw Ih authority. Mli Ut tk. IHNMt o, tk. w ; buMtr luwtor tract. JJ!2 'S A D,FFKRENTIAL OF .W PER THOUSAND IN FAVOR OF PORTLAND. R Tfcat tnwt baa tan, wliu I ww iMton; kol ullUuna . a, . .ffttiurh MHewm. ul Ktt Mury them In oblivion until tlmv l.arn to know letter than to daprlv lh bmut1ful Capital City of Its sani tary rvputatifln. Tk Journal blive In flghtlug for Its 'H dunithlll. Salsm and Marion county taw tvr tnwtwl Portland en tarr1sa with Hlwrallty. Ut when a cummunitv rjv buokeiaful of eold Witr in !... u Is Kratlfying to know that It baa the thors tf its hunilUatlON. "n I Theo, M. Bar'r Hnnvor to Httrr Pets-I. AND 3&aXaTTVrTP-?-1'lTS3?. ALEM. Hot Air. Hnt Watfr anH Steam Heating a Specialty. OREdON Burroughs & Fraser wh, to ZZLlZZZ iiMlzrMM,w,'t', izzzrrzrr v , lmUM u t w1U b m fe a mK, IS DRINKING A SOCIAL VICE? DrtakJn; hmmv or Imb Hrui.i aad lNt4wirMiinc bvrai g a god,,, ouvtcMH. but mrt a vie Habitual drwakww i. ..,, kll, o a social vlc. bciu h, dn,uk n ht tk wot muoelal of all beings. -'" ,a "w K ilWlkw and akiiu tk 4raniMnU, and k laturally u all other human ktiagt. and dis. NkM klwawlf. Tkrt are mm wko drlak too muck 4r tk stlMuhta of social inttn-"- J" u " tlPPW. momL c aad draakard la seik as a ml JUT " " a " WH mo. m Mnfc tkaa tk wUUrr Un. tUtr wko wilt atand at a bar .w vral auwjt v)4 . , or nnj a hntikk m te .to M wiy, naW THERE .8 A DIFFERENTIAL OF Z!V "" TINNING IRON WORK Pl.UMDINQ Best Material, Best Workmen and Promptness are our Motto, 8ALBM, OREGON. STATE STnEBT. rcgon State Bank InaorporaUd. Jefferson, Ofegon, JK i n tentt and donatio exchange, CoHMtJona mad oa favwnble term. Notarisa Puh.r, tondr our a in .it ., coaveynnelnK. Rati ... i rTl w all matter of YOUR BU8INBM 8OLI0ITBD. I S. t1 ,.r. . JifcMiif y' - ilEw1