', BWf7'7 tw -rv'rfTiFf.j I. . iw uw)Krw-niwtinBJtkhwiia. it''H''wvyjwwi)iwii!iwppuftjgyMiMr ww ynt-yfr OAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL jfOL. XIV. 2vi ' 8ALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1904. NO. 2. " -!J!IWrn "' ' 4.. ,----ppIVpn-. W r w iJk"' OLEMN FUNERAL CORT EGE Shkago Today Duties He Dead Htmdtads of Little White Coffins, Cause One Guoan of Anguish. "Kly God, the i Little Cfc-idien," and Emphasise the Pitiful- v ness of The. Deaths. CHARGED WITH play, laughed nail clapped their hands in delight. Tho ushers on that floor arc eald to havo ran on discovering the Are, without making an effort to get the children out. At tho downstairs f v KB j- oxlt survivors say men were com- Kj I IT I EC ' nolled to knock tho UBhers down be j foro tho doors could be opened. Twen ty oi tho persons detailed wero ur- ' fit. E. Norton.) Ichlcago, Jan. 2. Beneath a gloomy Jr. In opprcBslvo Bllenco and an at mosphere which seems omlnouBly Sen with dQath, Chicago 1b today a feritablo city of mourning. Wholo lUtots. which .areusually ro3onant K tftlutho clang of commercialism, .wfioso pavements aro wont to bo Sronged at this season with merry Bakers, whoso sky-toworlng build-" r ga are accustomed to Uio cheorof & iliH,lMir npMvlfv nrn an allnnt tho l. throbbing activity, aro so silent that V- tie rattlo of tho funeral trappings bear 'with It a sharp and sudden thock. Funeral follows after funeral, until Ibo grim buildings thomsolvos seem forming an alloyllko guardway to a vast gate of death. Tho pave ments" are olthor dosorted or habited thoso who stand In an expros- icntri aly fey Ion of hopeloss, opprcsslvo and pa- vtlicUaferIof havo changed tho scono.to i $e of funoral solemnity, of unlvorsal 'f-jroe.? No sound of ringing sleigh boll, v so shout of mirth, no glad oxchango of j&Eollday greetings, but a sllonco awful To Its desolation or brokon only by n eiooan of despair. fTho street gamin has forgotten in In small, even dlmlnutlvo coffins, tell ing again but too plainly of that plto ously futile strugglo mado by little hands and feet for life, only life and raorcy. Morcy from that fear-mad-doned throng that crushed thorn to saglng tho passing of that white sheet whoso Bymbollsm is "identified." Tho visit of tho death wagon, and one more funeral notice Is announced. Weary attendants at the morgues to day began to lone for the close, real .... i - ' ueatn wjtu cruel foot like cast-off izlng thnt in that great aray of charred blossoms or dying' flowors. Probably bodies are but few who will over It Ib this which makos cold-blooded again bo known by nnmo. Identlflcn. business, mert, officers, familiar with ticn conies more slowly, and is. noarly ,;,.-.. .., i .. ..... . . . """7 fVlc,u mo careiess at an end, but the grief does not dl- nuu 'UK", uu mo narucnea outcast, mmish, nor tho elTncemont of the hor stand bound for tho nonco In one jor. Tho sackcloth Is heavy and tho .-... ,,, ..,. w w.u h"Ji "i iva- ,usiits aro nenpeu nign. terday. Ycaterdayfspnpora contain pagos of, tho death list, columns of burial notlcos. Today's toll yot of more. Yesterday facos of pedestrians' boro the dazed look of tho unroallzlng, to day with comprehension vivified by the funoral panorama, -without prece dent thoso tamo faces nro scored and soared with sorrow's brand. Obedient to Mayor Harrison's proclamation that this bo a day of mourning, ovon thona buslnoss liousos which boar no crape, tolling of death brought homo, havo closed their dooi-B, and that maelstrom of thn mnrlcnt thn hnnrA nf tmAn la m onvlronmont of gloom to call his. ,,. nhnrt t. ntm -,, ' W cable cars give no tongue to ktood Bt tho Btroko of no fJ t DROWNED LAST NIGHT John Liclity of Sil- verton Meets With Fatal Accident me and Uio vory bolls of death toll with monotonous regularity and muf- Mcdwtroke in unwontod usage. . It. is full minutes, tincovored; traffic stop' Knocked Off the Dam, the Slmost a city of tho dead. Chicago is a d,8tnnt dty ,oworbd tQ h gv0 mr m DiacKOBL ami most proiounu To( ataliko tlnm Chicago stood in ftfc-XOTtfflrUfrvlia tuart tblroli mLg:. itSViwmnhioTfnli thw.f moro Plnlnly old than In tho, words . ffl ,... whlIo hlintlrc,i(: of JnoM rmulMUy heard, perhaps from ,ts QWn woro ,a(1 away Mayop Hnr. tno who loit neither kin nor friond, L,g0h.8 nroolnmatton to thIa offoct wna i-My (Jod. the little children," for In , not necwsary to brlng tho trngody 'this mournful retlnuo, this seemingly homo. although t Wft3 ,B8Uod thn endhws procession, devoid of ovon that ,norntng. Foi.t Dr.nrgch end , customary pageantry of doath. almost n,3 addr0BS ,Mt nght ,Tnrough th1 nil thoso silent passengers aro oncaaed wftlB of 1000 hoinM In thlB mJurn,ng city sobs resound, and aro echoed on pod and Biienco roigned, whiio thoi Rushing" Waters Sweep Him loved and martyred President was ip ' JfltO DafkneSSand Ffesn Today tho meroiloss winds that scattor tho volcos of tho boroaved throughout the world." Two hundred funorals 1x1 ono day; yot thoro aro a fow places of monotonous actlvltjf tho morgues. Processions which by this time aro r composed of haggard mon and tearlo&d Log Cafcfn Creams Pep- -- ZJTZ."" pcrment Chews, Chocolate whIcl, neithtr timo nor civilization of- CheWS and Peantt Candy faces, that longing to boo ono's dead. -l Tlie morgue scenes no longur uuur !" Z ? inns 164 State 8t Phone 1071 Main I dlvlduallty. It la now tho uniformity (of vain passing of long rowa of still forms, broken only by a short sob as father, mother, slBtor, friond or broth- or reaches out a trombllng hand pre- r I . . . xt xr t- V i KJut store will remain cioseo an oayf rtew iea'uy, t-43--HS-H5 -fc. Lln Taisc&nnfc x.amiP' m Vf vrwriw - fc Redaction I! On Men's and Boys :i Overcoats We have a good assortment of sfces and qaalttfes ; ; for you to select from. i I t Ifyotfhaveany cse lor an overcoat, nows tne ;, x time to get one at The New Yofc Racket i ! Dolls, games, boots dressing cases, and pictures at j exactly ONE-HALF PRICE. Salem's Cheapest One Piice, Cash Stoi?e. E. T. BARNES, Pfop. Kf 3t'WXllOf 1 1 1 (i ii ' (i (I Death i n Tolephono mossngos recolved frqin Sllverton, this morning, announced tho drowning, near that dlty, at I) o'clock last night, of John Liclity, the owner of tho sawmill at that placo, whllo he wnB In tho act of operating tho Hood dnm on Sllvor Greek, Boven miles above that city. "Whllo working Ori tho dam, tostlng a now gate, which had recontly boon placed in position, a scantling lying on tho dnm was in somo way thrown upward by tho ma chinery, striking tho iinfortimire man's bond, knocking him into the wntors rushing through tho gates, and ho disappeared from sight, A search for tho body was at onco commenced, and the crook bolow tho dam wuj thoroughly soarched, but, up to this morning, no trace of it was found Mr. Llchty was a prominent cltlzon of Silverton, where, a fow years ngo, ho built a sawmill, oporating it with water powor, and using tho water of Sllvor crook In bringing dawn his logs from Uio mountains eait of Silverton As tho ereok did not nfford sufficient water for his purposes, ho recently built a flood dam for tho storing of water, to bo used In flooding down hi Ions when tho water was low. This involved hi in In litigation with tho olootrlc peoplo, tho latter attempting to restrain him from operating his flood dam. This case resulted In u victory for Mr. Monty, tho court hold ing that he had not infringed on tho rights of any ono In constructing and oporating his dam. BInco that tima Mr. Mchty bas operated his business at Sllverton with great success, and his visit to tho flood dam' was for the purpose of testing the new gear that had recontly been added to tho ma chinery, and running a quantity of logs down tho stream, through the dam, to the sawmill at Silverton. Word was recolvod at Silverton aN 11 o'clock last night, and a party of cltlzons at once started for tho scone of tho tragedy to search for tho body. At 2 o'clock, this afternoon a tele phone message was received from Sll verton. to the effect that tho body of Mr. Mchty was found this forenoon, four miles below tho dam where the tragedy occurred. It was found washed under a log on the bank of tho creek. Just above tho little ,falls of Silver creek. Tho body was brought to Sllverton whore it will bo prepared for burial. Tho entire clfy.ls in mourning ovor the, sad and untimely de.th of Mr. Monty, who wiia one of rfiiraffn Thwtar Prn- lrftlBncd thl8 morntne. an eir caso3 ViUlldgU 1 UCalCl riU jworo ro-sct for aftor tho inquost No nriAtrtrC ArrilCAd ltostlmony hca"l. four'nro mom- fl IvLUl a ILLUoCU bcrs of the company, as aro the prin- nf AA 4 fid 411 ffll "tar ; cipal witnesses. Their bonds' wero re- VI iTLullOlaitglllCl 'duced from $5000 to $1000 each. Twonty choniB girls aro under sur- ., , , . volllnnco to provent their departure Ushers Also Arrested-It Is from the city. Claimed They Kept the Th0 revised. nst of tho dead from I ittlft finite Prntn Iroquois disaster, as given out by Llllie UneS riOm tno officials this afternoon, shows 659 ESCapi(g identified and 28 unidentified. Thd to- tal death list, Including thoae who died at tholr homos from Injuries, will probably reach COO. Chicago, Jan. 2. Davis and Powers, proprietors and managers of tho Iro quois theatre, and George Williams, city building Inspector, who woro ar rested last night on the criminal chnrgo of manslaughter, on complaint of Arthur Hill, who lost his wlfo and three children and tholr mnld in tho holocaust, appeared before the justice this morning, and gave bonds of $10, 000 each. Flvo hundred and sixty-two bodies havo boon Identified up to noon. new order for additional arrests has beon made this morning, which will ,be 'ifsod. providing the Investigation now bolng made shows facts sufficient to warrant. They nro operative against the ushers) who are clinrgod by persons escaping from the theatre that at every oxlt tho ushers barred tho way and ortlered tho crowd to re main seated. One witness this morn ing said in tho gallery tho children mistook Uio liny flames creeping along tho sconorns a part of the dlj- STILL M0REv SCANDAL Interstate Commerce Commissioners This Time Only Handle a Quarter of a Million but it Furn ished Good Picking Kaiser Expresses Sorrow. Washington, Jan. 2. Tho President has recolved tho following cablegram from tho Kaiser:' "Achast at tho nows of tho terrible catastrophe which 1 treasury department today by request bofoll tho people of Chicngo, the em press and myself wish to convey 'jo you how dooply we fool for tho Ameri can people, who havo beon so cruelly visited in tholr wcok of Joy. Plenso convoy tho expressions of our sincor est sympathy to the cltlzons -of Chi- Washington, Jan. 2. Irttlorstatx commerce commissioners havo or dorod a full examination of tho ac counts of tho commission on the strength of information that tho books aro in nn irregular condition. Tho of the commleisonors sent special ex ports, Chase, Ambrose and Taylor, t.7 tho offices, whore tho examination of tho accounts will begin. A short time lator they sealed tho safe. Clorks or . accduntnnts refuse to discuss tho mat jnntter. Tho department handles bo-' Iwvon n nunrinr nf n million and thrco cago. May Providence, in the coming 'nmi,rcd thoUBnna annually. year, shield you and Anrorlca from i such accidents." To Protect the Soldier. Borlln, Jan. 2. The kaiser, at his New Year's reception to tho com manding officers qf tho army today, mado a speech urging the suppression of cruolty against tho common soldiers. May Seize Mashampo. Toklo, Jan. 2. Tho Japanoso squad ron of six crulsors, now noar Naga saki, has beon ordered, it is reported, to proceed tomorrow to Corea. It Is rumored it intends to seizo Mauhampo. Any ono looking for wealth may find, it in the dictionary. nMHHMHHHBBB tfwawiiwmwir,iirviiiii"iKiiM r j i mwrmi'iBBmimmmmmjmmKmmmmmmMBmmmmammimwmmmammmmmmmmmm-1 L- O .4 I S MONDAY ranc And White Fal BEGIN: And it w ii be the greatest clearance this county has ever known. Hundreds and hundreds of yards of the most desirable'' of merchandise and thousands of articles of every description hase been cut to the quick for Immediate clean-up. EVERY DEPARTMENT WILL CONTRIBUTE ITS SHARE TOWARDS MAKING THIS, a money saving opportunity that no one in tho county can afffford to overlook. ) ; tho most popular and prominent mon t of that section of LACES and EMBROIDERIES With all tho pretty designs and patterns to choose from It will mako shopping -In this department much more eager when tho prlcoH at our Clearance and White Salo aro known to bo greatly reduced. The largest stock and tho largest assortment aro placed boforo you at prices that cannot fall' to at tract yuor attention. of Marlon ooiuity. WHITE APRONS An opportuno time to buy a sup ply during this January display. Large assortments at moderate prices have been provided in an- tinliiflf ltn rt vmiv nnfta fn ttita Una BWBBMWiiiWgWWIlllillW-INIIIirilin MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Our advance shipment of muslin underwear from three of the lead ing factorios of New York bas ar rived and will be placed upon tables with prices on each lot. Dainty muslin undorwear. Ilun dreds of cholca pieces of undor wear at tho littlest prices such garments knew. Daintiness, re flnoment, ample proportions, good materials, neat sowing -all tho merits of homo-mad o garments thoso aro tho charms recognized ire this gathering of under muslins You seo tho garments and mar vel at the little prices. Remember thoso are advance patterns, all bright and now. PILLOW CA8E8 and SHEETS If you haven't purchased your fuli quota of those essential arti cles Now is tho .time for you to look after your needs. Tho quality of tho goods is or tho best and are placed before you at unusually attractive prices. This is an Important Horn tbat will in terest women who wish to replen ish their supply at small cost MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS Hvprythlng must go, especially the white goods and if low prkoa avail anything thoro is sure to be a great outlet next weok. Don't delay. njlMyi)taif......?. tt ITilnfiilf'lt 'iiii'rWiiii i ii w ' iSffiGlMMm II mimi i nmmnm i I ft I .! V i )