Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 31, 1903, Image 1

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NO, 301.
r " " - m
k. JE B tv flKvC iH aH vKkHBEf "t
Appalling Catastrophe at Chicago Increases in
Dfeadfcdness as Its Sickening Details
Become Known
Bodies Lie In Heaps Half Denuded and Their Hands Still
Clutching the Pieces of Clothing Tom From Their Strug
gling Companions in the Fierce Battle for Life. Faces
Trampled, Oat of All Semblance to Humanity, and the
Dead Lie On Other Dead Over Whom the Dying Crawled
Towards Safety Six Hundred Bodies Found, List Will
Reach 700.
the lftflways back of them.
TM MHttence m lu rush for the out
er af seems to hare choien. Tor the
Krif part to flee to tho left en
tmaoi, and to attempt to make Its
way town the eastern stairway lead
in? Into the lobbj or the theater. Out
side Of the people burned and suffo
cated by gas. it wag In these two
doorway on the first and second bat
eonl that the greatest loes of lire
rutnni-MUI ll'l. .l.
v.vv..i,t iiaen nitt nremen entered
the building the dead were found
tretah,ed In a pile teai'tUng from the
head of the stairway nt least eight
feet fe"" tl,e door back to n polnt
aboMKflve feet In the rear of the door.
Thfs mass of dfad bodies lu the
center of the doorway reached to
within two feet of he top of the pas
sageway. All of the corpses nt this
point "were women and children.
Idea of the Fight for Life.
Th fight for life which 'must havo
taken place nt thee two points Is
something simply beond human pow
er ot adequately doscrlbe. Only a faint
Idea Jpt its horror could bo derived
from the nspect of the bodies as thoy
lay. "Women on top of these mosses
of dtnd had been orortnken by donth
as Ihey were crawling on their hands
and l?nees over the bodies -of those
who had died before. Others lny with
arms' stretched out In the direction to
ward which lay life and safety, hold
ing in their hands fraMtnenta of gnr-
Offered to Decorate
Each Member of
of the Party
; Dry-Eyed, Anguish'
Stnkcen Relatives
Seek Their Dead
Chlcngo, Dee. 31. At 9 o'clock this permit of tho chief of police, and no-(tlcaUy n.flue through which a strong
morning tho pollco compiled n list of jcompanled by n special guard. Thou-j draught was setting, aided by the
bodies rocovorod from the Irlquols sands of dollars worth of wraps and doors, which hud been thrown open,
holacaust They fountf It numborod
' Ml. With tho prospect of finding oth
er bodies In tho dobrls, It Is almost
certain tho numbor will exceed 600.
Tho coronor still bolloves tho total
will reach 700, as tho bnsomont, up
per dressing rooms, Btago and part of
tho upper galleries havo not boon
thoroughly searched. At the city hall,
where tho lists of the victims and
tho descriptlons-of tlie-uttldonUnpd
dead aro belilg complied, men, womon
nnd children throng tho corrldorB. The
death list is being added to by tho
hospital reports, whore tho injured
woro takon. Tho pollco bollcvo at
least 250 woro injured. Pumps are
working on tho basomont, which was
flooded. At ovory stop in tho build
ing the pollco find diamonds, Jewels
and furs. No one is permitted to en
ter tho building without the special
Jowols have boon hauled to
The rear and sldo nails of tho stnge
are Ir. danger of falling. Architects
today warned tho flromon that the
roar wall of tho building might col
lapso at any momont, nnd crush to
death nil In that portion. William
Doc, a wealthy contractor, whoso two
children, Edwnrd aged G, nnd Lola
ntfoQ '3, and theft' niirsg nrf'mlMlngr
and who hired a special train from
Meca, Ind., today found tho nurso nnd
Lois. Tho latter was picked up cry-i
ing In tho stroetH In front of tho thea
tre. The nurse Ib bndly injured and
in Uie hospital, and the boy is miss
ing. Cause of the Fire.
The many different accounts of
the origin of the fire aro conflicting
but the best reason given is Uint an
electric wire on the lower pert of n
piece of drop scenery suddenly broke
aud was grounded. The fire spread
rapidly toward the front of the stage,
causing the members of the chorus,
who were then engaged in the per
foramnce, to flee to the wings with
screams of terror. The fire In itself,
un to this time, was not serious, nnd
possibly could have bej. checked had
Log Cabin Creams Pep
perment Chews, Chocolate not the asbestos curtain failed to
Chews and Peanut Candy
154 State 8t
Phone 1971 Malr
As soon ns the fire was discovered
ISddle Koy, tho chief comedian of the
company, shouted to lower the cur
tain, and this was immediately done.
It descended about half way and then
stuck. The file was thus given prac-
Oar store will remain closed all day, New Years day.
il 20 Percent
On Men's and Boys
I Overcoats
We have a cood assortment of sizes and qualities ; ;
$ -for yo to select from. j;
ll vn save any use ior u uwwi i
time to get one at J ;
:;The New Yok
lofcs dressing
Salem's Cheapest One Price
Cash Store.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
police In front 'ot the theater.
Burned Where They Sat
With a roar and a bound the flames
shot through tho opotilng over the
heads of the peoplo on tho first floor
and, reaching clear up to those in the
front balcony, caught them and burned
thm to death whore thoy sat.
- tanWv'JW4y.-fal10ilnsJhl8, rush of
flamos there en mo an explosion which
lifted tho ontlro roof of tho theater
from Its unlit, shattering tho great
skylight into fragment. As soon as
tho flames appeared beyond tho cur
tain a man In the rear of tho hall
shouted, "KIre, fire," and the entire
audience rofe as ono person and made
for the doors. It is believed the ex
plosion was caused by the flames com
ing lu contact with Uie gas reser
voirs of the theatre, causing them to
Chicago, Dec. 80. It was cleclared
tonight by the management of the
theatre that the fire was not caused
by the grounding of an electric wire or
to auy defect in the equipment of the
theatre. It was started, they allege
by the bursting of a calcium light ap
Munu's. The concussion was so
great that It blew out the skylight
over the stage and auditorium This
statement of the theatre manage
ment is contradicted by many people
who were in the theatre, and who
declared that when the explosion oc
curred they saw flames In a narrow
streak crowing the wall near the up
per part of the drop curtain.
V. A Sellers, the hows fireman,
who was seveiol) burned in trying to
lower the asbeilos curtain. J escribes
tiie scene upon the stage and the
ca.ise as follows
"( vac standing In the wings when
I heard the explosion, and then Im
mediately went forward a cry of 'Are'
from the stag and all over the the
ater. Looking up, I saw that the eur
tain was ablaze, so I rang for the fire
curtain. We got It half way down
when the wind, rubbing In from the
broken skylights, bellied It out so
that i' caught and we ecu Id not budgo
it With the stage hands I climbed
to whore It was suspended and, to
gether, we tried to push It down. Our
efforts wore futile, and seeing that
no human oowor could move that Are
curtain and that the stage was a mass
of flames. I turned ray attention to
ward warning the aetors and trying
to save 'hose who were in trouble.
"The women were frantie and the
men not much better. I stood at the
stairway leading to the dressing
rooms, where the chorus people -sere
located ab4 kept some from going up
to eet their street clothes. As the
(Continued on Btmrtfl Page.)
Will Send Roosevelt a Present
of Two Lions and a
Pair of Elephant
London, Dec. 31. Advloee from
Adlsaboba today state the Amorionn
expedition, undor Sklnnor, whloh has
been visiting Menollk. was highly suc
cessful. It arranged a treaty between
America and Bthopla, nssurlng friend
ly commercial relations. Munellck at
eo accoptod an Invltntion to attend
tho 8t I'iOuiB exposition. Munolik Is
going to send two lions nnd n pair of
olophant tusks as a present to Hoote
velt. lty oflered to decorate each
member of the party.
Weeping Has Given Place to
Stolid Despair, it Is
a Heart-breaking
Still confronted by chaos that wilt
tnko days to straighten, tho pollco and
coroner's officials at noon today, afto.
20 hours' ot continuous toll, admitted
their Inability to complin a correct
Hit ot the dead. Injured nnd missing.
A revised stntomont at that hour cut
tho numbor of dead from 691 to GG1,
and tho missing aro placed at 200,
probably among tho unidentified dead
and Injured, 300 ot whom tho physi
cians report and probably 100 ot theao
fatally. Nowepnper reports, compiled
(Continued on fifth page.)
Lthers came dawn, I forced them to
!! t f,c J.ovviar cases, and pictttfeSl at I heave Uie twlWlBg. I don't know how
u JJOUS, gajs, - -Trf ' I they ever
er got out, alt those girts and
men w eame orowoing oown iu
stairs, far the stage entrance was
blocked by a mass of flames."
As near as ean be estimated at the
proeot Ue. about 1W peaple were
In the theater. Three head red of
these were n the Hurt Uoor. the re
mainder Umg In the b4lcoDles and in
Don't mean cheap goods. Not a bit of It. We use the term "low prices" jn the comparative sense only.
Somo goods are too cheap for us to handle; others too dear lit neither case do you recolve proper returns
for the money expended. You can shop here with the full assurance that you are asttlnn one hundred cents
worth of value for each dollar spent
Dress Goods
Dross gotds constitute so large
a stock as to cause surprise every
day. Knough new style to stofk
a doseu ordinary stores. Moro to
see lion than anywhere else with
in your reach.
Nerar before have we bad bhcJi
a variety of piaiN and colored dress
goods. Finer texture than ever be
fore; finer graduations of shade.
Dray loads of slfHllar goods, and
such as "look the same" can be
had but careful comparison shows
ours to be different in width or
strength or finish or aoweUilng.
The "CravMettee" are tfopeclally
atlraeUva Just now on account of
the damp and chilly weather Mor
Hew patterns from which to choose
We are exclusive Salem agents
TTrlTf1 t'TI II1 TTT' tf" H' r7"fTfrrl
Store Closes All Day ::
new years;;
U one of the artieiea about
which she ts faslldJoua. ihe way
be lwMfferet to her bonnet, way
have small ambition as to her
gown, but gJovee-lhafs different
We show sueh a large assortment
that you can seleet Just to your
liking, and at prices suited to your
pocket book.
Hi port fitters to wait on you.
and this Insures a perfect fit
Pretty Feet
Are sometimes eleinsliy clad.
It often happens a foot is made
prettier by selecting the right shoe
Our ladles' rhoee ore skillfully
modeled. Thoy aro made In shspe
to fit all types of feet, nnd to raako
any foot attractive. You way say,
"My foot Is too broad, or too flat
to Jook stylish In any shoes." Hun
dreds of our patrons once said the
same thing, bet we have fitted and
pleased them- The new styles are
hero vlei Weal kid patent leath
er, etc.
Are ou a weaier of Queen
Quality shoes? If not. we want
vnu to seme u sod look the line
over, as we are satlsfled ws ean
please you.
$3.00 pai
Xwmatzc 1
r tor sssSrVnsslSf
JJ VaJj" at. ji i 0ft JBBIsms mBBIbSbkI- Z
ur" - I
nptf in i .
Clothes that don't oeet too mueh or
too llttlt! If too little they can't he
good. If too muth you don't get a
you pay for.
(treat reductions oh ry suit sad
overcoat lu the house.
$10.00 reduced to
$16.00 rdueed to
luccd to
educed to
$30.00 reduced to
$23.00 reduced to
N ,4
AOI 1 i ! ttfwWT"
mt li in - '