Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 30, 1903, Image 1

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.NO. 3W.
" 't-s
Masquerades in Male
Attire on a Mon
tana Ranch
. ,v
e Path of the Dis
ciple- of Brigham
Gets RocKy
e Work Against Him Be'
inning to'ieii ana it
Is prooaDie tie win
nshlflGtcn, Doc. 30. Senator Bur
L who Is chairman of tho senate
Inlttco en privileges and elections.
jjth Is conducting the Investigation
Ale chargos against Sonator Reed
loot, of Utah, said yestorday that
5immltleoo would probably meet
Ef. , Ti..n . nil. fnM 1.v M.n
iaiuiany, iiuuimij . "
.nation of the Inquiry. While- Sona-
I? Burrows has received no notlflca-
a from Senator Smoot, ho thinks It
Wblo tho reply of the latter to
ufhurco against him will bo ready
file tlmo montlonod!
Senator Burrows would malco no
iccast of tho proceedings of tho com-
Al' depondod, ho said, Upon
Iknaturo of tholr rosponso. Bofore
: to Salt Lal:o Mr. Smoot said ho
i.i.... ...... i.i .i,. Dnw.n nf ti,o
imulj YUUJU UU11J nui ui " 1
itrres and admit others, but nothing
girding Ills courso bus boon hear1
(ho ndlournmont of concross for.
Ibf holidays
11 Mr. Smoot's donlnl Is such as to
liiSengo tho authenticity of tho In-
rraatlan upon which tho accusations
lit biBed, it is tho opinion of Bomo
th members of tho committee that
I.i. -.v. , nf ,- ,nTlia will l,n
L... -fifV nrnv ti,rm
I1""" "''1" ' "' '"' ."'
luila that ovont thoro will bo quite,
I. ...... i i..MiniAn . u tit-Ao.
ho nres-
no prva
fe r'lr 111 I 1 V IT I I1I11LIIIU 111 LU LUU If 1 V. W I
Uy pracUces of tho Monnan
ldli with rnfnrnnrn hnlh tn mar-
Hue and politics
1 Jle committee, however, has
H retched no conclusion looking to such
iMm. nnrt nh.iirm.in Burrows do-
..j . ii oo n Wa'ino earn, ouu u.u .".- - .
vuuw iu UAjiiusa luiy uJiuiuti v -
froDaDimy. u senator araooi woum
- . .i
simlt tho chargos as a wholo, which
111 not considered probable, there
would then bo nothing loft for tho
committee to consider but tho legal
upect of tho caso, and decldo whoth
r the facts alleged, oven if true, dis-
allfy a man for a seat In tho sen
ile. Tho prosont indications nro that
tie quostlon will be beforo the com
mittee for Bomo tlmo.
A Kentucky Murder Trial.
t..in tj-.. t. inThn trial,.
ot Leo Tumor, charged with bolng
' ....
Kcessory boforo Uio fact In tne ia
bous quarter houso battle whore
eight men woro klllod, began this
No Leprosy There.
Lincoln. Nob . Dec. 30. Health of-
leers lnfllpnnntiv rofuto tho story
ent out vosterday that there was
I'Prosy in tho Russian colony. They
7 It Is entlroly n fake.
111 BUPbT :
u nr t" -htt is nr m m w
On Men's
II Overcoats
We have a gooi assort of sUes and qrf-
lotyoo to select mm.
Ifvotf have any sc lul
time to get one at
iVW New YoK
ii Don, games, &- "l
!! exactly ONE-HALF PB1CE. , ,,
Salem's Cheapest One P
Cash Store.
The Mountain Belles Showed
Their Good Taste by
Promptly Falling in
Loye With Her
Helena, Mont, Dec. 30. With the
consent of her father, a wealthy or
gan manufacturer of Louisville, Ky.,
pretty Allco Pitcher, 21 years of age,
has for three years been masquerad
ing through Montana as a boy, ami
hor undoing camo as tho rosult of a
cold contracted whllo driving with n
young lady. Tho exposure of hor
Identity created a mild surprlso In
noiona, wnero sho was Known as
"Percy" Pitcher.
It Is learned from an Intimate
friend of hers that thrco years ago
she ovorhoard her physician In Louis
vlllo toll hor father that she was
tluoatoned with consumption, but
that If she would go out West and
"rough" It she might bo able to ward
on me uroau uiseose. Alter a consul
tajlon with her father she donned n
suit of clothe belonging to hor broth-
or. . wua oniy lumcioni iunus iu
provide for hor Immediate wants, she
arrived In Montana.
Aftor spending her ready cash, she
accopted a position pushing ore cars
in a mlno at Hassol, but, finding this
wo neavy ror uer iron cuuimuuuu,
BUO rosicneo. as snu uuu nuuwu buv.u
willingness In work, tho superintend-1
. .., .x . 1.- l .ho nnrA
eni oiwreu uor vm. ,u .-
i ...liT nlnrfi eh ft ! ml
incnouauuuwuiwr. ww u n .
ing nouso no waiter, xxuur ..
o ......,, ,..j .v..
" -. - ;;"- -
08 U10 rCSUlfc U U BU1WUU B r, --
had Uiroo horses.
Soiling iheso to a Whlto Sulphur
Springs liveryman, sho lost Uio pro-
coeds In a poker game beforo leaving
.. , c,. ., nnmn in Unlnnn.
whnr Rho becanio a splondld billiard
whnrA Rn
1st Later sho acquired a thorough
knowlodgo of baseball, smoked clga
rottos, and, as tho finishing touches
to becoming a thorough Wostprner,
held a sack for Jack-snlpo. Sho would
havo kept nt UjIb all night had not
sovoral young socloty ladles, with
whom Percy was a great favorite,
hoard of tho plan, and after a long
ride rescued him.
Whllo driving with a young lady
two woeks ago sno comnu.n
,i,i nnil It was nocowary to
Bumm0n n physician, from whom sno
I ... l.lnlUv A IAI
.. . nnnoni hor Identity. A tel'
COUIU HUU tuui,. -
ogram was sent to Louisville, and an
order came for a ticket and funds, and
sho has rejoined hor father.
Havana. Dec. S0.-Tho sonate last
n(Pht defeated tho bill proposing to
raise 26 per cent tho duUes on Ara.rl-
Sncoodi. The, house today will prob-
ably take similar action
and Boys
now-s toe
" !
Charges Her Husband
With Trying to
Desert Her
And to Leave Her Penniless,
Defendant One of
Tacoma's Leading
Tacoraa, Wash., Dec 30. City
Councilman Harry Mahncke, a promi
nent politician, and spokesman for
Mayor Campbell, Is made defondant In
a suit filed In tho superior court yes
terday by his wife for an allowanced
$60 a month for hor maintenance Tho
complaint fllod by Mrs. 'Allco 13.
Mahncko recites a sonsntional stury
of conspiracy on the part of the de
fondant and his family to desert tho
woman and leave hor penniless.
Prior ot tho marriage, In February,
1902, Mrs. Mahncke alleges her hus
band represented to her that if she
would put $1000 Into a home he would
nut In a like umount; that he would
also Insure bis life In sura ot $3000 for
her oenefit, and that 1.1s fruit ranch
at Long Branch should be used by her
so long as she lived.
In pursuance of this arrangement
Mrs. Mahncko says she paid out $100
she had in the bank, discounted a $000
mortgage and Invested $900 la lots.
Mahncko has falkd to do as he agreed
and on Sunday, Juno 28, tho complaint
nllogc-s the defendant, having Induced
plaintiff to go to church without him,
took tho opportunity to go through
her papors and private belongings, and
. - - -
tn ,inrnv two nta for household ar-
lle,M-rtl.ch a'ho,D.d BUrchased with
her own money, and other proofs of
tho uso to which hor money had boon
nut nnd nacked up his private belong
Incs nnd clothing, and on Monday,
Juno 29th. dofendant nnd his young
nut dnuchtor. Leo. completed tho de
sertion of tho plaintiff by removing
themselves and tnolr holonglngs, ana
hao ovor lnco lived soparnto nnd
apart from tho plaintiff.
Mrs. Snrah Mahncke allogos tho de
smtlon was without cacse or provoca
tion, and she was left penniless. Mrs
Mahncke further charges thnt part ot
tho r.inch at Long Beach, which was
to have been held by the husband and
wlfo during tholr life time, was deeded
by the defendant to H. II. Rltz and
wir na a rift or reward for the lat-
ter's srICE8 Jn bringing nnoui me
mnrririB of Mr. and Mrs. Malincke.
" . , t
Mrs. Mahncke says her nusuanus
lncomo is $2000 a year, and that he
has largo expectations from an estate
In Germany.
Almost Escaped
i.t.u np. SO. Bmll RoewJ
member and aecompHc "f tP car
i,u,n tutmltu. was, surprised whllo cut-
tin away the bars In his cell today
i - i
n tn ascaue. Thu bar wi
in mi si- - - -
. ..-i) M3Kd that It fell ot
Through this he .uld bavs gained eiv
.mncB to thu corridor, thus giving ac-
! . .t.- ..i,ia windows. Omcers
'COM io Hiw .j,.
..... ..,! in nnd the saw vltn
jwere uim. .
I .....v ., untune was done. It
.i havo been given him by
......Ma ,r,omnlIces. A number of do-
UUlomv - -
twtlves have been oroerea u ..
. ha (nil inmrd.
IUtO l" 4 " . j
Sweated this afternoon, n. .
. . .-. .i, . imrn bandits bad ac-
mniics outsldo whem the poll
....w.nH He says no
havo never -i" "- ..
.j , main b IS OSOOIW u
saw hadn't broken. All efforts of the
police to find the taw aio fruitless
Ftesh '
Log Cabin Creams Pep-
t Chews. Unocoiaxe
Sews and Peanut Candy
Witness Becomes
Scared and Corrects
His Testimony
Chances Now Are That Sen
ator. Nichols Will Be
Found Guilty Is
drnffll Itnplds, Mnch., Dee. 30.
Theresas a sensation In the trial Of
Sonatoj Nichols, for complicity In the
wntor scandal this morning, whon
BeyUJjhannllng, tho well-known hotel
mnn, c.me Into court and corrected
his former testimony, and admitted
perjury In bohnlf of his friend. Ho
had beforo testified that he had not
rented tho room In which it Is sup
posed the orlbory took place
men the Restcetlness
" . ..-....u -inn BUr nerfect ability to out value
.,;,: ... h mt -
u nrfr.Btl all comoetlton. wo
nu ..--.-
. ....,.- ..i,pniiiriL
Ing taciime ro
other stores cannot afford to consider.
HeKlnnln In tne morning w
will place on sale all our slightly
soiled and museed handkerchiefs
which were left from tho holiday
crush. Hore Is an opportunity for
thot that are economically In
clined. 60c values- slightly muww4
86ovalueJ slightly OMtMl
lie value slightly hmwi
of all grades and oolorlngs to
your taste and poeketbook.
have a large lint from which
make your selection.
8 J -3c to 25c
of regular 16c quality flannolettw
bought In an wtra large quantl
ty at a bargain. You share our
good fortune and eati waka your
Mlectloa from this line for
2 J-2c
Queen Quality Slioes
for Women
Chicago's Dead Go to
Their Graves Under
Organized Labor Giving It
self a Blow From Which
it Will Be Hard to
Chicago, Doc. 30. Funeral prooe
ntnna iimlflr arnisd oecortB. ware
driven through tho snow-covered
stroots In a zoro tomporaturo touay.
Tho drlvors woro also supplied with
pistols and Instructed by their om
ployors to dofond thomsolvoe against
all attacks. Tho liverymen's associa
tion hold, a meeting th.s morning and
resolved to formally attempt roeuran
tlon of all sorvlce tomorrow with non
union drlvors, If the old driver re
fusod to answer Notice was sent
1 thorn today to thut effect,
r- .-. ---.
. ..... iia aiiinn is miiiiii ki iu
occupy - un,4UH y -
1..... fM nihi
our outlet inraicnw. " -
Tho power of your money here
Flannel Wea
This popular fabrlo has become
moro and moro popular as its mor
tis are known nnd from tho num
ber of sales in tjie ioady-towear
dopartment wo should Judgo that
Its popularity Is unlimited.
On our second floor we are show
Ing a flno lino of eacluslve Btylee
of rendyto-wear garments of out
Ing ilnnnol.
50c to $2.50
KnHl' XfliebVW ' " jit m-jMJKt
Ttunks and
Here again our buying In large
quantities plays a prominent part
In saving money for our customer
as by doing so It aW" u w
get much better freJgbt rat than
If wo only bought a small quantity
The largest assortment of trunks
and vallse In the city are Ui be
found here.
- $3.75
I mMmtwmmr
Father Deshon Found
er of the Paslistu,,
Was the Last Survivor of
the West Point Clas? in
Whice General Grant
Ntw York, Dee. 30. Fathor De
shon, superior general, and one- of tho
founders of tho Pnullst Fathers, died
at tho parent houso of tho ordor In
this city this morning, aged 81 years
Ho was a mombor of tho famous West
Point class In which ClonoTal drant
stood at tho foot. Doehon graduates
second, and was the last survlyor of
tho olass. Ho wasn't ordained ft
priest until past middle Ufa
- -- zzi'VZ
m w . j -...--..---
..inn ften on a
margin of profit
commande the bst at the lowest
House Coats
Nothing Is moro aeoeplnblo to h
man than a ownfortnblo house
coat During Uio holiday rush we
sold nn eiormus lot o! those flue
,,t,r,iM alvam liut WO hnVO B fOW
left which we ore willing to als
iose ot at a great saving to you.
Remember that these nro nil fine
uarineiits and nro strlttly up-U
b values pedueed to
0 values redueed to
0.60 values redueed to
6.75 values reduced to
7,60 values reduced to
$10.00 values redueed to
Is eraer to I'
Toa'H bare U hurry
get jovt sU9
Myers1 Special Snoes
for mem
v VI
v 1
i i
. nl4 tlln
1M State 8L wion. . -
,wn ii i-'i