Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 29, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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Scrlppa News Association Telegrams.
Dally On Year, $4.00 In Advance.
Catty Three Months, $1.00 In Advance.
Daily by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Advance.
On Week I .10
Ono Month $ .35
Throo Months $1.00
tAt Journal Office.
.At Daue's Grocery, South 8alem.
.At Bowersox Grocery. Yew Park.
Aoylum Avenue Grocery 8tore.
Electric Grocery, East State St
National., llvostock.. convontlon,
Portland, January 12-15.
Aurora goat show, Dallas, Janu
ary 14-15.
i The Weather.
Tonight and ybdnoaday,
tv Mi occasional rain.
1 wish I had not gone
Back to the llttlo town,
"With all my wealth of memories, io
sadly fling them down;
That I had, no nioro boob
Tho lazy llttlo ntreot
That Idlon down tho hillsides whoro
Uio town and country meot.
I wish I had not gouo
To loiter and to look,
And miss tho hoy tlmo glorlos In tha
ono ttma Blnglng brook
'Ono day It was ho deep;
Ono' day It wbb bo wldo;
Ono day It hold cool Bhadows whoro
Uio sunshlno want to hide.
I wish I had not traced
The rosos onco again,
And tried to find tho redness and
tho BwootnoBB they had then;
Nor gono at oarly morn
To find them filled with dow,
Nor soarchod them for tho honoy
that the bees and I onco know.
I 'wish I had not walked
Tho llttlo country lano
And hoped to hoar tho blrdsongs wltli I
tho echoing rofrnin;
That I had not gono out
Upon tho meadow grasa
ISxpooting vagrant clover scout and
mint tang as I'd pass.
I wish I had not gouo
Dnqk to Uio llttlo town
Daolcto my castlos built In Spain
to boo thorn crumblo down;
To fall to hoar tho songs
That roso so gladly thou;
To wake and never droam that I
could ho a boy agatu.
W. D. N. In tho Tacoma Ixlgor.
Tho IncoiiBolablo grief of tho Czar
and Czarina of all Uio Russlas ovor
tho birth of a dead son Is moving the
world (n sympathy.
It seems Uio saddoat of mockorlcs
that Utoso who bend bonoaUi tho
wolght of Imporlal crowns, should not
bo ablo to onjoy tho hlosslngs that
como to' tho poorest of awl's child
ren. ,
What would not tho Emperor and
Kniproai of Uio Muscovites give to
havo an holr to tholr throne? Tho
liooroat woodohoppor nnd his wlfo
bonding ovor the rudest oradlo in
thulr cabin homo arc rich Indoed
compared to tho royal pair in tholr
chlldlwifl woe.
Tho common laborer tolling In the
field, his wlfo at the washtub, havo a
sweet recompense for tholr labors,
whllo knowing that llttlo children
shall cluster about their knecw.
Hut tho royal pair go silently
through tholr marhlo halla, without
tho music of childish voices or tho
ttcliolng pattor of Uttlo foot, and re
tire at night with no llttlo oltngtng
arum twining about thulr necks.
Tho old saying of throo meliorations
from shirt Hleuvos to shirt ulftoves
is recalled in considering tho Infe
cundlty of those aristocrats.
Child-bearing la Indued one of the
liloMsliiftK of poverty.
The man and woman who by pov
erty aro compelled to lead a life of
arduous toll seem best flttod In the
High lutellefltunl culture, rollue
ment above a contain, point Is fatal
to it
Poverty and labor are not the curse
that somo of the agitators would havo
tho world believe. They are the
cradle and tho nurso of vlrtuo, tho
shield of hmunulty and the bulwark
of tho nutlon.
Had tho Czarina boon brought up
In tho ohseuro walks o( llfo, she
would be giving birth to children In
the most natural and BatlBfaotory
A Ufa of selfish. Idleness, of lux-
ury and uon-exertlon, lias ever pre-
eluded i tho function of maternity,
and that which Is tho glory of'povorty
is tho pathos of royalty.
"Pralso Is comoly; praise Is picas
ant," but somotlmos It Is too d -d
This applies to some of tho parti
san nowspapors that aro praising the
"hangman's" session of tho loglsla
turo to tho skies. Why not wait un
til wo bco what mlstakoB liavo been
mode and what mischief wrought.
Tho brevity of its session was duo
to tho promlso wrung from Its mom
hers by tho Democratic governor. It
doierves no crodit for that negative:
It will bo found that no sosslon ov
ertook as much money out of tho tax
payer for tho longth of tlmo it sat.
No virtu o In that.
It restored a dofectlvo taxation law
undor which taxes come duo when tho
peoplo aro least alilo to pay, and
many farmers aro forced to tho banks
to borrow monoy to pay taxes. No
vlrtuo in that
It trifled with tho Hat salary, and
dollboratcly talked it to death on pro
tonso of wanting to consider it That
was not a cardinal yirtuo to get to
hoavon on.
It allowed tho gambling bill to bo
stolen, and ninety men sat with fear
and trombllng for twelve hourB, lost
fiomo ono would call attention to what
nearly all tho mombors know had
happonod. How virtuous!
Tho shippers of tho stato asked ro
llof from a car shortngo (that has
caused Wostern Oregon to loso hum
dreds of thousands of dollars) and
from increased freight rates that kill
tho snwinlll business.
Undor the influence of a poworful
corporation lobby tho members wore
whipped into voting against tholr con
stituents, and many of thorn hid and
slunk nway from going on record.
Thoy are so virtuous J
L.ot us pass them by and bury do
osntly, and not stir tho mess. Tho
soonor forgotton tho .bottor. vOnly
don't praise them too much.
What more laudablo undertaking
than supplying tho public schools
with good plcturos?
What bottor moans of educating
tho tastes of tho growing genera
tion than by hnvlng thorn hocomo fa
miliar with tho mastorploces of art?
Tho public art oxhlblt to bo glvon
in this city next month will surely re
celvo hearty support.
Tho movomont is to put at loast
twonty good pictures in each of Uie
public school rooms.
Art reproductions can uow be had
so choaply that tho grandost subjocta
can bo mndo familiar to the oyos of
the whole community.
This, in ltsolf, Is a liberal educa
tion, nnd tho tenchors Bhould. bo re
quired to glvo tho children tho hla.
tory and monnlng of each picture
Tho boy or girl who passes through
tho Salem schools will go out Into tho
world familiar with tho namos of Uio
groat plcturos and Uio groat painters,
sculptors nnd architects,
Such Influences placed upon young
llvos mold Uiom In Uio right direc
tion, noautlful and pure pictures
raonn pure thoughts, pure morals and
puro llvos.
An tho supremo court has declared
that this fuature of the constitution
wns legally adopted as It the peoplo
in their primary capacity could do
anything lllogal lot It bo tried.
Lot the people not undortako tho
Initiative on overy trivial matter no
dangor of that but lot them not go to
Bloop and let this nmondment becomo
a dead letter as it has In one of tho
lt somo Important mattor bo takon
up, and mnde an Issuo, and put
through. Just to show that tho people
are able to initiate and accomplish ro
sultH without waiting for tho nllpow
orful legislature. '
Tho "don't-care-a-d n" spirit of
tho legislature Is becoming something
torrlblo for tho peoplo to contam
plato. It fears nolthor man, god, the
devl. nor the prose.
There Is no power to curb Its ex
travagance, Irresponsibility, corrupt!
blllty. or immorality hut, the Initiative
and Referendum.
The good effect of a direct primary
law was seen nnd felt In the recent
city election.
Nominations had to be reasonably
acceptable to the people. That was
a cheok upon the majority party.
The party that goes Into powor will
not with greater caution lu nil It does,
on account of direct nomination.
Tho Republicans know tho poople
of tholr own party will ha,vo a direct
vote on the record made by each mom
bar of tho olty council and tho mayor.
To commend themsolves to Uio peo
plo they will havo to do what Is right
exist, are subordinated to tho doubja
process of selection at tho primary
and at the election.
Tho movemont started by the Initi
ative to got a direct primary law
should bo heartily sustained by tho
peoplo of all parties.
Thoro aro active, would-bo busi
noss mon who don't believe in adver
tising, and turn down tho nowspapoi
Bollcltor3 with contempt.
Such mon overlook tho fact that the
newspaper to Ilvo must be in touch
with tho living, vital mass of the com
It is themsolves who, In their nil
wise contompt for tho newspapers aro
getting out of touch with tho general
Probably all their original success
was duo to tho fact that thoy, by
somo hook or crook, wore well ad
vortlBed. Having succeeded by this very
means thoy make tho mistake of des
pising and kicking from under tholr
feot tho laddor by which they climbed
to success.
Wo havo observed many such per
sons in twenty-five years of nowspaper
work, and thoy all end with as great
a failure as their beginning was
marked by success.
Hon. Harrison It. Kincald has
closed the fortieth year of his editor
ial work on tho Oregon Stnto Journal.
Ho has probably flftoon hundred times
asked hlmsolf, was It worth whllo,
and would I do It again If I had my
llfo to llvo over, and thon gono out
bohind tho woodshed and swore si
lonty at himself for hnvlng boen such
a fool.
Young man, sot Up ns n jack law
yor; run a peanut stand; bocomo a
crossroads school toachor; dross up
as an oducatod clown llko Jimmy Duff
of Silvcrton, nnd lecture on phronolo
gy; becomo any kind of a enso of ar
rostcd development, but don't become
an editor.
It wears out moro intellectual axlo
greaso and uses up moro high-priced
gray mattor, and brings in loss return
than any of thoso lofty occupations.
Run a successful bootblack stand, but
don't run a nowspapor for tho dear,
su'fforlng, llborty-lovlng public.
A lady subscriber writes this offlco
that sho has accomplished a feat in
music that is a distinct achlovomont
In that art an Instrumental com
position In honor of Tracy and Morrll.
Having Just completed n two-step
and waltz which I havo cntitlod Tho
Tracy and Morril two-Btop nnd waltz,
I wrlto you to soo If you wish to pub
lish it in Tho Journal. Such a musi
cal composition would glvo you n
wondorfully largo salo.
It might moro fittingly be called
tho lockstop and gunchnso, as tho
morry hunt after tho escaping con
vlots wns accompanied by a tatoo of
Winchester bullots.
A Quiet Wedding.
This is tho way "Llttlo Rosobud"
rocontly wrote to tho Albany Domo
orat regarding a hitching beo in Oak
vlllo: "On tho ovonlng of tho 2Cth a
woddlug occurred In South Oakville,
which was intonded for a quiet affair.
Miss Wlnnio Holstoin, tho brldo, wns
ono of tho popular young ladles of
our town, nnd Mr. Morrison, the
groom, was comparatively a stranger.
Howovor, somo young follows (who
didn't bolong hero) decided to mnko
night hideous and 'a hot time was had
in tho old town. They first took the
horse of tho bridegroom and stabled
him with tho pigs; then they took his
saddle and put It on a cow, all this
boforo midnight. At midnight thoy
fired off about SO shotguns, and mada
all tho other hideous noises they
could. Thoy succeeded in awakening
all tho people In a radius of four miles
and all tho cats and dogs in this end
of tho qqunty. Thoy turned over the
muathouso, and broko a window in tha
parlor. Thoy wore called in and
troatod to a grand feast. So ended a
quiet (?) wedding."
llfk Jacket' Memory.
Red Jiukot. the Indian chief, linil
more coiitlduiico lu his own memory
tluui In bookH and papers of white mon.
There was a council ut oue time be
fore Tompkins, nu curly governor of
Mew York. In regard to nn undent
treaty The nxent snld one thing, but
Red Jacket corrected him. "You htiYo
forxutten," said tho American agent,,
"We have It written down on pnpor."
Tho paper then tells a He," wns the
confident answer. "I havo it written
here." continued tho chief, placing bis
hand with dignity upon his brow.
'You Yankees aro born with a feath
er between your fingers, but your pa
por does not speak the truth. The In
dian keeps his knowledge bore. This is
tho book tbe Great Spirit gavo him. It
does not lie." A reference was made to
tho treaty In ouestlon, whon to the as
tonishment of all every word that Red
Jacket had said was continued on the
A writer in Blectrlcity says that Uie
IaKU4ij ui wyuu van ua muuvian bc
ourod bv exnoslnc tha wood to X-Uava.
which puts 50 years Into one day.
Someone must have taken tho
gambling bill for a sleeper.
Maybe that gambling bill commit
ted hari-kari.
Tho mcanost things Roosevelt has
had said about him nro tho words
of pralso given horn by Dowlo.
Tho Russian Japanese warcloud
llko that hovering ovor the Turk
scorns to be of tho stago variety.
It may have boon all right to hold
Columbia up and tako Panama away
from her, but it is unhighwaymanly
to keep twitting hor about It.
Tho suggestion of nnnoxing San
Domingo is made. This would bo
much llko an individual trying to
bonovolently assimilate a bottle of
tabasco sauco.
General Wood In his troubles
showed wisdom In going to Uio Root
of tho matter.
Tacoma prides ltsolf upon tho fact
that whllo the whole top Is reported
to havo slid off Mt. Ranler. Mt. Ta
coma is still doing business with his
top all there.
According to dispatches tho invad
ing Colombian army consists of four,
teen generals, forty colonels, 300
other officers, and 400 servants nnd
tortilla bakers, tho last perhaps tho
most deadly.
Schwab donles that ho was ono of
tho promotors of tho shipbuilding
Btoal, but ho admits ho got most of
the plunder, but Uion ho always did
enjoy a Joke.
Harrlman and Hill nro said to have
reached an agreomont, but thoro was
nothing said about how much tlghtor
tho cinch would bo drawn.
If tho Czar would tako San Do
mingo to his bosom and also off the
map, tho othor nations would make
no objections.
Tho Vormont woman who enticed
hor husband to tho river sldo play-
fu'ly tied his harids, bohind his back
and thon chloroformed him throwing
tho body Into tho rlvor showed truo
womanly delicacy and roflnoment In
tho art of murder.
Don't bo a moro obstruction cum
bering the earth. Help somo ono to
do business. Don't opposo better
roads, paved strcots schools. Start
somo business, glvo somobady a
chanco to mako a living, do some
thing, ho allvo, don't bo a moro
spongo sucking Uio lifo nnd enorgy
of othors. If you havo not done so,
ordor nn ndvortlsomont in Tho Now
Year's Journal. .
A suscrlbor at Macleay asks us to
namo tho most sublimo vorso In tho
blblo. Thoro are so many of thorn,
this is almost Impossible But tho
ono noarost to answoring that de
scription wo recall at presont, is
Joromlah 10:12: "Ho hath made tho
earth by hla power, ho hath estab
lished tho world by his wisdom, and
hath Bt retched out tho heavons by
his discretion." Can you quoto ono
moro sublimo in thought than that?
Mark Hanna prefers to rest on tho
laurels of two successful national
campaigns. Somo politicians do not
know enough to quit.
Rockefeller must be pleased when
Schwab and Morgan aro scrapping.
Tho popularity of Santa Claus con
tinues unabated and he Is by all odds
the favorito presidential candidate.
If Colombia don't like tho way
Uncle Sam got his right of way for
tho Panama canal, what's the matter
with referring tho whole thing to Uie
Hague International . Arbitration
Constitution A saored document
standing botweon tho peoplcnnd their
needs, and relnvoked only on such oc
Tho gambling bill gavo a fow Holy
Rollers In the legislature a chance to
make speeches for tho benefit of their
antl-gambllng constituents, and then
let It pass out of oxistence.
The noxt opora company that comes
to Salem without a pretty girl ln the
chorus should bo fined for contempt
They do say that there is only one
thing slower than the malls betwoon
Salem and Portland and that Is tho
exprq&a. People ought to bo glad to
get baok anything when they send to
Portland for It.
As gambling is not exaotly an hon
est way of netting money or anything
else, It, was perfectly natural that Uio
bill should have been stolen.
An axohasge has a lot of rot about
.... rr :---"-- .l. ruuM
-mo nnunS rumu.ee or Amenoa," 5 u. u. uiauaiu, agei
naming the army and navy men. Ho'....
ovorlooked the faot that as fighters.
Tho Youngcrs, Earps, Wild Bill, Go-
ronlmo and Aapacho
Kid wore no
a waaiungwu i" ,. .
torstato commission today gave
hearing on its proposed requirement
Uiat after January 1, 1004. tariffs on
export and Import traffic bo published
. ,.t . ....l..t MM,n HHI..X In.
and fllod with tho commission the
samo as domoctlc tariff. A largo num
ber of representatives both of tho
railroads and' shippers attended tho
meeting. During Uio session tho ad
mission was mado by Frank Water
house, representing tho Boston
Steamship company of Seattle, of n
discriminating contract liotwcon that
company and tho Northern Pacific
railway. Mr. Watorhouso was dis
cussing Uio 75-cont through rato on'
t -RrMlt v Ot Tn,il nnllnltv I
nera,, iw u . . -h , . producer oxceod8 tho output appor-
divided bo ween tho water lino and fay .
th"Droaesr0U not como to this then," ha ?,, "f !
asked Chairman Knapp, "that you c- o California mlllmen de
want tho Northern Pacific road to ln, avor d Hcatlon of
carry hemp from Seattle to St Paul!"1'8 P"vls, "f " "JJh7
for 37 cents, whon It Is brought d"co mro ,than te 1uota ,n, d,8trlcf
ovor by your steamers, but it whcro tho demand oxccods "? BUM
brought ovor by a tramp you want
thorn to chnrge twlco as much as
their proportion?"
Watorhouse "If Drought ovor on a
tramp steamer thoy won't tako It"
Chairman "Why not?"
Watorhouso "BeMuse thoy havo ,i
contract with out lino which prohib
its thorn from taking it"
Chairman "You don't moan quite
that, do you?"
Watorhousc-"Yos; sir; I moan
Chairman "Tho Northom Pacific
havo an- arrangomont with you undor
which thoy will not carry any homp
oxcopt that you bring It ovor in your
Watorhouso "I moan thoy will not
tako It at Uio samo rata Thoy
would not mako tho samo through
rate to a tramp sailing ship or tramp
stonmor arriving at Soaltlo or Tacoma
that thoy would to a regular line."
This admission caused considerable
American nowspapors ovory year
pay in wages $80,000,000 and recolvo
$8O,G0O,00O for subscriptions nnd $95,
000,000 for odvortlsomcnts.
Just Uilnk of It, Sonutor Chauncey
M. Dopow Is olthor director, manager
or trustee in moro than 70 corporations.
Getting Ready for Invoice and want to clean up some
lines entirely.
Mackintoshes for ladies or children, all this fall stock,
20 per cent reduction. f
Knit Shawls for 25c, the best you ever saw for the
Ladies' Hose fleece lined 12 l-2c a pair, best value in
the city.
Towels at 10c each, bleached with colored borders,
look like they are worth 25c.
General Redaction on all goods in the store except
spool cotton
Rostein & Geenbattm
302 Commercial Street.
The Entire Stock
Of Boots and Shoes and Rubbers
; We have purchased
: be sold at a sacrifice
;; get the bargains.
;; Successor to Jacob Vogt. 265 Commercial Street ij
tatieQioiatsf ig-t&t$tfrtaBttareteie-foitrst8
s:t:::i!AGENCY OF:::::::: ;;
XmL,rJUK, (jrUTHKUS & GO.!!
1 1
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur.
t n nni.nm a.
Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats. Doctors
have known this for 60 years.
Ask your own doctor about it.
Do as he says. i;AV&cJi'
f Coast Lumber Combine Broken.
Coast Lumber Combine Is Broken.!
I Tho great lumbar comblno of th
Pacific coast 1b practically a thing o(
tho past Tho conoorn that has has
. mado ovor $100ot000or Its member,
, of ,ate wag dUruptod Thursday wh
Callfornla momberphlp Btatea
- .. .
... , --t.-- vn
agreement They announced a short
whllo lator that Uioy had mado con
tracts for oxports after tho first of
January bolow tho comblno scale of
Tho presont agreement expires Jan
uary 1st, and nftor that dato Uio great
est lumbor war tho Pacific coast has
ovor witnessed will bo inaugurated
Tho foatdro of tho agreement to
which tho mlllmon of this stato object
s a clause which prov!do3 that where
tho penalties pre-
by tho
comblno. Ashland
The Cheeful Liars.
"Tho Liars" tho society comedy In
which John Drew, Isabel Irving,
Henry Miller and Charles Wyman
by Uio Baker company, of tho Baker
woro so successful, will bo produced
Enterprises, nt Portland, Oregon,
next wook It wns ln this high class
play that this company mado such a
triumph in Los Angeles a few months
fled Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, tho next
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion Is bettor. My doctor says it
acts gently on Uio Buraache, liver and
kidneys, and is a pleoeant laxaUve. It
is made of horba. and Is prepared u
easily as tea. It Is called Loao'e med
icine. All druggists sell it at 25c and
60 cents. Lane's FamKy Modlclnoi
moves tho bowels each day. If you
cannot got It send for freo samples.
Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy,
N. Y.
Tho , birth rato among tho foreign
born In Massachusetts la 52 por 1,001;
among tho natlvo born It la 17.
Dura tha f Khi You Ha9 Alwayit Bot$
IJIgoature Spf J&tf-fi--'
of fietjr7:&cUi(
of Jacob Vogtmust ;;
Come early and !
207 Commercial St. Salem On I
MVU" uol.iut " 5