DAILY f A pt T AL JOURNAL Jsl i VOL. Ail" I WOULD OFFEND THE CZAR lierica Cannot As 'sntne That Murders ' Will Be Done j lo Ask the Czar to Prevenl His Subjects Committing ; a Crime Would In sult Him Washington, Doc. 20. TJioro was o Dcclal meeting of tho cabinet lato liU afternoon, tho flrat sinco tho ad journment of congress. It Is sup. nosed Panama -will bo the chief tonic. ilthough a number of minor depart- nental matters may bo considered. It j likely also tho proposed masanclo Klshlnoff, on THE ACT MAYBE 1NJA1N Armstrongs Attorneys Have Yet Another Card to Play May Appeal to the United States Court-Is it an Ex Post Facto Law linker City, Or., Dec. 20. George J. Dentloy, of counsel for tho dofenst In the Armstrong murder case, has gone to Salem, presumably for tht purpose of securing a stay of oxecu tlon of tho sontonce of tho court. Notice of appeal from the order of JtKlCS Kali 111. flxlne the ilnto nf nroi-ii. tlon, was served on District Attomoy SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1903. NO. 299. patch didn't stato tho results. Must Not Defend Jews. Berlin, Dec. 29. Solokoff, tho lend ing Ilussinn lawyer, son of tho Czar's chaplain, has been arrested on ordorj of the Russian minister of tho Inte rior, Plovno, because ho represented tho Jaws at tho KIshlnofMrlal. Plov no has decreed that Gentllo lawyers hall not bo permitted to rcprosont Jews In tho law court?. To Prevent War. Home, Dec. 29. The Popo Is ad dressing all Catholic heads, to uso their utmost endeavor to prevont war In tho far East. Fiesfi Today Log Cabin Creams Pep perment Chews, Chocolate Chews and Peanut Candy at J MB 9 Z.100S 154 Stato 8t. Phono 1971 Main r .Tiuva at Klshlnoff. mi .Tmvluli Christmas, will bo brought un. Tholwlllto immediately after the last n.Mnn( lo rnnntvlnir ntinnnto rVn. hearing before tllB 0011 rL In thin man organizations to Intercede with tho bllt no furtho" move ha been made so Ciar. It Is bellovod tho only thing Jur "" "ow- that can bo dono by Amorlcn Is to dl Mr Whlt0 W,M PP,e nnV motion t t,n nmiiniDfrin nt at ti -,.i, ...... for a stay of execution, and will In to acquaint tho nusslnn foreign offlce 8lfrt on n liearlnB of Uio enso on ap with these appeals. A request to the ne' before the wwm court at once Car to tako action on the prodlcted ln caso nn nltem!'t to "re a stay outrage would glvo sorlous offense of execution ! made. Mr. White says without any gain. Simon Wolf Bain- lnere ' ,lent' of tlme to henr aml brlth called at tho Btate department determine the nppeal from the de- this morning and porsonally present- cUlon ot Juis EaUln l,efore the tlm eJ a petition. Tho state department sot 'r Armstrong's execution, January lut night received a dispatch from 2M- There ' a m80n to b,1,0 th,at n nttnmtit vttttl tm mmln e Ytflnrr flirt Minister Buchanan, at Panama, say- "" '"""" ""' uu """" " "'" IBS that novor boforo had there boon ca8e boforo JuJbo CelllnSr on a pe- uch an election as that had for del- tltlon for a wrlt ot hab,eaa vcorpus ' " eratos to tho constitutional convon- a matter of last rosort In the event of fnll.iHA enmiFA A na r rntiff'Q TO tlon for tho now republic. Tho dls-i" ","u, ,lu """" 1 "-"- - Brown has not nindo any movo to ward tho preparations for tho oxecu tlon, nor- has ho placed tho death watch on Armstrong, nor will ho do so until tho matter of tho appeal to the stato supromo court la disposed of. Armstrong's attornoys still Insist that ho will not bo hangod, but up to tho prosont tlmo have not disclosed thoir course of procedure, save to give notlco of appeal. It Is known that somo positive action Is contemplated nt nnro hut tho exact naturo of the attack Is unknown to the prosecution. It Is hlntod that tho next move in Armstrong's behnlf will bo of n start ling nature, and that It will spring n surprise on the precaution. Further developments are awaited with con siderable Interest. Want the Canal. Jacksonville. Fla., Dec. 20.-Follow-Ing the action of Pensncpla and otlf er cities, the board of trade this af ternoon holds a meeting for the pur pose of calling on their senators to vote for a ratification of the Panama canal treaty Gun Factory Burned. St Dennis, France, Dec. 20.-A fire this morning partly destroyed and greatly damaged tho Hotcbklse can- non factory. LITTLE BUT ALL TABASCO San Domingo Now Has Three Revolutions in Eruption A Few More and it Will Be .a Case of "Six and Six and Dad's Deal" Washington, Dec. 29. Minister Powel cabled the state department to day that there Is throe sepnrato revo lutions ln progress In Son Domingo, and the warship Newport is inade quate for the protection ot American Interests. The navy department Im mediately instructed the South Atlan tic squadron to sand one or more ships to the scene. JfeAN RESTS EASY TOOK SEVERAL JOLTS Votes Unlimited Cred it to Sustain the i Government It Has Made All Arrangements for, War and Calmly i Awaits Russia's AloYements Tokft, Japan, Dec. 89. Practically unlimited credit for military defense was voted to tho government nt tho meeting last night. Three othor ordi nances provldo closer ofllclal control of thofeeoul and Fusan railway; a ro vlsIonT of military headquarters In war time, and tho creation of a war council Japan Is now prepared for all emergencies. WANTS JUST A TRIFLE Six Shocks Required ;Miss Curtis Files a to Kill Frank White at Auburn Waiting for Perry to Explain. Washington, Dec. 29. Thoro Is gossip here over the dutes mentioned In an Interview by Perry Heath, nt Utulivllle. Heath Ir quoted as saying President McKlnley told him In the White Hoube, n few days before his assassination that he hoped Hanun would bo his successor Now, It ln said, McKinley left the White House July flth. and never returned. He was ihot at Buffalo September flth. Friends of Heath are awaiting his re ply. Is becoming moro valuable She now supplios half tho sahr.on of the world Alaska every Jrear Seventeen Hundred Volts Made the Sparks Fly and Burned Wool but Failed to Kill Auburn, N. Y., Dec. 24). Frank Willn nnlnrnil. VIM oloctrocuted tilts (morning for tho murder or- his em ployor, Ooergo Clnro, a farmor, ln SonUmbor. 1901. Six shocks woro nocossnry to kill him. The first ono carried 1700 volts. Tho head olec trodo omlttod sparks, and thoro was an odor of burning hair. Just as the sixth shock was being glvon Dr. Stoln, of Buffalo, fainted, and pitched for ward from his chair, almost Into the oleetrlcnl box. Claim Against Es' tatefor$4oo,ooo Principal Item Is for Enter taining Deceased and His Friends for a Period of Thirty Years Manchester, N. !!., Dee. 29. Pre llmlnnrv lifinnrn wuro filed in a Stilt .hero today In which Miss Doiana Our tls, n promlnont society woman, on- tors n claim nisnlnst tho eslnto ot tno late Frank Jones for $400,000, tho principal Horn being for board and entertnlnmont of Curtis and his frionds for a period covering 30 years prior to his death. Jones was a brow or, nnd left nn oetnto valued nt $10f 000.000. He was an nrdout ndmlror of Mlsa Curtis up to tho tlmo of nU Robbed the Safe. West Point, Va., Dec. 29. Tho nleht.wntnhinan Inst nicht wns held up by three bandits, who bound and gnggod him, marched him to tho post office, and compollod him to witness tho blowing of tho safe. Tho robbors escaped with ?2100. 0 death. I ttrrfca.i 'ijmmimnmu him m i n nniinnirriTrnTnri " .-.tMiuiiBiiMM j Sood ceaeSSonA I Goods OIhBH Honest! Values iCUBAN I MINISTER TO SPAIN 0M.W,mtWWH' 20 Percent Reelection I! i ii e i i ii On Men's and Boys s i Overcoat W. d assortment - t ii fa Wh2sr-"" - w'coat' now,s tbe :! ; : time to o-et one at ! ! llThe New Yo!k fC l,CKvt hl Z exactly Uisc"- - . . . Salem's Cheapest One Pce Cash Stoe. o T. RARNES, Pop. 3Jt " Lmaialftltf finei Sudden v Insane and Will Be Sent Back to Cuba fa.iH.i. Dec. M. Cuban minister to Spain. Merchan, became suddenly Insane today, and Is under oonsiuiu ,morviion. According to the pre ent program he will be plaoed nboar.1 a steamer, and taken to Iimar, wwrn bla, Friday, from which jiolnt he will be returned home. Later arrangements have been made to take the Insane Cuban minister to Hat ana direct " lee Gorae Broke. Cincinnati, Dec. SO.-The Ice gorge broke here today. Warning nas uew .... . .ii nninu dawn the river, but ... .. . nHtdiated. A fleet of loaded coal barges of tb Clnclwuitl Coal Company t1"1 "' m ' Will Be Tled Together. CbUago. Dec. . -Ju Kereten in ...- .i,i-,i onutt this morning do !nled the moUoa for separate trials of 'the car barn murderers, nd set the case for January li. rtoeakl's trial 'to follow Immediately after. Evidences of Gowth and Reasons o It ..ftetlorSr'tailn.- subt'erfuae. can never take the place Of experience. The genuine- growth of ur b.ln.u come, from a 0enu.ne cau.e-an ...ert.on of oreatneM an. m ... u . y - theoretlchl, Intsnolble or mystical about the success of Meyer., noir,,n0 sn y.- ," '-,";"" "" " -rh-..nnHin.. of course, are built up to please, entertain and Inform tho ever- 7 . ,.. . .u-nh mJ eonsunt nrsctlcal experience In commercial center of the stt-; - - - -------' .:-'ii"ir."L'i ?; like. Every day makes this store more practical, more to ne PPreC.u, ...u ..., --, - - Meyers more to your advantage. i j FHea niB ni-' Norwich. Cenn. Dec w.-aUU Stoddard Ledard. vha 1. undr r ... ,hnrd with stealing M2.00O worth of securities frera the Norma.. eetate, broke Jail laet nisni, the bars, and eecapea. To Hang a Woman, neminston. Vt.. - "r Rogers, coavlcted of killing her bu band, was this morning Hlueid to be hanged February llh- l" " k, h.r self-eonfeel acw.Mce. 'wiw seBltci for f- ' u- nnn't llemember Him. Hartford. Conn.. Dee. 30-J. Allen, .j... t, Hartford Steam Doll . itiBB and Insuranoe Co., ana a pioneer of that eJaes of ! InAmertea. eled this morning at the i age of W- uniiah Not So Mad. n M. TUB Meesagew vs the Mad MHau has appealed to the Italian!, to use their endeavor, to secure peaoe betw-a the tiOmmim and Entland. Jti st Received Another shipment of th- H'Oit perfoet fonii-8lt'ng lnvllbl busil. and hip fom. The moet iwpulai and eatlofactory butl and hip form tr put on the warket Tomotxovr Great Bargains At the end of every season we say don't 'carry gowk over from season to season, and as nearly as we cBn we kp this rulo. Hvery suit in the house has been wasu- lngly reduced. It Is your time ior wearing them, and It U our time to Btvo them to you at ftreatly re duced prices. very sun m i,.i hn been made up In fashion- ftbiB styles. Hne of them are llnod throuRhout wlin ik; '"' of them have only tbe Jacket Hlk lined. 10.00 Dteck Cheviot, silk lined Jacket, a decided bargain. $J0.00 $18.00 Brown Howeepun. aUn lined Jaeket, a snap Only Hliih arade outing flannel nlglit gowns, made up In tbij latest ap proved style, and are very popu lar. For our 16ltk surprise sale wo offer thorn at llirtSthin'Mt flHSp' (J Mux & lnJTilfj V fwlll8iK'':''t' film ll mJ!. $1.00 Each $9.00 cm nisck Cheviot ult, splen didly made; hand tawroa $7.50 Early shoppers gH tbe eholeo, so be early TOMORflOW ONCY. Of rlh IM Swl .utMf Confidence What a wonderful amount of mean In thsre Is In that word confident. Tho business of the world hinge upon It. It applies ot all walKe of Wo. 0 (he clothlBg business ln particular. w art, nrmid to state (lial our cloth ib .nil maihods are winning nut only the eonfldoaee but the frienusnip w the neofde M well. ir vou wart u test our reputuuon ir. ti.u H.atir. try one et our suits that we aw advertWng at suh Kw rate. $10.00 suit or ovewat $6.75 $UX selt er orereoat $9.50 $WJ0 suit or overeeat $14.50 H ..mmwaamtMMMH&MBI&B' mim