Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 28, 1903, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    f "nirj" i&rr-npr
BWWBHHHiiswuwim uw-a-yy.
Th& Dakvaurfe Stoe s Sale or White
Everything in White Goods at Gteatly Redttced Prices
. j
I Stockton &Co.S
t .TV
The Stores of and iot the People
Our Clearance sales will still
continue and prices will be lower
than ever on many lines which
we are desirous of closing out.
All Toys, Dolls, Etc.
J -2 Price
Ladles Misses' and
Jackets Pffice
d!LuBtSIorcd Petticoats Price
We Can Afford It.
This will be our last and final effort to close out the remain
der of tho Hnlverson stock, i:ew goods nro rapidly replacing
the old, and in n short tirao our shelves will be piled with all
bright nov fpriug goods. Wo aim to make- the month of
January tho record breakor lor bargain giving. Thousands of
dollars woi ih -f high grade merchandise will bo slaughtered
to mako room for tho spring stock and to combino our two stores.
Keep Yotfc Eyes On Us, Read Out Ads.
A slnglo bitter word may disquiet
an ontiro family for n whole day. One
nurly glaneo east a gloom ovor tho
liousohold, while a smile of sunshlna
may light up tho darkest and weariest
Lovo ran neither ha I ought nor sold
but It mny be exchanged.
Illb I IM.II I llll Ml HIM
Chicago, Dec. 28. Wheat, 843
Gold Dust Flour
Md by
Sidney, Oregon.
Made for family use. Ask your
cprooer for it Bran and shorts al
ways 00 hand.
A. T. Wain, Agt.
Oregon Fite Relief
Oregon's Greet ftutial Insurance Co.
$15,440,588 Insurance at risk.
Safe, economical Insurance for the
people. Head office, Mc-ninvlllc. Or.
n, A JOHN JON, Asrent for Marlon Co.
Salem. Oregon-
Wanted Potatoes
We Want
Durbank Potatoes.
Early Rose Potatoes.
Early Jackson Potatoes.
Peerless Potatoes.
Garnett Chill Potatoes.
James M. Kyle & Co
1 75 CommetclalSr,
4wcrd Ellis,
144 8UU St
Grand Opera House
Monday, Dec. 28
B, C, Whitney Presents The Pice
Joe Kelly
and 30 others In the be musical
"The Head Waiters"
More Music than a Comic Opera,
Lavish InLevcllncss
PRICES-75C, 50c. 35C.
u a. in.
4-rHM ill i I 1 I I 1 I I i 1 I I II III'
New Today
Mini in 1 1 1 1 1 1 ne i n ii i
For Rent Large parlor bedroom,
with urlvato ontrnneo; use, of par
lor, baths, telopliono, otc; would
like to rent to two young men who
would bo steady rooniors, 138 Mill
street. C. W. Ilollenbrand.
For Sale. Flno second-growth mania
and ash wood. Delivered to any
part of city. Apply to J. W. Man
ley. Phone 2075 Black, or call at
homo weet of brick storo, South
Salem. 12-28-lmo
The announcement of the
January sale of white no long
er comes as a surprise. 'Quite
the reverse, It is news, eagerly
awaited by hundreds of women
throughout the country, of the
occurrance of a store keeping
'event. An occasion famous for
distributing hundreds of , the
best muslin underwear garments
women ever wore, at the low
est prices women ever paid for
underwear of like quality. Twice
a year we hold these sales,
January and June. Instead of
waiting to buy white things,
. IH-'.I
women have learned to attend
our white sales In January, and
pick from full stocks, gathered
especially for the occasion.
We are not content with the
effort of our previous sales of
white, each sale must be better
than the one before, In magni
tude of selling, and the beauty
and (excellence of the garments.
Not only muslin underwear, but
everything white wilt be sold
at reduced prices. Everything
will be ready tomorrow morn
ing. Read our ads In the dally
Xhe Mttslin Underwear
Such pretty dainty garments were never before shown hern.
We've Just received our new spring shipments from the best
manufacturers of muslin underwear. Women easily recognize tho
many points of superiority of garments shown by us In compari
son with those shown elsewhere. No room for details.
an't picture the garments in cold type. You must come and see
to appreciate this sale of white.
DRAWERS Sale Prices $2.25 $1.80, $1.35,$1.10,89c,63c,49c,30c,29c
8KIRTS and GOWNS Sale Prices $3.60, $3.15, $2.70, $2.25, $1.80
$1.58, $1.35, 1.10, 89c, 67c, 49c. '-
Take the early car tomorrow morn
ing for the sale of white.
White Gloves White Ribbons
Tablo Llnons White Corsets
Wiiito Fans White Dress Oooda
Embrolderlos Ijxcos
Laco Curtains Whlto Trimmings
Handkerchlofs Everything
White at sale prices
( Thousands of Handkerchiefs, in the White Sale
Every conceivable pattorn from tho cheapest !awn ones to those n-ndo of tho flnost linen. Evory price
(and ill m ml o npoclnl for this occasion) from
c to $2.20 Each
Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bed Spreads, Spacntel Scarfs, Shams, Domestics, Sheetings,
All Reduced
Linens In the January White Sale.
With tho samo liberality with which
wo provide muslin undergarments for
tho January whlto snlo, wo gather all
sorts of housekeeping llnons.
Dalryinple linens aro strong, sturdy,
Tollable and puro. Wo havo gona
through and reduced tho price on
ovory piece.
White Shirts for Men In the January
White Sale.
Long ago wo placed orders for whlto
shirts and bought thorn cheaper than
thoy can bo bought for today. For
lnstanco wo aro ablo to offor 10 dozen
fine white shirts, made with tho latest
Improved neck bands, bosom of linen
and flno muslin body. They aro reg
ular $1.00 values and wo offor them
now, during tho whlto i-nlo for
69c each
Sale of WKiie
- fjffp ft i-ififf 1' r b ta3H"fa tf l I jjlBPSWB
Sale of White
;tuHHawm iiHumimMi mi m m wi ir I
Lost Small, shaggy, whlto dog, bob
tall, black ring around tall and
oyiw, ears black; nnswors to name
of "Dob." Deliver to 101 Marlon
stroet. 12-28-3t
BARKER. At tho Salem Hospital,
' Sunday, Docombor 28, 1903, at 1
'. o'olock, William S. Barker, ago 73
' Deconsod was an old plonoor, nnd
has held several public ofllcos In this
county. At ono tlmo ho was doputy
sheriff, and was also marshal of this
city. He leaves ono son, who llvos
In Walla Walla, Washington, and a
niece, Mrs. O. D. Hutton, of Port
land, to mourn his death. Tho burial
will take placo tomorrow In the I. O.
,0. F. cemetory, at 10 o'clock.
u n
Heroaftor to plaoa our accounts m
for collodion with
Van Alstlne, Gordon &' Co.
Phone, Main 801.
A. R. Morgan A. Co., Mgra.
Happy Neu) Year
to all our old and now customers, to prospective oaca we
will say that we will continue our reputation for low prices,
good gooda, and good work. If during the coming year you ,
aro in need of auythhig iu our line or need work dono, you
will find it to your advantage to cousuU ub first. Remember
wo aro tuu piuucor ujjuvinuo.
Cfias H Hinges.
Jeweler. and Optician; 88 State Street
WEEKS. At tho Salorn Hospital,
Saturday, Decambor 2G, 1903, at
7:30 a. m., Horaco D. Weoks, aged
81 years, 9 months and 12 days, of
liert failure.
Deceased was born in Sheldon,
New York. March 14. 1832. He- was
the father of Ave sons, who survive
him, George W. Weeks, of this city;
ono residing In Ohio, ono In Missouri,
ono In Kansas, and another In lilt
nols. Ilosides these ho leaves a wide
ctrclo of friends to mourn his death.
In 1899 he camo to Orogon, and
mado his homo with his son, Geo. W.
Weoks, in whose family he spent his
last days In poacoful retirement
Mr. Weoks was a man of fine char
acler, of grU Industry, who wanted
what was right, and had not an ene
my In tho world.
The funeral was conducted from tha
Wooks' homo on 12th street, tho pas
tor of the Congrogatlonal ohurch con
ducting tho sorvlcos, nad burial took
place at River View comotory.
WEST. At tho family homo, 397
Wallor streot, Salem, Ore., Docom
bor 28, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. II. A.
West, a daughtor.
Tho first locomotives wolghod throe
tosflve tons. An Imported English In
comollvo weighing 10 tons va. loo
hoavy. Twenty-five engines of that'
day would make one of today. Fifty
yoars ago a train load of 2fl0 tons was
hoavy. Nov; loads of 2000 to 2600 tons
aro handled.
The largest singlo engine uied at
the St. Louis exposition will be an 8,
000 horse powor steam turbln
the largost yot In uso. Tho largest
steam engine m the Paris exposition
'us 4000 horse power.
Valuable Sign Stolen.
Soruo froak or thief or thirsty hobo
lifted tho gold watch and spectacle
sign from its hook In front of tho C.
II. Hinges Jewelry storo last night,
and carried it off. Tho pollco are on
tho traok of the gilded insignia and
will return it with tho depredator If
Van Houten Captured.
Portland. Dec, 2S. David Van
Houton, who shpt and killed Albert
Young last night, was captured In his
barn at Mcntavllla this morning. He
mado-no 'resistance, but-olalms that
Young despoiled his home.
Wanted. -A good girl for general
housework. Inquire at 485 Court
street 12-283t
Second Hand
Wo have continued to accummulate
so many second-hand sowing maohlnos
by taking them In on sales of now
machines that wo havo a great many
moro than wc want. Wo can mako It
worth your while to visit us, for wo
will sell you a modern, high-arm ma
chine of most any standard mako at
about your own price.
Drop In, and you'll soo we're right.
Needles for alt machines, Excelsior
and Howards, best made, 25c a dozen.
Best grades Nyas sporni oil, "3 In 1"
and "Dig Four" oils, all prlmo aewlng
machlno oils, and warranted not to
. A. Wiggins
implement House.
26W67 Liberty 8t
Farm Machinery, Bicycle, Automo
biles, Bevrlng Maehlnw and Supplies.
Sewing MacMoo Ropalrlac.
Sj iaEttlC
'taws' C JL JLJUL
Commences Monday Morning
And will be continued until further notice. All odd and ends, .rem
nants and odd numbers of Hosiery and underwear will be sold regard
lees of cost. There are hundreds of tempting bargains to be found all
over the store that escaped the big Xmas rush. Don't fall to visit our
store during this sale. It will pay you.
Remnants of Dross Silks and Dross
Goods at half prlco.
All our dross and rainy day
Skirts will bo olosed out regardless
of cost.
Odd numbers of HcBlery and Un
derwear will be olosed out at less
than cost. '
20c largo size Turkish Towels
clearing price 12
$1-00 black Peau de Sqle,' clear
ing price, per yd ., 65c
Ladles' 45c heavy floeced Under
wear, olearlng price - 23c
Chlldrena heavy fleeced Under
wear, olearlng price 10c
10c Sllkallnes, pretty pattern
clearing prlco 5c
NV11 dolls and Toys at half price
Infant's 50c wool Jackets half
price 25c
Remnants of outing flannels and
cashmoro flannelettes clcarlnc
prices. ,
Dost standard calicoes, clearing
pricos, por yd
Odd lota of Laco Embrolderlei
at clearing prices,
Outing flannel night gowns at
olearlng prices.
Beat Saxony yarn, skein .-3VSc
Best Sans Silk, all colors .. 2c
Tbe Cheapest Store in the Northwest
M'EYoy Brokers, Court St.,Salem
Court Street, Salem.