i UY. D. I WILL BE ALL SMILES AG! i . ..-.I. ntnmach and You'll H.-iu mtl'" a Santa Claus Face. HOW TO DO IT. 'if there is one thing more tlian all that will glvo a man a forlorn iid friendless appoarnneo and main M morbid and "cranky" and dl- (rteftble, that thine Is dyspepsia. It tk8 ono iorgoi in uiuuus unu ue .a moroEO and Irritable. Ho in wrapped up in his own misery that M g inconsiderate or ovory ono else M;ieed of this torrlbla and depress K ailment, ho again becomos a good ijllow and a man among men. Qhiflrt's Dyspepsia Tablots aro be- Li question tho most offectlvo and popular remedy over onerou to tne safferera of this torrlblo disease. The thousands and thousands of cures 39&IY havo brought nbouc an,d the enor luoas increaso of their salcsl fully ittest tho truth of this statement. They are, nbovo nil, a natural rtnedy. They possos oxacty tho jae properties thnt the gastrh juices nnd other dlgostlvo fluids of tie stomach possess and thoy actually jo tho dlgostlvo work of tho stomach U4 enablo thnt organ to rest nnd ro tuperato and becomo sound and well Tkey act In a mild, natural mannor ltd causo no dlstutbnijco in tho ill- C"j?ri"sr'': or stomach. In fact, undor their " , , , l . l t, l , loCuence the subjoct forgets thnt he ; , ... ... 1.. olnni.if-l. nnil Ms rrttitimnir rimer. .-. -,-.. n rrrnf kit former dejection. Millions of boxoB of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets nro sold annually ud they aro but In the dawn of their popularity. Every mall brings letters tt thanksslvlng from grateful onos giving irom grateiui onos wto havo toon cured of this torrlble Uteaso. ., -..., . - . ino iouowini, is un? vi iiuu ireds received oar-h wek: Rev. J. R Hoag of Wymoro, Neb., vrttee: "For six yoars I havo been troubled with dyspopsln. Last fall ...--. i uecamo vory mucn aianueu, iu BU"'e to bollevo thoro was a sympathetic relation botwoon those two diseases, or rather, tUat tho stomach trouble was the causo of tho henrt disturb auen, I hit upon Stuart's Dyspen sla Tablots for a romedy nnd Invostel a dollar and a half for threo boxo nhirh lasted mo throo months and I ran oat any kind o' food I want nnl havo a good, vigorous appatltp Al though I am 77 years old, I now feel Pffectly woll'nnd without being n .uted by anyone I make this state ment as a complimont to the vlrtuei of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets." CHILD LABOR. What Its Effect Will Bo In Theatrical Matters. Children aro not permitted to par- tlclpato In any thoatrlcal entertain- Bent In Orocron. owlnc to the Child Labor Law, which was onncted at tho legislative sosslon last winter and but recently hommn onoratlve. Tho at tention of local mnnagors was brought to tho law when thoy received notice jimu. .u. w nnd the boys who distributed wator. This was compiled with by tho managors of tho Mnrnnnm Omnd. tho Dakor Wth. comm,..ta.r. m ot.Pt uiai. when "lion liur" nrnvcu .v fnmi, , . . ,nPhnrce luai. when "non Hur" nrnvuu iv of a dozen youngstors who woro ns - . i Wing ln tho making of a stage Pr""' F Speclal Agent. tare. Tho noxt stcn was the removal Dn'e' J Ty v hh ta-ietn)tanw We do what We Claim We klll and rcntove cancers and n-j .... x-: nf o : ! TO THE PUBLIC ta iJ0 .a d ,haU e , :: for the Jflfteen.jttemth tjn Jf ;; movea irom my uii"..f !! cPrn5 o-rnurhs.as large as i ceious growths, as Marge a n . -. h f z ;; larger intestine. Also anoiner u right n omy right right 00, an anohe5riefjomon.y s thumb. 'This has a been 1 1 inumo. 1 nib - "::"''tu flnd the spider iiKe -ii cinesilone, they killing the growth and tn m roots and nature iibcu -'''c.-... j couid have I aid of knife or surgery. I d nt M neve e I found eauallv successful treatment any wiic world and cheerfully re commc.u u .. -. if you need it. r J. f. cook . lsrrr la.11 "i juvonio nrfnfm. ... ,inv.i. ,. ' "H" in the vau .V....1U nuugg. What tho na mn, ... . agers would kft m u will affect a numlmr f ... 1 IntT llltn Pnt1-J ... cuuns com Stat. f,w tnrou8hout the XI !. -that malt8r' " " commls -"" correct In their r . 6Ct ln Uielr and refuse to make concessions Tlio t,n. ... "uul avenue Opera Com Pany, of Australia, which tilled several engagements during tin past thrni years, will i,n nff-.., .... . r ' . "" 'wu senousy, un- IfMH Inn. 1 i.-.. ... .uo .UU1)I1U18 IR uncovered. Tab company had li.on .,i..i .... . . wntxl u manager George L. Baker, of the Baker Knter ..--., ivi roruanil, the company coming to that ritv nf(. ..?: a tour In California, where the or- .i.uion is at present In less de gree, it will Interfere with Mr. Stod dard In "The Bonnls rtri... n.i. ... the Marquam Grand, to say nothing Of Several niml drnrnn. n t. - - " " UIO IUHII to the Paclflc coast, and the number less "Uncle Tom" shorn. ti, i.h.. may oscnpe, however, as "little Eva" Is KOIierallv snnnn(l n i .nn, i. near fifty years old. Tho case of the Pollards, however, is particularly Interesting as it may Involve International law and treaty rights to some oxtent. Mannger Baker says that ho do?s not know What ho Will do Vot In thn nrwmlana Ho Is willing to oboy t!ie law, and if the playgoers of Portland do not want to seo tho Australian children, then ho Is willing to cancsl tho contract, but in the ovent of a demand, the manager will probably have the right. oi tne Pollards Investigated by law ' ,' . public appears to beiieve that tn ' , . . , , . . , Pollards are protected by treaty, and ' ,M for B8tOTn compaiucs, the IiIkmt commissioners cannot Intbrfere with them without violating Interstate laws. It was not the intention of the .legislature to nave tho law annoy the theatrical business, but under the 1 . . . , . ,. , . ,,,,. ,,,a ..,. M " iv,,iii...u...o, ... "i,. .... about the only place where the com- mlislonors are fcceklng for violations. Should tho labor oomralsslon b correct ln tholr stand, It will neces- iMiaie scores 01 iiietuncui i;uuiiiuhh nvodnB nny town ln Oiegon and will causo such companies to jump from California to Washington without a break. Alcohol and Us Effects. (From Harper's Wookly.) Tho committee of fifty scientists which has for ten years been studying tho llouor question has issued its 'fourth preliminary icport In two vol- umos. The following nro tho mam conclusions drawn: Meets of modor ate or occasional use of alcoholic ,irinU-B illffer with Individuals, age, occupation and climate. With the majority of occasional and moderate drlnkors no special effoct upon health seems to be observed by themselves or their physicians. In some such THE REAL TEST -. .. i.m. t. tn nlrlnir It Tbor- ouch Trlnt There Is only ono test toy which to luase of tho efficiency of any ""' '""V", 1- by its ability to do that on4 l"' .i8...Li . di Many hair wwen u j "Vrv..; nn mnli nice. tho point nln'halr? druff and stop talllnp wui I J,,,, lt goes to the ' th'e , and ""0J5S;c8 the hair Beta Us i,f . SSSJ., L'' m "",;..,. ,r" nil or irrease. nd free from oil or grwe. lManlpS for sample to The iierpicmo 1- ., rt.i-Mt Mien. Mil k 44eH19' ta - on without the aid of a knife, j ; nromment Salem man: ;; " nic unf4 a from tne o a man s nana, an j acco ,.,.. .-- .... ivt... saien. hpci .... .i.- """ w"r'"M- JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY. DECEMBER 28. v PKnion . . I ; ! I ' ' . . FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION "I am so thankful for what Dr. done for me." writes Mrs. John T. uiiuui, ui oiocan, a. v.., aox 50. "It cured ine of a disease which was taking away all my strength, neipeo. me tnrougn uie long montns before bahv mm? mid T Imw n hi.r strong baby girl, the most healthy ana nappy 01 an my uiree." HAKES THE DIFFERENCE. cases drinking Is harmful; ln a few It Is thought to be beneficial. Klghty per cent of the loading brain-workers of the United States use alcoholic drinks occaalonullji or regularly or in moderation. The use of such I drinks to rilmulate mental effort gives on the whole, bad results. Ifieven oc casional or moderate use Is likely to be harmful to young persons, mainly because of the danger of Its leading to excess. Among diseased or In firm persons over fifty years of age, alcoholic beverages, while sometimes useful, should be taken, If at all, with the last meal of the day. "Pine ojd whiskies" and "fine old brandies" are as likely to produce Injurious effects as nro tho cheaper sorts, If taken In the same quantities. In moderate quantities, wlno nnd diluted whiskey havo a certain food value, but they are seldom used tor food purposes rather for tholr offsets on the brain. In large quantities, and for some per sons oven in moueraie quaimim, they are a poison. Alcoholic drinks In moderate quantities may bo useful as restoratives ln fatlguo after work is dono, but they often produco do presston and harmful results, when used Just before and uurmg wuor, physical or raentnl.' How's ThlsT Wo offer ons hundrod dollars re ward for any case or caiarrn iui cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known v t PhMiBT for tho loot IB years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transections and nnan elallr ablo to carry out any obliga tions made by thoir firm. WEST k TRUAX, Wholesale urug gists, Toledo, Ohio. WALDING, KINNAN MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taxon inier- '.rT'. "T7j M W .... -- - io Bold by all aruggms. Hall's Family P r0 tho bo"L PAN ON CORSETS. Englishwomen wIoTng a Crusade Against Time Honored Article. Perhaps It U too much to say that the "new woman" has Inaugurated a campaign against feminine traditions but It is certain that from Iods and Birmingham blasts have been soun upon the trumpets of the antlcorwt crusade, while In Hw and " "''' urtis the new rainy day rt, which within the last fw months has lnefl teen In lar numbers. Is almidy working a inform l UiachtBg wimwb to be cawrttl how th.y walk, says U New York HsraW. IeaffUM bav been formed for tk .uppres.io oT that llrst Up r- M MBtial to tmM d me hf 11bC Ul members. That wohw n bad wallwrs many bnff t f- dacta'a to be ou rvlUoii of i w - Physical culturtoU. weumtm quio say tk imus offwuUr Is the as.i.l W wb0M att",,t aaMitM wasr-s aas ad frtlo Is abswd lmery. Wath a wtwan twtBg up sialrs at a saltway statKw. U bIm eausoatof tn thr will ptod laherieusly ur, thaJr ftf imIU tnmd In- rned in. In sitting, too. wemen are gwllty Blwl; mm W '-ktiynC- J mi: m ml .,. .. , 11 . 1 . 1 1903. imniiiiiiiiniHifHii CLASSIFIED Advertisements, five lines or lew, In this column Inserted three times for 25c, 50c aweek $1.50 a month. All over five ' lines at the same rate. lllllllllllllHHIIIIHIIt WANTED. Wanted. At once, a girl for general housewo.'k. Call on Mrs. J. A.. Carson, South Salem. 12-34-31 Wanted. To buy, a horse to weigh 1300 or more; good life, for buss. Willamette Hotol. 13-2G-tf LOST AND FOUND. Lo6t or Stolen From my plnco of business, ln Salem, a shotgun hav ing n coppor band around stock. Propor rownrd for return of snmo. M. L. Hamilton, Sa:em, Orogon. 12-24-lwk Money Found. Anyono would feol a thrill of pleaauro to pick up a sllror half-dollar on tho highway. Thoy aro lying around ready to pick up (no capital roqulrcd) if you aro willing to rustlo and can talk only a llttlo bit Good for olthor box. young or old. Addroes or call at Journal office 12-10-tf Market Quotations Todays "Make Silea a Good Home Mirket" a. 'xr yyyTyvivr Capital City Mills Quotations. Bryant &. Pennell, Props. Wheat 76o. Buckwheat 80a Poultry at Stelner's Market Chickens SiJOc. lOggs Per dosen 21c. Turkeys 12 15c Duoks 9 10c, Hop Market Hops 19022c. Potatoes. Vegetables, Eto. Potatoes 30c. Onions IVSc. Dried Fruits. Peaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c. PoUto prunes 4c. Italian prunes Be. Wood, rence Posts, Ete. Dig fir K00. Second-growth 13 60. Arh JS.00 to IS.7S. Dody oak J4.50. Pole oak J4.00. Cedar post 12V4c Hldeu Pelu and Pun. Oreen Hldoa, No. 1 Be Oroon lllaoe, No. 2 lo. talf Skins 105c Sheep 78c. Ooat Skins 26o to S1.0I drain and Freur. Wheat, Balera Flouring Mills 7Bc Oats 32c. Darley $18X0 per ton. Flour Wholesale, ?l.eO. Live Stock Market Stoera 3c. Cows 2 Ho, 8heA a Dreesod voal Hc. Droottod hogs c. Ilvo hogs 1C Mutton 2c per pound. Yol-He. Hay, Vvri. Et. Baled cheatIll Dale clover ?10OU. Bran J20. Shorts 121. Creamery and Dairy Products. Good dairy butter 2025c. Creamery buttor 30c. Cream separator sklnuosa. Com. Creamery, 30c, net at PORTLAND MARKET. Whtat Walla W-Jla, 71o072o Valley 78c. Flour Portland, best grade, 3.85; graham, SS.7B, Oats Choice White, $1.10 Barley Food, 20 por ton; J21. $7SO .oiled, MllUtuff Bran, 11 A Hay Timothy, $1 1'otatoee B00c Iiggs Oregon ranob, l'ie lOcO 10V4e Pr pound; spring, lie turkeys, live. 12Gna Mutton Dressed. 60c Pork Dresswl, 6Ha. Beef Dressed, BCc. Veal SsJS'c ,ei Hope 1904 crop. ISO"0- . Wool-Valley, 17018c; Eastern n,.n 116: Mohair, 85017Hfi. VtVOM w ' . Hides dry, 1 ponds ani upwa, "n.ruait dairy. 20O22V4c; fan cy creamery ,30c; store lSQltc a number of slas of awkwardness. A tout woman Invariably alts squarely with bsu- feet planted twelve nM apart. The least woman winds her (Z. uymt tne m of U enalr or to ere her m "" ... . 1. mat of her. wall "'BTVV " the .wall woman etthw XU with her feet dall la a hepm way er per.. ..r M . hlnh seat with oae feot tMWhlsg the nreuad and the other ukad aronad the ankle of the first w heetcea w FOR 8ALE. For Sale. At a bargain, a good house and lot, with suitable Outbuildings ; seven-room houso; 18th nnd Hlne street, two blocks south of Yew Park schoolhouso; Vi block from straot car lino. O. U. MIIm. 13-2G-3t For Sale. A few cords of dry onk wood. Anyone wishing same leave orders at D. A. White & Son's feed store, Commercial street. !MC-3t For Sale. Twonty-flvo goats. Inquire or Chns, Batt, Houto No. 3, Salem. 13-18-3t For Sale Or trade, a lino 10-aoro clilcken or fruit ranch; first-class buildings and Improvements; close to school, poatofflce, storo and rail way stAtlon. Will trado for city or unlmirovol farm property. Address "W. J.," Caro JcnirnaL 11-6. For Sale. At a bargain. For anyone wanting a good business location, largo sture and houso combined; good chance to carry on a goneraJ morchnndlso business on ono of Sa lem's boat Btoree. Address Ira Towno. Salem, Oro. 12-16-lm Buff Recks For solo. SoTertU trios of U10 best Buff Plymouth llock chlckonn. A. F. Hofor, Jr., Koaj. Sa eom. lMD-3t Vetch Seed for Sale. I have a quanti ty of first-class vetch seed for solo, both varieties. Call at place or ad dross F. Achilles, halt mile west of Kalicr school honse, four miles north of Salem. 13-10-lwMwk Fop Sale. Hoiuufiold furniture; stovofl, etc.; cheap; If takon at onco. Inquire at 410 Churth streot 12-22-tf For Sale. -O. K. Grubbers. Rest In Orogon; (live state premiums; ono horse has tho powor of OD; can grub an acre a day. James Finney. Ilrooks. Or. 11-36-lm For Sale Inraprovoil end unimproved block property ln Soutt Saleai. For information inquire of & Hofer, Journal office. 10-9-tf Choice Farm For Bale. Throo inlloa northwest from Brooks, having dwelling houso, burn and two hop housoa, with 30 ncrea of hops, bal- anco farming land, with running water, oxcopt onough cholco tlmbor to supply Uio plnoo. M. J. Kgan. 11-12-tf For Sale Eighty acres of land In Wftnhlntrton countv. for J tOO. A bargain for somo ono wanting to inako a home. Some Umbor on Uio placo; some cleared. IS. Hofor, 8a lorn, Oregon. 10-8-tf FOR RENT. mutmi for Rent llu stairs, Cottle bloclc. by day, wook. or mnnU. Al so light housekeeping rooms. Bloc trie light Open all hours. Commercial 8U, No. 33J. Phone: 2906 Main Mattlo Hutohlns, Prop DRESSMAKERS. Mrs. U Campbell Dee drcswnaklnc at her homo, on tho car line, near tho SosU Balsa esiaotery. Oouatry trad solUlUid. ll-ll-lns-d-v MISCELLANEOUS. ta fu r Meier's Barber Colleoe Of Salt Lko City, offers advantages In teaching the trade that cannot be had ciso hnr. Avoid schools the Orogon and California barbers' new laws aro apt to close at any time, Write today for our special offor to dis tant studeaU. 12-10-lm The Proper TWng j popm-i drink for family use is u. o- and carbonated bevaragss. every body should keep thee goods at their home. Call up Gideon Btols Co. 'phone 421. n.v-tliTi tou tried Edwards Lutch. ejs for meats. We have the best sausage In town. Come and try it. and be convinced. 410 East BUU streot Sslem Truck and Dray Co Oldest and UM equipped company In 0. n. Piano and furniture moving a specialty Offloe 'phone. Ml. W. W. Brown Bon, proprietor. Offlee No. 0 Btats stroet -l-lro Dr. Z. M. ParvlrAt 297 Commercial street, upstairs. Blnglng acnooi. ItudlraenUl and sight reading ohws os. Begins Wednesday ovenlng, Oo- tolw 14th. Class every wnane diy evening to May 1st. nexL Tut Uon. 11-00- Unique Cleanlnfl Rooms Shsw Jensen, the cleaners, art. now to eated at H Coramwelal street Sle? 71 . ,-.i nrMslns: and re- g" bslU..BpalUr:8kJ, nine waisui. u sri:"' v.i. & etc. Phone zbm. PHYSICIAN AND 8URQEON KJ-1" '" Dr. W. S. Mott-Wlll hereafter found n tne urey p. -' rr mwoUl street, over Oregon Bhos So Office tetepboo. 29S1; re !&cn0pn. 2761. Offlee honr. 1 to 1 nd 1 to 8. Ncv 6weet Cider 8d your ordsc "X wsmt grocery, " ow,42L (MdeonBtoUfcOo 8EVKN WATCHMAKER. W. Calvet Practical Witch mkei IBS Stato streot, makoa a specialty. of repairing watches, docks and lowolry, aud guaronteoa gowl work at reasonable prices. 11-13-lyr RESTAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 95 BiaXl stroet Opon day and night Oitf 30c meals aro bettor than any 2So houso ln Uiq state. Six SOc meal for $1-00; 21 30c meals for $3.00. L0D0E8. Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Moots In their hall In Holman block, cor ner SUto and liberty, every Mon-j day ovenlng. Visiting brethren wolsome. ltoy Mclntlre, M. W. Al K. Aufraaco, Recorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Oastla Hall In Holman block, corner StsUi and Liberty Sts, INseday of oaolt weok at 7:30 p. m. A. B. Btna a P.. It J. Fleming K. of It and P. Foresters of Amirlcti Court Sfts. wood Foresters No. 1. Meets Frt day night ln Turner block. 8. 7. Mlnturn. C. It; A. U Brown, Seo. Modern Woodmen of America Ore ton Cedar Camp No, 6310. Meets every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'cloeSj Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V. u.: ,a. u. unmn, mort. Protection Lodoo No, 2, Andeat Of dr United Workman, meets every Saturday evening In the Holman Hall, corner Stato and Libert)' streets. Visiting bretkren vrelocmie. J. a nrmiam, M. W.; J. A. Sellwoofl Reorder OSTEOPATHS, Dre. M. T. 8cliocttle. Frank J. Barr ana Anna m. uarr. uraauatee American School of Ontoopatky, KlrksYllla, Mo., successors . to Dr. Grace Albright OBlc- hourn 0 te 12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'olook. Odd Fellows' Temple. Phone Main 3T24( rosldNice phone 21103 red. TON80RIAL AND BATH8. Evan's Dsrber Shop Only nrstalaH shop on Stain street Rvery UUna new and uivffM.ate. FlncM poww laln baths. Shave. lSe; hair-cut 26a baths. 2Bo. Two flrst-olat boo! blacks. O. W. Bvans. proprietor. DENJAMIN 8CHWARZ & SONS. Hop merchants, 07 to 90 Stats streot, Salem. Oregon. Represented by Jos. Harris. WM. BROWN A CO Hops, Mohair, wool, hop growers! supplies -No. 229 Commercial street, Balom, lOn, gon. Phono 1301. . SQUIRE FARRAR Hop merchant and purchasing agent No. Jiffa Commercial streot, upstalrn,' Balers, Orogon. Phone 10S1. T. A. LIVE8LEY A. CO Doalern la hops and hop supplies'. Phono Uil orflco room 18 Oberhclm bldg, Qv lorn, Oregon. J. CARMICHAEL Hop buyor. Offloe, In Bush-Brsyman building, Sateu, Oregon. Samples of choice hops so licited from all growers. CATLIN & LINN Hop buyers, noons. 8. Bush-Ureyman mock, aaiem, wa gon. Phone 1431. HUBBARD & CROS8AN Hop by era. Boom 2, Murphy blook, Balera, Oregon. Tolophone No. 371. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. ror water sorvlcw apply at otto. Dills payable monthly In sdvanea. Mae all complaints at the offlco. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall and passMgec UalM Baggage to all parts of the elty. Prompt service. Telephone No, 3L HECKMAM-HEDRICK JiHOMYER Jut Arrived. . ,. ,.f an.an wlr fAOGlBK. Bpeolal price till Dewuitwr 18th. Poultry NetUng, Bblngles ana 1: . roonng. WAiyriuv . (0 Court Btreot O. H. MAOK WIRE FENCINO. 8uccesor to Dr. 3. M, Keeae In Whit Corner, Balera, Oregon. arJi deelrlng superior operations & erat fee in any nnuum " - reouwit 1 ii -j THE ELITE CAFE- 208 Commere'al Street Regular Dinner at Noon 25c Meals at aunours Service n la Carte E ECKERLEN, Proprietor Ih CASTOR I A Pnr TnfknU nad Chlldxea. T!i KW Yob Havj Alwajs BcHiglt. to p '405t Bear the elgsntweoi i - .i 45 p- M i 1 MtUBSH " " '"' ' '""'Nlislsa - &JS8Fj