rffJWflBWMWJIJWWtB JV1 SIX ', . - - I PAItiV CAP.17AL JOURNAL; 8AUEM, OREGON; MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1903. tr vr V flBa MB y USA- O CifcaX"" 80 IT WAS JUST AWFUL Now York, Dec. 22... About twice n. yenr tho New Yorlc smart set breaks out In a row that la nppnr flntly of groat Interest to the major ity of the papulation, If one may Judgo from tho axcltement Into -which tho New York Journals aro Im mediately plungod. There Is the jnldBiirrimor row, which usually be gins at Newport, and tho early Winter row, which Is more nearly local. The early wlntor row Is now on and con onm tho awful banlBhmont Of Mrs. Sttiyvosnnt FIbIi and Mrs. Hormair Oelrioh from tho "not" of Mrs. Will Jam ABtor, "tho grandmother of so doty." Thoy woro oxoludod from the noxburgho-Goelet wadding. An oxcltlng word pleturo Is pilnt cd of Mm. Herman Oelrlch 1ny In question thus: on the "Whllo the crowd of vulgar cu rloilty-soskers was forming In front of St Thomas' church to tee the bridal party and guests of the Goelet-Uox-burgho wedding, a light, low vlotorln wns driven slowly up and down Fifth AveniiH pnst the church and the Goe lot mansion. Seated In the vehicle wns a woman won ring a tan gown trlntiriou with dark brown velvet. Her hat was r skulling picture affair with n dark plume. Five times she pass-'ri. tho .church and the Goolet mauslon, mid onch time alio pasted she gased Into the awning with eager eyes ami on hor brow was a fruwm She would havo paid ntmotft any price to be able to seo what was going In In the church. Hut crane her neck as she wouljl s)ie .coulij, not see us uiueh iu the imurftit -'shopgirl." And whllo thfs pathetic scene was bolng onncted In New Yurie thcue wore thjj niovoiuqnts of Mrttf Fish.: "At the same manunt nnother wo man waB driving through her estate M Oarrlsons. N. Y., Inspectrng the gathorlng of tho autumn crops and superintending the dairy work. Of coursa, everything Is bus.yo In the fall. There la n largo crop of autumn leave to bo harvostod. Tho thoughts or tins woman, too, wero on the wod ding In SL Thomas' church, but she could loam only fiom the morning pa pore noxt dny whethor May Goolot mndo n hnndsomo bride or how many of tho Vandorbllts woro nt tho wod dlng." This woddlng snub Is rognrdod "ths first gun of n social feud thnt throat one to dlivolop Into a civil war," nnd from this It will be seen that Now York hns ovory roason to bo nlarmod. There hium't been n civil war since 1806. Hut to tho point. When Mrs. Goelet announced that Phmt: Main 2953, DID YOU AIX WORK WERE YOU 1WLIVEE5KD WHEN PROMISED WrZffiaf JSlHott, only 200 guests would he invited tc. St. Thomns', her sister, Mrs. Cornel lis Vnnderbllt, waj Inclined to demur. "You .will slight n hundred of your friends," said sho. "I shnll Invite ovory person In Now York who Is really woitl whllo," was Mrs. Goelofs grim and rathor slgnifl cant roply. So Mni. FIbIi and Mrs. Oolrlchs so long tho rival but friendly quooiiB of tho spectacular sot, aro not "worth while!" How tho high strung Mrs. Fish and tho hnughtly Tosslo Fair Oelrlchs must rosont this snub from tho plump widow I "Not worth whllo!" nettor a torront of abuso than to bo dismissed with this curt phrase. Worso than tills, those two frlonds mint faco (i more dreadful danger than tho contempt of Mrs. Goelet. ' Mrs Astor. tho grand old woman of'to pergon8 m0Ht lntoroiltoil ln society who sightly controls all Im- tll0 Mri,. f1bU cnn milKe rMnarki nor ant Inv Ita Ion lists, approvetl th'tImt wl caU80 on8 to t nn(J snubbing of Mr,. Pish and Mrm Ool- throw thl at them80lV9fl Juit for "Y""' luuusiii ui in is. ' un uiuuiiy uittKes nit noitieet social, aspirant turn pale nnd Instantly cap Itulu'e. How can Mrs. Fish nnd Mn. Oelrlchs. rnnrneaona tlinnpli thuv nr I light against the AstorGoelet combl usiii. iiuiiisL me AHiur-uueiei camui ' """ """ ""' nations, with Its ramifications of Van, h01'8 net by saying: derbllts. Van Alenu. Wilsons and Ger "l 'n rlval of Mr8- Astor? ryb? It looks like an utter rout for,"!-'1' S1,a ls 8i ,0nr8 ol,L" the two women who were once anions 'T1,e 0ol8ts! Yes, they the two women who were once among j Mrs. Astors wannest friends. The boycott declared by the socjety tiust on the two . papular matrons dates back to the Newport fracaj that J Mpj. Fish was responsible for. .They get bored down at Newport just as they do elsewhere. The smart sat once In n while tires of monkey din uens and private loop-the-foop parties, aud when such resources for amuse ment are exhausted, tho leaders get Into plain, ordinary qunrroU, Just as bUtor and Just as undignified as the ''soraps" botwoon ilsh-wlvos. Mrs. Fish had boon "spoiling" for a flcht all lust summer boforo sho had a ronl I good exouso for one. .Since she nnd Mrs. John It. Drexel quarreled at Nloe sho has had no row to enliven her. 'and consequently folt rathor dull. At last her opportunity camo. Mrs. Jones Coneoaled Her Rage. Mrs. Pemliroko Jones, Mrs, Flsji't juonrosi rrionu, was to give a must oalo. Through Mrs. Fish's Influence Mm Ogdon Mllte ngrcod to stand up with Mrs. Jonos and Mrs. Fish. It was to bo the effort of Mrs. Jones' life, nnd she had a loop-tho-loop bull! put In hor yard to entortaln hor guests. It was just thon that Mrs. I FORBPT Ml TOO BUSY? Tou did not send me that ordsr for printing last month, You bad better do It now, There is no better time to get m fresh supply of st. Uonery than just before the new year. If you order It soou it will bo ready for you. tho Job Printer Qoelet her daughter, and the captive duke of Itoxburgho arrived from Kng land. Mrs. Qoelet procedoed at once to Newport and asked Mrs. Dills tc givo a dinner to the duko tho follow ing night tho night set for the Jones Jlnglo. Mrs. MIIIb thoreforo dispatch od regrets to Mrs. Pombroke Jones, who lmmodiatoly flod in terror to Mrs. Fish, to whom sho told tho story ol Mrs. Mills declination and tho with drawal of sovoral of hor cholcost guests owing to tho Mills dlnnor. Mia. Fish said It wns shamo for Mrs. Goe lot to spoil tho Jonas affair. Mrs. Jonos was moro tactful. Sho con cealed hor rago, and was among the first to congratulato Mrs. Goolot on bagging a duko. Sho was fornlvon nnd rownrdod with a seat In the third paw at tho woddlng. , nut Mrs. Fish folt sho had boon "grossly Insultod." Sho hoapod a fow cholco blweings on tho blondo head of Mrs Goelot and tho gray hoad of hop atron 8aInt MrB- Aston All of tl.ru. romartr. wr ,iHr..iiv nt,i revenge Mrs. Fish's Epigrams. All society nnd outsldo of soalstv know nbout Mrs. FlsH'a trip west It, W"B on Uint trln Umt Bno tlrred up n How ah- paid $2 000 000 for their duke." Mr j. Oelrlchs also succeded In say ing things. "A mere matter of dollars and cents." wns her comment on the Mlsn Goelet and Itoxburghe engagement "I'hnd a' sister to marry -Birdie I mean. An American WM'good enough for her." ' rBIrdle" Is Mrs. Willmm K. Van- derbllt Jr. This w gall and wormwod to Mri, Astor and to the widow of -Ochre court. Doforo tho ducal woddlng all the women who cliiBtor on tho Inner rim of Uio ultra-fashionable set wonder od whothor Mrs. Fish nnd Mrs. Ool rlchs would be Invited to St. Thomas' church. Mrs. Goelet voluntoorod no Information nnd her friends wore too poltto o auk. "Whero's Mrs. Fish?" "I don't see Toss Oolrlchs" wore murmured com ments at tho woddlng. Thoy woro not there but It would belmposfltbloto measure the satisfac tion thoy folt when they heard nnd road of the disgraceful mob scene that marred tho occasion and that the wedding will linger In memory on ac count of tho fronsled women In the Btreet and not on account ot Its othei features. But Mrs. Goelet has a greater sat isfaction than this, Sho has had a royal rovongo. Sho agltatod tho country from ono end to the other ovor tho marrlago of her daughter to tho duko of Roxburgho. It was tho most oxoluslvo affair of ita kind In social history. Studied simplicity wis to be the rule. Everybody "worth while" was to b Invited but tho climb ers and the. doubtful onea were to be left unbidden. And to this assem blage ot the elect tho Inner circle ot thoso whoso doedB and .misdeeds aro chronlclsd undor tho heading of so oiety with tho big S Mrs. Fish and Mrs. Oolrlchs ware not blddon. Mrs. Goelet's Information. However tho woddlng will not in crease Mrs. Goelot's reputation as a woman of good taste. Thoso little printed slips describing hor soa-foam gown and reciting archly that Miss Qoelet rocelvod Jowols worth $1,000.- 000 were-all calculated to arouse pub He Intereat. What woman would not rush to seo the bride on whoio head were heaped eight diamond tiaras and enough Jeweled collars to clasp the throats of Brlghnm Young's wives. One question romalna. To what extent will Mrs. As.tor and Mrs. Goo lot carry their enmity against Mrs. Fish and Mrs. Oolrlchs? Do these two leaders really intend to exile them for life? Or was tho bitter snubblnc of Tuesdny only a form of punishment for Mrs. Fish's caustic attacks and Mrs,. Oelrlchs' unguarded "knocks?" Will Mrs. Astor forgive nnd bid thoso two women to her nnnunl ball in January? Should Sirs. Fish and Mrs. OeJrlchs be left out of this onter talnment the result would bo "awful to contemplate" a one society ma tron oxprossod It. AH tha Oelrlchs and Fish satellites would hnVo to de sert or go Into soclnl banishment. Thon there is the cotillon of Mrs. Ogdon Mills without doubt the smartcut and most desirable of tho season. She lnvitos a scant 1C0 awl Mrs. Fish nnd Mrs. Oelrlchs, always havo attonded the Mills parties. Mm Fish and Mrs. Oolrlchs can not retaliate. What do Mrs. Astot and Mrs. Goelet care if they are "left out" of the Fish dinners? The Astors and Gaelets are stars of the first magnitude -and 'honor" hostesses with their presence. Climatic Cures. The iniluenco of climatic conditions In the euro of consumption is vory much overdrawn The poor natlent. and tho rich patient, too, can do much bottor at home by proper attention to food dlgostlon, nnd a rocular course of Gorman Syrup. Frco expectoration In tho morning Is mndo certain by Gorman Syrup, so is n good night's rost and tho absence of that weak ening cough and debilitating night sweat Rostlosa nights nnd tho ox haustlon duo to coughing, tho groat ost dangor and dread of tho consump tive, can bo provontod or stopped by tahing Gorman Syrup liberally and rogularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime you will find thnt of tho thousands of consumptives thoro, tho fow who aro benefitted and regain strength ore thoso who use Gorman Syrup. Trial bottle, 25c; reg ular slzo, 75c. At oil druggists. At Dr. Stono's drug stores. PREDICTS A PANIC In a speech boforo tho Pcplo's Forum In Now Rocholle a week ago, A. Gaylord Wilshlro, editor of Wll shire's. Magazine and a millionaire o clallst, predlctod that within the next twelve months this country will ex perience one of the grcatost panics ever known ln Its history, growlnir out of tho overproduction or, rather, the unequal distribution of commodities. Mr. Wllshlre declared that the peril can be nvortod only by the adoption of socialism. "If we wish a more equal distribu tion of the cOmmpdltles we produce," hv said," "tho people must own the mackinory, the railroads, the oil wells, tho coal rulneg, and. other (hlngn and own them ihrouah the state." Mr. Wllthlro mid Mr. Rockofellor. Mr Cnrnoglo nnd other industrial klnpt wero probably tie best man to head the various Industries thoy represontod. and that It was not the Individual but tho system that should bo criticised. Tho meeting was nttendod bv about a thousand people. Tho debate wns on tho subject "Single Tax or Socialism Which?" Ernost II. Cros- by spoko for ilnglo tax. Ho said that the country wns on the verge of a de pression but he was opposed to the adoption of socialism. "Roraore all monopolies," he said, that Is the solution." For burns or scalds nothing Is more soothing than the white of an ogg which may be pourod over the wound Polish women are renowned fo their beauty, for the perfection of their hands and the smallness of tholr fett Branson & Ragan. Keep all kinds of groceries, and they are the best that can be found In the city. You don't know it until you hare tried them. O .& Jfil 9DJO "FT -I 2s . (Start tU vy Tin IH Tmj few (fop BwjB w. tj WHY WE ARE AGENTS Here Aro Srmo of tho Convincing Fncta Tlmt Caused uo to Tnlco the Agency foi tho Fulton Com pounds. theFlt-Bt Thlngo Known that Cure Chronic Kidney Dis eases. rt-kt, let It bfl distinctly understood that jrprjr oue nt the onsen 1Icht had beundlagcogpd by one or mors pliyiloljcs as ohronlo and to snrablet seeuwl, nolo tho certainty of thoro- iiH no abnnn hv the recover? alio of the frlonds tbej- told wlio wero olmllurlj afilloli'd irlib tuppoMxl lnourablo kidney diseases. N. W. Sp.iulJlcis, PrMldent Spauldlns Snif On , S.tn K-Hnoliico, hud a recovery la his own (uiul.V aud ukl cevcral otters nho ri'Cnti.oil. A lo.pli VSuolte, oiipltikllst. Bun Franemco, rocori rod hltnwlf uud told two friends nliu ro om ermt. l)r Curl D. Zlcle, plonoer dniSKist, M3 Pnolflc ttrvjt. wa rrmoleco, recovon-d hlmnclf nuil guvu It to more than a doztm patleuts who t 90vtod 8'it) Ki-uuelituo, re ovored hlmitelf and tolu u to 6 uuaiujr i n uotaroil. one of them I Hug Ct.unon F Wucl.or, the Sixth Btreet runri'lmnt R M Wood.iilltOrWIne nno Spirit Ilevirw, rcenvcrfd bli..v-lf and tod It to several vi.o ruu.ivtirotl, auiumf thuin being un Oid-M:bou puyKlol.u. L'lriird HlKTt of the Ban FrnnolnooCaM re sov r. (I, also 'hn.-3of hi friends, vli: iHUiii) .iiirtlu, UuptMiU llulioard of tbu Honolulu rui BDrt Wllll.im IhvwUios of the U S Quuru.r tonxter'K lpu-'uientot Ban Franrlico John A. l,b.lp of tun IloUl Itepellcr, San rruuclsro, nd two of his friends, etc. etc Ttifl kldnt'yn ure tho eowem that strain the (K,irNu ,iu. in .iiu njn.ciu. ,vn Ull BIRUU ihb flurimgeniont for a short whllo, but wtrn the In'.eif.Tcnco enoomes uhronlo (perrannent), a Brat oxplitlned l7 llrlgbt. It Is only o rjutwilott uf hexv lonu Uefni'u iltmlh nlll nrjKuo It N tliL-ri onllfid lliinhtfi D;-ciiso nnd Incurable. All OUI.VIU I.IIKUII utiniDD UUU 1UUUT..UIU. dU blilnmr tt-iinhlfM rl-nlnn inti thn fnrm arxiut the Si h to luth month. The nbovo cuscb vcre lnourablo by All othur known means. I'eorle havlnv lildueydlMiuiHixhoiildboirluat first vhb tbeonlv knoru thlnx that will o'ire It If It 1ms .I.A L..b,....a ...n..A r.S.l.nv- l. k ..I r,SillnrM Hi I i Compound U r Itrlitbt's at d Kldnev Disease-. , for Diabetes, II W John J Fulton Co . -,.' Washington strret, Sab FraucMeo. sole com poundurx S nd forpacipliKt, Wu aru the sols sxcctj tor this olty, Palace Pharmacy, 118 State St. S. C. STONE, M. 0, .....PROPRIETOR OF.... STONE'S DRUG STORES 8ALEM, OREGON. The stores (two in uumbor) aro lo cated at No. 235 nnd 297 Commorcial stroet, and aro woli stocked with a comploto lino of dnig and medicines, tollot articles, porfumory, brushes, etc. Has had soino 25 years orporionco in me practice or moillelno, and now makes no chareoa for pnnniiltntlnn or examination or prescription. Your Stepmother Is still hero, and no busy as over. "Whoa your clonics aro worn and dirty, or tho buttons off tako thom to hor, at tho Salem Dyolng and Clean ing Works. Repairing and rolining; now volvot collars put on overcoats; also four suits a month for Jl. Called for nnd roturnod. MriS. C. II. WALKER, Prop, 195 Commorcial Stroot. .?? iltEE? TEH'S CHOII8H TOL WZ. il'fl'l I.BfllM. t.1 OlllH. llrlalMal hk. ll.tv SI-.....- far CllK.IIKhlT.lfS j;.VOLJSll In KCII IM Unlit K.IUII. Ww tiU uaeiMNtihMi TmI notkr. UoTm n(.niu Hpb.tlwnlnii umi ImlU tlftH. Il.v Af r.ur Dr.. .1.1. m mkA l ivj".,fc.'l 'J""ulfr,,-T""", ir fM H,l.,,,rs' ''i.," i-i.j- r- L far UlII. In tna r..n...i.i. Sm, gwiwamw, tl4U. Hviu. r-uit,jr I U7 i I . " " i7--"" T 1 r laltst far lasis ii n v . I 1 NtTfl JU fT Vft,ni4 ' Ittun Itf II, l M.I1IU. tl.ii.lot.. T... ,v -i K mAttM tmw tmm Btt. I MAI .fl ' fut id rim ft..t- v . ,m. " '".'" ,X?tH SllOY. Uueinpn TiXKsassEajBi Sold In Salem by 8. C. Stone. Call for Free Samples. Corval(is& EasternRR, TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Yaqulna: Leaves Albany .'.,.12 :45p.m. LGYoa Corvallis ... ... 2:00 p.m. Arrives Yaqulna .. ..'.. :20p.m. No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqulna C:46 a.m. Leaves Corvallis .. .,..11:30 a, m Arrives Albany 12:15 p.m. No, 3 for Dorelt: Loaves Albany 7:00 a.m. Arrives Detrol 12:20 d m. No. 4 From Detreit: Leavoe Dotrolt 1:00 p.m. Arrives Albany 6:55 p.m. Train No. 1 arives In Albany in time to connect with the S. P. ?outh bound train, as well as giving two or inreo hours in Albany boforo donor. ture of S. P. northbound train. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P, trains at Corvallis and Albanr h-. Ing direct service to Newnort and i. Jacent boaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit Brltnhn, and other mountain resorta leavwi Albany at 7:00 a. m reaching tv. trolt about noon, sdvinr amni iim. to reach the Springs same day. tror further Information apply to EDWIN STONE. Manager. T. COOKRELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. CRON1SB, Agwt, Corrmllis. rtmv m W v BRSyt&PA n 3 TRAINS TO THE EA8T DAILY, DKPABT HOR TIME 5CIIEDULE.S From ForUund, Or, ARWVI FKOa Chicftgo l'ortlaud BPolsl 80, so Tin llntn IiirUjii ""MiftnTrc Rzprem S.1S n. m vIa Hum Rtt IjlVft. r.MnAv tr. Worth. Omaha, Knnsn. uiij, ot. Lionis, i-nirsi(fij 0 30 p a 1IIU iuui aH Lake, Denver Ft. Worth, nmnhii. tr.i.ft 9 10 a a. nty, St. l.otil, Chicago aud Ksat Itiptou TtrPauT ' Msll 7 -15 p. ra. Upotane IValla'a'VlU TlZ?H' i"no, nan ace, nin. nian, Minneapolis 8L F'nlll. Dulllth.Mllnankn.. 8 R r Uhlcao, and HiMt. 70; " HOURS w 70 'CHTLAND TO CHICAGO nu .nance 0 vara OCEAW AND RIVEH SCIIBDUl rronj roniana' tlUallltiR datos subject Hp. m in cuaiiKO FortanFrannlhoo nail t;very S days P n Dally isrent COLOMBIA KIVKU To Astoria uni Way Landlnxn Banoay p. m t,8nn'i H n. m Saturday "r.iji, WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamer Ruth loaves Salem fo? Portland and way landings on Tue days, Thursdays and Saturdays, about 10 n. mi M. P. BALDWIN, For Corvallis Mondays. Wednes- days and Fridnys about 5:30 p. m. A. L. CRAIG, Agt.O.R.&N. Salem. Gen. Pass. Agt Portland, Or. Offors a cholco of THREE gateway. KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH 6t OMAHA, to Chicago and points East Through Standard and Touriil sleoplng cars dally between San Frto clsco and Chicago via Los Angeles and El Paso. Through Tourist Sleeper each TUESDAY from Portland to Chicago via Salt Lake and Colorado Springs. Through Standard Sloenlnjt Can daily betwoen Ogden and Chicago. Lowost rate ln effect always avail able via "Rock Island Svutnm" floduced ROUND TRIP RATES in effect on July 12, 13, 15 and 16, and August 18, 19, 25 and 26; 90 days re turn limit. Bo euro that your tlckot reads vis tho Great Rock Island Route. The best nnd most reasonable din ing car sorvlco. For Information, GEO. W. BAINTER, T. P. A. L. B. GORHAM, Gen Agt. 259 Alder street. Portland Ore. Quick Time East From Tacoma, Seattle, tho Pugot Sound COtintrv nml annVnn In Hffa. sourl river points and the Southeast tho Burlington offers quick service. Through traius Seattle to Kansas City GatllniMMl with lilt' trnn nhnlr in standard Pullman sleepers, aud last but not least, tourist, sleepers, clean, comfortable and cheap. Why not take tho Southeast special via BIJllngs and the Burlington? You cant do better, and you might do' worse A. C. 8HE-DON, General Agent 1 OO THIRD STREET. PORTLAND. O. C. T. C0.8 PA88ENQER 8TEAMER8 POMONA and Altona If ae for PorUaacl, Uondar, W edne!jr and Friday at It) a, jn. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a. m For Corvallis, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 p. in For Independence dally except Sunday at p. w. Deck: Feet of Trade Street M. P. BALDWIN, Afit. Capital Nonnal School First National Bank Bnlldiar. Salem The fal! term of twelve weeks opens September 28, Address, J. J. KRAPS. Sties. Or J. Brownstein & Son. 54 State street. Highest Cash price paid for Bides, Pelts. Wool. Tallow iftdtsrs: also general dealer In ol3 Iroa, Rafcfceragd Metals.