Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 28, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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The Circlet
The Horace Turner Ex
JL l 4
On He Finge ;
, itat form. th. m.lf. ,ymbM , r
sure t.ke. pride and a pl,a, In ..III-. ' ? , Tht Bm
"-;" bs'-"-.. ;." ...v..?.;:,
purpose, It associates
mi.- . r-vu. mm one of the Kwitt n
events-the betrothel of two .ovlng heart,. CefoTe we tak
pslns to carry at all times a choice and beautiful stock of tnewrlnoi
embracing an Immense variety of settings and Drecla... . ' 9 '
P ., f 4
cmw frwec
"ngs and precious stones.
ra '
tv plfot.rs
Comer State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Ore. p Lvi"'
A Portland Man Kills
His Wifes Par
Al Young Dead, Dave G. Van
Houten the Murderer
Fleeing for His
"If I cannot got justice through the
law, I win get ovon anothor way."
hibit Will Be Shown
Committee Strongly Urge the
Community to Assist
in Providing All
the Schools
fHt-H-M-HH 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,
I Local
" istbe
HMMH ii h niimnh
Social Realm
C. J. Slmoral wont to Portland this
Mr. Barr returned home to Portland
this morning.
Hon. A. B. Ilcamos, of Jacksonville,
Is In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. George aro vis
iting In Portland.
Mrs. W. N. Long, of Eugene, Is vis
iting lior mother, Mrs. Sarnh Jones,
on 18th street
Fire Drill at Aeuin
- -" w Mill
At the Insano asylum yesterday af
tornoon, while Supt. Calbreath was
showing a visitor through one of the
wards In the west wlni? h turn,, in
a Are alarm for tho purposo of drill-
ing me ure department of tho Institu
tion. Tho alarm was entirely unex
pectedSunday afternoon Is not the
usunl timo for this kind of a drill but
mo employes forming tho fire brlgado
II Vnn IIah.ah II
u. , wu 1IUUIUU, WUU-
known throughout tho stato as a farm-
vi, icumsior ana horso trader, as he
loft tho office of District Attorney
John Manning a few days ago. Last
night, shortly after 8 o'clock, ho on-
loreti mo North Pacific saloon at 23d
and Savior streets, and shot and killed
rtiuon loung, tho proprietor, for
whom his wifo had forsaken him.
"I'll teach you to fool wltli my
wife," wero his only words as ho on
torcd tho saloon through a back door,
and camn un hnlilml Vmmn nv..
mo employes forming tho fire brlgado R,,nlB . fl" : . , b u
did splendid work, and In less than a S!V.,iUJ!?'
mlnuto from tho time tho whlstlo " . - . uUUO-
sounded, two lines of hose wore lald . ? ' .? d,d '"
13. A Powers, the youngest son of
"Pat" Powers, and John Soronson,
woro tho only witnesses to the shoot
ing, as soon as tho second shot win
placo tills morning.
Mrs, W. H. Chntton has returned
iomo to Portland, nftcr a Christmas
visit with friends bore.
Mr. and Mrs. D. It. Wostbrook, of
ilbany, who spont Sunday with
friends hero, roturnod homo today.
Mrs. T. M Gutch, of Corvallls, Is In
the city, visiting at tho homo of her
ton, Claud Gntcli, over tho holidays.
Mrs. M. J. McCartney, of Harris
burg, is In tho city for a short ,vlslt
with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Basoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wiggins roturnod
to their homo In Portland, aftor hav.
Ing spont Christmas with rolatlves
Capt A. W. Loback leaves this ov
anlng for nn extonded trfp' to Old
Mexico, to look after somo mining
J. H. Ackorman wont to Tacoraa
this morning, whoro ho will assist in
the Washington Stato Tcachors' As
sociation mooting.
and attached to the hydrants, and tho
chlor of tho department was on the
ward from which tho alarm enme,
. .... luuiuiit, jui iuu cause, wneu us
D. B. Hanoy, formerly of Salem, but aiarm sounded, Uie patients on the
r of Portland, returned to that sevoral wards fell into lino like a com
pany of woll-drlllod soldiers, and
marched around tho corridors, await-
Ing orders to loavo the building, In
caso of an omorgoncy. Tho drill was
a splendid succoss, and shows what
fired Sorenson grappled with the mur
derer, wrenched the gun from his
hands, and fired a shot at htm as ho
fled from the saloon.
Until a late hour last night no ar
rests had been made. As soon as tho
a spienam succoss, ana snows wunt ' , , .. ., . .
.... ,.,..m ,. ,i, . murdorer left the saloon he fled along
l"w"7, " " '"iTwenty-thlrd street to Upshur, and
man nt nn nntiml mnnnm frnm flrn 1 wwwuw, muu
.., ....... ..... .,...,., ..,. 'theu tuil down to Nineteenth. At
UUU II tHIUUU lUUV, BUUUIU .mu u . .. . v..
calamity evor occur at tho institution,
llttlo if any loss of Ilfo would result,
for, with tho arrangements and thor
ough drill of tho ontlro population of
tho asylum, Including the patients,
tho building can bo emptied In less
than two minutes from tho tlmo tho
order for such a caurso is glvon
tho resldonco of C C. Naplos, Nino
Tho school room decoration com
mlttco are sending tho following per
sonal appeal to friends of tho move
ment. Dear Friend:
Tho oxhlblt of photographs hold In
our public schools last November, re
sulted In securing a fund of $200 for
school room decorations. The char
acter and succoss of that exhibit has
drawn tho attention of all friends of
the public schools to i further ex
tension of this work.
Tho Horaco K. Turner exhibit will
bo placed In Uio City Hall on Janu
ary 20-21. Samples of tho written
work of ovory pupil In tho schools
will nlso bo placed on oxhlblt at tho
snmo tlmo and tho best of those sam
ples will be solected to sond to tho
exposition at St. Louis In 1904.
Tho undorslgnod havo united as a
committee to ratso and administer
funds to place a numbor of good plr
tures In onrh school room In Salem.
Your patronago Is earnestly requested
In purchasing tickets for the coming
art oxhlblt Contributions, both large
and small aro very much desired.
They may be sent to Mrs. Ilussell
Catlln. the treasurer of this committor
who will acknowledge their receipt,
and credit the total In the public press
from tlmo to tlmo. It requires from
i !
J! J 1
! "nitfll An
' 7 tpGtiJlM$rfl Til 1 1 i 2if
An Appropriate New Year's Gift
W k-TT n nHmfiM nf fiaorisomc coats femafillilff X
r t . . . . -ff -4 MM.4f.l-4 7
trom our noitaay unet wmeu wcuuw uuw uu-unw
- Coat Ion $lO.00i a $7.50 Coat for $5.00, or a $6.00
- Coat for $4,00 anrj so on. If yo come tomorrow
you u pfODaDiy una inz sue yu e: wumju u. iw
; wait till later in the week wc can't promise yoa mach
to cnoose nrom.
qvrai 1 inp of men's Hats 'The Very Latest
s S Jr SS SV
Watch Thwrsday's Ad. Yotf Can't Afford to Misa it
South Salem Personals.
Mrs. John Mlnto and llttlo son are
visiting at tho homo of Hon. John
lllnto, In South Salem.
Miss Dora La Grando loft yostorday
for Bvorott, Wash., whoro sho will
visit hor brothers. Sho will also visit
friends In Spokano, and oxpects to be
away for about a month.
Ed. Macy, of Portland, Is spending
tho holidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Josso Macy, of South Salem.
Paul Hanson, of Portland, is visit
ing relatives In South Salem.
Mrs. Paul Schmidt and daughter,
Paulino, of Albany, aro in tho city,
visiting at tho homo of her sister,
Mrs. W. H. Armstrong.
Tho llttlo Armour girl whom Dr.
Lorenz treated for hjp disease Is able
to learn to danco.
Fo New Yeas
A We have rearraneca oor mammoth stock and have made active
W mnpmenta far a hlr New Yenrs htinlnm In niank llooks. DlarlCS
m and Office Suiclles Uf coarse, should yon desire a New Years m
1A irestnor some one you overlooked at Clirlstmts tlme-vre have
1 v lutm Yvucic imcasic liukcu, rrcuuci vik isuuwiiuub.
PATTON'S Book Stoue.
The Saloon Sold.
Tho Fred Neckormnn saloon, on
Stato street, fwas on Saturday after
noon sold unuor a cnauot mont'iiui; ps an
hold by Uio Northwest Browing Asso- JHAiAIAIAMAIAIli)MAiJiI(lMit
elation of Astoria, and waa bought in i .
by tho mortgngco for $250, the salo
, At. fli...o. iM.n lincump leuiua aim uiisuur, uu muiura uu
n,i w-wiwiii. Tho stock of llnuors Is borrowed a hat to tako tho placo of
hold under an attachment Issued out
of tho circuit cour In tho caso of Wm.
Woodloy against Mr. and Mrs. Neck
orman, and Is In tho control of the
shoriff. There Is said to bo sutucieni
stock on hand to glvo tho plaintiff in
Ma Piun a comnle'o sottloraont, and
It Is expected that tho purchasers of
tho saloon will also ncqulro tho at
tached stock.
Meneybacksays: Schilling's
Best whatever you want is
right; if you don't think so,
your grocer returns your
nnrl that's the end
-"..."..:. mimmnilllllllllflS
W tt Tobacconist and
Cigar Dealer
. . 4 iT7iff.ffVallcV
Largest itocic m rf oreoon.
. . i.. r.lnar. For sale by
ciear navanu i-a
teln, Manufacturer, Salem, Orenon.
Jewetey iot
fltts la best selected ahead. We bare
lMd la a splondld stock for tho holiday
tradfl. which, it will pay yoo to
wnlna Wo have a magnificent biocm
rlne Jo air tho latest setUnsa. bo"o
jold rlncs at L60 w"1 up" Yl
make your Beloctiono no, ana t
1U hold them tor dollTerr.
Jeweler and OptkUa, 3&Oom.BU
dealers. Aug Hucken-
lw& NVVB7 Br&tf
his own. which he had lost in the scuf-
flo at tho saloon. That was tho last
trace tho officers found of him last
Tho troublo which ended In last
night's murdor, dates back for several
months. Van Houton's wlfo waa tho
daughtor of a prominent family near
Newberg by tho name of Hastings.
Sho bad lived happily with Van
Houten for a porlod of nearly 15
years. A fow months ago sho met
Young, and fell in lovo with him. Tho
result was that sho deserted hor life
long mato and eloped with Young.
Tho husband, grief-stricken at tho loss
of his wife, followed them to Aber
deen, Wash., where ho tried to got her
to como homo with him. While there
ho managed to secure affidavits from
a numbor of people that thoy had been
living as man and wife, and- then re
turned to Portland., He was Informed
that his wife bad moved to Marsh
field and followed there On tho day
of his arrival he inquired at tho post
office and found a long lettor written
by Young for his wife. It was affec
tionate for pago aftor page, and drove
him almost to desporatlon, as ho af
terwards told a friend. With tho am
davits and tho letter as evidonce he
applied to District Attorney Manning
for a warrant for Young's arrest,
rhnrii Mays, a well-known hack drlv
er of Portland, accompanied hlra at
this time, and declare that he man
ifested symptoms of Insanity when
the attornsy refused to Issue a war
Seven Charter Bills.
The governor this morning filed
en more bllU In ths efflw the sec
retary of stat. leaving only two more
awuwres to be eonsJdsrsd by hlra.
.- i.nu mad this morning were not
IHO is
signed, a " tnerrfore' beeome
fectlre only after 90 oays. aujt ...
S. B- 3 Adams chartw.
$ D J-Cold Bay eharter.
S. B. S North Bead charter.
If D' 15 Athwa charter.
II.' B. 90 Cotag Oroya ehartsc.
IL B. 2C Lostlne charts
II. B. 40 MoMInnvllIo charter.
$5 to ) 12 to purchaso and frnmo ono
plcturo Uiat is auttablo for school
room decoration.
Your committee- urgos those reasons
for giving attontlon to this matter at
this tlmo. l.Tho oxcellont Influonco
of tho great masterpieces upon our
children. 2. Tho fact that pictures
aro lndostructlblo, making tho Invest
mont of a fow dollars of pormanent
bonotU to tho children. Z. Tho pre
sence of a flno collection of pictures
In our midst, will place Salem in tho
front rank as a conter of education
and culture.
A catalog of tho pictures purchased
will bo Issued, giving credit for all
donations. Funds given for this pur
poso will bo used o purchaso and
frarao pictures; the pictures to M
hunx In tho school rooms ana me
i. .. !... .Hnxiimi tn (hn frame
J. H Albert. Mrs. Wm. Drown, L. B
(Traver, Mrs. V A. WlgKlns. Mrs. II.
J. Hendricks, Mrs. r A. Moore, Mrs.
Itussell Catlln, E, Hofor. Committee.
o '
C. M. Ickwood, managor of th
Postal Telegraph Co.. this morning re
ceived o letter and package from ths
division superintendent or mo com
pany at Seattle, containing a Christ
mas present for the messengers u
the Salem office. The paekago con
sisted of two pairs of nne wouen
gloves, and the letter accompanying
them made happy the hearts of tin
lads who carry the messages for the
The brunette, ratbsr than thu
blonde, Is endowed witu or out
age and physloal strength, according
U, popular tradition. U
type is dying out. as we uj w.u, .
w r becoming a race of dsrlfr
haired people, PrtmP we are grow
ing stronger pbysieany-
Miss Jwa Psabedy. of Denver.
Cola, Is the only woman oolonel In the
iinited States. Bha bos received her
A Christmas Present.
Little Mies Constance Kantner. who
nttractod tho attention of President
Roosovolt last suminor. when that or
flclal visited Salem In his swing
around the circle, -was made very hap-
nv Saturday aftornoon by receiving
from the President n Christmas greet
ing. Tho llttlo Invnlld recsnlly wrote
to tho Prosldont, rocalllng tholr meet
Ing. and told him that she oxpectud to
im nl.ln to walk In March. In
iBponso sho received tho lottor Satur
day, in which tno lTonmom bujtb;
"My Dear Llttlo Friend: I manic
you so much for your lottor. 1 shall
nlways romembor you. witn ail goou
wlvhds, I nm faithfully yours.
Accompanying tho lottor is a pho
tograph bearing tho following words
In Iho President's handwriting:
"With a merry Xmas from Theodore
A Flro Alarm.
A flro alarm, at 4 o'clock Saturday
afternoon, brought the department to
the Dayno building on State street,
whoro a firo In tho flua of tho east
wull threatened tho structure for
tlmo. There was no damage to tho
building, as the firo amounted to
nntiiini' lisvond tho burning of tho
soot In tho ohlmnuy. Tho only loss
to Mr. Bayno was tho wreoklng of his
miw typewriter, a machine costing
?100 a short tlmo ngo. Ono of tlw
flromon, in moving tho machlno'out
of the way, was to unfortunnto as to
drop It out of Its caso. tho latter be
ing Insecurely fastened, and tho ma
chine was broken.
Chicken Thieves Busy.
Mr. J. K. noss, who rosldos In Yow
Park, was vlsltod by chlckon thlovos
somotlmo during Saturday night, and
olpht flno Plymouth Uocks woro taken
from his hon house. Mr. Boss, on dis
covering his loss, started out to nna
m im of tho missing fowls. Vis
iting a hobo camp In Geo. I.ltcbfiold's
pasture, he found It doortea uw mo
...i.,- nf th mtislne birds were
'JHiUVIv m w . ..
found. The people of mai noiRiiour
hood are bothered a great deal by
tramps, who persist In carrying awny
everything within tholr reach, and the
limit of forbearance hai been reached.
A double-tarrcled shotgun, loaded
win. . naner of tacks, may possibly
make somo of theso marauders sorry
they aro allvo.
xf.rmiArUe Elvln. daughter of V. W.
Elvln. of Ixjwell, Mass.. claims to bo
the first Amorloan girl to nave an u
, with Pono Pious X. Miss Klvln
Is 19 years of ago, and Is ono of tho 60
who had an audlonce wiw m vv-
Now that the Western mllltonalri
has his new ''OOO oar, Uio Question Ii.
will It burn when the original owner
of It wishes ho had Itbackt
U0 court auccn
OT.Lr.anr i7.I d u.0't.,?.rde;.il
Or.terlsTS., Cblcsen -...,
In Probate Court,
in Dm matter of Glovor Pflrln, do-
cea.od, tho bond of the oxcoutor and
sureties of tho said estate was cxara
Inod and approved and A. A. I-eo, W.
J. Culver and J. W. Iteynolds wore
apiwlntod appraisers
in ih matter of Uio ostato or JOim
Jacob Song, deceased, tho bond of the
oxecutor was oxamlned and approvod,
and John Molr. J. W. Iteynolds and J.
F. Biggs were appointed appniliora.
i Buy and Sell
To Loan
i Salem Abstract j
and Land Co. j
If.W. WATERS, Mgf.
. tZZZZ Baltic, fcmmlsslon from AdJutaen
thorn the world, was sus-) U -J - g ,u
fuUy launehed at Belfast Her dls- Qn&lti PeAody.
4r4WtWwryrrw X
I Three New Shapes
I inliluoherimdBalBhoes
New last, best fitter oa
cftlfaltooa at
, pltcesient is 39,800 tons.