DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1903. THREE ., ct cy ra m fill wri""3rTVB vk i WF A fWv 1 1 9 A w&W 2K5S553kK!- Tho Kind You Ilavo Always RnniriiK nmi -i.i. i. , in uso for over 30 years, Las borno tho slpimtnro of S7& s1T2 T""" an(l ,ms 1,ocn miul Mnlcr Ills pcr Qgt&ffi&Zfa 8Alnl supervision since Its Infancy. VrT; ,. AJlw,1 ono t0 tlcccvo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-us-Rood" arc Imfe Experiments that triilo with and endanger tho health of Infonts and Chlldrcn-Expcricnco ralnst Experiment. What is CASTORIA at t tIjv in a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Para gon Drops and Soething: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It conttu 'S neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nnrcotlo subsuince. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fovcrlslmcss. It cures Dinrrhusa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho , Stoinacli and Boweis, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlio Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. CENUJME CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of CIRCUIT COURT SESSION Judge Burnett Cleaning up me Docket of tne Oct ober Term DraggedeDown Feeling In the loin. Warromusss, unretreshlng steep, despon dency. It Is Ura yen were doing something. The kidneys were anciently called tlio Kbit In your ceee they are holding Uxj rents ami driving you Into serious trouble. Hood's Sarsaparllla ;), tlio nnt illrrrt. hanpflclat eflcrt on the kidneys. It conwdns the best and Mfeet substances tor oorrectttxt and toning tueeo oreani. snry to add an extra teacher near 'futon?" When You Want Something to eat. Just try tho Whlto House. They can serve you at any hour of tho day or night. I OoBeer CLt&cXii The KM You Have Always Bought 8n Use For Over 30 Years. THC OtNTAUB COMMNT, T HUHU BTIHCT, HlWfOH CrtY. JSMRBmeBtillllllSIIIIIIIIIH... ihiiuiim mini iiiiim"imi in & M Sale Ten i! UlhOn Boxes a x ear. m M JS&bM THE FA.JLV8 FAVORITE KEDIOIHE H RT7QT POR THE BOWELS JB - - i Christmas Chees Families who like to have a ease ot bright, sparkling, beer at home, which will Hive a zest to their food and tone to their system, will havo a case of cur's now. It u a fine beer. Call up phone Sill 8 Salem Brewery i OS Association I C. CROSS Meats and Provisions PHONB 2.0-1 Established 18 84 - - ' ' "" -" M'lMBeT Vri. The first department of the circuit court Is In session for the October term, and motions are being disposed of. and cases prepared for the regular January term of the court, which meets next Monday. Judge Hurnett this morning disposed of a few of the cases on the docket, and entered or ders ns follews: I Gjae&aiS- ueorae Savage vs. Salem Flourlna 7 MlUs Co.. motion to stilke out reply J. w. 1'mel vs. The Campbell Build Ing Co., Capital National Bank garni shoes; motion of garnishee, especial ' l.v appearing, to discharge attachment In the matter of the claim ot 12lla Case against the estate of W. M. Case. H. H. N'orthup, executor; appeal from county court, settled. P. II. D'Arcy va. It. I M. IJr.ntauo. default and judgment. Claud Catch, receiver. r. Maud All port Towne; default and Judgment, with order to sell attached itroiterty. . A. Jones s. John Nate Co ; plaintiff's motion to strike out part o answer. William "Woodier vs. Farnle and Fred Neckerraan; default and Juilg ment, with craer to sell attached prop erty. Pisuarliiii Indictments, Dlstiict Attony Hart is In tho i'.ty fmm nli home at Dallas, to attend thf sessions of the court, and he Is Uusi- iv eugiiccu In tak'ng testimony In sev oral criminal cases awaiting action lit the January term. He Is hearing wit n g ..'m In le casa ' : F. Ai'en, ? cx-io'tvUt, who wa- auested w the rbnrgv of r?'iM)lng nf a forgod chccl! to J. M. Sponlol, of Stayton. The crime was committed last summer, and Allen, who was an ex-convlct, left on the same night for ports unknown, but was later nrrested and brought hero, and has since that time occu plod a cell In the county Jail. The case of Charles Thomas, an other convict, for obtaining money un der false pretenses, Is also up for hearing before the district attorney, nmi testimony Is bolnir taken on which an Information will bo based. Thomas, who had boen out of the pen itentiary but a few days, represented himself as a capitalist, and issued checks on the Ladd & Hush bank for vnrlons nmounts. which, on presen tatlon, wore found to be worthless, as he had no money In the bank. Hotli of these cases will doubtless come up for hearing at the sitting of the court next week. Old Landmark Gene. Workmen vre Sneaked test Sattir day In tearing down the otift muse on V. H. Button's place. The old hotis? stood In front of the new art iwlatial residence lately built by Mr. Mutton , and, ot course, it had to b re-uoreC. livery iart ot It was consigned to the flames, "This old hous was one of the llrst built In Howl Itlver valley. The old Co mansion, still standing on State street. In the west o'r town. Is the oldest house and tie house rased by V. II. Button was built toon after, probably In 1S55. In this old bouse GROWING. LENGTHWISE You want the children to grow, but not all lengthwise. When they start that way Scott's Emulsion will help them to grow right with due plumpness and outward proportion, and with inward vigor and good spirits. 1 he hmulsion increases thJboth antnt snrt Sheridan found shel- digestive pOWCr and Strcngtl ter during their military service In Oregon before Die civil war. BoUi wero tht n lieutenants In the regular army. As late aa 1SJW this wa the only house between tin boat landing ens the vital organs to get the best and . make tne most out of all the other food. It srives a kind of heln that every and the Ooe mansion Up to this time growing chlkl OUgllt to have, it waa the voting place for the Hood 1tler preclncU-piacler. -..--,-.-...-.---. -j- Napoleon Is said to hav remarkrd l--" J,I"J"""" -,l" ' -r. that he reared three newspaper, more ' The census ot the Philippine talands than one hundred thousand bayonets, carehilly made by government ' a " enumerators, ahowa the agirregale cj v.rrnTiT7V noimlatlon to he about "iO.mw. Tlila H 3wsth. lKwIVwHtwAlntBB-vf a surprise, aa the popoUitton wiu roughly esttmatoa at irom ww,w w 10.0O0.0iX). llKWYtNiH For the Most Complete Stock of J A Main Office 174 Salem, Com'l St-Orceon t,Boafr9f Catvefs? Ciiafingj Dishes I Signs of Renewed Activity In the real esUto world Indicate In creasing building' operaUons this Spring, an prompt us to remind yw that our faclllUM for supplying hard and soft wood, lumber, lath, shlngl-M, and other building materials are ex coptlonally good. We will be p W U, furnish ertlmatea on conteart large or amall. A car of Mill Cltj shingles received. OOODALE LUMBER CO Near 8. P. P" DtP frrrjvt and Nicfcle Plate Wane ' at reasonable prices, sec WADE & CO. l44WH-Hr-f MHMtMHl44 tt CSan Ml. CONDITION OF SCHOOLS. Report of the Board of Directors Will Levy Usual Tax. ti.o i.n-Mii nt directors of the Salem school district met Saturdny night and phena 4n ... . a. liMl4tia n I consldereil tne maiurr o i,,. tax. A meeting will be called of the taxpayers of the district for the pur . nf receiving the report of the board, and levying the tax on the as .M.mnt of IMS. The report to be m-v .... . r W submitted to tht msetlug of ie iox-jj. Iyers has beea Br-areU. and shows the following details: Dalanca on hand June it. J .n,l -cceloU .,i---' to Dlsbursemer.ts Don't Let It Escape Whdn you havo nt itwt solzod suoh a good opiwrtunlty of having your laundry work dono In such pencci condlUon, and of Buch nn lrroproach- i.t ..u. nn flnloh nn vou will find ovorythine Uiat leovoo our ostobllelv mont wo havo aimeu u iuuo u.. work dono at tho Salem Steam Laun dry perfect, and to keop It at tho top notch of porfecUoti, and wo havo buo- ceodeu in KraiuyiiH, uu" ""- yond our fondcut hopea. Drop us a IoBtAl canl or telophone, and the wtvRon "will stop- Salem Steam Laundry 230 Liberty 8t -L J. JO. MILLER. PETER HOC!!. $ 9 D. S BbnTlby. Wholesale -nd Retail. Roche Harbor Lime. Aten Cement Lath and Shingles, bana ana 1S.788.97 3 1 1 1 I M 1 1 1 i II III I tH-H-H-l IHI H-WH 1 1 1 1 1 M-W-HWt Wlzny Xmas And A Happy New Yea, i When I cotuo to Salum, about four months bro, I advorUc4 U . . oloso out cortaln Hives of nooda. This I havo about accomplisnea, aa thoro aro fow artlcloo lu H.obo llnou loft. Our many patrons know whoro to trnda whan thoy nood Roods In our lino, and havo taken advantage of tho great bargain sale, which wo havo boen holdlnj? tor tho poat four months. Only loat week wo advertlaod a special salo on Mackintoshes. Tho next day wtf closed out 27. Other ffioto " one at tho some rata Whoa I enmo to Salem I Intindod to return to Portland whon 1 had closed out certain linos, but the longer I remain lu my old home town the more I with to locate here. Many of my friends aro here, whom I have known almost from boyhood. I like the olty and IU .unwinding-. I have been treated well, and w paUow urge , hat I should remain wttl them. I am at presont undeclde.1 whether to returh to Portland or toanU here. If the tattor I. my decision, I shall open out a nice, clean,. up-to-date men's clothing and Bet furing goo,l. tore, which I am sure well of the most critical, and more than please my many friends. Thus Bftjeth The Poor Man's Friend. 146 State Street. Im-,... M1MII-W-W-441 IH-H-H4 i FRIEDMAN German -Market ! t Balance on hand $'061827 .. AuTJSm wH L: required' for jj prices and prompt delivery our t sliov. mat ' Mn, .he ,. wm m.ve a sDeela ty of S the next six moitio --"--schools, and. as funds have to U pro- Just opened, next door to liar rltt & Uwrence'. grocery storo a clean, now marVeL where all bln.l. nt mant OQ11 be bwl. Iw Mmi motto. We make a speoiauy " ..- n..n aiimlr of all J kinds. Olve us a call. $VMll9l9l990 Work done on short notice Willamette University PHE8IDBNT, OAIK -- r TT ITUKI)1. cz;-1 PREPARATORY partment-lovrer gtUtt il. j JJJJ w f pJve . ,,-, praclltal professional trlnl. the Un Iverjnv of trflne(J tralDt education for all wno are ttw-reoMn gai practice of teachlnir. ","",B5. Its teachers are in constant uuw. Catalogue Upon app- iHominy Com J 8omo fine white corn thnt ! ; makes hominy "Like mother innue. ; Vinlot llollod Oats, use tl.era and geta White Nouso; Cook Book, true. ttam;t5Lawrw sn sore There's wliere you yUU B"- v nr.lgBY. CCD P. o. onocBrtv. vlded for the next year. a tax levy Is recommended for this year of seven mills for school purpose, and one .. . . nt ih imlii'iterineea mill for payii'"- '" "" This will raise, il la e-titnated. about 4w-HM $18,000. and this, togemer wim -; .,i rmn the state and coun y funds. Is believed to be amply wf flclent for we cowing jesr. The present IndebUrfnees of thedU trlet Is $.. a reduction of $.8.0w TcojLm 1. 11. I" addition U r... .Mtu the dlsirlet has road wme valuable iwprvH-et- ln .. . ,.. Mvrat morei L. i ih Park eool and renew ing all the blachlrd 1 the sever al buildings- The board. In IU report, says of tb conditions U the school- at thla Ue The salaries ot jmnwi -' been raised fro 70 to 180 per monO. The teachers have received a ralee f $. month, and tne jawi - per month, making u. u,i- ,-- i0t0 for the year. ,--.-. Krtli school made neceesary U. " " "f "Jf" er in that woi at a m ih j -. -The att.iKM.aee to U f9 the ere-- " -W 8"rt ." LtiVear. The Park re-MKH U erowaed condlUon. making It R i ,OSlii & KJUt o I Sale at the Fair Store A Oat Flakoe, a rir.o in evory paoksge. w aell Flour, good flour and at tho loweat pricee in $ tho oily. Kvervthlnr ImOudlng general racket store fjOoUs nf every dewrlp tl, also U,e largeat sk of toy. and holiday good, lu lalaa. MORE DOLLS ii Than all other hou.ee ,. B.lem combined , I : - ". JJ ! : raallalne that, while it will be a jo., w ; ; ii r;..x,r. -r .rl. - rrZrS :1 ;; . , t n. --,7Ji ;, .,.,.. . ;; '" day gOOQS 1U lm --r O. P. DABNEY, Proprietor. nneiJ PXPMINQ8. fi UIUIIC wr-' -- UrWHHW We have tlie new Game MMi-i---BI' i:D. A. White 1 1 h 6& OOU ! i F.ecfmen and Scedsiom ! ; ; m Com'l Bt. Pkone 1781 ; ; l-!- BLasa-w' J--- ! i .' ' Variety Stofe Mlis A;.H, Wefcfe, jr,ropKi 'fl .-i 4 ,"v tj 1M ffi ' Stop in and for yourself- ? VH Lmm-mM-mmU