TWO DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1903. gee9isa)98e9ae 1 Great Inventotv Sale & gaaBHroEsgS33tnvaraisrcKaEgu xlL jl etesrmi i nation Sale 1 Ever hear of one? Wo call it i Determination Sale because wo aro determined to carry ovor no winter goods, if cut priceB will raovo them. Profit is lost tight of, This is your month you get the profits. ' Don't think about this sale too loug wo can keep it going but a short time. A Thrifty Man's Opportunity Cut prices on all suits and overcoats and we aro determined, fully determined, that Winter wear ables must go. Come, got your sharo of tho good things. LlPWL'fiSaBtgflffl '11WW1 'ic9iaPW9:wfftTffaffi tffixznwi will continue until Dec. 28. Of course you con stay from this sale if you want to, but you will lose money if you do. Note a few of our prices. Everything CUT. ff$JO Stits ot Overcoats teduced to $ 7 J250 Stfits o Overcoats reduced to 8, 15.00 Suits o Overcoats teduced to 10.00 i 7.50 Suits ot Overcoats teduced to i 250 . 20.00 Suits of Overcoats teduced to J5.00 25.00 Suits or Overcoats reduced to J 6.50 RememBer you have the largest stock in Sa- 2 lem to select from. Don't miss this opportunity. In solocttng appointive offlclals mon should bo found who aro in sympathy with tho spirit of progress as mani fested by tho people. With the problems of Greater Sa lem to face, tho now administration will be forced to use tho utmost econ omy In every department There wlil be no margin to raise salaries above what waft paid tho past year, if iho Republicans hopo to keop within tllolr rovonues. With twice the territory to govern and police, (ho city cari'.rbt be run as cheaply as If has bean the past year. But the city will havo moro reven ues than ever before, and it Is hope-1 It will be possible to accomplish fonethlng for the new wards. JLeIb iyl J& JLJL 257 Commercial St. eesaeieeeso9fieeQsaeaas8a99de8c THE DAILY JOURNAL1 OY HOFER OROTHER9. papers would not, if they had it In I tin !r power, pass such n bill ns they are saeutlli g lonrs over. 8crlppe Neyvo Aoooclatlon Telegrams.1 'The avsrege succoeaful politician, (ln the Republican party or out of It I would not antagonize tho gamblers foi a momont "not on his llfo." Dally Orw Year, H00 In Advance. The special effort of somo of thos Dally Throo Months, $1.00 In Advance, nowspapers is to Impute tho dlsnp. Dally by Carrier, 60 Conta Pep Month, penrance of the gambling bill tc Wookiy One Yoar, $1.00 In Advance. President Brownoll, of the senate. "" mmstanmammm I jn tno fnte 0( tna fnQt tnat jt wna JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY, last ltnown positively to be in the Cno Wook $ .10 hands of Chlof Olork Jennings, thoy One Month $.35 QiinrKe tho low to a man in whose tAlttJirSmce: ,1'00 "'' ' I- o . that it ev. At Dauo'e Qrocery, South 8alem. wa At Boworsox Orocery, Yew Park. In no tourt of Justice would such Asylum Avenuo Qrocery Store. ni-cuwlona be tolernUHl for a mo Electric Grocery, East State 8t ment Ijut portInml nowBpn0 cnn J (n tllB m,j,n0 what they please, and L'l 1 1 4 II i 1 1 1 JiL'' ' '''" tlii public must swallow it. rnwwjMKWfA. ' President, Itrownell Is ndmltted to 5y5g!f7 e nn uncom,uon'y nu'9' but nt saint- jgg$ m , m m m ' Hk. politician. Ho may be consld 1 1 1 1 14-1 1 1 IW 1 1 1 1 I H-H-fr ere1 ng Bhnri, nmi trloky as they make them OREGON COMINO EVENTS. I Uut h, ,mg thU oom,mrnui0 morli National., llvoatoclc, convention, over mid above tho hypoorltee and Uie Portland, January 12-15. j Pharisees who are attnoklng him. he Angora goat eho-y, Dallas, Jsvnu ailmlu thnt he la no better thnn any nry 1415. j other common, ordinary, tricky poll- Tho Weather. tlcjnn, morally speaking. Tonight and Tuesday, cloudy to' Shujmw. he did steal the gambllm imrtly cloudy, and moderately cogl. MH puttlug It In the worst form his ' ' I enemies dare aocua. him of doing? LEGISLATIVE HYPOCRAsV, j Wh not Oi whole nnte guilty of Some of the greet newspaper of moral turpitude by remaining In m the atatc iuUIUhel oy pwinluent pal sluu for over IS hour, and not a lUciana are giving im to the theft mother's son of Uiein. ever even cull the gaud Hug bill. j Ing up the Will, which Uey knew had The bill Hiiikliyc gambling -a state pnsMt tae IkhimT prison efftM. paWMl the lower hotiM . at Die ipwlrtl smmIuh of the leflslM Hire, and UtOtt w stolen. over the great fraud committed on tho moral elements or this state, and Prosldont Brownell Is as honost ae any of thorn, and has a little margin to his crodlt. A SERMON. Are you in a mood for a short ser mon this evening? This dlscourso was ' pronchod by Lant K. Snlsbury, ox-clty attorney of Grand Rnplds, Mich. Salsbury con fessed to having boon bribed by a cor poration. His sormon with liiterpolnt'lons follews: "If a mnn has a blggor streak of honesty in his make-up than ho has dlshonosty, he feels there will come a time in his llfo whon ho longs to atone for his misdeeds und begin ovof again." A striking way to put that etor- nal struggle in the heart of mon be tween the good angel and tho bad, my brethren. Yon, and the heart will always bo torn till the struggle onds. 'Sooner or lntor," says this lay preacher, "a man's misdeeds will over tako him, and ho will feel the lash. And, good God, how I havo bc-en made to feel It!" No solemn oxhortatlon from a pul pit on the "wages of sin is doath" could cut keoner than that. 0, man. If you aro determined to do a great wrong, be sure that the good is nil out of your heart! For never, never cnn you emothor the pitiful cry of the sweet evangel that has not yet de parted. "Henceforth" says Snlsbury, "I will lend an honest life, and all the money coined In all tint mints of the world could uovor sever mo from the path of ilglt" Poor Salisbury. Poor humanity. Hew slow to see things as thoy aro Why this mnn had put on ono aide of ;'.e scales. Honor, Conscience. Solf-rotpoct, And he lookod on while a llttlo pal- I f rv fn I nnf wnlfliail Hit.m nil Rfrnmm moral .Uraublsmus. Once more, Salisbury, tho pronchor "Tho cnuao of my downfall was GAMBLING. Beware of It." "Yes, dear friends, In conclusien: Beware of It! Ticker. Groqn cloth. Greasy cards. Rattling dice. Wheel. What not. Fer: Gambling is a straight read to hell. Hah Viaor 5 Always restores color to nmv hair, always. Makes the hair grow and stops falling hair. A splendid dressing. i&JlfiK.!;' the word3 of Boscoo Conklln, "the days' "hnngman's" session of the bright beginning of a halycon nnd loglsatiure the ?300 exemption act I vociferous proceeding." A tofd "the truth the other day whon ho said:' "Roosevelt ain't got any strength outside of the people- lis not offoctlvo. ' clause. It hail no emergency , Salem najds tin athletic club more thun a religious revival. If nothing was stolen nt the special soeslon but the gambling bill, the state got off cheap. ' How would It do to appoint a mem ber of the Labor Unions street commissioner? Repeal of tho new tax law and re ennctment of tho old ono defeats get ting any revenues for tho new wards of Greator Salem by six months or a year. Undar tho Pholps net rev onuos would have como In by Sept- Many a young man wont through , ember. Under the old law there will Tim ahUHmhllng bill UABseel the houso in tii. forenoon, and whs takes to the 89imlt hy the ohlef olerk ot the hous. sir. JnHNl'ips, or Jvmn county U nn honeM. mum and his word will not b doubted, tltut h Jollvered it to a yejo of the swmty. But the gnwt big hyiwirltioal tear lied by sum of the. nepapora qvr the low of ilm UU) ace pharajaleai to the last dtigre Tk9 Hfiiue polltloIan-JUd news nl.ii v- - - .. Iiatl uuuuilitiM I. . MV Vf.V,W1n Mft IVfWVVI 114 wim nouaM, wno Knew tue mil nan ivot "shown up" in the senate.' The Portland detocatlem In both Imhum kuew ther vns an Immense leamUler'a iobU at the house to "kill the bill, and morn than one knew It wna mlaaing. It any of theee alleged moralists, and "HoUenthan-thou" styls of poli ticians had wauled that bill called up. they could have had It dona They ewuld. by merely stating the faots have had it pasted again la tea mln utee. But they were tllent as the grav A SOURCE OF REVENUE. If tho olty c-fuclnls vlll look at tho unsightly signs that aro put up by non-resldont ndvertlsors on tho city bridges, thoy can soe a sourco of rev enue. Why should groat, fluttering strips of highly-colored choeso cloth be strung all ovor tho city brldgos, and not pay for tho privilege? Those advertisements frlghton horses, llttor up the roads, nnd are loft there after they are out ot date, to mislead tho public. The columns of tho newspnpor can not bo rented by tho city or any bust ness mnn unloss thoy aro paid for. Why should tho brldgor. bo free? Why should not tho olty got rov onuos from tho advertising spnee on Its scoros of bridges, and regulate tho growing nutsnnco? Frequently those bridge advertise, monts aro for somo tobneco or liquor trust, and even Immoral ' advertise ments are permitted. THE NEW CITY GOVERNMENT The Waters administration of city affairs will be installed next week, and will be observed with tnterewt In IU ev-try step. i The re-enactment or the old tax Inw makes Its problems more difficult, ai It delays the time when the new ward would get revenues. One of the first nets or the new city ijovernment should be to repeal the present incongruous bicycle limit or dinance. The city charter and its amend ments, aud the city ordinances, should he compiled and published, so that all may know what the luws are. In tho soleation ot new olty oiiloers by the olty council tho greatest rare should be e&erolseel to secure the very beM material. The public servtoe should be kept abqyo the demands qf partisan clamor, and mon who are faithful offlclals should not be removed merely to make room for those less competent JOURNAL X-RAYS aMeaaee&ette)aeaGAB 1 I Tho board of U. S. Englncors has recommended $25,000 ror maintaining Improvements on Yaqulna harbor. Thanks for small favors, goutlenion. Wo Bupposo that harbor can bo opened somo day when tho groat corporations permit. It is today the host harbor bolwoen Coos bay and tho Columbia. The Eugene Guard" says: Mr. Talt, of Walker, recently delivered two hogs to butchers In Kugene, nnd each of tho porkers weighed 000 pounds. This almost coin os up to the Portland roeord. A mnn at Stevenson, Wash., having been bitten by a dog brought suit for dnmagos, nnd was dofeated, because the jury determtnod the dog was not vicious. Of courso this did not salve tho btto, but It suggests that a man might shoot a dog without being arrested providing tho man is good naturod about It. Most of the powers huvo recognized Panama, principally because Uncla Snm pointed her out, but San Domingo is too busy to use her glass on her. A good athletic club down town would tako many of the young men out of tlu card room The first bill tc roach theGovernor's hands at the special seeeion was the one to hang Pleasant Armstrong. In the campaigns of Cuba and the Philip pines only to go down nt homo be fore "the deadly rain of highballs." Mr. Brownoll paid The Journal quite a compllmont whon ho said thero was nothing to tho flat salary agitation but a scheme- to elect Chamberlain governor. Somo of tho politicians interviewed about tho disappoaranco of tho gam bling bill remind us or tho man who had an Intermittent memory. County Judgo Scott has a mnnla for good roads, a pretty good subject to have wheels on. There Is talk about oxportlng tho flnancoe of tho Citizen's' administra tion. As Shakespeare seys: Who wduld "pry Into tho bowels of un welcome truth to save a half-penny. It Is said of a young womnn In Kontucky that she makes a very hand somo bank cashlor'to look at nnd no man has been able to ovorroach her In a business way. In Groator Salem something Is go ing to happen. "This will not always be tho town" where nothing over ha9 happenod and nothing ovor will hap- pon. So far as tho Presidential oloctlon Is concornod, tho Domoarnts hotter got In good 'Shape for 1008. Boy's don't havo to go to Stanford to lonrn to play tho mandolin. Thoro are bottor playors right hore InOr- gon nnd plenty of thorn. Lot mo soo, wasn't thoro a bill in troduced nt tho special session pro hibiting anyono from being called Judge bosldos tho actual occupants of tho bonch? Mistake number ono of tho throe be nono until 190G. All tho tax-dodger j clamored for the old law and took snap Judgment to got It. . Tho Baronoss Cederstrom, wh; many many yoars ago, when Venus was an ovonlng star and grass butter was scarce, long before tho era of Sockloss Jerry and Carrlo Nation or Susnn B. Anthony, nnd remotely an- torlor to tho birth of Ann, mado hor 'stoenth farewell tour .ns Adollna Pattl Is going to sing In Portland. Ami thoro aro hundreds who will still cash hor long ovor due notos. Dowlo ought to have known that the vicinity of Chicago was a had location for Zlon. It was a case ot "extremes meotlng." Dowlo going to Australia Is only In keeping with tho original Elijah He has tnkon a "cruise." Gold Bricks. A idiow has been around this week delivering the now famous boolu costing $18 apiece. It Is the greatest graft ever workod In this section. Somo havo taken the book and paid for It, while othors are determined to take the mnttpr Into court If need be. Aurora Borenlls. The Excitement Not Over. Tho rush to tho drug store sltll con tinues and dally scoroj of pooplo call for a bottlo of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs for tho euro of Coughs, Colds, Aflthmn, Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, tho standard family remedy, Is sold on n guaranteo nnd novor falls to gtvo en tiro satisfaction. Prico 25c and 50c. Tho girl with tho high forehead should wenr hor hair low ovor hct brow. OASTOXIIA, 8r the ? The Kind Yoa Hats AUara 8eu$ ""ST C&tfStxS HU'iKS ...4rafcCS7raGSHGA. JITTERS Doctor? never heeitaU in pres cribing the Bit tere in cases ol Indlfftstion. Constipation, Bllllousness, Dyscecsla. Chills Colds and Malaria. They know it cures Give it a tral alio get a copy of onr 1004 A 1 m anao from your drug, giat, It la tree. te$$es8a5se8993G88eeoiae8 Getting Ready for Invoice and want to clean up some lines entirely. Mackintoshes for ladies or children, all this fall stock, S 20 per cent reduction. g Knit Shawls for 25c, the best you ever saw for the monev. Ladies' Hose fleece lined 12 l-2c a pair, best value in the city. Towels at 10c each, bleached with colored borders, look like they are worth 25c. 2 General Redaction on all goods in the store except i 5 snnnt cntton i Rostem & Gveenh&vm 5 302 Commercial Street. s9co9Masas)eee98aoe&8aeaee&ee&ea$6a woi3iiotaiaiieieMgiaiataiiaH-M4aioio I The Entire Stock Of Boots and Shoes and-Rubbers ; We have purchased of Jacob Vogtmust j ! i be sold at a sacrifice, Come early and i i ; ; get the bargains. P.MANFR ED s Successor to Jacob Yogt. 265 Commercial Street J M4e84M--M4B4a44tta44-8te-Me44 &4e'44MDWH2 ::::::::AGENCY OF:::::::: ? ii BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.! j; GRAIN BUYERS AND SHIPPBRSOP riP A TfeTj Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulobur. Sin A)Mrinm Unnf j . m uxouam, iiguui, 207 OommKial St.. &lm. Ow. 5 . .. -- i - m i'wtattiqiiBaititMiiatatitiM'WtHiWNi