BAHAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL- XIIL '' .!-.. 'wiiLumti .w- ... - .1 ii.-- -- hi;. i. 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1903. NO. 298. .SM00T- WON'T CHICAGO CAR BARN BANDITS Were Arrainged This Morning for Their AFLOAT ON AN ICE-FLOE KILLED WIFE AND CHILD CHICAGO REACHES THE LIMIT PLAY IN OUR YARD Colombia Gives Uncle GROWS WEARY Apostle of Church of Latter Day Saints May Quit Zlon Prefers That Too Much Utht Be Not Thrown Upon Church Alatters Washington, Dec. 28. It is learned from an nuthoritivo source today that throe alternatives aro presented to the United States in the note regard ing Panama, which Reyes submitted to tho state department. First, that the status existing prior to tho revo lution on the isthmu3 bo restored. faecond, America to keop hands olf while- Colombia tries to whip Panama Into submission. Third, If tho United States will accopl nolthor of tho pro ceeding proposition sho should pay Colombia damagos for the Injury In flicted through tho-loss of territory, the amount to be fixed by submission to the Hnguo. No publication of the toxt of the Reyes note is oxpected until It is sent to congross with the othor documents bearing on tho Pan a ma case. It is a lencthv communt Tiie reasoning 01 on. oiuulb ., , , , opponents in tho senate Is that hlsM1; based onUrely on the Colon. Washington, Dec. 28. Tho bollof Is gaining ground hero that Reed Suoot wil resign his seat in the United StntOB senate, rather than un dergo tho rigid investigation of his ro llglous connections that Is expected. Tho belief Is based on the theory that the powers behind Mr. Smoot aro convinced that tho presont fight is di rected ngalnstf'the Mormon church, rather than tho principle of polyga my. Thoy do not caro to havo tho re lations betwoon tho church and the control of eculnr mattors by the ec clesiastical authorities laid bare, and would forco Mr. Smoot's resignation, In proferonco to such disclosures as would follow an inquiry. The reasoning of Mr. Smilt's Sam the Choice of Three Things And in Case He Takes Neither She Will Take Her Dishes and Doll Baby Home Crimes Marx Lawer Puts in Defence That Father Was Brute and Marx Had to Be One Hundred and Fifty Men and Forty Horses rpnlv. now bolnc nronnred in Salt City, though promlued to havo been filed a wcok ago with tho senato com mittee on privileges and elections, will bo revised and approved by the church officials. They say It will un doubtedly not disavow beliof In tho doctrlno If polygamy, but that It will bo a dofenso of Mormon rollglon. If tho Smoot opponents guess rightly, the anBWor will bo unsatisfactory. Each member of tho senato has re ceived a statement sont out by tho Ministerial Alliance, of Salt Lnka City, roplying to tho attack madp by a Mormon apostlo on tho practices of Christian ministers and tho accusation that unborn children aro murdered by thoso bolonglng to orthodox churchos. This and othor charges aro donlod, and in return tho morals of tho Mor mon rollglon aro attached. A copy of this defenso wus also sent to tho com mltteo on prlvllegos nnd elections. Ftesh. Today Log Cabin Creams Pep oerment Chews. Chews and Peanut Candy at 9 1 blun Interpretation of the troaty of 1S-1G. The note carries a throat that the failure on tho part of tho United States to hoed Colombia's protests, or accopt tho proposition submitted, will rosult In tho sovornnco of dlplo matlo and commercial relations be tweon the two countrlos. Engaged in Herring Fishing Carried Out to Sea, Five Men and the Hor es i Drowned Crazed by LiqnorWH liam Sliepard Com mits Murder Citizens Who Die in HaSte May Be Bur ied at Leisure .inns 154 State St. The Strike at Tellurlde. Tellurlde, Colo., Doc. 2S. Col. John Williams, an ofllcor of tho Western Federation of Minors, who 1b In charge of tho strlko hero, was waited upon Inst night by tho civil authori ties and ordored to leave town this morning. Ho refused to do so, nnd will bo nrrosted today. Formor-Attor- noy-Gonoral Engloy counsol for the miner was. arrostod was arrostod this afternoon, charged with vagrancy nnd causing a disturbance. It is gen erally understood that wholesale nr- rostB of strikers will bo bogun with in 24 hours. 9 England Getting Ready. Portsmouth, Kng., Dec. 38. Tho nd ralrn'llty today issued a request to all reserve men to name an addroee from which they could bo summoned to ac tive service by telegraph. The action Is considered significant, In view of the far Eastern crisis. A special iirir nrrlved today from St. Petors- nu f rjuns with Important offlelal dispatches UnOCOiaie . .,aiaan ambassador. Cotton Is Soaring. New York, Dec. 38. Cotton Is open ing with great excitement, 50 points abovo Thursday's closing, being tha highest price since tho Civil War. It . . . ... rn (nv flnllvarv. nu... 1071 M.ln stands ai n .-.----"-. Chicago, Dec. 28. The car barn bandits wore arraigned this mornlnc. The four prisoners woro nitlv dressed, nnd woll groomed, but minus the air of bravado that marked tholr conduct Immediately aftor their nr rost. Thoy wore placed In a row be fore tho Judgo's bench. Vnndlno nnd Noldemoier wore a sorlous look, but Mnrt and Itoeskl soemod unnble to realise their plight. Marx smiled con tlnuously, and Itoeskl looked borci while the Indictments wero read charging Vnndlno, Mnrx and Nolder meler with the murder of Johnson and Stew ait In tho car barn raid, nnd Itoeskl with the murder of Bauer In the saloon hold-up. Mnrx's attorney asked a two months continuance, on the ground that presont public opinion would prevent a fair trial. He rend an affidavit showing that the line of defense would be that Marx was a victim of parental influences, his fath er bolng a man of low, vicious and brutal Instincts, and now serving a term In Jollet for criminal assault on a 14-year-old girl: also that young Mnrx Is furthor Irresponsible by an Injury to his head, Inflicted by his fathor. who struck him with a broom stick In his Infancy. A similar pica for a continuance and hereditary In sanity will be set up for Vnndlno. NoldoTmlor and Uooskl aBked con tlnunnco for tho same reason present ed In their affidavits, pleading mental Irresponsibility. Tho court pnssod their cases until tomorrow. nriduin Tliiualn Ddn 9fiAn Inn fin In Soreka bay broko away, carrying 4b ho'res and 160 men, who woro hor lng fishing, out to son. All tho horses nnd five of tho men were drowned, and the others woro saved only aftor desperate efforts. ) Spain Still Sore. Mndrld. Doc. 38 Merchants who propose to exhibit nt St I-ouls are to day planning nu appeal to the govern ment to reconsider its action, whore In ltdecllned nn appropriation for a Spanish exhibit. Shoots His Wife and the Baby in Her Arms and Kills Riley Webb Mayklng, Ky., Dec. 28. Whllu crazy with liquor William Bhophord entorod hl homo this morning, nnd, without provocation, shot and killed Itlloy Wobb, who was standing talking to Mrs. Shophord. Ho then tired a shot whloh killed Mrs. Shophord and passed through her body, killing tholt 10-montliB-old baby, which sho was holding In hor anus. Shepherd oe capod to tho mountains, whoro later ho was surrounded by a posso. nnd, nftor his ammunition was exhausted, was captured. Corpses Compelled to Have Chapcroncs in tho Shape of a Cordon of Police men Chicago, Dee. 28 Doeplto tho teamstors' offer of arbitration, mado Sunday, peaco In tho llvory drivers. strlko la as romoto as over, Tho llv orvmen Bay thoy havo nothing to ar bitrate. A number of hearses wont out today without lntorfoiunco. Nop. man l.nrsun, n union teamster, who attempted to out tho truce of n team drawing a hearse. wne $60 In tho po llco court thlB morning. Ho may hl prosecuted undor tho state lnw whloh makes Interference with a funeral n folony. Hottest Values What You Get flU i. aB imnortant a. the amount you pay. A low price without quality does not constitute a th. ,. .niv .tore, tho merchandise that we sell must be nood or It don't get In here; that's all. This Is why we can and do guarantee perfect satisfaction to our customers. It I. a policy that ha. succeeded, taoand has made ours the largest business house of t. kind In the vicinity. t eofrfrti"fr mtM,MMm,S 20 Pet cent i 9 i Salem's Cheapest One Price, . Cash Mote. E T. BARNES, PW Aeronaut Suffocated. 1 Boston, Dec. 28. A Are this morn- ling destroyed a rooming house on court Sir. the aeronaut, a well-known Wostern character. was suffocated, ne nan been In Boston for several wonni working on an airship model. " Elevator Burned. poria, III., Dee. 28. A nro partial ly destroyed an elevator of the Corn mi? Distillery this morning. It was presumably Incendiary, and the lose ,was (0.(HM). Aid for Panama. Philadelphia, Dec. 28 Tha Dixie .n tnAnv for Colon with 600 ma Reduction j On Men's and Boys II Overcoats W We a aood assortment of j ; ; fot you to sefcet from. overcoat now's the J ; ; If yo har any te for an ovcrciw, , , ' time to atti on i!The New Yotk R aefcet o,ms at Z rlnw and six months' pipvlslow ynd I DoM gams, booto drem , r- x wpp- . - U"W. o"jT,rw4. TTAT W PKlCrl. I . ltiii. Ul. Father. J exactly uxmc-w- " Strike Will Fall. Stockton, Cal., Doc. 28 Tho Iloy- al Consolidated Mine at Hodson has succeeded In smuggling 22 strike breakers through the lines of the strikers, nnd are now working In the mlno. The strikers are afraid to tres pass on the mine property or Inter fere with non-union minors, because of the federal Injunction Issued by the federal court In San Francisco. BuslneM men at Milton and other Calaveras towns have refused to sell provisions to the strikers, nnd It looks as though the strikers have lost. A Charley Ross Case. New York. Dec. 38. A general alarm was sat from pc-Hce head quarters today for the son of Mrs. Charles Hendricks, wife of the phy slclnn who figured a year ago In the Laura Bugger suit to gain the Ben nett estate. The missing boy was kidnapped this morning by a man whp drove In front of the renldence In a cab. seised the cimu anu es caped. The Utah Strike. Winter Quarters, Utah Dc. 88. Deputy sheriffs attempt to evict the 'married coal strikers prtflipitawii a l riot The armed guards of the Utah Fuel Company withdrew, returning with a company of militia, when the 'striker went peaoefully. M w tZ t 8 mv? IIH 7 Wednes day Only Not Many Left It In gettluit to ward the end 01' the suit wd k"" wo1 l)Ut not the end cf the wearing season. If you lave put ttf Jr uu1n& hero aro some lmeroUng price re ductloni. " 26.00 Black Brca-cVMh, silk llneA handsomely tailored tbiWRhout. $12.50 120.00 Brown Cheviot, silk llnwl a great largaln for eeonomlzers $10.00 J20J)0 Black Venetian, allk lined. trimmed with black aed white braid Next ednesday being our 100th wooklv sale.' and the last Wednes day of this year, we have decide to offer jour nn EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN In women's night gownB of high grade outing flannel. There aro all manner of pretty deelgne nnd ora broldered effects, tuoked yokes, ma mire while, some cream white, white with blue strlpo, oth ers white with pink strlpo. Now that the colder weather Is ap preaching. It would be well for you to lay In a supply of these excellent own SPECIAL 8ALE PRCE $10.00 111 MBeBMeBeiMsissieiiBsissssse"sseMseeiesswswseeisswesi I M"x Pi's if uinu iumiiku 1ST f Hk I iSvBBslsBVWVHfek STk ( DlBI'ifBlsv) --H :'" v .If lsBU Not Many Left Not mw of hee excopltonal har gains In wen's clothleg. The lln are ropWtt u'B broken, so In order to Insure ywr gelling t'je pattern ytMi want. e would advise early purchase. Thta owortHnlty wea't last always $10.00 $ 6.75 $15.00 $ 9.50 $20.00 $14.50 $25.00 $ J 6.00 .I i m m" ' ,,,,,, - -. i I s l Killed His Father. inrfinnnnolls. Dec 28.-3Iarry Cbap- iMB, aged 18. eolored. fhot and killed ... a !!., A. f.ruvanaia til A lilt bis fataer iaw bibuk -- ter struek his mother. The pope tne head of 0Ter 2M' 000,000 human beJBge, or nearly oBe evnth of the potMilatkm of the glob Queen Quality Shoes lot Wotpeii evl Myets' Special Shoes f o Men ca K( I t ' si m 1 iiiwmMitlHliiliKHf K W iSSoHl 9i,&4