v: FOUR J A.lkJAft - DAILY CAWTAL JOURNAL,' SALEM, ORBMN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER ZB, ivu. ""' n-'-'it!ft THE OLD RELIABLE- J ,V tlonsvwlll bo permitted In -tho thoaor, tho first of which wilt probnbfy take place tho first vreok lb January. Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE HEAD WAITERS MONDAY Tho third odltlon of "Tho Hoad Walters," which Joo Kolly and his morry bunch will present at tho Grand Opera IIouso Monday nlfiht has boon beautifully stocked wlta good things, and whon tho auulcnc sees tho new "TIs You I Lovo." The Eureka Como dy Four qunrtot, tho great war drama and other pleasing numbers which Joe Kolly has for tho now odltlon, they will bo ready to voto tho third spread of "Tho Hoad Walters" fully up to the standard of past years of this popular organization. Everything Is brand now for tho present tour, tho sconory, the wardrobo; most of tho music, and all tho danros. Tho big chorus num bers 30 pretty gtrla and well drossod young men. Seats on salo Monday at 0 a. m. Curtain at 8:15. THE NEW THEATER Will Bo 8plendldly Appointed and, Brilliantly Lighted. . conversation dunce by Inmnn & VIn contfl nnd Fcanza Hnyford, "My Morning Glory," ono of those shaded songs nnd dances, which Franzn does so offectlvoly with tho big choruB, es pecially "Tho Flfo Drum," Ixionore," Not Pass," "That Will Holp Somo," The work on tho now theater In the Kllngor block Is being carried on rapidly, a partition dlvldos tho large storo room, and a rnlsod floor Is In the courso of construction In tho west di vision, which will be tho thoator prop er. The largo plate glass windows will bo removed, and swinging doora placed about 10 foot In from whoro thoy aru now locatod, leaving a foyer, which will bo Illuminated with olcctrlc lights Tho prevailing color In tho auditorium will bo a dark red, and, with tho nu merous lights, the offoct will bo beau tiful Tho oust division will be occu pied by a cjgnr and confoctlonory store, which lias an oxlt Into tho tlioa ter Tho city council has granted the manngomonl tho right to extend across and In front of tho theator an Uluml nntod sign containing ICO oloctrio lights. Mr. WlUon, tho mauagor, Is sparing no pains or money In making this place bountiful, and only flrst-clasa attrac- CUBAN RECIPROCITY IS NOW EFFECTIVE Washington, Doc. 20. Tho Presi dent's proclamation reciting tho pas sago of 'tho Cuban reciprocity bill and doclarlng'tho Cuban reciprocity treaty to bo offoctlvo goos Into offct Mon day. It roc I tea that, whoroas, a con vention botween tho United States of America nnd the republic of Cuba to facilitate their commercial Intercourse by Improving tho conditions of trndo botwoonr the two countrlos was con cluded and signed by their roipeetfve plenipotentiaries at tho city of Ha vamuv on tho tllh day of December, 1908. And, whereas, by tho terms of thi said convention, It Is provided that tho ratifications thoreof should bo ex changed nt tho olty of Washington as soon as may bo buforo tho 31st day of January 1903, "Whereas, tho said convention of Dee. 11. 1D02, as amendod by tho 9n ato of the United Stntou nnd tho said supplementary convention of Jan. SO, 1903, havo been duly ratified on both parts, nnd the ratifications of tho two governments were exchanged In the olty of Washington on tho 31st dny of Mnreh. 1903; and, "Whoroas. by IU rotolutlona of March 18. 1903, tho Senate of tho United States added to tho end of net II of tho said con vention or Dee. 11 1902, tho following amendment : 'This convention shall not take offoct until tho same shall have boon approved by Congress; and, "Whereas, tho Congress gave Its approval to tho said convention by an ndt approved Dee. 17 1903, entitled 'An not to carry into effect a eon ventlon between the United ' States and tho republlo of Cuba'i signed on the 11th day of December, in the year 1903, and, "Whereas, satisfactory ovldenoo has boom received by tho United Stater that tho ropubllc of Cuba has made provision to givo full qffoc't to the nrllclos ot 'ho said convention. "Now therefore, bo It known that I. Theodore Hoosevolt, Presldont of tho United States of America, in conformity with the Bald act of Cong ross, do heroby declare and proclaim tho Bald convention, as amended by tho Sonato of the United Statos, to bo In offoct on Dec, 28, "Wherefore, I have caused tho said convention, as amonded by tho Sonate of tho United Statos, to bo nmdo pub lic, to tho ond that tho same and ovory rlnuBo thoreof, as amended, may bo observod and fulfillod with I good faith by tho United Statos, and tho citizens thereof. ,"ln tosttmony whereof I have hero unto sot my hand and soal and caused tho seal of th United States of Amorl en to bo affixed. "Ily tho ProsldonL "JOHN HAY. Seorotary of State." Now that the bill has bocomo a law a quostlou has arisen of tho effect of the reduction of the duty on Cuban sugar upon Importations of sugar from other countries. The Iiritish govern ment has sorved formal uotlco upon tho Stnto department that under the favored nation clau.se it oxpeets that DrltUh sugar from the British West Indies shall bo admitted Into the Uultod States ou equal terms with Cuban sugar, and it Is not doubted that German, Frnnoe, Austria and tho other great beat sugar produolng countries will do likewise. An old holding qt Atty.-Gen. 01 nay In Presi dent Cleveland's admluistratlon was adverse to such demands, but the question promises to be re-opjened with vigor. He Can Play It Prof. 'Tox." v Stoudonmeyer, leader nnd instructor of , the Chemawa Indian band, was tho recipient of a magnlfl cent Christmas present at tho hands of tho members of that organization yesterday morning, and tho band load er was surprlaod and dollghted with tho evidence of good will shown by hlrf pupils. Tho prosont consisted of a beautifully gold-mounted cornet, one of tho handsomest and swoetest-toncd Instruments over brought to tho state Ho was so ploaacd with his now in strument that ho remained at his quar ters all of yestorday, and delighted the officers and pupils of tho school with cornet solo3 throughout tho day, stop ping only when tho tuglo sounded "lights out" at a lato hour last night. Mr. Stoudonmoyor was In Salem this morning and exhibited his beautiful pra&ont to his friends. Mrs. Wm. Rafter has gone to Astoria to visit her daughters, ono of, whom is married, and ono Is n stenographer for tho 6. It & N. Co. lt i"" !" i". " ' "" iwML'wyjiim- , i r . . - He Longed for Turkey. An Inraato ot thodty Jail writes tearfully and pathetically over his dis appointment in not getting turkey and cranberry sauce for his Christmas dinner. Tho case grows inoro pathetic and somewhat humorous whon it Is ex amined Into. Mr. George Informs us tho author of tho artlclo Is In Jail charged with stealing $20 from Mr. George. Tho latter remarked grimly, that whon a man robbed a restaurant keopor, ho should first inqulro as tc who had tho contract for feeding tho prlsonors. Undor tho circumstances ho should not have oxpectod nariklns and "Mum's oxtra dry." The Stanford Glee Club. A flno nnd appreciative audience greeted tho Stanford G'oo and Mando lin Club at tho Grand Opora House Christmas evon. Thoy woro ropoat edly rocallod and onjoyod n sorlos of 8UCC08SOS at tho hnndB of tholr ever appreciative frlmds In thq Capital City of Orogon. Tholr singing and Im personating nro as flno as wo over get from professionals, but tho lnstru montal work .Is bolow tho former standard. No mandolin work nbovc amateurs In tho first pocltlon was giv en, nnd their best soloctlon from the Prince of 1-ilson was not given tho no tice It dosoivod. . Mr. Weeks Dead, M The fnthor of Geo. W. Weeks, n promlnont dairyman of this county, dlrfd nt tho homo of his son, Id this city, early this morning. Ho was ad var.cod in yoars, and camo out from Kansas a few years ago to mako his homo in Orogon. Tho funornl will bo hold Sunday at 1 p. m., from tho rot.ldai.co of Geo W. ooks, In Yew Park, nnd burial will tako placo In City VIow comolcry. KNOCKED OFF A TRESTLE. Grant's Pass Hunter Gets Off With Minor Bruises. Grants Pass, Or., Doc. 26, Luther Madux, a young man whoso homo is in Grants Pass, whllo crossing tho Gravo crook trcstlo in the dark and fog last night, returning from a hunt ing trip, says ho was struck by the onglno of a freight and knocke oft tho trcstlo. Ho foil a distance, of, 29 feet and was stunned, lying on the ground all nlghL ' ' ' Ho wbjj picked up this morning by tho crow of a work train and taken to Wolf Creek. Later ho was brought to Grants Pass and received medical at tontton. Madux was cut and bruised about tho head and his ankles badly sprained, but was not otherwise. in Jured. , ' WANTED TO END LIFE. 4 Gaston Blacksmith la Despondert.,ancJ Cut His Throat Forest G-ovo, Or., 'Vc. 36. C. D Portor cut hla throa'. and wrist yoator dny with pulcidal Intsnt at Gaston, whoro ho has llvod for tho past 25 years. Mr, Portor has boon despond ont on nccount of his wife rocently Rotting n divorce front him. Ho Is nbcut 65 years of age, and for a num h of enrs has been a blacksmith nt that place. Dr. J. P. Tamloslo, of Hlllsboro, was called, and sewed up tho wounds, and says there is a good chance that he will recover. As Well' as the Housewife and Professional Women Endorse Pe-ru-na as a Specific for Winter Diseases. ftHlllllltlllt'Tlillililil-t -- t MISS BLANCHE MYERS. j A SOCIETY LADY'S LETTER. Miss Blancho Myers, 8120 Fonn. streot, Kansas City, Mo., a prominent young (ocioty woman of that placo, has tho following to say of Peruna: "During each of the past four seasons I have caught a severe cold, when suddenly chilled after an evening party, and catarrh for several weeks would be the result. One bottle of Peruna cured me, and I shall not dread colds any moro as I dld."BLASCHB MYERS. HOME TREATMENT FREE. Catnrrh Cures by Thousands Undor Dr, Hartman's Frco Treatment. Catarrh of thoposo and hoad producos dlschargo from tho noso, snoozing, nnd pain in tho oyes and forohoad, woak, and sometimes watery eyes, and occasional loss of memory. Unless something is done to prevent tho catarrh will follow tho mucous mom- brano Into tho lungs whoro it will bt followed by cough, night swoate, rapid loss of flesh, and tho othor dread symp toms ,of consumption. To all ouch pooplo Di. Hartman's treatment comes as a groat boon. It is only necessary to send namo and address to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O., and com ploto directions for tho first month's treatment will bo eont free. Not only is it moro successful in cur ing catarrh than tho troatmont of ca tarrh specialists,. but it is in tho roach of ovory person in this land.' A medicine which is tho principal part of Dr. Hartman's troatmont, known as Poruna, can bo bought at any drug storo, and is a remedy without equal for catarrh in all forms, coughs, colds, bron chitis) consumption, and all ollmatlo dis eases of winter. Each bottlo is accom panied with comploto dlroctlons for use. Addross Tho Poruna Modlclno Co., of Columbus, Ohio, for a copy of tholr latest catarrh book, instructively illustrated, and contains 01 pages of tho latest In formation on catarrhal diseases. Sont froo to any address. A Housewife Who Suffered 25 Tear. Mrs. Alia Schwandt, Sanborn, Minn, writes: "I havo boon troubled with catarrh for iwonty-flvo years. Could not Bleep day or night, Af tor having uscQ Poruna I can sloop and nothing bothers rue noy." Mrs. Alia Schwandt, Mrs. Jonnlo Cable, Spokano, Wash., writes: " Af tor suffering for twonty-ono years with neuralgia, caused by catarrh of hood, I tried all doctors and all kinds ot modlclno, receiving no bonoflt, I be camo discouraged and worn out at last. My mother wroto nid to tako Dr. Hart- man's mcdlcino, so 1 did, but my caao was a chronlo ono, nnd I was also in thn chango of llfo. Through tho uso of Po runa and Manalin 1 am now entirely well. " Whon I began taking your mcdlcino I only wolghed 01 pounds : row I wolgh 110. I havo not taken a drop of mcdlcino for sovoa months, nnd would adviso all sufforors to consult Dr. Hartman. Tho neuralgia affected my head and oyoa, nnd for tho lost year Boomed to bo in my breast and botweon my shouldor blades." Mrs. Jcnnlo Cablo. If you do not dorlvo prompt nnd sat isfactory results from tho uso of Poruna, wrlto at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving s full -tatomont of your case and ho will bo pleased to glvo you hla valnabUuu vlco gratis. Addross Dr. Hartman, Presldont ol Tho Hartman Sanitarium, ColumbQJ, Ohio. 8 3 Trans-Continental . Trains. Dailj-3 63b Democratic Timber; , New York. Doc. 2C.-;The Times has mado a poll ot Demooratlo senators and congressmen for oholco for Prosl dectlal candidate. Gorman is favored by 12 benatora and 30 ropresenta tlvoa. Parker is next and the third choice is Cookroll. Hearst was fa vored by three representatives only. Spokane, Dec, 26, Dr. Van Esdel. of tho First Baptist church, will to morrow roundly denounce local oler gywen who have gone- tluramlng. He says It oaui.ee moral taint, and de stroys conftdenoo ot mothers In the ministry. 2 Daily Through Trains to the Beautiful Twin Cities Minneapolis and St Paul 1 Transcontinental Train Daily 1 VIA THE ...Northern Pacific Burlington Route... To Denver; Lincoln. Neb.; Omaha, Neb., St. Jo.eph, Mo ; Kansas City; St. Louis and all r . . points Bast and Southeast '" Only Direct Line to the Famous Yellowstone National Park xcrV The Old .Reliable Pioneer . Dining Car Line Excellent Through Car Service Your Baggage Can Be Checked Through fo Destination. Union Depot Connections. TRY THE North Coast Limited' ELECTRIC LIGHTS ELECTRIC FANS riLci The Crack Train Of The Northwest A. D, CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent 255 Morrison St., Cor Third, Portland, Oregon r( Jl I I I