TWO DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBOON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1B03. 9MMmQQ9M9M93&9mWWQ&M9fM999&MQMBWm9&W99999a99Q&Qi t !! A Determi nation Sale Ever heir of one? . We call it a Determination Sale becauso we aro determined to carry over no winter goods, if cut prices will -move them. Profit is lost tight of, This is your month you get the profits. JJon't think about this sale too loug wo can keep it going but a short time. A Thtiity Man's Opportunity Cut prices on all suits and overcoats and we aro determined, fully determined, that Winter wear ablos must go. Come, get your share of the good things. Great Inventory Sale will continue until Dec. 28. Of course you con stay from tnis sale if you want to, but you will lose money if you do. Note a few of out prices. Everything CUT. $(0 Sttits 02 1 2.50 Suits 15.00 Suits J 7.50 Stits 20.00 Stilts 25.00 Suits Ovetcoats teduced to $ 7.00 o Overcoats teduced td . 8.00 off Overcoats reduced to 10.00 ot Overcoats teduced to J 2.50 of Overcoats teduced to (5.00 mm mr w -r r r rwm wp si ar v va mm w m vw wr nr v- r w Rememfce you have the largest stock in Sa lem to select f t om. Don't miss this opportunity G. W. Johnson & Co. 257 Commercial St. t $ ec agwaaaaegee9l Jthc result will bo a rapid move toward state ownbrahlp. THE COMMON PEOPLE ARE HON. EST. Salem merchants testify to tho gen eral nonesty of tho crowds; of people who como to Aelr stores during the holiday week to trade. Tho majority of merchants confess that very little was stolon. Somo ol the dealers had oxports and floor walk ers, and ovph detectives. Tho stores wore crowded to the ut most, and yet almost no cases of ac tual theft wore discovered. When It is considered that thousands of mon, womon and chlldron jammed Into these stores, and could have taken thousanfls of dollars' worth of articles, tho record is remarkable REAL LAW MAKERS. . Hon. It. p. Humo loft Christmas eve for his winter home in San Francisco As joint member for Ccos and Curry counties ho took an Intelligent and progressive interest In the affalr3 of the intorlor of the state As a man of largo property intorosts, but as a friend of tho railroads ho championed tho car shortage bill. Judge Halo, of Josephine county is anclher man who has been counted as a friend of the railroads, who fought for tho rights of the shippers. Both of these gontlemen aro among tho best type of men who aro sont to tho legislature being in tho truo senso representatives of the peoplo of tho stato at largo, and not mero potty local graftors. It would bo fortunate for tho taxpayers and business Intorosts of Oicgon if more such men couln be sent lo the halls of legislation. Their record will bear investigation. How1 This? We offer ono hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrh- that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohla We, U10 undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last IB years, and bellero him porfectly honorable in all buslneos transactions and finan cially ablo to carry out any obliga tions mado by tholr firm. WEST & TRUAX, Wholosalo Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. WALDINQ, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sont frco. Frico 75c por bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills aro the boat Auers ..... J Cherry Pectoral for all diseases of the throat and lungs. A doctor's medi cine tor 60 years. A Household remedy everywnere. J.O.Aympco.. MMMM.WMtM9MflM8M a e I JOURNAL X-RAYS i THE DAILY JOURNAL Scrlpps News Association Telegrams. OY HOFER OROTHER8. Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advance. Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month. Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Advance. JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. Cu Wook .10 One Month $ .35 Throo Months $1j00 tAt Journal Office. At Daue's Qrocery, 8outh Salem. At Doworiox Qrocery, Yew Park. Asylum Avenue Qrocery Store. Electric Qrocery, East State St lem until rollof could bo socured. Of course, the people understand how easily the best Intontlono of leg islators of a certain stamp are dl verted. Tho shlppors aro not Incllnod to hold tho local representatives of tho 8. P. Co., losponslblo. Thoy aro not oven willing to bollovo that tho rail road ofllelals at Portland havo not dono all In tholr pawor to protect tho buslnosa Intorosts and producers- ot Wostern Oregon against thosa unjust conditions and advancos In freight ratos, against which thoy aro crying out Indeed, It la known that Mr. Co- ory of Judgo Halo, of Josophlno coun ty, would havo forced anothor special sosslon. No ono knows what orrors and "nig gers" thoro may bo in tho othor thirty throo bills passed. That half tho mombors know or carod what thoso bills contained Is a liberal ostlmate. " Half tho mombors, If thoy wore sont to their last accounting today, could not tell what bills passod, or which ones thoy voted for. Hon. Ed. T. Judd, of Marlon county, called at this offlco, aftor adjournment, and snld ho felt humiliated at tho Wllllllllll IIIIIHIIHI' S3$I man protested against the advance In hasto with which thoy had acted, and freights on lumber and other pjo ' foared tho result. duots, that go Into effect January 1st. ' This la probably tho leellng of every BUT HIS PROTEST WAS VAIN. HE honost and consclonclous man who at- WAS TOLD THAT PORTLAND HAD tonded tho sosslon. A WATER RATE ON LUMBER, AND J Tho Judge on tho bench and the THE SAN FRANCISCO MANAGERS lawmaker for tho Deonle should, tako -H-Hiem in ii ami imii OREQON COMING EVENT8. National., livestock., convention, Portland, January 12-16. Aajtora goat shot, Dallas, Jcvnu ary 14.16. DID NOT CARE WHETHER A CAR LOAD OF LUMBER WENT FROM THE INTERIOR OF OREQON TO tlmo to doliborato. Doos It not now nppear to any rea sonable man that theje was undue THE STATE, CLAIMING THAT precipitation about tho most Impor THEY WERE LOSING MONEY ON tant matters, and that there was moth- The Weather. Tonight and Sunday, fair. ' I. NO RELIEF FOR THE SHIPPERS. The car shortage bill was dofuate-1 by tho Htrei.mms utrort or the part ot tho rajlroad intluynoo. Unless the shippers themtelves take action It Is not likely that anything will be heard of the matter, BUT THE HARRIMAN SYNDI CATE HA8 HAD A NARROW E8 QAPE FROM LEGISLATION, AND MAY THANK IT8 STARS THERE WAS NOT A TWENTY-DAY SES. 8ION. A few Utters secured by tho sec retary of one llttlo commercial organ' halloa stauipodod tho Republican can ons Into a pledgo to consider oar short Hire, among six othor bills. Tho Republican caucus, If they had known all the fnota In possession of tho 0 rent or Salem Commmerolol Club, would unauluioualy haYj stayod at Sa- EVERY CARLOAD THEY SHIPPED. Now tho question remains, what will tho Harrlman syndicate do to rollovo tho situation? Thoy promlso cars In plonty. nn.l that the tracks and rolling stock will bo mado up-to-date. i POSSIBLY THEY HAVE ENACTED THE PROHIBITIVE RATES TO RE DUCE TRAFFIC IN WESTERN ORE QON TO A MINIMUM SO THAT THY CAN REBUILD THE SYSTEM. It is chargod In some quarters that tho car shoitage and the high rates are part of an offort to bear the timber land market, In tho luteroat ot tho Cali fornia lumber Industries, that aro In the hands of railroad men. These are but spoautatlonsu and tho Indications aio that the whole matter !K now be lot go. to sleop. Tho Bhlg pars and produqora have not been suf ficiently cruel tied to Oght for their righL DANGERS OF A SHORT SESSION. This ought to be, and probably will be tho la&t three-day session of a leg islature la Oregon. od and madnoss In tho hasto? How easy It was to get anothor 1100.000 for Eastern Oregon, and not a word of rollof for Westorn Oregon shippers. "Marry In hasto and ropent at lols uro" Is-an old saying, but will again be proven truo In tho history of Ore gon politics. WHAT A SHALLOW EXCUSE. Tho manager of the transcontinental lines of railroads says Portland ennnot get special rates to the towis and Clark fair unless brokers and ticket scalpers can be put out ot business. This Is a shallow oxcuse ot the near sighted kind of statesmanship that Is running somo of tho big railroads two-bit olorks In a position ot national Impoitauco to tho people. Will any ono answor us, when a rail road tiqket has beon bought and paid for, why It should not bo good for the transportation It calls for at tho hands ot any person holdlnsr It? These short-sighted corporation man agers aro conducting the most effec tive school ot Socialism on a largg Kvon tho tax bill that passed had a fatal orror, that, butor the discov scale, that could bo established, and Want Representative In Cabinet Portland, Ore. Dec. 2C- Prelimi nary arrangements hnvo beon com pleted for tho meeting of tho Ameri can Mining Congress in this city noxt August, tho required guaranteo fund having beon subscribed and othor for mnlltlos concluded. Tho oxecutlvo committee is now at work on tho prep aration qf a bill to bo Introduced in tho Federal Congress providing for tho ostablishmont of a dopartmont of Minos and Mining, tho hOad thereof tc bo a mombor of tho President's cab I not. This bill will como boforo tho mining congress noxt Summor nnd will bo Introduced in Congress dur ing tho noxt session tlicroatter. aaeeeoe Horc's a Morry Christmas and a Hairpy New Year to Mayor Waters and his administration. Now that tho campaign has cooled off thoro Is a growing belief that thoy aro not as bad a" thoy wore pointed In some of tho roliglouB assemblies that were booming the' othor ticket, and after a while wo may oven como to think well of them as citizens and heads of families. Waters will novor bo a handsome mayor, but ho will bo a good ono. t Tho bright newsboys who kept Tho Journal before tho public during the legislature sold hundreds of copies overy ovcnlng moro than were sold of all other papers. Did tho Christmas gooso "sit" well on your stomach. 4 The most potent, grave and rover end .Senior of tho Oregon Senate novor had tho slightest intention of passing tho flat salary bill. Tloy hated oven to havo to vote on tho subject. Now for tho spring campaign. But first, lot tho Tom and Jerry bo sorved and New Years day bo safely passoJ over. It is not boliovod that Emporor Humo of tho Coos and Curry tldo lands has that gonulne admiration for the Czar of Tillamook flats that ono Orogon logislator should havo for an othor. Doth aro vory usoful men In tho legislature and tholr dlfforouco may havo to, be roferrod to tho Hon Fish Myers for sottlomont. Albany has a modern Arc alarm sys tem and an ordinance to protect same. Thoro is n bellef'that Old Pap Hoar of Massachusetts would slaughter the Republican party any momont that by doing so ho could olovnto hlmsolt Into tho Presidency. m "Elijah" Dowlo will go to Australia Why not oxtend his tithing system to tho wholo world, If It's a good things h Will It bo known as tho hangmnn's legislature having mot and passed a bill for tho special purpose of sending two mon into eternity. As showing tho evolution of journal ism, it is probably true that hoadllnos now wield a grcator influence than the heavy editorials did in tho days of our fathcrB. Nothing is moro offectlvt In thoso days of stronuoslty than a. taking, catchy headllnp, and Tho Jour, nal has ihom. As au Illustration, hero is ono from tho Sacramento Bee! SHIPBUILDING FRAUD EXPOSED. How Watered Stocks Were Palmed Off on Unsuspecting People by a Number of Wall Street Frauds Who Think Nothing of Rob bing Widows and Orphans and Eyen Have De signs on the Pope. If this idea of Btrcot improvement is not sat down upon, thoro is danger that a laboring man will havo some thing to do at Salem noxt year but stand on tho stroot corners and wait for somo politician to ask him to tako a drink. Tho organ of tho Anti-saloon party says nine-tenths of tho farmors ar opposed to the saloons. Well, Santa c'aus'ls entitled to a rest. Tho old man has beon worked to a finish. Thoy do eny Tom Reynolds got very good natured tho day boforo Christ mas and was actually pleasant to everybody that inquired if that pack age had come, or tho old maids that camo in to express a box of mistletoe. That good-looking lady camo up from Portland It scorns. Bed Time I tako a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my com plexion Is bettor. My doctor says It acts gently on the Siomache, liver sail kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. It Is mado of horbs. and Is prepared u easily as tea. It Is called Lane's med icine. All druggists sell It at 25c and 60 cents. Lane's Famhy Medicines moves the bowels each day. If you cannot get it, send for freo samples. Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy, N. Y. Bank Burned. Marietta, Ohio, Dec. 2G. Tho First National bank building was destroyed by flro this morning, and two merest tllo houso3 also suffered damage. The loss was a quartor of a rollllbn. Branson A Ragan. Keep all klndn ot groceries, and they are tho best that can be found in the city. Yon don't know It until you havo trlod thorn. Millionaire's Poor Stomach. Tho worn-out stomach of tho over fed millionaire Is ofton paraded In the public prints as a horrtblo oxamplo of the evils attendant on tho possession o fgreat wealth, put millionaires are not the only onoa who aro afflicted with bad stomachs. Tho proportion Is far creator among tho toilors. Dys pepsia and Indigestion are rampant among thoso people, and they suffor far worse tortures than tho millionaire unloss they avail thomaolves ot a standard medicine like Or eon's August Flowor, which has been a favorite household romody for all stomach troubles for over 36 years, August Flower rouses the torpid liver, thus creating appotito and Insuring perfect digoatlon. It tonoa and vitalizes the ontlro system, and makoa life worth living, no matter what your station. Trial bottle, 35c; regular size, 75c, At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drag stores. Sir Henry Dead. London, Doc. 26. Sir Honry Bui lard, conservative membor of parlia ment. Is dead. This givos tho liberals tho chanco of obtaining another Noat. A SEVERE COLD la nearly always followed by sor loua complications. Protect tho Bys tom from suddan Colds, Chills or at tacks of Malaria, Fever and Ague by taking Hostottora Stomach Blttars, It It tho beat safo guard in exist ence and at this soasoa of tho year no homo should bo without 1L It will also curo Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Troubles. Bo sure to try IL Ask yemr druggist for our 1904 Almanac HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS 99&Z99&QW99QQ9999&999Q999Q99WbQM9Q999 Getting Ready for Invoice and want to clean up some lines entirely. Mackintoshes for ladies or children, all this fall stock, 20 Der cent reduction. Knit Shawls for 25c, the best you ever saw for the J money. Ladies' Hose fleece lined 12 l-2c a pair, best value in the city. Towels at 10c each, bleached with colored borders, look like they are worth 25c. General Redaction on all goods in the store except i spool cotton Rostem & Gteenh&um 302 Commercial Street. 3 9999&999996Q9999MQe&$9999999W&9 $ fiQieiaiftfrfrifrtef m incf iantntianiQioi8p The Entire Stock Of Boots and Shoes and Rubbers j We have purchased of Jacob Vogt must be sold at a sacrifice, Come early and I get the bargains, P.MANFRED Successor to Jacob Vogt. 265 Commercial Street Bsiaaiaiiit8iautiBiAffTBat01ata(PCcltiu ftiitiitaiiateiiciiaa-t4iKpiisneiatai j :r.:::::A G E N C Y O F:::::::: i BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.; GRAIN B0YBH8 AND SHIPPERS!" (jR A TfJi Oats For Sale. S HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crnd and stick Sulphur, fid Graham, Agent, 207 oommeud st;, um, on. f a