-"Tjmfw- DAILY C1APT TAL joubnal 8ALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1903, NO. S97. iCRAIN rV(s. xiii. , ,UO STORM OF SWEPT BY THE STORM RUSSIA GETTING UNEASY FOOLED THEM WAVE EAST ART IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Horace Turner Ex Robbers Were Steal ing Railway Com panys , Safe i iRolted It on the Track When a Passenger i rain wan Into it Jack Frost Has a Little Christmas Hilarity Eight Degrees Below Zero at Chlcago-Seventeea Above in Tennessee tfnbonsvlllo, O., Dec. 2G Burglars L jiijgo Junction last night rolled the Pennsylvania rallway'n Bafo out, and virtnd across tho tracks, whoro a fjgoa was waiting on which It was jdiently planned to load and cart It aij. A passenger train camo around ie carve, struck and knocked tho safo & tho tract, but, na by a mlraclo, the rsln was not dorallod. Tho robbsra stsped. o KnlQhts Templar Services. Doilolay Commandery, No. 5, bights Templar, held a most lutor- jflng service In tho Masonic lyul yos- nrjay morning. At 9 o'clock tho com- uadery met for tho annual Christ M sorrlcrs. Thoso are held at the uae hour throughout tho Unltod gates, whrovor a commnndory Is lo attt. Following tho beautiful and tofresdvo services, tho regular month tr meetlns was held and officers elect ed tor tho ensuing year, and those inre Immediately installed. Past ..... -i . i i gnna womiuuiiuur r. it. muuiu in- tulled tho officers Into tholr respective (oMUons, as follews: Fritk A. Turner, eminent command tr; William H. Byrd, genalllsslmo; Hetry D. Thlolsen, captaln-goneral; lftert H. Stolnor, prelato; B. Ai PiTce. senior warden; Geo. 0. Brown, huor warden; Lot L, Pearco, record- A. A. CunnlnKham. warder; Fred V. 8teutloff , standard nearer; Wm. H. ftclr, irord bearer; Henry Shoemak er, uttlncl. St. Louis, Dec. 26. Almost zero weather nrovalls tonluht in r ti Tho day was comparatively warm and cloudy, but tills afternoon a change set in, tho sky clearing and the tompora turo falling 31 degrees In four hours This fall 'in temperature was accom panied by a hgh wind that gained n velocity of 40 miles an hour, doing hibit of Pic tures Held in (the City Hall, Jan. 20-24-Plans to Dec orate All School Rooms of Our City RIOT AND ANARCHY SariDomingo a Whirl -Wind of Reyo i Iution Blizzard Turns Day to Night, Stops All Business Tho friends of tho mtbllc schools and of art will bo pleased to learn that tho splendid Horace K. Turnoi exhibit, of Boston, will be in tho city hall during tho four days of January 20-24. So much intorost was aroused in the subject of school room decora- ln 1... 4l. 1?1,. nl.ll.I. 1m V.,.. considerable damage In various parts i,. ,i. mmi. f ij,t h. of the city. i -eQa orKanZC(i to ralso funds, and take ii inu uuigui ui uiu uiuw, portions of tho east and north wells of the par tlally completed $1,000,000 Bucking ham Hotel, at West Pine and Kings Highway, woro blown down, causing damage ostlmnted at $75,000. building had beon leased for the world's fair period by the Buckingham Club, of which Miss Holon M. Gould is a momber, but the contractor Bays this accidoni will not lntorforo with Its completion on time. On tho world's fair grounds, noar by, considerable damago resulted from tho wind, which blow down scaffolds and wrecked soma temporary structures. . Funeral Instead of Wedding. Kw York, Dec. 2C Tho steamor Odric brouehL from Kncland Miss UH Bennett, who oxnocted to mar- gAfflbroso Good, who was- killed In M Connellsvlllo wreck, while on iMle to moot hor. Tho news was Men on board by a passongor. Tho W Is nearly insano with grief. Tlie EBlgration authorities mado an ex- ftloa in hor caso and pormitted a alter of tho deceased, George Good, 'JUfli a bond for hor support. This ralng sho accompanied him to his at McKoosport to nttend the lral of tho man sho "was to marry. Unclaimed Dend. I&nnellsviiin p nr 2C Twelve '41ms of tho railway wreck are still sfclmod. including four unidenti- Tho timo of tho Inquest Is not 11 d&tormlned. Cincinnati. Dec. 2C Tho cold wave continuos, and Is at zero tills morning. The I In AH II draws. totlor. Pa., Doc. 20. Tho 78th vie- 1 of tho typhoid plaguo dlod this "ig. Flvo dlod yestorday. genoral charge of tho plan to lurnlsh oach school room In the city with sov oral fine pictures. 11 will require about ISO pictures to ilornrntp tho srhnnl rnnms lironorlv. Thc This numbor will furnish Ave pictures for each room. Suitable pictures have several nocossary qualificatiens: 1. Pictures must be large onough to be seen from every part of the room. 2. Pictures must bo durable. 3. The plo turos should possess gountno morlt. Within tho past ten years sovernl firms In tills country ana Europe have purchased tho right to photograph the great master paintings found In the groat art gallerlos of tho world. A single company In Boston offors more than 15,000 of such reproductions. It has been found that tho wondorful Chicago, Doc. 26. The cold con- photograph oflon improves tho pic- tlnuos. and it has boon eight below turn. since early this morning. The photographs may bo obtained in almost any desired mo, Irom tno llttlo 5x8 Inches to tho great sizes, 50x80 Jnches. The-prices vary with tho slzo and tho finish. Tho most de sirable ropioduction Is the carbon pho tograph. It Is not affected by light or . . i.j. i ii.. age. It must do ronioniuuri.-u uhh thoro Is a alst'notlon betweon tno pic turn that Is nhotographod from the original and a plcturo that Is repro duced from a reproduction or tno orig inal. Thore aro iovoral kinds of finish used for making tho photo cranhs. Tho most common are car- . .. i...i.u Tim ixrina boa, platinum ami uruimuo. .. ,.-- of a broraldo photograpn in a 22x28 Inches, for example, Is $3, the platinum costs about $6. whllo tho car bon picture would cost $10. A picture about 10x20 Inches Is of good size for a school room. Such a picture would cost from $4 to $7, framed. Tho teacher and pupils of the pub lic schools aro much Interested In the success of the picture exhibit, and In vlte every patron and friend of the school to assist In some smau -The funds already on hand are as Proceeds from Khwr. exhibit 1"'JJ Hlsh school Mlts Fletcher's room w Othr suuscripilons wuw Every Man's Hand Raised Against His Neighbor and No One Knows What for Now York, Doc. 26. Passengers on tho Glyo liner Now York, which ar rived tfrom San Domingo, says tho country! Is a seething storm of riot, anarchs and revolution, until tho pco plo ho no Idea whnt thoy nro fight ing. They predict this condition will provalL until somo outsldo country ntmin.Trl nml ntmiH It. ftammtinlcntlon between ports Is suspended, and alt wires Wown. Business Is at a com plete) standstill, and Unfile Is prac- tlcallyft-uspendcd. Is Afraid China Will Aid Japan in Manchuria Washington, Dec. 26. The state du partnipnt hkas recelvovl the following from lil!nlster Powell. "Tho lnsur genUthre now marching on San Do mingo from Mncorls. The Newport has arrived, and the German floet Is All Boats Had to Anchor, Eyen thc Ferries Drifting Helplessly In the Darkness Now York, Dec. 26. A stOrro sweeping In from tho wost struck this city this morning and onvolopod the streets and bay in darkness. Forrlos drifted helplessly, unablo to Uoop tholt bearings, nud tho lines leaving quar antlno woro forced to anchor. Thc dny was almost unlvorsally being observed-as a holiday. Tho WbAthoi forecast shows today and tonight as bolng tho coldest of tho year. Ton be low Is oxpectod by nightfall. Thorc was several fires this afternoon, nnrt the high wind mado tholr oxtlngulsh. lng difficult, AdelphU Hall, a flvo stcry building on Seventh avenuo was doetroyed. expected today. Inez." Mncorls favors Jim- KnlTvllln. Tcnn.. Dec. 26. It was 17 degrees abovo zero thlB morning. i n May Hatch Out One. Portland. Dec. 26. Among a large consignment of Eastern eggs, received by a commission house this morning, woro many on which Mlts E. Crook, ot South Omaha, had written a requost for a husband. Sho sr.ys sho is 17, good looking, works fo Armour, and wants a man about 28 years old. r Japs and Russians. Paris, Dec. 26. It Is learned today that Japan Is preparing a force, which will probably numbor 15,000 troops, which will bo sent Into Coroa, to main tain ordor at tho disturbed ports. She has boon assured by Russia that sucn action won't bo considered as an un friendly act or casus belli. II " Steamers Collided. .., tw 26. Tho steamor t. nmi tho Clvdo llnor Klqwa col- llded In Boeton light channel this af ternoon. Tho latter sunk almost lm mediately. The Dewey wa badly dli al-lod and was towed back to port The crow of a nearby tug rescued all aboard the Kiowa. The Lease Illegal. Washington. Dec. 26. Pnyno an nounced today that tho loaso of the postofllce quartors at Choyonno con tains tho namo of Senator Warren as lessee, la violation of tho stautes, hut that It would bo continued In force un til tho completion of tho now govern ment building, which will probably bo Bovorol months. Tho leaso wa oxo- cutod by between government In spectors and an agent for proporty, whllo the senator was cbsont i"""- ' 1 Boston, Dec. 26. ,,Genornl Poe," tho lnrKest dredger In tho hnrbor, sudden ly sunk thto afternoon. Geo. Coombs, a government employe, and Wm, O'Nell and Thomas Jonos, black smiths, wero drownod. Thlrtoen mon woro aboard and ton woro roscuedj Tlu drodgor was bolng towed at thc Umo tho accident occurred. Tho causo Is unknown. Chinese Soldiers in the Char acter of Immigrants Are Crossing the Border 8L Petersburg, Dec, 26. Tho Nova Vromya today states that alarm Is folt over tho bollof that China Is plotting to aid Japan against Ilussla Tho Box. or gonornl. Mar, and Viceroy Klay arj mentioned oa lenders of tho move mont. Tho Chlneso soldiers nro hav Inn constnnt tnrgot practice, ns though In preparation for actlvo duty. Chlnesa Immlgrnnts, suspectod of being sol diers disguised, nro entering Manchur ia In largo numbers, arms bolng hid den In accessible places. Tho papor adds tho Chlnoso may ultlmatoly hold tho trump card In the Mnnohurlan campaign, St Joseph, Mo Doc. 26-Tho body of Philip Wontz, socrotnry of tha Wonts Shoo Co., was. found hnnglns In an ompty box car today, suspended hv a nloco of fonco wlro. IlolatlvoJ think It rnurdor, but the coroner vlows it ts a enso ot suicide. Now We have about 2 ton of candy and nub that we wanttoscll in the next 2: days. Call and inspect our prices. Zinn's - . . . 154 State tit. Phone 1071 Main. c Metty Xmas CSJjfli wetiSe&crnA Metfy Xmas koH.w,8; ; This Has Been tfae Greatest Wcck m x the History of Th New Yotfc f Tool .'MS.'o Qj Ou, safes for the Mtw SlS sales of any foil week to the history of or host oess. Z ! Ot Cask Plan Makes Business. Gow We have a few aib.ms, &X a( oots and frameri plctorcs wWci we will close ctly ONE-HALF PKUg- .Salem's aeapest One Pce Cash Store. c v WARNES, PoP- Imf Jk A"" ...,. HHil U Means War. I Udoo. Dee. M.-The correspond ... f ,h. Hallv Mall at Sydney. N. 8 W cables that the Japanese govern 'ro;t ha. placed orders forage quan title, of pis I"" "M New S0Uth Wales concerns, and that the presump ',lon I. that this lead will be used for tbe manufacture of bullets. special cablegrams from tht far Kast Printed In this morning's papers. X raf. the reports of alleged wa. Ipreparatlons. but as Japanese securl !?, recovered yesterday the lost val iuo. . thfli. llttlo Importance luotiaehod to these rumors In financial WE extend oar best wianes to oar many patrons for V A Merry Amas ana a Happy New Year, and we thank them fortheftmmense patronage they have accorded daring the year. rS Dally Telegraph's correspondent t0 Shanghai gives the nam i of six Learners which Japan has chartered !2Ttt. Conveyance of supplies, and ays the sixth army division, now at J bTgarrlson city of Kumanoto, is wait. ins order. o proceed toCorea. ' -.,7'c,,, 9t' Kansas City. Kansas Olty. Mo.. Dec. 26-At l oresent cold'spen w - - 'winter. tbo ground cyn to Death Llraa O.. Do M.-A wealthy eon traS Otorle Wiesenaeyer was raTaes?w1th.nablckofh..b0H,e ST,mor.l.5.rroiIna.KwdrIft. We want you to look out f of out Gf eat Clearance Sale Announcements will be published in a day or so. Is no snow on V ' m A A i m, h w .H4