M AK RIGHT r.w.twri'T'j Stockton & Co. Dolls and RICE TODAY Stockton & Co I , m i . ' ' ii- -' 1 They Need a Chaperone Tlio St. Louis Advocato nlong with other papers published in the Exposi tion! city, sends out tlto following A-nrntng: "Wo would ho very glad to Impross upon our brothers of tlio country press tlio groat dangers that llo In wait for tlio multltudo of young girls Umt arcr flocking to St. Loulu, and notably at Oils tlinu Tlio coun try proas Is a tromondous power for ltoouv and if thoy would kcop this matter boforo their rcadors, constant ly warning all a to this opon door to ruin, many might bo Bnvod who else wwro lost, "Tlio gntoway to St. Louis Is tho nront Union dopot which Ih bosot with a thousand snares for unwary fcot Any young girl who comos through tho gatoa Into the midway is At onco allotted, and It It bo itosslbln tho snnro will bo bo spread In hoi1 path that alio cannot oscnpo. "No girl nhould coma horo unless absolutely suro an to hor course And many tempting ndvortlsernonts are ofton muro bnlts for Ignaranco and Innocence And If she comos to tho lty rondy to ontor tlto first carriago -whoo drlvor proposes to take hor to jt cheap boarding place or to accept the first situation offered whore "no oxporionco Is required," sho may as well bid ndlou to Inuoconco and hopo when alio lenvoar hor homo. "Ami no a matter of courso th young man la almost equally exposed so far as moral or even physical saf ely In concerned. If tho country pa- ' ' 'i WHEAT MARKETS. Chicago, Doc. 23. Whoat, 82 8 Gold Dust Flour MoVe by THE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Made for family uio. Atk your grocer for It Bran and shorts al- nnjn on hand. A. T. Wain, Agt. lBBKMllBfrBB&fa4gK4l4l Timely Suggestions tot i Cht istmas Presents Diamond Rings from 910.00 to 1300. Ladles' Watches from S0.60 to 150. Gents Watches from $4.50 to 150.00. Boys' Watches from $1.50 to $&00. Solid Qold Rings from $1.00 to $20.00. Diamond Brooches from $10.00 and up. Diamond Cuff Links from $3.50 to $25, Diamond Studs from $11.50 to $200... Watch Chains from $1.60 to $16.00. Opera Classes ftrsm $6.60 to $18.60. Qold Pens and Pearl Handles $1.50 to $2.00. Stlok Pins, beauties from $1 to $1.50. Match Boxes from $1.50 to $5.00. 8havlng Mugs from $3.50 to ".50. wpectactes and eyo-glasses selected for Xmas presents will bo re. fitted after tha holidays, Your selections laid asldo until you want thfru,,' w Cfias H Hinges, Jaweler and Optician, MttHnH4IW4MK4BTO44Ni BAH.Y WP JW pern will only keep thoso things be fore tholr renders they will servo Qod and humanity." MARRIED. OLIVER STANTON. At the home of the bride's paronts, an Cottngo stroot, Wednesday, December 23, 1903, at high noon, Ooorgo Oscar Ollvor to Eva E. Stanton, Dlshop H. L. Uarkloy ofUclntlng. Tho contracting parties aro both rosldcnts of Salora, and studonts of Willamette Unlvorslty. Miss L. Belle Darby was bridesmaid, and Mr. Rich ard Wllkins acted as host man. Tho young pcoplo will spend a short honeymoon in Portland, after whioh thoy will return to Salem and resumo their studio. PATTON HUNTER. At tho Salem Hotol, Wodnosdny, December 23, 1903, at 3 o'clock, Mr. W. X. Patton to Miss Blanche Hunter, Rov, Heppo of tho Methodist church, officiating. Tho young people aro residents' of Independence. o A fire alarm from the Murphy block, corner of Commorclnl and State streets, this, morning brought out the flro department In short order. An in vestigation by Chief Johnson showed Hint tho alarm was a falso one, tlio're being no ovidonce of a blnzo about the building in question, and tho depart ment returned to its quarters. To Visit Ireland. Dublin, Dec. 22. The dally Ex prow today publlshod a lotlor from King Edward's socretary. announcing that tho king and quean expect tc pay another visit to Ireland noxt sum mer. vaanHHraMBaananHWMiMra Merry Xmas? Do you pay your bills? m s We Collect A ccounts Van Alstlne Cordon ft Co. 257ttCom'ISt. PnoneSOl A, R Morgan ft Co. Mcrrs. i8BBKraBBTt'"l"CttSHfeSanBHJ 88 State Street wmMttataigcin APrTAt. JOUBWAL, SALEM, BN, THURSDAY, DCEMBER 24, POLICE . AT1, FUNERAL Chicago Blue Coats Ch'apercne the Corpse And the Dead Man Was Not Interested in the Mat ters at Issne in the Strike Chicago Doc. 24. The first hoarso to bo used at a funeral slnco tho Btrlko of tho livery drivers bogan was sont out this morning. Do. hind the hoarse was a carry-all filled with policemen, with. Instructions not to parley with any one interfering but to uso oxtromo measures immcdl- gott, of Pussy, Iowa, and C. A. La atoly. Tho strikers woro warned in mont. of Vanduoky. Mont., wero fatnl- advance it would bo dangorous to ston them, so no trouble was experienced Tho church also was undor heavy po lice guard. WRECKED, MAN GLEDJROASTED (Continued from first pap:fl.) are nil now m tlie morguo, plied in n growsome mass, and it Is impossible at this time to pursue tho work of Identification with any success. It Is presumed that many of the dead be long in Conncllsvllle, but so disfigured aro their faces that they would be passed by unknown oven by their near ost relatives. The clothing of many has boen searched for some identifica tion, oui mis means nns provou iruiiMWM tovma dead in bod this morning, less. It Is probablo thn. at least half , dozon will nover bo Idontlflod. Nevor woro more terrible scenes to bo witnessed than thoso nbout the wreck, tho ttcam frm tho cars fllllnij tlio nlr. Many of tho stricken people, climbing out of tlio windows, went wild with howls and screams of dellr lum In tho bushes, and it is thought that many have not been found. Oth ers, It Is thought, woro caught in tholr wnndorlngsThjd cared lor. One" man, nftor rushing Into tho woods, came back again, wont to tho bacgago car of tho relief train, and, after sitting down, said, "My God." Tho uxt In-1 stnnt ho dropped ove doad without anotnor word. There was not a scat on him Ho had Inhaled steam. Governor Is Busy, The govornor has approved a num ber of the bills passed, and n fow otli nr hn mi (11ml wltlinnt his nli'titilnro .. . . .... . 1 so mat tney win uocomo jaws m w days. Thoy are: Bills signed Ropeal of Phelps net, Jnavo noTf y had to tako ono back r-onnctment of old titx luw, canal and furnish a vibrator In Its stoad. bill, oxomptlon act, Multnomah coun- ebmo and boo thorn, ty circuit judges' salary, approprla- Qur Cnrlstmfta trado on tion for oxponse of sosslon, terms of , court In 19th Judicial district, amend-11"19 boon BPIondld- Somo of you hus ing section 3132 af codo, amend sec- j hands drop in and we'll holp you sur tion C030 of code, oxecution of Pleas- priso your wlvoa. ant Armstrong. I a mlnaturo Studobakor wagon men wiuiout signature cnartor bills of Lebanon, Beaver Hill, McMinn- vlllo; Bnlarlos of Josephlno county, game laws amendment, amondmont to 4322-3 of codo. No Hop Dream. Chas. Livealey, plalnliff. vs. Farrow Bros., defendants, la the title of a caso filed in tho Justice court. ,ThQ action is brought to rocovor ?C5.C7 alleged to bo duo as a balance of the purchoso prlco of a quantity of hops, 138 balos, sold by tho plaintiffs through Uio defendants, who actod as agents. Nobody Cares. Paris, Dtic 24. At a special sitting in tho Fair will case Faoysuror today. Dr. Porrlqua, who testified at Paris that Mrs. Fair survived her husband, ( was sovoroly cross-cxamlneuT The witness gonorallred, hesitated and Anally contradlctod hlmsolf, thus bo- j rlously damaging his previous ovi-' denoo. ; Made the Dervishes Howl. Loudon, Doc. 24. Dispatches today report a battlo between 2000 Dervlshoa and a British forco near Bodwln, So mallland, on Docembor 18th, In which the onoroy was completely routed, los ing 82 killed and100 wounded. The British loss was threo killed and four wounded. Mania for Fires, Cleveland. O., Doc. 24. Mrs. Dora Robinson has been arrested at Obar lln, charged with, arson. Seventeen Incendiary fires qf recent date aro at tributed by the officers, to her. Fatal Collision, Mexico. Ma. Dec. 34. Tho east. bound Wabash posaonger train col 1903. I WHISKY j& I H Physicians prescribe it B S for their most delicate I LFor Sale by H A. 8CHREIDER, Salem. I 153 State St I FARMER'S HOME, 1 lldcd with unit Enclnonr Whltton klllnil CJ Hind- ly Injured. Burned to Death. Cumberland, Md., Doc. 24. Throe Itnlians woro burned to death last night In a fire, which destroyed n sec tion car on the Baltimore & Ohio rail road, near Mountain Lake. Cotton Goes Soaring. Now York, Dec. 24. Cotton today wont tho hlghost slnco tho war of the robolllon, going to $13.91. Drokors predict it will go to 14 cents.- Cuba Recognizes Panama. Washington, Doc. 21. The state de partment has advices that Cuba today ! fPrranlly recognized tho ropubllc of Pannma. Kansas City, rough, formor Doc. 21. Philip Bur' British consul lioro Arthur L. Jaraosj cashier of tho First National Bank of Baker City, accom panied by his family, Is In tho city for a week's visit with his fathor, Supt. Jnmos, of tlio state prison. Mr. James was an interested spectator at tho capltol during tho closing hours of the 1'cglBlaturo last night. White Rotary Sewing Machines Always plvoso tho womon folks. When tho Whlto Rotary wna por fecteil wo took It up and havo Bold scores of them slnco. Wo soli thorn on tholr morits oa an cosy runnlntr. high Bpood, convoniont machine, and tlcklou tho boys. Wo havo thorn. Drop In ana look. And that "Irish Mail." It's a Bmall (hand cart for tho stroot You bring I thO hOV In. Ho'll nll If tr, lilmonlf ', ADd a nic w,ntor bur robo foV "tno mora." He gets cold when ho has to drivo; drop In and we'll holp you warm him li tho robo won't do It wo have eomo good buggy whips. , And eomo Juvonllo bicycles, Tljo boy or girl will havo tho riding trick all learned by oprlng, If you buy now. Wo havo the wheols If you havo the youngsters. F. A. Wiggins' Implement House. 255-257 Liberty 8L Farm Machinery, Bloycles, Automo biles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. N. HrBURLEY, Sowing Machine RepsJrlac. fHtH Hi Hlllil 8 -HI 1 1 1 H . New Today tlllHim-HHIIIIIIIIIII Lost or Stolen From my placjj, of business. In. Salem, a shotgun .hav ing a copper band around stock. Proper reward for return of same. M. L. Hamilton, Sa:em, Oregon. 12-34-lwb: Wanted.-At oiyie, a. girl foe eaoral housowo;k. Call on Mrs. J. A. Carson, South Salora. 12-Jt-3t a freight near haro today, OPERA HOUSE JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mot. Two Nights Only Beginning- Wednesday Dec. 23 Mr. Harry W. Smith will prompt MISS JESSIE SHIRLEY And her wccellout compnuy in the following plnye: WEDNESDAY "AjJModern Magdalen. THURSDAY "TliejDtfcness DaiBarry." Prices 75c, 60c, 35c Seats on Bale at box oIHcd "Wednesday at 9. a. fn. Grand Opera House JOhiN F. CORDRAY, Manager. Friday Dec. 25. Eighth annual tour of tho Stanford University GIcc and Mandolin Ciubs A night of fun, frolic, music and merriment Now music, bright spe cialities, collcgo stories, college stunts collcgo fun. Prices, $1.00, 7Gc, 50c and 35c. Scats on salo at box offlco Friday at 9 a. m. Grand Opera House Monday, Dec. 28 B, C. Whitney Presents The Ploe Dreamer Joe Kelly and 30 others In the ls musical cut-up "The Head WaSteis" More Music than a Comic Opera, Lavish InLevcliness PRICES-75C. 50c, 35c. Stats on sale at box-oflko Monday at 0 a.. m. In retiring from my business career in Salem, I wish to thank all my pat rons and friends for tholr liberal pat ronago for thoso many years, and to the many clorks and omployos who havo so successfully aided mo. I al so extend to them many thanka for their klndnoss and respect, and In loavlug your beautiful city I assure you that I go with tlio best of fooling for your wolfaro and wishing ono and nil a merry Christmas and many a happy Now Year, I bid you adlou. Tlio Fair Storo, O. P. Dabnoy, Pro prietor. Tho host quality and tho lowest priceo on Italian strings for violin, guitar, mandolin and banjo, nt W. Cal vot's, practical watchmaker, 1G8 State stroot. cod Football! Football! Tomorrow, Dec. 25 Chemawa Seconds vs. Multnomah Seconds Willamette Grounds Game called at 2:30 Exciting game, decides tho cham pionship of tho two teams. Admission 25c Grandstand iOc GRAND JmOPXJES JBAMGAIN MO&SJ& Slaughter a Only Two Days More of the great sale at the Chicego Store, The store is crowded every day with anxious buyers, anxious to get their share of the specials otfered at such low prices, Come straight no the Chicago store if you want except ionally good value for your money. The Cheapest Store M'EYoy Brothers, State open Evenings Till Chtistnas Is brim foil of holiday suggestions. We're too basy to write ads. Do yowr Christmas buying early. Come in the mornings if you can. Otegon Fite Relief Association Ortcon's Great Mutual Insurance Co. $15,440,588 Insurance at risk. Safe, economical insurance for the people. Head office, McMlnvllIe, Or. H, A. JOHNSON, Agent for Marlon Co. Salem. Oregon. Wanted Potatoes We Want Burbank Potatoes. Early Rose Potatoes. Early Jackson Potatoes, Peerless Potatoes. Garnett Chill Potatoes. James M. Kyle & Co i 75 CommercialSt. Fesii . NAVAL ORANGES Today AT fF4cutde Edward Ellis. 144 State 8t ia the Northwest Court St.,Salem J ' " 5 Oaf I Stof c n jJ7 urn 1 es