Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 24, 1903, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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T- , :
, , return of that cyclonic musical
l ' .mi., Unfirl Wnltnra nt it.
atop' 1UU """ " ""' "v luu
grand Opora House Monday, recon-
liructcd on prosom-uay iinos, uuuMlng
jjf with liumorous ianctea, and
Lced with fantastic aatlrcs, will be
ired-lettcr musical comeuy ovent. Rol-
' 11ml... 1 .
'...-.. ... "., ,....
lAing run uuu x. u winters-
j,rc become synonymous terms to the
iScitro-gocr. A& It first Implies, it Is
of snap and ginger. Besides, It
tu tho prestige of big and brilliant
irceesetf from tho Atlantic to the Pa
jijc, and in Its presont revised edi
tion It Is said to bo a striking and
fleuing dcrnrturo from conventional
(jfce comedy, for tho performance
Wrlf teems 'with new and fetching
litaatlons, untquo characters, bright
felogue, melodious music, and a por
tal ds'uge of fun. All the funny
'reoedlans, protty girls and Interest
tig novelties of tho soason, togother
rti a really clovor vehicle for their
iftplay that Is right up to tho times
fcwn start to finish, aro promised In;
tie "Head Walters," and past cxperl
cut teaches tho play-patron that ho
nr depend upon tho promlsou being
Seats on sale at box office Monday,
December 28th, at 9 a. m. Curtain at
Tht Roosevelts' Christmas
Washington, D. C, Dec. 21. Christ-
Has Sfie Not Said i
A buffet, a china closet, a dining ta
! bed,
' mtt, aa a nt jndlBg to Uu old
KoShi rear thick.
The House Furnisliing Company.
Salem. 269 Liberty
(s .
we do what we uaim
We kill and remove cancers and tuaors wlthont the ld of a kilfe.
RmH hA fAcfimnnv nf a Drominent aiem uidii. a
TO THE PUBLIC. Injustice
world may know v hat grear
inform thL rit i It, heen
! for the past fifteen months and in that time he nas re
moved from my alimentary canal three tumors or can
ruus growtns, as large . -""",: ....vth from 5
larger intestine. Also another fZ
off my right right foot and hl?ZAS
I thumh Thie h ail heen accomplished througn meui ( ,
a .." i -...
cines Uone, they killing the growth and the sower . ; ;
roots and nature itself casting them off, without me
aid of knife or surgefy. I do not be eye I eyM have
! ."una equal y successiui i.c." - -v R Cookf the s
iurm and cheeriuiiy recuiin' - rA,timonial. ::
Botanical Doctor, to all who read this tesfmonia i. ,,
?. J. Spencer. We can do as mnch for you or more , ,
,f you need it.
&tutec,erB0t0ict Doctor. Cures
. r .1
oparat.6 t J' ou,,
Progress for om 7 I
everyone from .1, Wcok' -
'- of the
Express wagons, mall M...
-f to ,r zrrr
and admire ,;,'.. T
country. Of course, it g0 th ou
saying that thi m,im .!.. . 10ut
With thn ....... :'"""" "" 00 UK
- 10 ascertain what San-
ja Uaus ha left in their stockings.
Later they will n, Z
brarjr to receive their mere important
Sifts from the President and Mrs.
nooseyelt. Following the custom
of last year, it has been decided to
have no Christmas tree at the mite
House, but in the afternoon the
Roosevelt children will go to the homo
of their uncle and aunt, Captain and
Mrs. Cowles, to see a protty Christ
mas tree and receive other nmumt.
Christmas dlnnor will bo served In
the ovnlng. The principal featuro will
bo the hugo gobbler selected from tho
hundred or moro turkeys received 03
presents at tho White House yester
day and today. Tho remainder of tho
turkeys wero distributed this after
noon with the compliments of Prosl
dent and Mrs. Roosevelt among tho
servants and attaches of tho execu
tive mansion.
Portland's Favorite.
Esther Lyon will bo tho now lending
woman of tho Baker theater com
pany, at Portland, Orogon. Miss Ly
on has tho reputation of being one
of tho boet leading womon for stock
work In this country. She was on
gaged a few days ago by George Ij.
Baker, manager of the Baker Enter
prises, upon her return from a tour
of England. Last soason Miss Lyon
was leading woman for tho Foropaugh
stock company at Philadelphia, Pa.
' fled Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I fed bright nad my com
plexion Is better. My dector says It
acta gently on the itomoche, liver and
kidneys, and Is a pleasant laiativo. It
Is made of herbs, nad Is prepared as
easily as tea. It Is called Lane's med
icine. All druggists sen It at 25c and
60 cente. Laxve's FaraWy Medicine
moves the bowels each day. If you
cannot get it, seed for free samples
Address, Orator Woodward, Leltoy
N. Y.
n -
Christmas Cheer for Jackles.
Washington, D. Q , Dec. 2f. Though
I Would Like aii
ble, a set of dining chairs, a rocker,
a parlor or library table, a couch, a
narlar set a hall set, a mirror, a pic
ture. a dresser, a chiffonier, an Iron,
a desk, a music cabinet, a pair of j
lace curtains, a pair portiere, a rug,
a table cover, an art square or some
thing else.
year, wo aro dlinrad to poel our j
Street. Albany
stir ri .
to Dr. Cook and tn inc
worn c "L""uim
taking treatment trom mm
min mini, mi iiwm -
... i IMrtvSt.
all DlMasea- .Jt
H xrii
Vt wt HI I:
W m. wr Jot :-
1 Ibfm fvWifc-t0 hw ,he tddinK tin
JjeuietliiiK: i habbti
tnr. That rintr
touiu unruly be pulled
h. i, ..' ?" m me
:'. " b tiui iit n r.t-
. . . --
yvm ago.
it,!. ,i " ".. -" "i '" unn "PIEM. how
...... me iinRcts nave grown! And the
finger, don't now thin alone. How thin
,.(- A1r11?,,t nndouly the wife
1.,. ,?" Ja,,,nB aml wnit away. Tie
Sl',1 n ,0 eh,.U!reB h" "" been
SKL 1 1. 1)rfln which !,hould ''ve been
stopped ha-e been neglected.
.L ' ,a """mo" experience with
women, unlet tome friend has share!
l"?.?.;a'j ,K Ptt:cr of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
dries the
'ijMiyuon. 11 reflates the ni-rimt.
drains which undermine the
strength, heals inflammation ami ulcera
I , "Ed,curP fewalc weakness. It makes
the baby's advent practically painless and
.... K """ vitality xo nursing mothers.
.?u5 "i10' lel! ll0n: Kratefnl I am for
SSL Inhn iw0 "r"?. " """dnw" write,
on rfr.w000'.01 """fug?. Northumticrtatid
to., Ontario. t have bn In txwr health for
could not do inv work. I went to the doctor and
fni..! 1 ",,!,0' nd falUngr of the
tnttrnal organs, but thwiRht I would In- our
ih!2rire,rrI,Won-' IJ,,00k five botlfes and
three of the 'Golden Medics! Discovery and
ShS ?' "r 5' rel)eu-and ' n safely
say that I never felt better In my life."
A Indies' Uxaiive Dr. Pierce's Pleas,
ant Pellets One slugle, small pellet is a
laxative dose
J !! l'
far from home, the blu Jacket and
marines on duly In Isthmian waters
are to have plenty ot Christmas cheer,
thanka to the foresight and thought
fulness of Uncle Sam. According to a
dispatch received at the navy depart
ment the supply ship Culgao has nr
rived safely at Colon with a big cargo
of supplies for the warships on Uie
eastern and western sides ot the Isth
mus. The Culgao's cargo Includes
300,000 pounds of drossed beef, 20,000
pounds of mutton and 10,000 pound
of turkey. Thore is ulso on board a
great quantity of plum pudding. The
turkey and plum pudding will be
dlshod out In liberal quantltlw to
morrow when tho Jacklee sit down to
their Christmas dinner.
Millionaire's Poor Stomach.
Tho worn-out stomach ot tho ovor-
fed millionaire le ofton paraded In the
public prints as a horrlblo examplo of
tho ovlls attondant on tho possoeslon
o fcrcat wealth. Dut millionaires am
not tho only ones who aro affllctod
with bad stomachs. Tho proportion Is
far greator among tho tollors. Dys
popsla and lndlgostion aro rampant
among thoeo people, and thoy Buffer
far worso tortures than tho millionaire
unlosa they avail themsolvra of a
standard medicine Hko Green's August
Flower, which has bon a favorite
housohold remedy for all stomach
troubloa for ovor 35 years. Aujust
Flower rouses tho torpid Uvor, thus
croatlng appetite and Insuring perfect
dlgostlon. It tonoa and vitalize the
entlro system, and makes life worth
living, no mattor what your station.
Trial bottlo, 25c; regular size, 75c At
all druggists. At Dr. Stono'i drB
More About Wood.
Washington, Dec. 23. The war de
partment this aftornoou mado public
a, lettor from Goneral Wood, written
In Manila July 28th, calling attention
to tho attacks made upon his charac
ter, and requesting the war dopart
ment to invostlgato them. Wood In
closed In tho lettor various oxhlblU,
in the shano of official documents,
and a private lettor bearing on hla
conduct In Cuba,
"Portland and Return Only tZ20."
Tho Southorn Pacific Ii now nelllng
round trip tickets to Portland from
Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday
or Sunday, returning Sunday and Mon
day, giving all day Sunday and Mon
day In Portland. Tho sarao arrange
ment applies from Portland, giving all
Portland people a chance to visit val
ley polnU at greatly reduced rates.
W. n COMAN, Q. P. A.
No home Is completely furnished
until it oontalaa a uanoBuuio -
Wo have kiuda enough to wilt any
fancy. At W. Calvtt's, practical
watchmaker, No, 158 8tat street.
Roof Collapsed.
New York, Do. M.-Tbe walla aad
roof of tlw old Thlrtenth ratfnwnt
armory, la Brooklyn, ooltepwd at l:
this afternoon. Five laborer w
WUed. and many lnjarad.
W. Calret, practical watohraaker.
IBS 3tato Btreet, keeps repairs for all
kinda of Instruments: Viollni, gui
tars, mandolin and banjos, at rock
bottom price.
ft sLrt J9 m ,p lnm iw-rm --
pvav w
"'SSI" T"J -
t f 1 1144 Mill U ".! I illHr-
Advertisement, five linea or
lesa, In this column Inserted
uirce. umes rop Z3c, BOc a week
$1.50 a month. All over five
lines at the same rate.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n 4
Wanted. Manager for branch office
Wo wish to locato hero lu Salem.
Address, with roforencos, Morria
wholesale houso, care of thta paper.
Wanted. A bright girl to do solicit-
lng for on ngrooablo business. Call
at room 9, Opora houso block.
Wanted. A second girl la kitchen.
Cottogo Hotel. 12-21-St
Wanted. Pantry girl at WlllamoUo
Hotel. Apply at once.
Wanted. Uvo boys, who wish to oarn
somo money ovor tho holidays, ap
ply to Journal ofllco; eollrng papers
during leglslatura
Money Found. Anyono would feci a
thrill of pleasuro to pick up a allvor
half-dellar on tho highway. They
aro lying around ready to pick up
(no capital roqulrod) If you aro
willing to mstlo ami can talk only a
llttlo bit Good for clthor sex, young
or old. Addresn or call at Journal
offlco. 12-10-ti
For Sale. One frosh milch cow for
snlo, and she Is a good ona George
Swojsle. 12-22-3t
For Sale, Housiold furniture-;
stoves, etc.; cheap; If taken nt onco.
Inquire at 410 Church street.
Market Quotations Today a
Capital City Mills Quotations.
Bryant & Pennell, Prepe.
Duckwheat 80a
Poultry at Btelner'a Market
Chlckona 810c
EGK9 Per doion, JOc,
Turkoya 12OlBc.
Ducks D10c
Hop Market
Hops 19J22a.
Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc.
Potatoos 30c.
Onions VAc
Dried Fruits.
Peachoe 10c.
Aprlcota 10c.
Apples 10a
Petite prunes 4a
Italian prunes Co.
Wood, Pones Posts, EU.
nig fir 14.00."
Becond-growtb J3.50.
Arh 13.00 to I3.7C.
Body oak $4.60.
Pole oak $4.00.
Cedar pout 12'4a
Hldec ps(u and S'urs.
Oroon Hldoa, No. 1 5c.
Croon Hluoa, No. i la
Calf Skins 40 Ca
Sheep .76c.
Ooat Skins Zto to 11.09.
drain and Frsur.
Whoat, Salem Flouring Mills 76a
Oata 32a
Barley $18.60 per ton.
Flour Wholesale, $3,10.
Live Stock Market
Stoora 3 a
Cows 2Ha
Bho'.fr 2 VI a
Dressed real Ha
Droaaed hogs c
Llvo hogs a
Mutton 2c per pound.
Vc a
Hay, Fead. EU.
Baled cbeatlll.
Dale clovor $10O$ll.
Bran $20.
Shorta $2L
Creame? and Dairy Crodueta.
Good dairy butter lO02Se.
Croamory buttor 30a
nrum teoarator aklmtaed. at
Com. Creamery, 30c, net.
Whwit Walla WJla, 71a71e
Valley 78a
Flour Portland, best gnwlo, $3-760
$3.86; Eianam, $3.76.
Oata Choleo White, $1.10
Barley Faod, $20 por ton; xdlod,
Mlllatuff Dran, $ia
Hay TtrooUty, $1C
Potato 6O0Oc
Bfig Oregon raaoh, 37140
Tk..,it StilnVonjL mljl. 10OCT
lOVic pw pound; sprine, 11 Urkeys,
Ure, 12014c
Mutton ureeaoo,
Pork Dressed, Wtc
Kaflf Drtsicd, 60Vc
Hopo IMS crop, 16022a
w-Vallev. 170HCJ KasterB
0on. 1216; Mohair, 07a
Hide dnr. If foaaas an. npwaroa.
HtolHJe . ... .. -.
Batter Dun eairy, aw7",
r eroamry,S0c; atora MOlBVie.
24, 1903.
For Sale. Twenty-flro goats. Inquire,
of Chaa. Batt, Kouto No. 3. Salem,
Derby oTwilson Wll Beirtwonl-o
bulldltrg lots off tho south sldo of
tho ClagBott property, on Commor.
clal atroot, which P. W. Dorby
bought last Saturdny at public sala
For Sale Or trade, a flno I0-acro
chicken or fruit ranch; first-class
buildings and lmproveaents; cloeo
to Bchool, poetoOlco, storo and rail
way station. Will trade for city or
unimproved farm property. Addreaa
"W. J.," Caro Journal 3t-6-
For Sale. At a bargain. For anyone
TtTvnung a good Duslnesa location,
largo store and houao combined;
good chnncp to carry on a general
merchandlM buslnees on ona of Sa
lem's boat storea. Address Ira
Towno, Salem, Oro. 12-lb.lm
Buff Recks For wvU SovonU trios
of Uia tKwt Duff Plymouth Ilock
chlckona A. F. Hofor, Jr., East Sa
lora. 12-19-3t
Vetch Seed for Sale-I have a quanU-
ty of flrat-class rotch spod for aalo,
both varieties. Call at place or ad
dross F. Achilles, half mile west of
Kaiser school house, four mllea
north of Salem. 13-lQ-lwM.wk
Three Choice Young Boar ItoBlatof
ed Ilcrkshlrra; weight 200 pounds;
terras i-oaaonnblo. Thoao pigs aro
from tho flno brood sow I purchased
of Mr. Laiid, paying ?60 for her.
J. W. McKtnney, Tumor, Oro.
Christmas Treca. All alroe. flnost
Bhapon. Telophono your order for
a Chrintmaa troo to CIaruco and
Porcy Ulundell, Mornlngslde. Phone,
lletl 20CC. Trew dollvorod; prices
low. 1M!-Iwk
For Sale. O. K. Ombbors. Host In
Oregon; taoe stato promluma;
one horse has the powor of 09; can
grub au acre a day. Jaises Finney
DrookB, Or. 11-20-lm
For Sale Inmprovod and unimproved
block proporty In South Salon. For
Information Inquire ot li Hofor,
Journal offlco, 10-9-tt
Choice Farm For Sale-Threo mllea
northwest from Dreoks, having
dwolllnR houoo, barn and two hop
houaos, with 30 acroa of hops, bal
anco farming land, with running
water, except enough cholco tlrabor
to supply Uio placo. M. J. Egan.
For Sale Eighty acres ot land In
Washington county, for $450. A
bargain for somo ono wanting to
mnko a home. Some timber on tho
placo; somo clearod. K. Hofor, Sa
lem, Oregon. 10-8-tf
Rooms for Rent Dp stairs, Cottle
block, by day, week, or month. Al
so light housekeeping rooms. Rleo
tric llr.hta. Open all hours.
Commercial St, No. 333.
Phone: 2966 Main.
Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop.
Mr. L, Campbell Does dressmaking
at her homo, on the car line, near
the South Baleta cemetery. Country
trade sUlt. 11-ll-lns-d-w
Motor's Barber CoIIsqo Of Salt LAke
City, offora advanUgea in toacning
the trade that cannot bo had io
whero. Avoid schoola tho Orogon
and California barbers' now laws
aro apt to clone at any tima Write
today for our special offer to dis
tant studeata. lHO-lm'
Tha Proper Thlnfl The popular
drink for family uso 14 u. a. soua
and carbonated beverage, Every
body should keep theso goods at
their homes. Call up Oldeon Stols
Co. 'phone 421.
Say Have you tried Kdwarda ft Luach-
er's for meata, Wo bavo uo uoei
uiuaage In town. Come and try It,
and be convinced. 410 East State
street .
Salerq Truck and Dray Co, pjdaat
and beet equipped company in Ba
lem. Piano and furniture moving
a specialty Offiea 'phone, 8L W.
W. Brown A Son, proprietor. Office
No. 0 Btato stnxt 91-i"
Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 297 Commercial
atreet, upstairs flinging scnoot.
Iludlraofltal and sight reading claaa
ea, Begins Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 14 th. Class every Wednes
day evening to May 1st. nexL Tul
tioti, $1-00.
Unique Cleanln Rooms BhaW A
Jehason, tho cloaners, aro now lo
cated at 209 Commercial street
They do a general preaalng and , re
pairing business. SpecUlUes: Bklrta,
alflc waisU. kid gloves, geatV elotfc
lux, Phone 2814 tV28-lyr. .
Dr. W. 8. Mott-WIU hwJf
found la tha Drey block. 376 Ootn
merclal street orat OneoQ B
Co. Offlca Wephoo. t9j real
donee phooe, 3761. OfflW hours I
to 33. ana a w
New &wx Cider 8id your cd ta
tho- nearest groeesy. .;
phooatfl. Oidson BtoU aOo
W. Calvet, Practical Watchmakai''
16S Stat atroot, m&kea a specialty
of repairing watches, clocks k&&
jowolry, and guarantoeo good Tforic
at reaaonabla prices. 11.12-Ijt '
Ferguson's RestauranU-SS Btat
stroot. Open day and night Oaf
20o meals aro bettor than any 2fa
houso In tho stato. Six 20o meals
for ?1.00; 21 20o meals for 3.00.
Valley lodQe No. 18, A. O. U. W. Moots
In their hall In Holman block, oo
nor Stato and Uborty, ovory Moo
day ovenlng. Visiting brethrea
wolsome, Itoy Mclntlro, M. W. A.
E. Autrauco, Recorder.
Central Uodaa No. 18, K. of P. Oastls
uau in uoiman Dloclc, corner Btat
and IJberty 8U, IMenday of eaeJi
wcok at 7:10 p. m, A. K. Btraa
O. P.. R. J. Flerolm; K. of It. and B.
Forester of Amorlca Court Sh
wooa tnorrterB No, 19. Meets Fri
day nlsht la Turner block, & W.
Mlaturn. O. It.; A. h. Drown. Beo,
Modern Woodmen of America Ore-
every Thursday ovenlojr. at 8 o'clock
Hotaan Hall. Frank A, Tnrnsr, V.
P.; A. U nrow n. Clerk.
Protection Lodos Na 3, Ancicot Or.
ur united workmen, meets overy
Saturday evening In the nolmaa
Hall, corner BUta and Uburty
streola. VlsIUiyr bretarea wwloonvs.
J. O. arahwa, M. W. J, A. Bellwootf
Dra. M. T. Schoettte. Frank J. Barr
ana Anna M. Hrr. Graduates
American Bchool of Osteopathy,
Klrksvllle. Mo., succirisora to Dr.
Orace Albright OfOc houra 9 to
12 and 1:30 to 4:30, o'clock. 064
Fellows' Temple, Phone Main J7M
resldenco phone 2808 red.
...7N?0R.IL.A.ND B
Evan's Barber Shop Only fimt-olau
nhop on Btato street Rvory thhst
new and up-to-cate. Finest poro
Iain baths. Shavo, lSo; haircut Me
baths, 2to. Two first-clasa boot
blacks. C. W. Kvann. proprietor.
Hop merchants, 97 to S9 State
street, Salem. Orogon. Represented
by Jos. Harris.
WM. BROWN A CO Hops, Mohair,
wool, nop growers' supplloa. No.
229 Commercial street flalem, Ore
gon. Phono 1301.
SQUIRE FARRAR Hop merchaat
and purchasing ngont No. 216
Commercial street, upstairs, Batata,
Oregon. Phone 1C61.
T. A. LIVC8LEY A CO Dealers iii
hops and hoi supplloa. Phone 1111,
ofneo room 18 Oherholm bldg, Se
lorn. Orogon.
J. CARMIOHAEL Hop buyer. OlxlM
In RuBh-Dreymnn building, Salem,
Oregon. Bamploa of choice hops so- i
llrtted from all growers.
CATLIN A LINN Hqp buyers, Room
8, Dush-Broyman block, Salem, Oro
gon. Phono 1431.
era. Room 2. Murphy block, Salem,
Oregon. Tolophone No. 371.
For water service apply at oSca,
Bills payable monthly In adraaso.
Mae all complalnta at the offioe.
Express and Traasfer
MeU all mall and paasengor tralM
Daggage to all parts of tha city.
Prompt service. TlPn No, lL
Just Arrived.
A carload of woven wire fencing.
Special price till Decotnbor Ilia.
Poultry Netting. Bblnglea and V. ft D.
roofing. WAITHIl MOItLBY,
60 Court Street
Bucceasor to Dr. J. M. Koas. U
White Cooier. Baleiu, Oreon. Partlw
desiring superior operations at tao.
erat feo la any branch aro Jn opecial
rwiMt .
203 Commercial Strest
Regular Dinner at Noon 25c
Meals at aunours
Service a la Carte
E ECKERLEN, Proprietor
rI 5u iU tad Chlldrea.
Tlw M Yjw Havs Always Bwgfet
I efguatwfW if
-.1. -7'.U