Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 24, 1903, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    "i"r" W-
Absolutely Pure
What the Legislature
Accomplished Yes'
Business Was Put Through
With a Rush and "Johnny
Went Marching
With nil important buslnoas com
plotoly disposed, either by onnotmont
intolnw or by dofont, aftor ono of Uio
busiest days n tho history of the Ore
gon IcglBlnturo, that body roachotl tho
end of tho calendar at 11: -15 last night,
and at flvo minutes to 12 o'clock, mid
it I Klit, adjournment was had amlilst tho
boat of fueling an tho part of mom
bors. For only throo days tho salons woro
In Uio session, but thoso throo days
woro tho busiest of any half wuok ovor
put In by tho Oregon law makora
Called Jn speclnl session to. remedy n
d of oct in tho assessment laws, bo as
to onabla tho statu, conntlos, cltloa
and school dlitrlots to lovy and collect
tholr tnxew in 1904, Uio loglBlnturo did
not stop at that, but afUr repealing tho
Pholptt act, tho objactlonnblo ploco of
legislation, tho hoIoiih ro-onnctml Uio
old tax law, ro-onnctud tho $300 ox
omptlon law, plncod an act on the
statute boohs legalising tho collection
of foos for recording- documents mid
traiiBforn by tho Hovurnl county re
corders, and appropriated $100,000 for
tho purchaso, by tho stato, of a right
of way for tho ship canal at Colllo, bo
Uiat tho guttural govornmont will build
tho canul at a cqst of $4,125,000. In
addition, a number of minor bills woro
dlspoaod of, charter bills passod, and
othor dofuctB In oxlstlug laws cured,
and all at an oxpenso of only $7600 to
tho state.
Car Shortage Dill.
Whoa tho car Bhortaga bill canto up
for consideration, a sharp, light was
What is Better iot An $
Xmas Present !
Keen Ktittex
Pocket Cutlery,
Clean Cot
Curving Sets,
Away Down.
258 Commercial Street-
,' V " iA y,
on. Speaker Harris called Mr. Banks
to tho chair, and an offort was mado
to go Into commltteo of tho whole.
This was objected to, and tho reading
of tho bill was preceded with in the
houso, when, aftor it was road, Mr.
Eddy moved a committoo of tho wholo,
so that amondmonts might bo offored.
This was agreed to aftor a short
wranglo, but, whon tho motion carried,
Mr. Banks called Mr. Eddy to tho
chair, and tho lender of the opposition
found hlmsolf cut out of the debate
by being compolled to tako tho chair.
Tho bill was read, and, on considering
the first section, Mr. Hodion offorod
several amendmunts increasing the
time limit from 3 to 10 days to from
15 to 20 days, and providing thnt the
transportation companies should be
required to furnish only the equipment
In caso desired equipment wns In the
possosslon of the compnnlos.
A wldo discussion followed, when
Mr. Judd offorod an nmondmont
chnnging tho tlmo limit to 10 days.
This was dofontod, Ilodson, Cobb and
Hood supported tho measuro while
Jones of Lincoln, Banks, Harris and
othors opposed tho nmondmont. On
motion of Mnlarky, tho amondmonts
offored wero taken up soparntoly.
During tho progress of the voto Reed
suddenly broko out,0nnd nttacked tho
speaker, to tho groat nmazomont of
thnt gentlomnn, and the wholo houso.
The commltteo voted for all of the
change In tlmo, when tho phrasos
added or offored for amendment enma
up for discussion, Judge Halo, Mr.
Mnlarkey and others opposing the
amendment, until Mr. Harris offorod
an nddltlonnl nmondment providing
thnt the kind of cars lequlred bo fun
ulshed. This was adapted.. When the
amendments woro disposed of, Mr.
Kay took the lloor, nnd showed thnt
the rnto question should bo consid
ered with all the othor quostlons In.
volved. Mr. Jonos took tho floor nnd
plcnd with the opponents of tho bill
not to kill It. Mr.) LaFollott followod
by criticising Mr. Kay for his opposi
tion to tho moasuro, which would re
lievo tho dlstross In tho lumbor nnd
other Industries, and argued for tho
moasuro that would glvo rellof. Judgo
Halo also opposod Kny. Reed fol
lowed, asking If tho company should
rnlso ratos, would not such action be
worso than Uio car shortage This
brought tho retort from Humo that 17
days romalnod In which to restrict
rates, whllo Banks stntod that such
P. J. Pflster
Boxing Gloves and
Ponching Bags
Footballs and
Supplies for the
j ii m .npmm-vrtf
a condition would quickly bring about
another special session.
Humo stated that the present
hotlso could bettor sottle tho matter of
tho car shortago- and rates, even if
more tlmo than thrco days woro re
quired. Mr. Shelley offered an amend
mont that tho rates charged should in
nowise oxceod tho rntoa'on December
1, 1903. Tho amendments was re
jected. The section, as amended, was
The bill was changed In a few minor
mattors, and tho commltteo arose and
reported to Uio houso. An offort was
made to suspend Uio rules, consldar
tho bill engrossed and put It on Its
final passage. This was lost.
At tho ovening sosdIoii the bill came
up for furUior consideration and final
passage. Speaor Harris called Eddy
to tho chair, and took the .floor, and
mado an oloqucnt ploa for tho bill. He
was followod by Jones, of Lincoln,
who plead with his follow-mombors
for the rellof of his constituents. At
tho close of Uio two addresses, tha
houso took a voto on tho final passage
of tho bill, which failed by a voto of
26 ayes to 24 nays. Tho detailed vote
is as follews:
Yeas Banks, Bllyou, Bdrgess Clay
pool, Cornett, Dannemann, Edwards,
Emmltt, Gault, Hale, Hansbrough,
Hawkins, Hermann, Hume, Huntloy,
Johnson, Jones of Lincoln, Judd,
Kramer, LaFollett, Malnrkey, Purdy,
Riddle, Shelley, Simmons, Whcaldon,
Mr. Speaker. 2C.
Nays Adams, Bailey, Blakely, Both,
Burleigh, Cantrell, Carnahan, Cobb,
Eddy, Flshor, Gill, Hnhn.-Hlncs, Hod-
son, Hudson, Hutchinson, Jonos of
Multnomah, Kay, Milos, Paulsen, Reed,
Robblns, Test, Wobstor 24.
Absent Davey, Galloway, Glim,
Hayden, Nottingham, Olwell, Orton,
Pholps. 8.
, Appropriation Bill.
Mr. Kay introduced a bill during the
afternoon appropriating $7500 to pay
tho expenses of the special session.
Tho bill wns road twice, whon the.
houso wont Into commltteo of thu
whole, considered It nnd reportod
snino to the house, when -it passed
without' opposition.
Other Legislation.'
Tho houso passed tho sonate bill
providing for nn appropriation ot
$2500 to furnish tho rooms In tho now
barracks nt tho Soldlors' Home, nt
Roseburg. Sonnto bill No. 22 to limit
tho payment on Uio rodoipptlon of
lands sold for taxes to 10 per cent,
wns also passed by tho houso! V
A ftenato bill to authorlzo Issuance
of life diplomas to persons holding
statu diplomas prior to 1890, affect
ing graduates of tho Monmouth Nor
mnl school nnd ono to Incorporate Sen
sltlo also passod. '
A sonnto momorlal tof congress, nsk
Ing that rural mall cntrlors' salaries
bo Increasod to $800 per annum
passed both house. y
Tho house appointed a commltteo
providing that tho dealt clerks of the
house, togothor wlthythe speaker and
otto member, revlso tho Journal, at
tho por diem allowed tho chief dlerk,
Mr. Gault bolng appointed on the
A sonnto mcmorlnl urging tho Oro
gon delegation to support tho Brown
low good ronds bill In congress was
adopted by both houso.
A bill was passid giving tho Mult
nomah county circuit Judgos $4"000 a
year, $1000 to bo paid by tho county.
Aftor 11 o'clock tho houso waited
for business from tho senate, nnd
during a recess many of tho mom
bora woro paid by tho secretary of
state, who kopt his office open until
aftor midnight for this purpose. On
reassembling, a vote of thanks- was
tondorod Speaker Harris for his cour
teous and impartial manner In pro
Biding, and in tho bost of humor, and
amid regrets at parting Uio houso ad
Journod alno dio at 11:55.
Senate Wednesday Afternoon.
8. B: 26. Tuttlo. to Incorporate Son
side. Passod.
Plerco movod suspension of tho
rules to consldor H. B. 21, appropriate
Ing $100,000 to purchase right of way
for the governmont canal at the dalloa
of the Columbia.
Ssnator IIowo opened the ball by
opposing this bill. He favored repeal
of the old bill, and said ho would fa
vor a $500,000 annrourlatlon for a pa-
nnl. He' then asked for a call of the
house to compel every member to go
oa record. The vote showed twenty
voting for the bill, with Carter.
Howe, Mnsters, Miller and Smltl).
of Yamhill voting no. Five senators,
wore abseut.
At 3 o'clock thu Farrar resolution
was mado a special order Kuyken
dall moved that it be tabled, which
was seconded by Farrar. The motion
H. B. 16, fixing salaries of county
officers was slightly amended and
Tho committoo on ways and means
reported la favor of tho passage of S.
B. 12, providing for payment of inter
est on moneys paid oa lands for which
Utlo could not be gtvon. Re-referred
to committee on Judiciary.
& B. 26, Mulkey, authorize life dl-
You Wi
Forget Your Stomaon and You
Glaus FaceA Certain and Safe Cure for All
w-''u'' J fill J
Me Mwuys
It Is a Great Handicap In All Business
and Social Relations.
Tho man who look ns If ho hnd
lost his last frlond Is In danger of
being crushod by the Jam of now ono
unloes ho "cheers up." Pooplo nro-not
COItlCr ntlt nr I liolr wnv nnwnrlva n I
. .., ....... -
nssoclnto with tho ntnn
of mournful
nnd molnncholy nppenrnnco. Thoy
nro afraid ho will toll thorn his troub
les and Utoy stoor cloar of him as
thoy all have plonty of tholr own
The most universal cause of theBOtt!nK !?" wh,1 rollvlng It of it,
forlorn and hopoloas nppearanco of
today is, dyspopsla. It unfits a man
for ovory duty of llfo and causes him
to becomo dospondontn and gloomy
and nec'ossnrlly his laaks do not belle
his fcollngs. Ho appears enst down
and dojectod nnd becomos a burden
to hlmsolf and humanity In gonoral.
Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets aro tho
lyspoptlo's- cortaln rellof. Thoy do
tho work that hla stomach Is unable
to do and by tollovlng that organ of
Its burdonsv pormit it to regain Its
health and strength and again be
como actlvo and useful In its funct
tlona. Thoycontaiu all tho essontlal
Ingredients that on tor Into Uio digest
Uvo fluids, and secretions of the
stomach and thoy actually take up the
work and do It Just as a healthy,
sound stomncb would.
By this means a man can go right
abend with his work nnd eat onough
to koop him In propor working condi
tion. His system Is not doprivod ot
its nocessary nourishment as It Is in
Uio caso of tho "starvation euro" or
the omploymont of somo of the first-
olasa chicken foods now on the roar
ket, Starvation ovon If It wero a
godtf Uilng. could not be continued
long onough to effect n cure; for a
disordered and worn-out Btomach Isjyond question the moat effective and
not going to become strong and j ixpular remedy over offered to the '
healthy In two or throe days. Stuart's ufferer of this terrible disease. The'
Dyspepsia Tabletsnct naturally be- thousands and thousands of cure
plomas to teaehora holding state dl-
k)loma8 prior to 1S99. Pasted.
Tho Judiciary committee reported
S. B. 27 as a substitute for S. B. 24
Smith, of Multnomah, moved that tho
report be tabled. Carried.
Carter called up S. B. IS. relative to
game laws. Lost
II. B. 40, MoMInnvllle charter.
PfUSQd. "
All Ready for "Parsifal."
New York, Dec. 24. After elabor
24, 1903.
Jj H'
ifomach Troubles.
Looks Jolly.
jrania thoy contain natural digestives.
x..w I...HC.I.HI component parts nro lonormaiii Incionie of tholr snles ful
nsoptlc pepsin, malt dliwtnso nnd ly attest this truth of this statement,
othor ingredlonU with like propertlet Thev nrtt .,. , ..
hat do tho work -oc-ardless nf Mm
condition of tho stomnclu Thoro Is
no unnnturnl or violent dlsturbnnce
of tho digestive organs ns the result
I of their action. In fact, tho it
- - - ,. . . ,
I .." "' "'" "u""lt' '8 enurety ror
gotten as soon ns thoy hfive hnd Umc
to bogln their operations. They nlsc
possuee, very curative and healing
properties and assist the stomach In
.wi. invjr punorm mo unties or
both nurso and physician
Stuart's Dyupopsla Tablets aro for
salo by all druggists at 50 cents a
box anl thoro Is vory llttlo dnngor of
any druggists trying to soil you some
thing olse In tholr placo that Is "Just
as good." Thoy aro so woll ostabllsh
od and havo dono so much god In the
world that their namo has becomo a
household word; so the usual warning
"accopt no substitute" Is unnecessary
In tho caso of Stuart's Dyspepla Tab
Tho Most Popular Stomach Remedy
Mankind Has Ever Used.
If thoro Is ono thing more than nil
othors that will give a mnn a forlorn
nnd friendless npponrnnco nnd make
him morbid and "cranky" nnd lla.
agreeable, that thing Is dyspopsla. It
makes ono forget his friends and bo-
come morose and Irritable. Ho Is so
wrapped up la hie own. misery that,
he is inconsiderate of ovary one else,
Relieved of this terriblo and depress
Ing ailment, he again becomes a good
fellow and a man among men.
Siuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are be-
ate reueareais. extending over a pe-
rlod of 12 weeks, and the expenditure
of more than flOO.OOO. this evening
seea the initial presentation In Am e rl -
ca Qf Wagnor's "Parelfal" at the Met -
n.ll.. - ..
wi"juiau ujtera nuus. TIlO pe
romance begins at 5 o'clock, and the
first act will take until about 7 p. m.,
when there will be an intermission ot
about two hours for dinner.
The cast will' be
Kunflry, Mllka
Temlna; Parelfal, Alele Burgstaller.
I Amfortas, Anton Van Rooy; Gurae-
Will Have a Sant;
. they haje brought about and the
,.,, v, ,,, ,, jiaiuiui rem
ody. Thoy posses exactly tho same
properties thnt Uio gastric Juices and
other digoetivo fluids of tho stomach
poeaees nnd they nctually do tho dl
gestfve work of the stomach and en
able that organ to rost and recuperate
nnd becoma sound nnd well. They
act In n mild, nntu,ral mnnnor and
causo no disturbance In tho dlgestlic
organs. They prevent any formenU
tlon of tlio food I which causes soui
stomach- In fac,t, uudor tholr in
flttonce the subject forgets that he
has a stomch and his resulting cheer
fulness prosonta a great contrast to
his former dojectlon.
Millions of boxes of Stuart's Dj
popsln TnbIo8 aro sold annually and
thoy nro but In tho dawn of tholr pop
ularity. Every mall brings letters of
Uianksglvlng from grateful ones who
havo beon cured of this terriblo dl
ensu Tha following la ono of hna
dredso rocolvod each week:
Rev. J. R, Hoag of Wynioro ,Neb.,
writes: "For sli yonrs I havo been
troublod with dyspepsia. Last fall I
bocamo 'vory much alarmed nt some
symptoms of heart trouble and cama
to bollevo thoro was a sympathetic
relation between the two dlsoasos, or
rathor that the stomach troublo nn
tho cause of the haart rtistiirimncea
l h,t Pn Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet
j for remedy and Invested a dollar
ana a half for three boxoa which last
; roe three months and I can eat anr
kind of food I want, nnd havo n good
vigorous appetite. Although I am 77
years old; i now feol perfectly well
find without, bolng requested by any
I ronks this statement as a com-
P'lment to the virtues of Stuart'i
Dyepeneia Tablet."
Stuart's Dyapepela Tablets aro for
snfn hv 9n ...-.. ... r -.- -
Ut UH Vb UU HO. i mv
man. Robert Blass; TIturoI. MarciJ
Journet; Klingaor. Ottlo Oorltza.
eequlfes. Ml Moran. Miss Braendle.
; Albert Reles, Mr. Harden; knights of
1 the Ornii Mr nv,. au xrhimann.
I .,., . Mk, MW ...
A VoUje, Mm Loulso Homer.
A Merry Christmas.
Sheriff Unvllle today brought J&-
MurPn to the penitentiary, from Clat
! son coun6 to serve one year. Murphy
was convicted of larceny in a store.
or - IHwJP'mfl i
few -L!'1! ."5ft 11
I 1
Haifct7Hr5- -