DAILY CAPITAL JOURNALy SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, DCEMBER 24, 1903. , ,JIHREE: WMTIBMBMlMWMBlMltlMWilBMniMHTBCnr ill m . r :: t Kin lire P mmmmk WVMfim&wmn Hr9HL Sb SH IH?sB m Mi IK, fay sSSSa!SKH 'I RfliB8l IsBBBHklliHlMgt IwlmSlk WSSB SS9K I mSm JFmffirlr IH P4lHr Jill 1 MT iiaWnWpnTTlmTs -TnTMlTmOT'ftlM B nMrniTgtnMlWiifflfFTBBBBflMriir" HI HlLtilWwiiTO'1 JlliillLMjMlMlllMHtiMJ I alfeflilis m.. i . . "-H&i Ilil'lf I1H1 Mlnrlnll. -.--. .... .. ujuuuuiui riui). A FACT PROVEN. Shou)d Convince Kthj the Mot Skep ileal of. Km Truth. If there Is tho allfrhiiut .in, in v. mlmU of any thrft Dandruff germs Jo not exist, toeir belief Is compelled by tho foot that a rabbit lnnoculated with tho . germs beeamo bald In six weeks' time, l jnust bo apparent to nny person therefore that the only prevention of baldness Is the deatruetlon of the Rerm Tnlch act Is nueeessfully accomplished In one hundred per cent of oases by 1 1 nPP'lcntlon of Nowbro's Herplclde. ' Dandruff Is oaused by the iwmo perm , -which causes baldness and can be pre vented with tho samo remedy Kewbro's . Herplclde, Accept no substitute. "Destroy tho couso you remove tho effect." I Sold by leading drurarlata. Send 10c. In stamps for snmplo to Tho Ilerplelde Co, Detroit. Jllch. Dnnlel J. Kry, Spodal Agnt I urc 9 Mr. Ciirtlt dropped deflelencio nnl surphtBoa, and worked on the ! problem tor hours. H Anally gavo t as bis verdict that Ami might be fimer is or H. "That suits me" declared Mr. Cur i tla. "I inn tvu dcclston. Hoth sides an- rlRl.t." Corvalbs Times. The Colleoe Boys Stanford Unlverpity It wnu ntii.M ....-.. . ..fc.. ., M.. .... - nn.l , mi,, .., . .. '" "'" l,. i"u. P &iani(iri -.-- v t . miifi iii ufirti i w i . iu- . ,!,ln1.n r-llll... Will 1.1. CO.. n .U . . . " ' '"-MUB IONPKP "" - "" " "" iiiusic. mtorsporsed dranu awn iioubo next Friday fteaS96&$S988d9$Q w Mine. Oiv Two, Time, Four." by' th" combined clubs, was one of the ' with pleasln specialties whiM, i,.,i .,...... . . ' (Christmas) night. Of their enter- npi lause Tho voices o tZ ' "' lm0Sl I111 " on the pro. Ulnment tho Santa Barbara Morn- were well baton 5 lit CUb?rm- .. Buah and Baker wo., k. Press writes: ,'nf ., baIancr'1' nnd thclr BlnglnBithe hearts of tho audience by thrlt rZZ n.8ym,)athot.and,.,nnJ ,"1!f?.fir...r V1"1.1"8- comic sc.alty, which com- . .....ii .,...n.n,i ., " v . '. "UB" ulBl maKes "' C0eiJe blned mumslc. slnitlnK and danclmt." n wen eiuorimnuH at tna opora glw club iwio !a8c ovon.ng uy u.o Stanford land. Tha mandolin and guitar play- 'Friday at 9 a. m. popular throughout the Seats will b on ai. t i nm u --- .. ... HOW OLD IS ANNE? 'rouble the New Puzzle Makes Cain It Raised In a School Board. Anally readied her from tho oxagpor-' filed charges against tho toacj.er al niiii caicuiaiions just In time to avo hor from hysterica. But these Instances aro mild compared to tin trouble that the question of Ann's age mado In a Kansas town. As sent out In a Washington dlsnatch tht Tho age of Ann Is a v?xei! ques tion in many a Corrallls household low. A well known housewife was (tale runs thus: alilng up the dough for biscuits when "Hiawatha, Kan., where tho i neighbor woninn enme In nnd askoil 'comos from, Is disturbed ovor ber how old Ann wns. Straightway the two began to figure. They argued ind figured oblivious of the lapse of time until tho husband and childron arrived for dlnuorto find tho two wo oca la a hopeless discussion of Ann's real ago, with tho flro out in the kitchen stovo, the dough still un- song 'How i GwBeer I Promotes I Christmas (4 Obiee e 9 leging that anybody who figure out IS Is unfit to teach school. The school ooard wrestled with the problem but was unabl) to determine certainly whether Ann Is 18 or 14. but j g as me man who mane the complaint hn considerable Influence tho board was dlsjiosed to rail it 1 1 and dismiss tho principal. The latter wrote Nep- resentatlve Curtis requesting him to old Is Ann?" When tha query reached .. i mere every man, woman nnd child in uso his lnlluence with tha school the place, lead pencil In hand began ' board to hold him his Job. to figure on tho problem. I "But no mnttor what tho decision." One bright school girl asked the he adds, "I nm convinced that Ann Is principal of the public school, "How 18." Mr. Curtis is friendly to the old Is Ann?" Tho principal figured principal, who has considerable In and thon announced that Anne is 18. i ftuenco in politics. Incadcd, and tho old Nick to pay Tho child wont homo and told heri "How old is Ann?"1 Mr. Curtis generally There- is the story of an-(father, a banker, who Is chairman asked his friends. Thoy figured and other woman who read tho puzzlo, of tho school board, that Ann is 1-8 they advised Mr. Curtis to boo Mr. lelied a pencil and paper and labor- "Not for mine," answored tho proud Courts, clerk to tho committee on ao (i with tha figures until hor husband father, who had figured It out 14. lie proprlatlons, who la authority on fig Families who llko to have a case of bright, sparkling, boor ot home, which will give a zest to Uieir food nnd to no to Uieir system, will have a caso of our' a now. It is a fine beer. Call up phone 2131. Salem Buewery Association Main Office 174 Silem, Com'l St. Oregon Don't Go Away Back and Cy Yotss Eyes Out i n 6 o w cu If. your Jruggst dtd not tinv what yon wnnifid to givo to him or to hor for u Xmaa .m ont, oortSflle your solf, by thinking ;thnt when yon got over this spell, you will go 10 tho Palnoc Phtrmiwy whore lhuy nmtn ntlml &.. i "' hiuuuu yuiu. si Pafaoe PliariMu f 118 State St, Phone, .Wain 2541 Salem, Or?gon.f 4 eMaeoeiffaA-woaa AAgHeVtHAfHKCM-afOe KM-HMHs4frH4tsl For the Most Complete Stoclc of atvetSi Chalki 'isnes and Nickle Plate Wase at reasonable prices, sec WADE & CO. esaess axe RetH9-itttnt-e-- 4 Portfolio of Beauty'' Si? I I p- J EIGHT J A i ' W i I msW hA i0 EXQUISITE STUDIES Pictorial gems, 17x11 inches in size, represent ing eight distinctive types of American girls ; each study is in tones of rich brown, mounted on a plate-marked mount ready tor framing. Each set is furnished with an artistic Port Cover, stamped in gold. It is as dainty and , -oiWfmn n has ever been brought out, and iU beautify any home. Framed sin .he), are admir- able subjects tor adorning inc wi - cozy corner. MAGAZINE for 1904 Its lOO 1'ages 1;. u-ritem and illustrators, and special fV.nires are the best, as will oe seen """; S e are making in this paper ahno., dady. .Lllnhai will excel all magaz.nes .P- is foun(1 in somc of the Keading. ir o - '. 35-cent magazmc,. - from large announce- Don't Let It Escape When you have nt Uwt solzed auch a good opiortunity of having your laundry work dono In such perfect condition, ard of such nn Irreproach able color nnd finish as you will find everything thnt leaves our establish ment. Wo havo aimed to mako the work dono at the Salem Steam Laun dry porfect, and to keep It at tho top notch of perfection, nnd wo havo suc ceeded in gratifying our patrons be yond our fondait hopes. Prop us potstAl card or telophono, and wagon will stop. Salem Steam a the LatindiT" Phonfl 411 230 Liberty St 11 1 m 1 1 n 1 n 1 1 1 n 1 h n m m-h u hi n 11 it m t n n t Meaty Xmas And A Happy New Yea, Vhon I catno tp Snloni, alwut four months ago, I advertise to oloso out certain lines of goods. This 1 havo about accomplished, tui thoro aro fowartlclos in thoso llnrw loft. Our many patron liaow whoro to trad whpn thoy need goods Jn our lino, ami havo taken advantage of tho groat bargain sale, which wo lmvo been holding for thu paHt four months. Only lost woak wo advertise! a special wdo on Mackintoshes. Tho next day we closed out 27. Other goods bavo gono at tho samo rato. Whon I catno to Salem I Intended to return to Portland whon 1 had closed out certain linos, but the longer I remain In my old Jiobm; town the moro I wish to locatu here, Many of my frlendu aro heru, whom I hnvo known almost from boyhood. I llko tho city anil IU surrounding). 1 havo boon tronted well, and my patronB urgo that I should remain with thtm. I nm at present undecided whethor to return to I"ortland or local hera If tho latter la my declalou, I shall opon out n nice, clean, ti-lo-dnte tnan'n clothln and geatfl" furnishing good store, which I nm sure will met with tho approval of tha most critical, and moro than plvs my many friends. Thus nayeth The Poor Man's Friend. 146 State Street. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 n 1 n 1 1 1 11 n 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 n 11 111 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 111 1 I FRIEDMAN HIWIl44lllttglll44H ?vrt Z! k MA'J1111 " r ' ;j ,, of these beaut ful -Portfolios jfs ?t? Por,fo,io bc 50,d ,ght out solely .ogive Co our subsenbers. ... .. ...,, onrtBrrinrion and forward FREE 0sa)8tJ I HOLIDAY SPECIAL 25 Cents 3 lbs Fancy Da'tes. 35 Cents 2 RiB'WalBUta or Almond. 35 Cents 2 lbs Ml&d Nut. 35 Cents 2 lbs oana Solid P1nppl. 50 Cents 1 Dushel of Geod A,pil- 5 Cents 1 Package Bam urn Animals. 10 Cents 1 Package Noab' Ark. I Closing Ott w ! Sale at the Fai Stoe ! ! ) (i $ Kvorythlng. Including ganeral racket stora goods ef every deserlp- X tlon, also the largest stock of loys nnd holiday goods In Balom. J MORE DOLLS It Ma fc.l -.1 I tinani lilialnBfltl fllllJ . . Than all other house in naiani euiniw. -. ". ! I realizing that, while It will be a loss to me, u win m your B'. . . be sold within two weeks. ! ; iiuslnesa olaowhere demands ray atttk. and weryUiIng must r i I be close,! out. Do not miss the gt epponumiy io w j , , ; ; day goods and winter supplies. The Fair Hlore. 271 Commercial Ht. , , O. P. DABNEY, PtopHeto. STORE OPEN EVENINQ8. 9Ji9ihViJi I Indian Postals and Pictetes, Baskets, Mats, Bone Chains and every thing for the Indian corner. 1 v. i Fuller & Douglas, "1 Will accept yw -r . tune, 1$am A M. Welch, Proprietress.. Anv Newsdealer the $u5o ! you, , Variety Stosf U2SUU Grocers Phone 2281 , POBUSHEB, 3 WKST 29 STRBBT, (C46) B. B. RUSSBH; if9 Iff"1" ' ' alUK gpwwB :. v-..-7--a F - reP -' " - - - - -wxyyirA'ryyi'7 ... utirirrfTfrFdJJirfmifffTfaitfByffrTii 7WiMMMMmj'"'