Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 24, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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I Geat Inventory Sale
' iniiiiiwM ininiamnn in mi ii i urn iw .trawi minimi ii nun
will continue until Dec. 28. Of coutse you con stay from
this sale if you want to, but you will lose money if you do.
Note a few of our prices. Everything CUT.
I $ JO Suits of Overcoats t educed to $ 7.0Q
i 1250 Suits of Overcoats teduced to 800
I 1 5.00 S&its of Overcoats teduced to J 000 1
I i 7.50 Suits of Ovef coats teduced to J 2.50 1
20.00 Suits of Ovef coats teduced to J 5.00
25.00 Suits of Ovef coats teduced to 16.50
Rememlbef you
2 ik Al i I mA lkLm 1 Rv jL.'rtir alm lavxl jntLjn& . M
s am w saLitfUin jwuil t unaa iu&d wjjjjjc tutuiiy
t :
$ o
ft) o
I 257 Commercial St. o
4 A
I e88eee896)esQe8e3ae&eeo9s
Scrlpps News Association Telegrams
Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Month, $1.00 In Advance.
Dally 'ay Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month.
Weokly One Year, $1.00 In Advance.
Cm Week $ .10
Obs Month $ .35
Tkroo Months $1.00
tAt Journal Office'.
At Osue'e Grocery, South 8lem.
At Uowersox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East State St
Hilt MMIIM t H H HHHt-
fr-M-fr-H I I HI 111 M I !4tHMI
National., llvostock.. conveatlon,
Portland, January 1MB.
Aucnrn Koot eho-v, Dallas, JanU'
ary 1MB.
The Weather.
TonlRht and Friday, partly cloudy.
The Marlon count) members and
senators who stmxl fur the ilat salary
bill deserve public commendation.
That in an Issue that will not down.
The bill passed the house almost
unanimously, but was deliberately
Idlledjn the senate.
Until the sonnte U eompoed of a
different class of man not much better
ran lie axpeoted. Mou who will shut
their oyoa to tho present ubuses, and
then howl about "constitution." when
they aro sought to be rumedled what
Khali we think of (hem?
When the constitution is deliberate
ly violated in tho taklijK of feoa,
amolumouta and nfirqultea by our
iftllolals at tho expanse,, gf the. people
It Is all right In the eye" of the
Hut undertake to do somethlug for
r 1 A
A Determi
Bverheor of one?
We call it a Determination Sale bocnueo wo aro 5
determined to carry ovor no vrintor good?, if out
prices will move them. Profit 18 lost tight of, This
is your month you got tho profits. J)on't think
about this sale too long wo can keep it going but
a abort time.
A Tfwifty Man's Opportunity
Cut prices on ail suits and overcoats and we aro
determined, fully detorminod, that Winter wear
ables must go. Come, get your shoro of tho good
have tfie laf gest stock in Sa-1
, tin people, nnd then the constitution
1 Is In the way. What n high regard
i "we" have for tho constitution?
' Tho Journal says, without hesita
tion, that ' this is quibble nnd dema
gogy of the most dnugerous character,
and the Democrats were nil guilty of
it as tho Republicans.
Senator Pierce, of Umntllln, ox
prosssd tho sentiment or tho honest
Republicans in tho senato, when ho
said ho was ready to vote for flat sal.
I arloa now, or next year or In 1907, a9
' tho bill proposed.
1 He declarod it was just as constitu
tional now as It would be noxt yoar or
In 1907. In that ho was right, and
thoso who resortod to technicalities
to kill tho bill havo a day of reckon
ing ahead of thorn. '
Almost nny flat salary bill is loss
unconstitutional than tho prosent ays
torn, which Is in dlroct, flat contradic
tion nnd violation of Uie terms of tho
salary clause of the constitution,
which says tho stato officials shall re
ceive no fees, porquisltoa, or emolu
ments whatever. The oaths of these
gentlemen do bind most lightly. Thelt
QonsQlanciwi aro not throbbing with
the tender sonsltlveneas of high-minded
The light of the commercial organl
antion of this city for better service of
curs to the shlpitcrs of Western Ore
gon will bear fruit.
The complaints of the- shipper
have been made public Ih a v manner
that will get to the ear of tit hlghor
authorities, at least.
Great oredtt is due to Secretary Gnv
num. u in vuiHiuarwui U4uu, mr me
tight thai wus l)Ut "I' f9r tll wnr"
hojiie men and fariuera of this oounty
ad TOlley.
It Is realhtfrd'that pnKluce dealers
have, actually been retired from busi
ness and local markets destroyed that
for mnny years had dow a large pro.
duoe shipping business.
A great oxportlug firm at Portland
writes the Commorclal Club of this
olty.-a loiter that ought to arouso sym.
ltathy from men of stoue "on- ao
count of the impossibility of obtain
ing cars. Wo have practloally dis
OM i '
nation Sale
continued attempting to do nny busi
ness In grain In the Willamette val
ley." It is admitted that tho railroad ofll
clnls In -Western Orogon hnve done
their utmost to overcome this ovll of
enr shortage, nnd It la claimed that
stops have been takon to have plonty
of, cars In tho future.
It Is claimed that the Harrlman
roads will bo improvod to tho oxtont
of throo million dollars this coming
Thoso aro fair promlsos, but, until
thoy are fulfilled, it will bo nocossary
tor tho shlppors and tho buslnoss In
terests of tho stato to protect thorn
solvos In tho host way thoy can.
Tho fight for a bettor car sorvlco
must bo kept up. Tho Journal ro
garde this as a flght In tho best Inter
ests or tho railroads thomsolvos, and
not to be poo-poohod away by tho Ore
gonlan calling It a bugaboo.
For two mouths the Orogonian
called It tho groatost ovltl that was
afflicting the Industries of Wostorn
Oregon. Now, because Mr. Harrlman
has been at Portland, and satisfied a
few gentlomon there, it is mado light
Tho flouring mill owner, the sawmill
owner, the produce shlnpor who finds
his trade gone, his business shut
down, his machinery Idle, and damago
suits on hand for non-fulfillment of
contracts, will get poor consolation
out of the statement that It was only
a newspaper bugaboo.
The members of the Marion county
delegation who stood for a bill, to re
lieve the shippers, by Imposing a pen-alt)-
for failure to furnish cars, de
serve public thanks for their loyalty
to the business Interests of their con
stituents. Jewelery.
Tho range of our stock of Jewelry
ia wide enough to satisfy overyone.
It you want a brooch or a plain gold
ring for your girl or mother-in-law, It
ia horo, and price as well aa quality,
at W. Calvet, practical watchmaker,
No. 1CS Stato street eod
O jBk. iet X G 5R. X J.
im vm in run wfi
Mtiybo that gambling bill was not
loat, but only strangled.
Tho rollglous momberfa of tho house
passed a gnmbllfig bill. Tho Larry
Sullivan crowd enmo up from Port
land, and (ho bill was "sson to" before
it oror got to the sonato. That august
body never hnd tho privilege of nvon
looking aj, tho bill.
Even Alex. LaFol lotto pays a little
freight when It comes down to It.
. .
For a lono and single-handed scuf
fle Qoor. O. Bingham, tho attorney for
the Harrlman syndicate, put up an ef
fective fight against the car shortage
bill. Tho Portland attornoy of tho big
corporation underestimated the forces
back of that bill, as they always do
ovorythlng that does not o'manats
from Portland.
There will bo no Journal on Christ
mas day, but thoro Is just as much
cause for rejoicing on that day as if
thoro was ono.
Itemombor tho poor Including your
wife on Christmas,
Bill Anderson romombered a num
ber of tho poor, and some of his
frlonds, as Is his usual custom on
Christmas day.
A report pays tho stato board of
health has .boon In session to elect of
ficers and transact "othor business In
tho intoroat of the board." Of course,
they havon't boon accused of attond.
Ing to business In the lnterost of any
body olso.
Should Meet To Discuss Packing and
Editor Journal.
I havo ,boen thinking that it
would bo advlsablo for tlio mombora
of tho Salem Fruit Growers Union or
Socloty and others who, are practical
fruit growers, In this city, to hold a
mooting soon as thoro aro many
quostlons of much lntorest to the
practical fruit growors thnt might bo
dlscusnod vory profitably by th-m.
Thoro aro othor quostlons concerning
fruit growing asldo from tho disposal
of our fruits that aro of groat Inter
03t to tho growor. For on Instance
tho selection of tho host varlotlos to
plant and how to plant and cultivate
How and whon to prima tho tross
nw1 vlnno onrnvlntv tr TMlrtflft nrn
...... ,.,.. .,....; ..Brv.v. -..w-w .
Vliai quuHiiona 10 uie Kruwurn uuu
will admit of much lntolllgont discus
sion and in an Intorchnnge of vlows
on theso subjects wo can nil gain
much valuable Information.
If we can profit from the oxpor
lenco and observation of other fruit
growers, we cortalnly aro galnors to
that oxtont, rather than to go
through the ejcporlonce ourselves. The
past soison has boon a vory profltablo
ono to the fruit growers gonornlly,
and especially to thoso who have
made propor effort and application to
their business nnd I think that we can
well afford the tlmo to como togethor
and discuss questions that lnterost all
of us, and from isuch discussion ve
would dorlvo much benefit, If from no
other fcaturo than from a social
stand point. Wo can woll afford, to
havo thoso moctlngs and through 'sor
clal Interchange!! bocomo bottor ac
quainted. Wo don't want to become
solflsh and llvo ontlroly for ounaolvos,
but meet togethor and mlnglo with
our frlonds and nolghbors and make
tho most of life. Not wishing to cast
aany bouquota at mysolf I will von
turo tho assortlon that tho fruit
growora gonorally speaking, aro
about as lntolllgont e. clans of cltlzons
as we havo, and thoro is no rooson
why whon we hold a mooting and
como togothor, that by tho discussion
of tho questions that intorost thorn
thoy should make the meetings of
groat lntorest to all present. The
man who haa theonorgy and determ
ination to delve into Mothor Earth
and bocomo producer and thoroby
oar n a Uvlhood deserves much credit
for his offorts as there- Is no more
liQiiorablo vocation.
The great Lord evidently Intended
that man should through either phy
sical or mental effort or both become
a producer and In reality "eat his
bread by the sweat of his face," and
not beeome a parasito upon the earth
and prey upon the producer. Know
ing Mr. Editor that you are a practi
cal trult grower and at present pres
ident of the Fruit Grower's Union or
Socloty and earnestly interested In
the mucosas of tho fruit growers and
our society and believing that you
will coincide with me in regard to
the advisability of holding the meet
ings as suggested and if )ou think it
worth while you may through the col
umn3 of the Journal submit this let
ter for the consideration of other
fruit growers,
I wish. In this connection to say that
wq we.ro greatly favored by the oltj
authorities of Salem, last spring and
summer by tha free use of the Tollce
Court room nt tho city hall for tho
nurpcuo of holding our meetings, and
I foel that our socloty Is ospoclally
undor obligations to Judge Judah for
tho many favors shown u, whlcli
woro greatly appreciated.
Salem, Oro Dec. 21, 1903.
Talking Machines.
Buy a talking machine of Goo. C.
"Will for your folks' Christmas pros,
ent no has a largo stock of Victors,
Columbia and Zonophono machines on
hand. 14-eod
4. V
German Market
e Just opened, next door to Hnr-
5 rltt & Lawrence' grocery store.
a clean, new markot, where all
kinds of meat can be had. Low
prices nnd prompt delivery our
motto. Wo make a apoclalty of
flue Gorman sausage of all
kinds. Olvo us a call.
m fr . r ver -i
Lots of New Goods fo
In addition to our regular Dry
Cut Glass, Dolls, Fine Umbrellas,
articles to choose from.
Doll Hats
hflstmas T act e !
i Rostein & Gteenh&um
S 302 Commercial Street.
B4sfesQ - frH - 8Hr4 -
The Entire Stock
Of Boots and Shoes and Rubbers
We have purchased
? be sold at a sacrifice,
i get the bargains
1 1
ii p
$ Successor to Jacob Vogt.
JL w JL JTjL JL ll JL J..X-JL-
Hft1'"!"!? Iff HM-ff1Tffflmtnt(TH1llCi??3(P6nailftiJi
il ::::::::AGENCY OF:::::::: "
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crode and stick Sulphur.
I G Graham, Agent,
tti t nni imnn nit mm
Wlsfaing you
J vety WLetty Christmas.
;! Yokohama
M. Brcdcmeicf t Ps:op.
v I H 1 1 n- ' ' ' " ' ' ' M H-l 1 1 1 1
Cherry Pectoral
Ask vour doctor if thfe'la ti,.
medicine that cured his hard
cold. Doctors have used it for
over sixty years. i.1raS.0;'
Branson & Ragan.
Keep nil kinda of groceries, and
they aro tho best that can be found
in the city. You don't know it until
you have tried thorn.
Wo haro all varieties for tho
cow or homo. Can give you
cheat, clover, oat, wheat or
vetch hay, and It 1b GOOD
hay. Also kavo oats and
whont straw. Quality consid
ered, you will find our yricoa
aro right FREE DELIVERY.
D. A. White
& Son
Feedmen and Seedsmen ! !
301 Com'l St. Phone 1781;;
4 C m
Goods we have
Table Covers,
Real China, Toys,
thousand useful
25c Each
- i - 0 - MM
of Jacob Vogt must f
Come early and I
265 Commercial Street i
! i
207 oommmui at, sniem, o. i i
nimnmifriui mi mum
one and all a I!
I ea More I
1 1 B 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 H I II II I tl I "Hrf1
A -Wp.- Vr