Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 22, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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J Geat Inventory Sale
will continue until Dec. 28. Of course yoa con stay from
tnis sale if yoa want to, hut you will lose money if yoa do.
Note a few of out prices. Everything CUT. 9
$10 Suits ot
12.50 Suits
15.00 Suits
J 7.50 Suits
20.00 Suits
25.00 Suits
Reinembe you have the largest stock in Sa-
lem to select it om. Don't miss this opportunity. I
Serlpps News Association Telegrams.
Dally One Year, $4.00 In Advance.
Daily Three Months, $1.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year, 81.00 In Advance,
Ono Wook I .10
Ono llouth ? .35
Tbroo Mouths fl.00
tAt Journal Office.
At Oaue'a Grocery, South Salem.
At Dowersox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery 8tore.
EJeckrio Grocery, East Stato St
4H Hill HHHWWtiHt-
Poultry and pet stock show, Salem,
Decomnsr 17-1A '
Bpoclnl session of tho loglilature,
Bnletu, December SI.
National., livestock., convention,
Port Inn d, January 12-15
Auisorn goat oho'v, Dallas, Janu.
ary 14-15.
. o
The Weather.
Toolgtot and Wodoooetay, ekHiOy
nml turaolontua Wtli nccftoknutl rain.
IfkYtn dud- ooebnttol, It Is wow
Ul to t(M raiMibUcHHs to givo iU,ls
city a flraiclNM iMisiiHNst HdwiHittm
tiag. All tit otwoumaorooot iMooiulo
shOikl bo glvon Ui. etort to nmks
iwrroonout otroot IwitrovemsnU. A
lajjifo a meflsuro Ot local self-floverti-iHttjJ.
ohouM bo giro th warto m
IImst siJWild akt owry good lm
praYOfuof URt ling b4 ia1 by tfeo
dtjiiotto In muHlolnal aftttlni.
Thoy HHoultl itot ltoottoto to cut wit
what Is bad and not rwpsat or coft
tlauo any ot tbolr wUtakw. Tuore
A Detef mi
Ever bear of one?
Wo call it a Determination Sale because we are
determined to carry over no wintel goods, if cut
prices will move them. Profit is lost 6ight of, This
is your month you get th6 profits. Don't think
about this sale too long we can keep it going but
a short time.
A Thtiity Man's Opportunity
Cut prices on all suits and overcoats and we are
determined, fully determined, that Winter wear
ables must go. Come, get your shore of tho good
Overcoats reduced
ot Overcoats tedttced
ot Overcoats teduced
ot Overcoats teduced
ot Overcoats reduced
ot Overcoats reduced
257 Commercial St.
h Inconsistency between thyg best
pullttra and good business anil good
moral, and tills Is truo because the
reverse of the pronoeltlon is equally
For a republican ox-gqvornor to
commond an appointment by bis
democratic oticcofaor Is unuiunl.
When It Is doi there Is qvory Indi
cation that Oregon politics has en
tered on a fltngo of Reed will ami nn
, era of poaco unprecedented. Thus Ex-
Govemor Geer ondorses a recent np
polntmont ot Gov. Chamberlaln:
The appointment by Gov. Chambor
laln of Hon. W. W. Cotton as re
gent at the Agricultural collogo at
Oorvnllls Is to bo commended on gen
eral principles; no better man for the
position oauUt)havo been found In tho
Hon. V, W. Cotton Is the ablo gen
eral oounsol of the 0. R. & N. Ca,
and has nlwnys takon n deep Interest
In agricultural eduqatlon.
"A lawyor art tJiouT prow not nigh!
I On carry to a fitter place
Tho hardne ot that tallow fuo?
Tho koennoss of that pmoUced ys,"
Utornturo. tho stage and tho oomlc
jwDot have combined to produce a
f&loo Impreootan of tho lawyer. Ho Is
skrowd. tricky, dooouttre. Ho Is doJ
vol of all Uto Rnor footings ot hit
nmolty. Ho to a sort ot now of which
Murks. lg "Uwlo Tow's Cabin," to an
RooootuaUxl Ulo.
Ao a nwkUor of foot, tho ouccosoful
llowpor iHHOt have a oooooloHoe ami a
heart awf U0U14 roouatly dvokiod.
HU intogrltj' muot bo byoul quos
tlo hmI big oj'iniwOUoA coadtb- ob
llstotl In a worthy oaiisO. Your law
yer must bo your Mow). If you ca
(wt trust him tU your inoot delicate
affair whom cau you trust?
To ito ouro bo to ttndoc groat tetmv
Uko tho nowapajwr jhrh. ho soes
NHioh Of tho seaiwy aigo of 11(0. He
toualioo tho raoo at some of Its worst
pol&ta. Yet ho doos, not lose entire
oonndouco' In his fellow man. Nor
nation Salej
$ 7.00
J 0.00
12.50 1
J 5.00
J 6.50
does ho withhold his sympathies.
Ami withal his head Is packed full
of the countless principles and prece
dent of the law and he knows hu
man nature as ho knows Ulnckatono.
In the midst of litigation he Is under
a constant mental and nervous strain.
Moreover, ho Is a friend of peace
He does not counsel litigation. The
succeeeful lawyor koops you out ot
court if ho can do sa
Ho Is the holpor of tho poor and tho
dofondor of their rights. Ho Is the
champion of tho opprossed. And of
ton ho stands nlona In tho face ot
public opinion. Ho scorns the shys
ter. Ho koops hlmsolf clean and is
a truo man.
Society owes tho lawyor ' an
Henco this -brlof oulogjv
Mrs. Russell Sago tolls what con
sumes a truo gentleman:
"A pure heart a clonn mind and
a deep sonso of courtesy and consld
oration for others nt all times are the
requisite of a gontleman. It has
boon said that some, of our most per
feot ladles nnd gentlemen In tho
strict Interpretation of the termnrs
found In the almshouses today. - A
gentleman may be reeegnUed In any
circle no matter what his nttlro. and
tlijs oee to prove that position and
wealth lve nothing to do with the
making of a goutlemnn. Uiwlrtm
moot bring out tho good and bad
In a gentleman, and If n child Is
roared In renooment he has tho ad
vantage or tho ehlW carolowly roar
. You can always toll a gentleman
by his nttltudo toward others."
l'raak W. Durbln, who Ik ono of the
dtreotora of tho Capital City Athletic
Club, faroro a regular athletic olub
wHh rooma ami a gymnoolum down
town. He soys gambling is on tho In
crease just because young follow
havo no pteoo to go in the eronlag
but tho gambling ptaoec. "Tho elb
baa a floe flohl amt batoball grounds
ami should havo a club house down
touu on the piau ot the Multnomah
Club at PorUamV'
Councilman Burrows
Exonrated by the
Report of City Recorder Judah
Showing That He Bought
The Lot of the City in
a Proper Manner
Tho following communication from
Salom'a city recorder is self explan
atory, and tho Journal takos groat
pleasure la giving it placo in its col
umns. Tho mattor published during
tho Into city campaign did not appear
in this papor, honco It may not be
out of placo to stato that this is to set
straight ccjrtaln statements rolatlva
to tho snlo of a parcol of land by tho
city to Mr. Burrews:
Salomv Or., Dec. 21., 1903.
Editor Capital Jeurnal:
Dear air In1 conformity with nn or
der of tho common council of Salem,
Oregon, mado on Decombor 15, 1003, I
bog to offer for publication tho fol
lowing detailed statement of tho pro
ceedings hnd in tho matter of tho sale
by tho City of Salem to Mr. Thomas
Burrows, of tho fractional lot of land
oh North Liberty stroet and adjoining
tho purchaser' homo on tho nerth:
At the council meeting of June 18,
1901, nt which tlmo thero wore pres
ont Aldermen Burrows, Buron, Gris
wold, Larsen, Rlggs and Walker; and
from which session thero were absent
Aldermen Krausvo and Slm tho fol
lowing communication from Alderman
Burrows was read:
"Salem, Or,, Juno 17, 1901.
"To tho Honorable Mayor and Com
mon Ceuncil:
"Oontliimen I, heroby, respoctful
ly submit a proposition to purchase
from the City of Salem that cortaln
tract of land doscrlbod ns follews:
"Commencing at a 'stake on the
cast lino of Liberty street, In tho
City of Salem, ono hundred nnd sixty
five feot (l(iC) north from the point
where tho oast line of Liberty street
Intersects the north line of Division
s'reet. as shown by tho recorded plat
of the City of Salem; thonco. north
erly nlong tho oast lino of Liberty
street twenty-five (25) feet; thence
easterly at n right angle to said Lib
erty street, one hundred and sixty-five
(1G6) feet; thence southorly; parallel
with snld Liberty street, twenty-five
(26) feet; thence westerly one hun
dred and sixty-live (1G5) feet, to the
place of beginning, being ami lying
in lot No. woven of the un-numbered
block lying immediately north ot
block No. 20 in tho sold City of Sal
em, Marlon count)', Oregon.
"I will give for tho above dosorlbed
parcol of land (which adjoins my
home placo In said city) the sum ot
fifty dollars, nnd for a warranty tltlo
"Vory rospectfully, ,
Tho common council thoroupon
mado tho following order In this re
lation "that tho forogolng offor bo
and tho same is, accepted, nnd tho
ordlnanco committeo of this council Is
Instructed to draft- and- prosont an or
dlnanco authorizing' the sale of said
land to said Thomas BurrowB at said
prlco, and Instructing, and omnowor
Ing tho mayor and' rocorder of said
olty to mako and deliver to said Bur
rows a warranty deed therofor, In due
At tho forogolng meeting of Juno
18th, tho recorder presided In tho ab
sence of Hem. C, P. Bishop, mayor.
At the noxt regular meeting, on the
3d day of July, 190L an ordinance
.(oubeoquently numbered of record No.
391) and providing, for. tho salo of said
lam) to said Burrows for said prlco,
nnU dlroctlng the making and delivery
of a warranty deed therefor by the
mayor and recorder, as ordered on
Juno ISth. aforesaid, was prosontod in
open council, road th first time, and,
uoder suspension of tho rule, read a
second tlmo by tltlo only, and. undr
further suspension of tho rules, and
without objection, and on tho aye and
nay vote of tho council was road a
third lime, and placed upon its final
passage, and paaood by the unani
mous vote of the council. Tho vote
thoroon being oast by AWormon Bur
rowm. Griswohlv Larson. Rlggs and
Walker, the aboontees being Alder
men Ruren. Krauooe and Slrno, Mayor
Bishop presidio at the meeting ot
July Stf! aforesaid.
. On July 6. 103. the mayor and re
corder made and acknowledged the
warranty Aeett for tho land U quoe-
tto la favor of Mr. Burrow and July
8th Mr. Burrows turned over the $60,
and the deod was delivered to blot. It
wont on tho public records of Marlon
county on July 12, 1901.
Very rospectfully,
City Recorder, Salem, Or.
Otd Time
1 tftko a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion Is bettor. My doctor says it
acts gently on the Stomachs, liver and
kidneys, and ia a pleasant laxative. It
Is mado of herbs, aud is prepared as
easily as tea. It is called Lane's med
icine. All druggists sell it at 25e and
50 cento. Lane's Faml.y Medicines
moves the bowels each day. If you
cannot get it, send for free samples.
Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy,
N. Y.
For Ingenue Roles.
Oza Waldrop has boon engaged by
tho Baker Enterprises for ingonue
roles with tho Baker Thoater com
pany at Portland. Oregon. Miss Wal
drop Is one of tho cleverest young
actresses on the Pacific coast For
threo years she was with tho Alcazar
stock company, nt San Francisco,
and this aeason was tho hit of "The
Dairy Farm," which has just closed
Its tour at Oakland, California.
Tho best quality and tho lowest
prices on Italian strings for violin,
guitar, mandolin and banjo, at W. Cai
vot's, practical watchmaker, 158 Stnto
street. cod
Branson & Ragan.
Keep nil kinds of groceries, nnd
they aro tho best that can bo found I
In tho city. Yon don't know It until I
you have triod thorn. , I
New imported French harps, in any
koy, for salo vory cheap, at W. Cal
vet's, practical watchmakor, 158 Stato
stroot. cod
o j&. e tjp o ag. x j&. ,
Bmm ti , Tto Kind Yea Kara Always BkijK
Lots of New Goods iot
I Cfii$tma
In addition to our regular Dry
Cut Glass, Dolls, Fine Umbrellas,
articles to choose from.
2 '
Doll Hats
Rostein & Gieenfeaum
302 Commercial Street.
The Entire Stock
Of Boots and Shoes and Rubbers
j- We have purchased
i i be sold at a sacrifice,
j ; get the bargains
i .
S Successor to Jacob Vogt.
::::::::A G E N
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur.
J. ft. Graham, Agent,
""' WC(MM4
T .
Capital gNattona!
Only NsUonal Bank iu ilarion
county. Trsnssets seenersl
binkiug business.
1 u i,v OFFICERS
-'.M Crolwn Ylce-Pres-
Jos H.Albert .. . Cubler
Cherry Pectoral
This is the medicine doctors
have prescribed for sixty years
tor cougns, coias, croup, bron
nliitfc pnnctimntlnn .O.AjirCo.
"""l WUIIJUIlipilVIH,
1am1, Mm.!
dicmi twimaf son ia
How I
Wo havo all varietieo for the
cow Jjr horso. Can givo you
cheat, clover, oat, wheat or
vetch hay, and it la GOOD
hay. Also bnvo oats and
wheat straw. Quality consid
ered, you will find our prices
aro right FREE DELIVERY.
D. A. White
& Son
Fecdmen and Seedsmen
301 Oom'l St, Phone 1781
German Market
Just opened, noxt door to Har-
rltt & Lawrence' grocery store. ;
( i
a clean, now market, whore all
hinds of meat can be had. Low
pricos and prompt dolivory our j j
motto. Wo mako a specialty of ; '
flna Gorman sausage
kinds. Givo us a call.
ail ;;
Goods we have Real China, Toys, 5
Table Covers, a thousand useful
25c Each .
i 8 1 00) I e W OCttfrtea
of Jacob Vogtmusl ii
Come early and j :
265 Commercial Street ;
C Y O F::::::::
!! t
207 commercial sl.&i nr I !
--- a m
- f eKgtH4
Ltepsrttnenfoffsrs especial io
ducements to tbosa who with to
save Disney. Espeiially who
cau tavs only in i&isll amounts,
aieo to those who have monsy on
hand wiiirh Is not ssraine In
terest. Dspoiits of ona dollar or
mors received at any Urns. Pass
book icinsd to each depositor.
Interest credited on January 1
and July 1.
s T ade