1 t Tsars EIGHTY PERCENT LEVY Asphalt Stock Holders Get a Jolt From the Judge Twenty Million Dollar As sessment to Come From Stock-Holders Christ mas Stockings Newark, N. J., Dec. 22. Tho court today signed an order for a levy of 80 per cont assessment against the stockholders of tho Insolvent Asphalt Company of America, thus collecting 24,000,00O, being the amount duo tho creditors. Vessels rniiu. Now York, Dec. 22,-The ferry boat Amor can collided In mid stream with the torpedo boat window today, smashing the ferry's pr(m a a panic among the passengers, although neno wore Injured, and the compartment enabled the ferry tc reach Its slip. The Window was olso damaged. ?.A0J?d 3"St flllflhod reimlrs C03ns 0,000, and was bound for Newport to enter commission. Fifteen feet of her bow was torn away bodily, and she was hurried back to tho navy Just Denies the Interview. Washington, Dec. 22. A telegram hag boon recolved from General Mer rlam, retired from Donver, denying ho evor nutnorlzed tho interview in which ho Is quoted as saying Wood's appointment was unpopular In the army. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1903. A Holiday Recess. Washington, Dec. 22. It wns an nounced nt the White House this morning that no moro cabinet meet ings will bo held until nftcr tho holidays. w&Mr&tqm i a i a i o i a i o t-ie-w-o-K4frmgH-3 I Have you seen the crowds of Holiday Shoppers at the I !! i! i ii i! 1 1 n ji i! i ! i 1 1 They all know where to trads when they have cash to spend. We T i have a splendid assortment of llTT.O. i I The New Yog k Racket? Holiday Goods CAR SHORTAGE JOURNAL, "1"'" ' i ... iw , Tl.'.JjT i, 1903. ' !L-ZL-- . NO. 254. AND MEER RATES Complaints of Snippets At Losses On Business Sways Republican Caucus. Republicans Decide to Make a Relief Bill a Patty Measure and Democrats Will Stand Pat Every Item Is marked on a "spot cash" margin of profit. Dolls, T ) Picture Books, Dress Cases, Shaving 8eU, Collar and Cuff Dox, X ; Handkerchiefs, Perfumery, Slippers and all kinds of merchandise X suitable fop Christmas Presents. Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. p . d, J. DrksivKiDf a rup. Greater Salem Commercial Club Will Give Subject Special Prominence at Regular Meeting Tills Evening At the City Half.- THE REPUBLICAN CAUCUS MONDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENINQ WAS FULL OF SURPRISES, BUT THE GREATEST OF ALL WAS THE ALMOST UNANIMOUS DECISION TO TAKE UP RAILROAb7LEai8. LATION. x Leading members of both houses fought for consideration of any bill that would give relief to shippers. Qrowncll, president of the senate, surprised , all by advocating a bill to give the shippers relief, If they had to stay here a month. Members supposed to represent other Interests fouuht for a speedy ad journment of the legislature, and consideration of nothing but the tax amendment THE CAUCUS DIVIDED ON RECON8IDERINQ THE SUBJECT OF SPEEDY ADJOURNMENT, BY VOTE OF 25 TO 25 .THE CHAIR( SENA TOR KUYKKENDALL) DECIDING, INFAVOR OF ADJOURNING WED NESDAY NOON. THE VOTE IN THE AFTERNOON TO ADJJOURN EARLY WAS 36 TO 24. Many Republicans Out. There are slxty-nlne Republicans. Eighteen were not at the caucus. Many of these Ijave measures, so the caucus Is not conclusive. Representative Hume and Senator Booth were absent, both being advo cates of railroad legislation at this session. Eddy, of Tillamook, and Kay, of Marlon, made the hardest fight for early adjournment. The McBrlde bill has been Introduced In the senate by one of the sena tors, who has lost thousands of dollars on account of car shortage In the past few weeks. . Governor Chamberlain was shown the statements of some of tho ship pers, and says there ought to be a bill passed to. remedy the car shortage, and protect the shippers against unjust raise In the freight rates. All the Democratic members will stand for the bill. The Republican caucus, after hearing the facts, deliberately resolved to take up a bill to remedy car shortage and to protect the shipping Interests of Oregon against the raise In freight rates, that goes Into effect January 1st. Railroad Lawyers Surprised. This was a groat surprlso to tho corporation lawyers nt Portland, and from other parts of tho state, who had not nppoarod on the scone with tho arrival of the legislature, as usual. W, D. ronton, general counsel for tho S. P. Co., and W. W. Cotton, general counsel for tho O. It. & N. Co., wero kept busy telephoning from Portland this morning to know what wns up. It was generally supposed that there would bo no legislation this special Guilty of Murder. Bennington, Vt., Dec 22. Mrs. Maty Kodgors wns this morning found guilty of murdor in the first dogreo Sho has boen on trial for tho past week. She lured her husband to a lonoly spot, whero, assisted by a half wlttod parmour, sho murdered him with chloroform, and threw his body Into tho river. The vordlct carries with it tho death penalty. The woman was tho moat unconcerned In tho court room, when the verdict was read. The cases of hor accomplices. Stolla Dates and Por hamv will be taken up Tuesday. Sixty Thousands Girls. Chicago. Dec. 22. The story printed horo and olsowhoro this morning that a syndlcato had boon formed to se cure C0.000 girls at Su LouIb for Im moral purnoaeR, Ib given no orodonoo by tho jwllco or rescue workers. Sal vnUon Army officers, wnoso wotk In- this line, is tho boat organized la the clt says It is no.wB to thom. Riots In Hamburg. Borlln, Doc. 22. There is sorlous rioting In Hamburg today. Mounted iwllao mnde a cbnrgo on tho mob; and wore overwhelmed. Thoy scoured reinforcements, and chanced with drawn swords and revolvors. Order was not restored until scores ort woundsil. Many of the loaders wfcro nrrested. LEBANON BOY GETS1; LYNCHED Accused of Arson He, Is Strung Up and Confesses Had a Right to Kill Him. Sacramento. Oah, Dtc. at. Kid Williams, who fought Ton lender gat Friday night, from the effects of which Pendergnst died, was dismissed by the pollco Justice this mornlngL on the recominendntlon of tho city attor ney, who was satisfied that It was ox disable horalolda Killed Himself. 8an Francisco, Dee. 22. Frank Monnhani tho strlko-brenklng tolo phono llnoman, shot and wounded Walter Kelly last night. Ab the offi cers arrestod him today ho flrod two shots Into his breast. Tho trouble wns over Kelly's wlfo. Jsck tho Ripper. Now; York. Dec 22. Tho sailor, Tottermnn, who murdorod a womnu Saturday, Is believed by many to bo Jack tho nipper. Ho was arraigned this morning and remanded. I Continued on Fourth Pass.) The Deadly lluxx-8aw. George F Mason, who owns tho box fnntni-v In flnllttt Mtilftm ,infniti,tinti1t. allowed one of his hands to coma In 'nnnl.flt ...III. a !.. an... lt.1.. ...!. losing tho thumb nmt second flngor, but fnun which hand doponont sayoth noh. Tnno will heal, but, unfortu nately, will not restore Uie lost mombers. Now Claims Ho Is Innocent and That Mis Confession' Was to Save His Life Oscar nogoway. an Albany young mnn, who was working In Lebanon. ' the past two weoks, narrowly escape: lynching at tho hands of tho cltkons , of Lebanon early yesterday morning. ' Ho wn strung up to a tree, wid loft hanging for nlmost a minute, until he mailo n confession of being guilty of nrson. Fire was discovered In tho store of A. Gross, In which young Itogowny Is employed, shortly aftor midnight yee terdny morning. Tho flro burnbd tho building, tha Monogram tnloou and tho barbershop of W II.- Lute. It threntenedAo sweep tho whole- block, and It wbb by very hard work that the Hotel Lebanon wns saved. Tho burned buildings are a total wreok. only the walls standing. All tho build ings were owned by tho W. .1. Guy os tuts, find tho saloon was owned by Jennings Ikon. i'no An. appeared to he of Incen diaiy o igln, and suspicion wns at onoo turned against young Rogowoy, who was stooping In tho bulldlng whoro tho flro started. Home cltliont),. who liad bocomd Infuriated at Uio In oomllnrr Arc, Lebanon oavlngoxpcrl' oncod sovoral during tho post year,, determined to innko an exnnvplo of (Continued on fourth Pagn.J ; Now . We have about 2 ton off candy and nuts that we Want to sell in the next 2 days. Call and inspect our prices. Zinn's Phons 1871 Main. jQoffieifeMdSonA H e JHT3ff!S Sil?!lll) J L-S1 LJljILjBE m Jt ' " 'sssT 154 8Uts &U .1,1 llll .IIBiBBB HH2r-W.VaUiS Tfiese Ate Btsy Daysfoi? Santa Claims He has to bt everywhere at once, peeking atotmri the corners to see who are the good girls and hoys; trying to find ott what everybody wants, so tnat he can make everybody happy on Christmas morning. Then he has to come to Meyers' and get everything ready to fill the thousands of stockings on Christmas morning. But Santa ri ' V , j ivr,w-- wnoderftf 1W helpful in getting things for Christmas. Here arc the broadest, choicest stosks of holiday goods to be found ia the Willamette woua mo evwyuUC t- - i - -- .'.. ul-f.. YaUey, a safe, convenient, comioriaoie store. euww .r-. NEW TODAY. A largo shipment of plain and fancy holiday aprons reached us yesterday, but owing to thoir late ness in arriving wo have placed tho prices on thom so low that you can afford to give all of your lady friends ono of theso dainty aprons, and thoy will cortainly appreciate your generosity. Afull Una from tho 8lmf)lo8t to tho most fancy. PRICE8 TO PLEASE. t PIT The Great New Card Game. Learned in two minutes. The Jolliest gam over Invented. ;It is the latest game whloh sooiey has taken to J to heart PIT IS IT. 48c. Tomottfow Only Our lMth consoutlv Wfldpts day special is bound to bo a win ner from tho many rjueu we have received. Tomorrow wv place on sale a line of fine grado, 18-lnch, 4-Inch ruffle sofa cushions, which are regular Me values TOMORROW ONLY. 39c. The early ons get tho choice, to ;o would ndvlso early shopping, in order to secure the cojor and pat tern you wish. Sale begins Wed nesday morning at 7:30. Don't delay. Pictutes El Tg & raj A i MP) A picture at Christmas? Of coursol Why. Jt Is tho first thing that suggests Itself to some folks. There never was a more acceptable present, or a more appropriate on or one that gives a more continu ous pleawr. A great variety hore from which to make your selection 5c to $9-85. DOLLS. Aaotber kt of dolls rtaobed u yttly. This shipment was sbipped by mistake to Salsmj Mossaehusett which sauted such a Oslay l rsaehlsg w. btit w hav received a eonessstoa a tha. and have marked 0n mueh besow their real worth. This last contains soma of the raostnugsineest dolts evor brought to Salon), awl Uis ay sotpraseia of delight by grownup admirers are proof that thay are right. 0 They ar going rapidly, so hurry to s them: It will do yew good. Thqr h t r3' na'r go (0 sKwit, ami ar rertalDly worth your Usm to lBVitlate. Det fall to see the auburn-haired dolls. 1c to ?12.50. Toys Iipth tho toys and dolls are In classes by themselves. They are vastly suporior to any displayed elsewhere They represent the very noweet thoughts among the meehanloal effects In the imported toys are many remarkable Inven tions thaC will furnish delightful amusement, for parents, as well as for tho youngsters. On one coun ter are animals that almost live and breather-antonwfalles that go like the wind wetkrtewj kwWng magie lanterns. Oh still another counter the railroad trains with tracks to run them os automatic toys, and goodness knows what else besides, We wish tho Mttle fellowa eould fill the ptese (0 oven flowing tomorrow, and enjy every tseeond of tho time. Hvarythlsg l lefMresentftd. from the U born to tn elegant steam toy. wm WOMEN'S HOSIERY. Extensive Holiday Displays of Staples and Novelties. The advantages offered In oar 'excellent assortments Invite the In- sMMtiim of every prospective pur chaser of women's hosiery. The so lection Is undoubtedly the largest and the hnndeewost we havo over displayed. An estraraely wide range of bMeUfnl efleete In the latest colore and combinations has been added to the enormous as sortments In the different weaves In black. HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS. Hxporlsnco has taught us and you tho popularity of thh little a eeesory at Christmas time. Men and women alike settle tho all Important question in tills way. A smalt expenditure made In our handkerchief department brings rleh returns. That's why you nl ways find the handkerchief coun ters and tables surrounded by a happy crowd MEN'S NECKWEAR. Where can you find equal vluw In neckwearT A little knowledge; a little Indulgence in skillful com pattsens; n Mttle Judgment son oeraJng the reietive popular!! and deslraWHty of different weaves, will bring the fact home thai our lines are the very best offerings the market affords. iiiisssseBBssisiiiissssiBBSBsssseBsBiBSsusssSBwerjen HOLIDAY UMDRELLAS. To say that our llnej of men's, women's and eblldrsn's umbrellas Is the motft somprebsnslre shown hreabout Is ;no exaggeration. Come la and secure a holiday um brella for your friends there' no Christmas gift that will plMC them better, and at our astonltdt tngly low Briee the flaw umbrel las made are within everybody's reach. ?4 i A i n y