Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 21, 1903, Page NINE, Image 9

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inmisfm ihh t
- - ? ir-riiTs ft r i lrwi ill m mi i i si h i
Advertisements, five tinea or t
lkCA In thl fnltlmn lnf4.wl
three times (or 25c, 50c aweek 4.
51.50 a month.. All over five
lines at the same rate.
For 8ale. Twonty-flvo goata. Inquire
of Chaa. Batt, Routo No. 3, Salem.
No one neels to be told to try to cure
a coueli. llut anv one will be glml to
be told of a means of cure which will
be thorough an I lasting. Dr Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery is n tnedi
tlue which can be confidently relied
on to cure diseases of the organs of
respiration. It cures obstinate, deep-
Mated enuirria. limm-hilU ntid lilppdlnv
of the luni?s. It cures when nothing
f.1oi will rtlrt. ntlil tll 1rw.nl r1lvllMOll
says: "There is nothing more ttiatwc
can do."
There is no alcohol in "Golden Med
ical Discovery," and it is absolutely free
imui upiuiu, cocaine uuu an uiuei uw
Tlie dealer, tempted by the little more
profit paid by les meritorious medicines,
will sjmetimei try and sell a substitute
when the " Discovery " is nslcctl for. No
substitute medicine will satisfy the sick
... . . . ... 1 . . T.
nice "(joweu aicuicai discovery." , n
always help. It almost always cures.
"Two yean ajo a severe couih tartl on me
errt I m also bothered with catarrh." write
Mr. V. SUJixl, of DunewooJ, Chisago Co . Minn
"I oouM not sleep nights, a the cpuRh was
night. I tried several eougn raeui
to no avail, until a year ro, when I
I could tint tirpathe Ihroucll mv nose
at times. I then tried Dr Pierce's Golden Med-
Wanted. Pantry girl nt Wlllamotto
Hot!. Apply at onco,
Wanted. Live boys, who wish to onrn
eomo money over tho holidays, ap
ply to Journal office; soiling papors
during logislatura
For Sale. At a bargain. For anyone
wanting a good business location,
largo atoro and houso comblnod;
good chance to carry on a genoral
morchandlso business on one of Sa
lem's boat Btroota. Addrosa "I.."
car of Journal. 12-16-lm
Buff Rocks For sola Several trioB
of the best Buff Plymouth Book
chickens. A. F. Hotor, Jr., Kast Sa
lem. 18-10-3t
Horse 8trayed. A chestnut bay, bald
faced goldlng. weighing betwoon
1400 and 1G00 pounds, with haltor
on; strayed from place Saturday ov
onlng. Howard for his return to
Joseph A. Dlttor, Aumsvlllo, Ore
gon. IL F. D 12-1C-U
Vetch Seed for Sate I hare a quantl
ty ot first-clans votch seed for salo,
both yarlotlcs. Call at placo or ad
dross F. Achillea, halt mile Treat ot
KaiBor school house, four miles
north of Salens, 13-10-la-lwk
W. Calvet Practical Watchmaker
nt Stato stroot, make a specialty
ot repairing w&tchos, clockn anf
Jewelry, and guarantees good work
at reasonable prior, 11-ll-lyr
Ferguson's Restaurant 9S Btftto
street. Open day and night Oar
SOo meals aro bettor than any J5o
houso In tho state. Six SOo tao&Ia
for $1.00; 31 20c meals for $3.00.
jot SOI
Money Found. Anyone would fool a
thrill of pleasure to pick up a BlWor
half-dollar on tho highway. Thoy
aro lying around ready to pick up
(no capital required) If you aro
willing to rustlo and can talk only a
little bit Good for clthor box, young
or old. Addroaa or call at Journal
offlco. 12-10-tf
Three Choice Young Boara lloglstor-
od Berkshire! wolght 200 pounds;
terms reasonable, Thoao pigs aro
from, tho flno brood bow I purchased
of Mr. 1-add, paying $60 for hor.
J. W. McKinnoy, Tumor, Ore.
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U, W. Meet
lu thotr ball In Holman block; ea
nor Stato and Liberty, every Mon
day evening. Visiting brethren
welsome. Hoy MoInUre, M. W. A.
E. Autranco, Recorder.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castls
Hall In Holman block, corner OUts
and Liberty 8t. Tieeday ot ee
woek at 7:30 p. m. A. B. Btrama
0. P., It J. Fleming K. of It and B.
After taking eight bottle of
Dr 1'ieree's OoMeil Medical Discovery, and at
the tame time itiliiR Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
,, u .U.1 11 M,Mi f.,r wtw
l am n wen min i rau uwh .., .....vv ..
"The Minister's Son." . cake, applo plo and Otlior good things, cood health nn 1 will ireoommend his medlclne
I ii i , ii i i i t i .. to any one suflVrinir, from the same trouWe"
beautiful play In four acts opons which delight and charm the ovor- D pierce,s Vicasani relicts cure con-
mmnt nt tu nnom Tin,,0n hungry country boy. Wostloy Colos. ,Uptuon.
lta ongagoment at tho Opera Houso
tonlghL Tha piny opous at the mln
lstora homo in tho country. A bit of
fun Introducos tho play to the audi
ence, and in duo time Mr. Patton
makos his nppoaranco In tho charac
ter of tho minister's son, a strong
and vigorous country lad, with nil tha
evidences of tho vordant meadows
and tho daisy-dotted hlllsldos. He bo
llovea thut ho has porfectod nn Inven
tion which will bo tho wondor of tho
world, but by many ho Is called lazy,
and not capablo of doing anything. Ho
decide to go to tho city, however,
and try his fortune, and tho curtain
falls with '"Simon" on his knees at
the parsonage door, through which tho
notes of "Itock of Ages" como floating.
This 1b lntloed ono of tho tondorost
bits of pathos of nature, 'which makoa
tho world akin. In this act aro Intro
duced, tho principal characters. Tho
fathor, tho trusting mothor. who sends
her boy oft with his box of glngor
tho "villain," who is In tho country
for tho purposo of luring the minis
ter's daughter to the temptations of
tho city; "Mollle," Simon's sweet
heart, "Roto Ray," otc. Throughout
tho piny Is that thread of Interest
which manifests itself at tho very out
Mt. "Simon" nose to the city nnd
falls 'in with "James Ward," a young
nroftpher. nnd the two rent apart
ments tojtethor. In duo time "Westley
Coles" Is again Introduced, with, aba,
nrotty "Roio Ray" as his mistress.
Tho forcing of the villain to marry
'Miss Ray." In order to save the cher
ished family nnmo from stain Is as
strong a bit of dramatic acting as has
been soon on tho stago In many n day.
Tho last act brings us back to the
nld homo to tho scenos of childhood,
to tho rippling brooks, tho flowering
fields, the UuhU and .shades of homo.
"Simon" comos back wealthy, as a ro
sult of his Invention; tho mortgngo Is
lifted, the villain Is foiled. All are
happily reunited as the curtain falls.
Curtain at 8:15.
For Sale Or trado. a flno 10-acro
chlckon or fruit ranch; flrst-claM
buildings' and lmproyeraonta; closo
to school, postomce, storo and rail
way staUon. .Will trauo for city or
unlmsrored farm nroporty. Address
"W. J.," Caro Journal. lt-6-
Christmas Trev All alios, finest
Bhapoe. Tolephone your order for
a Christmas troo to Clarnco and
Percy Dlundell, Mornlngslde. Phono,
Rod 20C6. Treoo dollvorod; prices
low. 12-12-lwk
Jessie Shirley's Great Success.
There Is no othor attraction In the
entire country playing to such uni
formly good business a Miss Jessie
Shirley a reason why Is besides be-
In a most excellent actress, and al
ways carrying a good company. Hor
manager Is ripe to secure the vory
latest Now York successes. No mat
tr what Dersonal success Miss Shir
ley makoa In any charactor, instead
of clinging to that ono part, as man
others do, under llko circumstances, It
For Sale. O. K. Grubbers, Rest In
Oregon; thkoe state premiums;
ono horse haa tho power ot 09; can
grub an aero a day. James Finney,
Brooks, Or. 11-26-lm
Foresters of America Court 8her
wood Forester No. 10. Moete Fri
day night In Tumor block. B. W
Mlnturn. O. R.: A. U Drown. Bee.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Odar Camp No, 6246. Meets
every Thursday evening at 8 o'cleoJl
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, .
O.: A. K Brown. Clerk.
For Sale Inmprovod and unimproved
block proporty In South Baloa. For
Information Inquire ot B. Hofer,
Journal offlco. 10-9-tf
Protection Lodge No 3, Ancient Or-
aer uniiea woruaea, jubus viwrg
Saturday evening In the Holmaa
Hall, corner Stato and btbtrtp
streets. Visiting brethren weleoaws.
J. a Graham, M. W. J. A. Bellwwxl
Market Quotations Today a
V M.Vk Alton a Riwul lldrai Market"
wwvwww wr
Choice Farm For Sale. Throo mlloo
northwest from Brooks, having
dwolllng houso, barn and two hop
housoe, wltlt 30 acres ot hops, bal
anco farming land, with running
water, except enough cholco Umbor
to supply tho place, M. J. Egan.
I Has She Not Said
I Wottld Like a
A buffet, a china closet, a dining ta
ble, a set of dining chairs, a rocker, $
a parlor or library table, a coucn, a
parlo,r set a hall set, a mirror, a pic
ture, a dresser, a chiffonier, an Iron
bed, a desk, a music cabinet, u pair of
lace curtains, a pair portlers, a rug,
... Chi cover, an art square or some-
thing else.
Junt now, as a fit ending to tho old year, wo aro disposed to peel our
profits vory thick.
I The House Furnishing Company.
o-i oio i ihertv street. Albany f
g s
i! We do what We Claim ;;
ii wekmandrcmovecancersanatuor3vy.thoutthcadof.kn
1 1 Read the testimony of a prominent Sale m man: ; ;
to tup pi mi C In iustice to Dr. Cook, and that trie .
ii I? ffi ii
!! inform them that I have been i taking trca meniu
!! for the past fifteen months .and In that t me n e n
I! moved from my alimentary canal three w tne ;;
;; ceroffllh'aSA ii
-; cerous growuis, &--.- cancer0us growth trom
!! larger intestine. A'so another cane erouas
I off my right right foot and another from J
i ; thumb. This nas a ; -- v -d the 5pider like
alone, hey k ii mg 5' hem off. without, the
Dr. ,M. T. Ochosttle, Frank J. Barr
and Annn M. uarr. unwwws
American School of Oatoopithy,
Klrksrllle. Mo., succosoora to pr.
draco Albright. Offlc hours 0 to
IS and l.'SO to 4:30 o'clock. Od4
Fellows' Temple, Phon Main 2Tt
rosldenco phona 2603 red.
;; cinesalone, they kiling tne uwiua.....-r
roots and nature iiacu "!; b ,;eve cou d have J
I! aid of knife or surgery. I do h the
j ; found equally s"1 " mmSd Dr-J-F' Cook
ii world and cheerfu ly wcojnmwo ij .. fali
ii Botanical Doctor, to an w..u -"- nrh for vou or more ?
R. J. Spencer. vc Mu u. x
it you neea u.
' .f.. IIKrtvSt
.. n nioiwt. saicwi .-
Dftntscfcer Botanical Doctor,
la immodlntelv discarded for what I'l
latest and best In tho dramatic world,
henco It Is that Miss Shirley cornea
vta time with two new plays, oacn oi
which has created a reputation for the
aotreMoe who essayed them. a
xtvioir. Mnndaleno" played tor mora
than 200 nights by Amelia Bingham,
and "Tho Duchose Du liarrio, a
themo that has made Mrs. IiOallo Car
tor moro roputatlon than all tho Za
zas that over was wrltton. The stag-inn-
of thnso two Plays. "A Modern
Magdalen" on Wednesday and tho Du
Barrl on Thursday, and tho costum-
ino. nf them will eclipse in granaeur
anything eem hitherto on tho opera
houso stage. Sale ot soa uj..
Wednesday morning at 9 a. m.
Millionaires Poor Stomach.
Tho worn-out stomach of tho ovor
fed millionaire Is ofton paraded In tho
public prints as a horrlblo examplo of
tha evils attendant on tho possession
frn.t wealth. Dut millionaires ara
not tho only ones who aro afflicted
with bad stomachs. Tho proportion Is
far greater among tho tollers. Dys
pepsia and Indigestion aro rampant
among these ptople. and they suffer
far worse tortures than the mllllonalra
unlaw thay avail themselves of a
standard medicine like Green's August
Flower, which has been a favortta
household remedy for all stomach
U-oubktt for over 3G years. August
Plower rouses the torpid liver, thus
creating appatlUi and Insuring perfect
digestion. It tones and vitalizes the
-.i .tm. and make Hfo worth
Uvlng. no matter what your station.
Trial bottle, 25o; regular . -.
all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug
Capital City Mills Quotations.
Bryant &. Pennell, Prep.
Wheat 75c.
Buckwheat 80a
Poultry at Stelner's Market.
Chickens 8010c
Eggs Por dojon. SOc
Turkoya 12W01BC
Ducks 9 10c.
Hop Market,
Hops 19022c.
Potatoes, Vegetables, Eto.
Potatooa 30c.
Onions IHc.
Dried Fruits.
Poachos 10c.
Apricots 10c.
Apples 10c.
Potlto prunes 4c.
Italian prunes Bo,
Wood, rnco Posts, Cto.
Big fir H.00.
Socond-growth $3 EO.
Arh $3.00 to I3.7&.
Body oak M.f0.
Polo oak $4.00.
Cedar posts 124c
Hides, Palts and 'urtt.
Green Hides, No. 1 Cc
Oroon Hluos, No. 2 4c.
Calf Skins 4Gc.
Bhoep 75c.
Goat Sklne 250 to S1.Q.
araln and Preur.
Whcnt, Salem Flouring Mills 76c
Oata 32c
Barloy J18.C0 per ton.
Flour Wboleealo, $3,60.
Live Stock Market
Htoors 3c.
Cows 2 He.
Sbo 24a
Droned veal 6wc
Droased hogs 6c.
Llvo hogs 4c
Mutton 2c por pound.
Vool 6 He.
Hay, Pd. tt.
n.liul Mit til.
Bal clovor $1O0$11.
Bran $20.
Shorts $21.
Creamery and Dairy ProduoU.
Good dairy butter 20025c.
Creamery butter 30c.
Cream separator skimmM,
Com. Creamery, 30c, not.
Whoat-Walla Wla, 71c72
Valloy 78C
Flour Portland, best grade, .7IO
$3.86; graham, $3.75.
Oats Choice Whlto, ii.iu
Barley Food, $20 por ton; rfllod,
Mlllstuff Bran, $18.
Hay Timothy, $16
Potatoos 60060c
Eggs Orogon ranch, J7V4c
Poultry Chlckona. mixed. Q
lOHc per pound; spring, Ho turkeys,
live. 12014c
Mutton urossou, Bwii
Pork Dressed. tUCMc
Beef Dreneod, 6064c
Veal 8080.
Hopa 1903 crop, 16022c
ilrTLvaller. 17O180; BMttWB
Oregon. 12016o; Mohair. $607Hc-Hldeav-lry,
1 ponds ani. ujrwaias.
"BUeBest dalrr. J0O22ic; fan
cy oroamery.30c; storo lSWiftttc
For Sale Eighty acres ot land In
Washington county, for $450. A
bargain for soiuo ono wanting to
mako a homo. Soma Urabor on the
place; some cleared. E. Hofer, Sa-
lnm nrncon. 10-0-ti
'"" "-" -
Evan's Barber Shop Only flrst-clGW
nhop on Stato street 12roqr tUsg
now and uivo.i.ato. Flnent pore
lain baths. Bhave, 16c; hair-out I8
baths. 25c Two flrsUlMS boot
blaoks. a W. Evans, proprietor.
enn fiPNT.
f S a a ,...-
Rooms for Rent 32V Mill stroet
Phono 2481 Black. A. Ollnger.
12 19-3t
For Rent 8lJt-room houso, all mod
orn convonlonoos; also furnlshod or
unfurnlahod rooms. Inquire at 80
Commercial Btroot 13-18-3t
Hop morchants, 07 to 99 But
strnot, Salem. Oregon. Represents
by Jos. Harris.
WM. BROWN A CO Hop. Mohair,
wool, hop growciV supplies. Na,
229 Commercial streot, Salem, Ore
gon, rhono 1301;
Rooms for Rent-Up stairs, Cottle
block, by day, week, or month. Al
so light housokooplng rooms. Elec
tric llghta. Open all hours.
Commercial St, No. 833.
Phone: 20U5 Main.
Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop.
SQUIRE FARRAR Hop msrchaat
and purchasing agent no. ai
Commorolnl street upBtalru, Baloa,
Oregon. Phono 1651.
T. A. LIVE8LEY A CO Doalers In
hops and hop supplies, rnonn isia
otneo room 18 Oborholin bldg, Bv
lorn, Oregon.
Mrs. L. Campbell Does areaamaKing
at hor homo, on Uio car line, noar
tho South Salem cemotory. Country
trd soUelttid. lMI-lm-d-w
Shooting Match. Turkeys. chicKena
and geoso. At tho Oeo, O. Savago
placo, 1U miles cast of Balom, on
tho Sllvorton road, Tuesday, Decern
bor 22d. Lunch servod at tho houso.
J. CARMICMAEL Hop buyor. Offlot
In Bush-Broyman building, Salem,
Oregon. Samples of oholce uop bo-(
llclted from all growers.
CATLIN & LINN Hop buyers. Uoosa
8. Iliuh-Breyman biook, naiem, ur
gon. Phono 1431.
era. Boom 2. Murphy block, Halosi,
Oregon. Telephone No. 871.
Moler't Barbe- Colleo Of Salt Uko
City, offors advantages In teaching
the trado that cannot bo had iao
whoro. Avoid schools tho Orogon
and California barbers' now laws
aro apt to closo at any time. Writo
today for our special offer to dis
tant students. 12-10-lm
For water senrlcd apply stefiM.
Bills payablo monthly In advaao
Mae all coraplalnU at tho offlco.
The Proper Tblno-'nw wu;
drink for xamiiy uio i . ---and
carbonated beverages. Every
body should keop theo good! t
their homos. Call np Oldcon fltols
Co. 'phone 421.
Say Have you triod BdwardB & Lusch.
ors for meats. "Wo bavo tho boat
tausage In town. Como and try It.
and bo convinced. 410 East State
stroot .
Salem Truck and Dray Co OldoM
and boot qulppod company In Sa
lem. Piano and furniture moving
iit nffiAA 'nboiiB. 511. TV.
W. Brown A Son. proprietor. Offleo
. en at. I ntmL 9-1-im
nu. v " --
Express and Transfer
Moots all mH and paaaonger trtia
Baggago to all parts or um ij.
Prompt sorvlca. Telephone No. I4L
Just Arrived.
A carload of woven wire fencing.
Spoclal prioea UU Docembor ISth.
Poultry Netting, Bhlngloa and P. A B.
CO Court StroL
Dr. Z. M. Parvln-At 297 Commercial
street, upstairs Singing sohooL
UudlmenUl and sight reading clos
es Begins Wednesday evening. Oo
tolwr 14th. Class every Wednes
day evening to May 1st next Tul
tion, $1.00-
Unique Cleaning Rooms Shaw A
m . . niiuinnrai lii mam rw w
ES3T2 209 cSameroial street
They do a general pressing and r
S7u business. SpeolalUesi .Skirt,
. ,a Winne 2614 t-zs-iyr.
a-l A.l3lOltlA.
Body Shipped.
Tha body ot William Tbackery. who
d!l Novembsr the 30lh. was disln.
terred from Leo Mlwlon o-metory 7
Mn, Olough Saturday, and aPP
tho nwbaw ot tho decwed, W. Vt.
TbaekefT, at Cottago Orovft
. r ai kit ii uj. w im -"
Sal Oregon Bkoj
STofflw Urteohon. ""J
.. .j.m 275L Offlco hoars I
deora phooe. 3761.
to 12. and to
New Set Cldor-Swd your ordw U
t, narH V0 ,? 9
pon4tl. Oldaon fiWa A Ca
Buccoaaor to Dr. J. M. Keone, la
Whlto Corner. Balwn. Oregon. PartiM
desiring superior operations at mo
Sret fw in any branch aro in wpociU
reoiiMit -
208 Commercial Street
Regular Dinner at Noon 25c
Service a la Carte
Vot Infants ad Children.
Tin M Ys. Haw Alwajs M1
Bears ttu
. glgnatott (
;r i
a --