Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 21, 1903, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Salem Young Men's
Republican Club's
First Dinner
The Band Played Patriotic
Airs, Good Speeches
Were Made and Fun
ny Stories Told
Tho Young Men's Itopublican Club
gavo tholr first annual dlnnor at Hotel
Willamette Saturday evening, and was
a big succqbs. About IBO tickets wore
sold, and every chair wag filled with
a smiling, happj youthful or middle
aged oxponant of Republican princi
ples. Nearly ovory pnit of tho coun
ty was roprosonted, and porfect har-lTom Cronlso.
mony prevailed.
Thoro woro plenty of bright speech-
campaign which was largely due to
their efforts, but added that wo must
always remember that no victory wa
p0Mlb,e wlll"t 1b support and co
operation of the older Republicans as
well He pledged his best effort to
Blvo ths. city a progressive admlnl
tiatlon consistent with good business
Those at the Tables.
H. D. I'atton. Zadoc Rlgge.
J- C. Goodalo. .Tr.A KiMu.
- ', 1,',1'i 1 J-V- l . L i in .
ltd. Horann.
H. F. West
L. R. Stmsorc.
J. G Graham.
F. P. Tocvo.
W. K Richardson.
J. W. Reynolds.
O. Royal.
Fred Rice.
H. .Humphrey.
Tilmon Fold.
Jv F. Ooode.
Olnude Gatch.
E. Hofor.
Geo. F. Rodgere.
W. H. Dabcock.
A. F. Hofor.
Squire Fanar.
Lee Achlnson.
John Knight.
Fred Logg.
3omo very good funny stories wore
told besides.
Nothing occurred to ar the good
toolings of a single person present.
Turco mayors wero hoard from
all young men In their prime, and Tbta
to read and wrlto.
Called to Order.
At 8:30 Hal IX Patton, president of
tho club, had tho doors of tho Wil
laeoteo dining room thrown open, and
tho guosta woro seated at tho great
tablo around four sides of a square.
Tho mayor, aldormen and officers of
tho club wore seated facing tho entire
asuomblago, which was composed on
tlroly of good-looking men. At times
tho onthuslasn arose to a high pitch,
as whon tho mayor of Jefferson proved
that ho was a good hand at tolling
, President Patton's Speech.
'Gontlomon, and Follow Republi
cans: On behalf of tho Young Men's
Itopublican Club I wolccmo you to
night at Uils dinner, to assist us in
colobratlng thd return of Oregon's
Capital City to Ropubllcan admlnlstra
tlon. (Cheers.).
Tho citizens of Salem, after a lapse
of ivo years, havo again shown tholr
Ft D. Thtolson.
L. E. Hooker.
Dr. W. C. Smith.
J. W. Roland.
Smith Mann.
J. H. ScotL
E. T. Moor.
Wm. P. Lord, Jr.
J. U. Putnam.
Carrol Moores.
J. BL Allleoi
Nicholas Has.
I. H. VanWInklo.
H. Rndcllff.
H. A. JohnMii,
R. A. Crossnn.
a A. McFaddsn.
Geo. B. Jscobs.
Htfnry Hubbard.
E. C. Churchill.
Claud Townseml
Al. McCorn.lck.
A. W. Preecott.
L. D. Henry.
Ed. GUllngham.
Col Olmsted.
N. II. Looney.
S. I). Ormsby.
Dr. E. A. Plerco.
0. F. Elgin.
W. V. Richardson. Geo. W. Jon.
the vouniy Man nitnlrk, of Oiomm
City, wild he was raised In such dos
proximity to the Salem hog that he
had proed a pood "hanHTOii- and
ban been elected mayor the fourth
time. He closed with a happy refer
enee to Ut Ustmbticans ot Clackamas
rounty aa bait) ootnpoecA of "shrewd
farmer dA lwneet politicians."
President Patton 'announced that he
held In his hand letters of regret
fret member or the Marion county
ttalegattcn In the legislature, tome ot
whom vould not be present, fcnd the
latetwss of the hotir ptecludetl read
ln then He naked all to arise and
Join the orcheatra in singing "Ameri
ca." whleh whs done with great eclat,
ami the lwnqust wae endrtk
Excellent Work Done.
It Is due to the committee In oharge
or the banquet to say that they did ex
cellent worle, considering; that the
dinner waa only proposed on laet Mon
day oveulng at the meeting of the
club. The democratic spirit of equal
Ity was maintained throughout; each
gueat paying for his own entertain
ment, the club providing the music
and cigars and souvenir ribbons, Tho
club lias taken steps to extend the or
ganisation Into all the towns of the
county, and their campaign will he
carried on through the chairman of
that committee, W. IS. Richardson,
who will correspond with younfc R
publicans In various part of the coun
ty, and start the bal) rolling.
John Slogmund.
A. A. Loo.
John IE McNary.
Edward Thtelsen.
L. K. Adams.
II. D. Thlelron.
H. W. Tl.Iolson.
A. T. Wain.
R. J. Sponcor.
Carl Abrams.
W. 3. Culver.
G. G. Dingham.
Robt Downing.
W. W. Hall.
P. Oraber.
P. Ai Sutton.
Ruseoll Cntlln.
Grant D. DImlck.
E. W. Hasard.
J. N. niown.
J. R. Whltne
W. L. Slmornl.
Otto Headrlck.
II. P. Mlnto.
L. T. Reynolds.
W. A. Moores.
T. D. Kay.
J. R. Dfmlck.
E. II. Flagg.
H. J. Bllinea
Tho Latest Yarr.
A Pittsburg drummer tells this new
yarn: I nlways carry a bottle of
Kemp's Dalsam In my grip. I tako
cold easily, and a few doses ot the Bal
Mm always makos mo a well man.
Everywhere I go I spoak a good word
for Komp. I tako hold of my custom
ers I tako old men and young men,
and tell them confidentially what I do,
when I tako cold. At druggists, 36
and 50 cents. 4
9 -
I About
J. Frank Ilughee. M. M. High.
confidence In the party of progress,
prospority and national advancement.
In ovory crisis In tho history of tills
government of ours slnco I860, the
party of Lincoln; of Garfield, and of
McKInloy, has mot ovory omorgoncy'
that has confronted It;, has liberated
ovory slave and mado a united coun
try; has mado an Amorlcan dollar
worth 100 cents; has freed tho suffer
ing pooplo 'of Cuba, and forced the
yoko of Spain from tho now world, and
haa proclaimed tho llvos and proporty
of Amorlcan citizens, sato wherever
Bollovlng that In unity there was
strength, tho Young Mon's Ropubll
can Club wa3 organlzod to work for
tho Itonubllcan tlckot n oach cam
paign. Wo havo all labored hard and
oarnostly for evory man on our tlckot,
and wo nro proud of 1U success.
Next spring you will find us all
working for tho succoss of our state
and county .ticket, and whon tho au
tumn loavos aro falling may tho peo
ple of our common country again pro
claim Teddy Roosovelt tho president
o'f tho world's greatest republic. (Pro
longed cheers).
Follow citizens, I tako pleasure In
presenting ono In whom wo have overy
confidence; ono who will do his beat
to advance tho political and moral In
terests of our city; one whom It Is a
pleosuro to know; ono whom tho cm
zenn of Salem have chosen as their
first mayor.
' Mayor Waters Spoke Next.
Tho first mayor-olect of Oreator Sa
lem was received with cheers whon
be got up to respond, and there w-as
genuine and hearty good will la tha
reception ho got at tho hands of every
Ropubllcan present. Ho thanked Uw
Young Mon'a Ropubllcan Club fo
tholr loyal work during the recent
Alonzo Gesner.
Jho. A. Carson.
F. W. Watsrs.
Fred Waters.
R. Sholton.
Al. Hopf
Rudolph Hopf.
Geo. C. Will.
E. M. CroUnn.
F. W. Wlllmam
Gideon Stolz.
It. E. Mooros.
W. M. Dushey.
I A. Magors.
L. D. Gear.
Walter Iluckner.
W. L. Tooae.
Amos Vass.
A. M. dough.
J. Ixmlngen
C. F. Royal.
C. E. Iennon.
T. T. Geer.
J. H. Campbell, Jr.
E. T. Proacott.
L. Ki Adam.
O.L. Hendonton.
Henry Hall.
Frank Ward.
S. T. Richardson.
(Tho Dallea Dally Chronicle)
Hon. Charles If. Johnson, who Is
reported as opposed to the portage
railroad, Is n member of tho lower
house of the legislature from Wasco.
Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler and Grant,
and Hon. T. II. Johnston la a sena
tor representing Sherman and Wasco
counties. Senator Johnston Is uneq
uivocally 'in iavor of tho portage
road and his constituents are nmong
the reatdetits of Eastern Oregon di
rectly Interested in an upon river. The
mistake of confusing .those two mem
bers of the legislature has become
widespread In the pairs ot Kastwu
Oregon, but any one who Is acquaint
ed with the two gontlomon will read
ily (Mstingulstt pe dlffertmcd be
tween Uiem. Tn the Important ques
tion ot tho iwttago railroad Hon.
Charleo H. Johnson will from nil re
ports oppoje the measure, but Sena
tor Johnston will support the hill
from llrat to Inst On him the people
Will place the utmost reliance.
1 1
Wo have all varieties for tho . .
cow or hdrao. Can glvo you ! !
cheaL olover, ont, wheat or i
lirt t A leu n tarn nntn il '
u,. . ,u. . .u n
wueat straw, (jimmy conata
eretl, you will find our prlcoa . .
DotGo Away Back audi
Gty Yout Eyes Out
I D. A. White
& Son
$ Fecdmen and Seedsmen !
I 301 Com'l St, Phone 1781 ;
If your druggist did noWhaYO wlint you WftnWd
to givo to hiuifor-to hor.for ftlfXraas prcsont, consolo
your solf, by thinking that vrhon you ,gt over .thi4
spell, you will go toltho.J?alaco Pharmaoy whoro tb$y
havo what you want.
9 I
Phone, Main 2541
I 118 State St,
Salem, Oregon.f
frW3 iO e i t 0frs 4f 8HWff8'tS W W
t i
German Market I
. w
For the Most Complete Stock of
CatvctSf Qiafiiig
and Nkfcle Plate" Wate
Just opened, next door to Har
rltt &. Lawroncoj grocory store, T
a clean, now nmrkoL where all
kinds ot meat can bo had. Low
prices and prompt dollvory out
motto. Wo mako a specialty ot J
9 fine German sausage of all 1 1
g kinds. Olvo us a call. J J
H afrHWHp-i o I a l ajMM a
at reasonable prices, see
wade &m;
It re
The Fatia aen "' NW
FeU ol Science.
Xt is the rarest thing tog. tg-Jg
a man to be ne.cf"yt S roots. ne4
be bald U he VJ, tieptle. Herpl-
clde. the SSTu the hair
cide destroys tb, germ that o- o
ort at tho root, "fm a prfMtly
dandruff and leaves w the
healthy condition. Mr Mwn tt."
"? 7talDi IbSi Sn "?!
tlrely batd. In less in mlea0f hlr
clde had removed the nem. coy
Krowtb. and , S? si inch
J. Stlllman.
John Stciwor.
Mac Hofer.
It Was a Dream.
Tho dining room was a dream of
loveliness, McElroy's orchostra ren
dered some choice pieces, and when
thoy turned loose on tho Star Span
Klod Bannor, tho whole audience arose
In a spontaneous outburst of cheering
and wound up with singing the good
old song. Other patriotic tunes ware
applauded! The dining tables were
enllvonod with alternate heaps of or
anges and bright red apples. ThJ
great room wast lavishly decorated
With national colors, flags everywhere
with fostoons of lace and masses of
palms. The waitresses wore Colonial
costumes, with goddess ot liberty
head-drossos. The lunch was of the
finest quality, beginning with large,
fat, Eastern raw oysters, and Includ
ing salads, cold meats and coffee No
liquors wore served, aud the toast to
the health of tho president was drunk
from coffee cups. Cigars were served,
and then the love feast began,
fleeted Breot credit upon
Conner a n caterer.
Some of the Speeches
Wore Illuminated with telling stories.
II. JJ. Thlelsen, who ran against
Waters for the nomination at the dl
rect primary, got funny nt hi own
expense, warning others not to go Into
a race with a nwa who ran like o
greyhound in an election His speech
wae very noat. coming from a defeat
ed aspirant, and was In very good
tasta. Amos Vass, the only Repub
Hcan who was not ejected, was atao
n-t. and was warmly gr"l W
many friends. Secretary Graham ear
nrlsed all the "bo-s" by deliver!
one ot the neatest speeches of the ev
ening. He gave a hWory of the club
..., a wore not here to throw
uouqoets at thsmslva. but weuUl be
found fighting IlepuWIraa VW'
Z a progressive awl bW
dty. m? a eleaa. ralghtorwanl city
administrate W. 1I-.
mayor of Jefferson. "T
rertam.r. and told the s-t mrimjt
the 'onlnat He rJZ-
undertaken f ti" ??"';
snlrlt of eterpris and " " a
n, lve eity womW west
Iwltb hearty wv
our southern aelgnuors, "
nrosa. John Its- !J
Ssatlo. C Cf
R,ubllPanlsm. a4 WWMrj J
on tht Republicans of the nortk mi 1
Oaf Beer r
Families who like to hare a
case of bright, Bparkllng,
beer ut home, which will
give a zest to their food and
tone to tlielr sysUm, will
have a case of oura now. It
is a fine beer. Call up phone
Salem Bewey
Main Office 174 Com'l St.
Salem, Oregon. .
Phent: Natn 2953.
We have a fine tract of timbei
land near Cottage Grove
1000 acres will make
about 4 million feet to 1-4
sectidn. From 100 rods
to 1 1-2 miles of river
This is a snap.
Threo or four houBOS for salo on
Installment, plan, from 8100 to $600.
Small payment down.
If you have property to sell Or rent,
or want to buy or soil, trade or ex
change for other proporty of any
kind, or If you want a loan or Insur
ance, see II. IL llyan & Co. 10-2C-U
R. R. Ryan
193 Commercial St.
Ortr Tho Journal.
You did not send mo that order tor prlntlag
last mouth. You had Utter do It now. OWo
la no Letter time to got n fresh supply ot.sta
tlonory than Just boforo tho now year. If yon
order It soon It will bo ready for yon.
Elliott, tho Job Printer,
e i
$eeW9Q999&MrMt9W0 I . ,
Willamette University
John II. ColumaM, PmuuDHNT, Sauw, OrtKQON.
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medlctae, Mask,
Oratory, Theology.
rartraent-Iower gradta In preparatory department. 0,fl VI!i7.i
S?f?uloul training-. the University wrtlwl
eoucatlon for all who arc aVvare of the value of trained fcrtli.
THE NORMAL DEPARTMEHT-OffetS "i"0"""""1"1"6 2S!S tSf.
practice of teaching Meeiaallthenaulremenls ot eiate KfeoM law.
Its teachers are In constant demand,
Catelogtf c Upon Application.
Lots of New Goods io
l .ddltlon to our regular Dry Good, we have Real Chins, Toys, 2
C tG ... Oo.. F.ne Umbrella,, Table Covers, a thousand useful
Harritt & Lawreace
Sell more Groceries and better Orocerles than ANYBODY
There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD toods
Stop in and foryouraolf. cld l. o. QnoonY,
articles to choose from.
TWf Hats 25c Eacli
Rostein & Geenbaam
302 Commercial Street. 5
I The Entire Stock ij
ii Of Boots and Shoes and Rubbers ji
We have purchased of Jacob. Vogtmusl ;;
i; be sold at a sacrifice, Come early and j j
;; get the bargains .j!
...-X. i utiAir o i ; rnmrnerclal Street ,;;
;; successor to jdtuu TVb. -'
O F::::::
t .AftENCY
i GRAIN"1"5 ahd shiptow GRAIN;
i k
Oats For Sale.
. .tirppLlBS. Crude and stleJcSolpljor
uur "i "
f j. GL Graliam, Agent, 20? l
Capital National
Only Nstionsl Bsnk lo ysrlon
oanty. TrsnseUnsrsl
bsnUog baiineir.
J.H.Albert rmim
E M crolsan .. Vice Pre
josH.Altert Caibler
),Mi'tiaent Hri f pwf
duesrosnti to tbeis who i wlih to
tsva nsney. Kt)Hlly who
Io ts ihM wh aosar.-w
hand wUUh l not "J'f ,B"
Ureit. X)pIUolefUol1aor
beoV UJ w dssotltor.
lntft erdllt on January 1
sod Jsly 1-
n.rlt ,
PI?."1 Wl
M !! tjSi fciSiM
..i ;.'fcfc-l. -