Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 21, 1903, Page SIX, Image 6

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" "" ' ' -' ' -I."1 ' i u-"-iu : ;
, , rvrTr irifl
Ate Sick of Hot
Air Railroad Extensions
JHissourians Who Want to
Be Shown That There Is
Not a Deal onto Block
All Railroad Building
(Crook County Journal.)
Horo's the Columbia Sounthorn
rawly out with IU semiannual
port again al)out the proposed exten
sion, of lis line. Tho second report
for tho your Is out a little early. It
wasn't duo until somo tlmo In Jnn
lUiry, but control Oregon has long
Blnco becomo accustomed to eccent
ricities of ways and means.
Dear, dear, what aro wo coming
to Or, rathor, whore Is this Columbia
Southern oxtenslon business', which
crops up as regularly as warts on
a turnlts going to Jam us Surely
not up against a railroad! Because
that would bo putting the Joke with
central Orogon, whllo nil along these
many yoara past, control Orogon has
beou tha butt of the Columbia South
ern's Jokos.
Of course, the semi-annual roport
this month bears an earmark of au
thenticity Mr. B. II. Knrrlmnn.
"Woll and good. That fact furnished
grounds for tho use of some red Ink
and a few column of space that
might not otherwise have been easy
Do Your Anlcles Of Limbs Swell?
Aro Your Eyes Pulfy? Wo are
tlio 80I6 Agentfe tor the Only
Thlnfi Known That Cures the
banquet was "rathor private and as
he had a good tlmo tou much impor
tance should not bj attached to any
statomonts made either by myself or
others, as thoy were probably made
In Jest" Thero it Is, all In a nut
shell and deductions must bo made
Down here In central Oregdn there
VMuku ntarrtcra Tim- CflllftA
Dropsy, viz., Fulton Compound. arS Missourian population. Br-
ory time tho Columbia Southorn Is
" sues Ite semi-annual extension state-
it is bow well known tht drepur U not ti iment tnnt portidn of the population
Itaolf 5 dlacaao, but la nearly always a tjwp-. ,.j.h ,'ii ii
torn of kidaoydU9aMu.ataccompanlottb.increaso8. After a while well all
ohronlo nages bretotoro lnourabie. iienea, claim Missouri as a birth place, an'l
BptothodUooTBtTf of tha Fulton Compound!, ' an Imperative demand for tha
dropay waa Incurable. It u now, bowerer,
carabla In nearly nlno-tenth of all case. Hero
U an latereatln; reoorery, to whloh we refer by
Mrs. Peter Ooyhenlr of W8 minora itrrct,
Bn Fruwlwo, beoama alarming. y dropntenl.
Her physician hod dually to tap htr ereryfew
days, sue wft tapped nearly forty times and
rrew worie from day id day. Tee physician
her huaband that ahe bad llrleht's
iii riof the KldneTS. that It was In no nil
irano4 ebronto sat9Dd boyesd medical aid.
Her neurt also gavo her th usual trouble sod
ibe was Insuob A serious condition the relatives
were Kent for. Tbey put ber on FultoD't Com
pound It stayed on tho stomach, tho first
thing that bad done so for a weelt. The second
week tbe dropsy declined a little abd tho Im
proreatt waa then gradual till ber rerovcrj
waa comploin. This enso was examined Inic
by rapreten (nitres of tho Ban Francisco fitai
anil the (Merlbiid MonthlT, andthr (CDUluei:isi
of tn ohms nnd tbe reco.ry were fully attested
lu tbslr columns.
Mrs. Thomas Chrlstol of CSTwenty-seTtctl
street, San Francisco, was also snollon will
dropsy, us tho rusultof chronlo kidney dlreser
to moro than soventy-aro pounds ttarond lici
normal weluhtt and bad to be moTed In rbectf
and was clone to drain's (KSor altliouph shf had
fojr pnyslolans. She wait put on the luliot
Compound. Three weahs showed Improvement
and In six months she was well, and pftmlu
mis reieronce
"showing process" will be In v
At present Iho latest Columbia South
ern Jbko rldos lightly on tho sea of
public Incredulity, nnd central Ore
gon resldonts will wait pationtly fo?
tho forthcoming Boml-annual which
will be published in detail again
about June 1st next
If tom bare droor don't temnorlze. There It
poly one thing kunwn that will cure the chronl
rldnar dlsasa that Is behind It tnd ll.ut li
rulton'a Compound. Tbe Itetial Oompounrt foi
Urlsht's and Kldnar Diseases, f 1 i for IlM't-
MM. John J. Pulton Co.. 400 WnrhlnKtoB
Croesus, King of Lydla, Had Troub
les of His Own, and There
Are .Others.
Urlght's and Kldnay Dlseai
street. San Francisco, snlu oomrounclets Send
for puophlsv.
he are tho sole agents for U.H
Croosus, the John D. ltockefollor
of tho kingdom of Lydia was vory
well-to-do in worldly goods and chat
tela "As rich as Croesus," Is a
saying about 2,600 years' old. Ho
,had hla troubles:, howovcr, nnd some
of thorn woro full grown. Ho was
taken captive onco by Cyrus and
only savod hlmeelf from bolng burn
ed nllvo by quoting a saying of Sol
on, tho Saga. Ho flnnlly had to flee
to fill, nut Mr. Ear-Mark mado his. his kingdom for part unnnown.
statements nt tho Arlington club. Ilad Many of the rich man's troubles to
to worsa Only the contents of the day come from high living and could
glasses, and many a fantastic air be avoided. Thoy -are brought on by
castle has been builded with the aid , eating nil kinds of rich, heavy foods
of Angelica. And then, besides, aft-! at Irregular tlmos, lack of proper ox
er It was all over with, Mr. Harri- erclse, undua mental strain, unnat
man said that what paseed at tho ural stimulants, etc., nnd aro com-
Palace Pharmacy, 118 State 8t
May help yotf In selecting a gilt. And this is only a fraction of what we have
Appropriate for Men Appropriate for Ladies Appropriate for Boys
Ink 8tand. Cake Plate. and Girls
China Mugs.
Paper Weight, Fruit Tray.
Silver Mugs. '
"Wlpor. Set Knives Candc8tlckBt
POP" Cutter. And rk8- . Ornaments. '. ' -
8et Spoons.
Ash Tray. r Napkin Rings.
. . ' 104 Pieces .. ',
Pipe and Money Safes.
"" ' To 8clect
Match Holder. Child's Sets.
. , ., ." ' In 8llverwar"e.
Shaving Mug. , -Pin Tray.
, , O Jardlners,
Shaving Mirror. ;', , z 2 Candy Tray.
, , ' '' ' , m Jardlner with , o
Clock. O Nut Dish.
1 "" Pedestal z
Tobacco Jar. O O Pencil Holder.
.. . ' a Piece In 1 . .
Mush Set. j;, Collection Cup
, ? Kaiser Zinn. 3J
Good Coffee 0 And Saucer.
., , o Chocolate set. I
Stein. frj O Collection Plate.
, ,. , , , 2 Glass for o
Individual Salt , " Pi Bedroom Lamp.
3 Collection C)
And Pepper 8hake. m china Vase.
Jt . '' n w 8alad Set. . -
Reading Lamp. v - Glass Vase.
., , z Collection Plate. l
Nut Cracker. h 2 Watches.
tJ 2: S"'8 Bow'- S
Cuspidor. Pi P The List of !
Wlno Set. j;, H What Wo Have
-.,.. . I Cake Stand. h
Toilet Set " n C In Suitable
. w C A Piece In
Offlco Vase, H , Gifts for Either
;. , , 0 Japanese Ware.
Office Umbrella. p: The Ladles or '
- . . l 'tH Pwlor Lamp.
Set Glasses. ,-r g The Gentlemen
' Chafing Dish. ' ' k
Decorated Globe. t, . 'Or the Juveniles , ( .
' ' ' S O'clock Tea.
For Old Lamp, Is 80 Extensive ' , '
Cup and Saucer. They Cannot
Wall Plaque.
Carving sot. ' Be Enumerated '
Lemonade Set.
Dust In the Llmts of
Finger Bowls. . ,'
Ornament ... An Advertisement "", .
Mush Sets. . ,
Olsque Figures, , A Visit Is t ,
' Cups and Saucers.
8ouvenlr calendar. . All That Is - ;
Fancy Plates.
Sugar and Creamer. . ,, Necessary
Doh Vase.
Cream Pitcher. Candlestick. , To Convince You
Spoon Tray. N Dinner Set. That This Is
Plcklo Trayl All That Is Netessary. The Right Place.
immmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJLmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmm win ,1 1 , 1 a -- .a
s '! ' 11 iir 1 1 1
Plenty of efficient nelp to wait upon yot. We pack fo
mail, express, freignt o wagon. Out stote is open late
evenings until Xmas, Remember goods ate matlced in plain
Yokohama Tea Stoi e
Fresh Roasted Coffeo and Flno Teas a Speolalty. Phono 2411. Free Delivery.
43 &
SoSd Every
41,640 every hour, 1,000,000 every day. The largest
selling brand of cigars in the world. You owe it to your
self to find out why so many people smoke the Cremo.
5 cents invested in a Cremo will explain it. Sold in every
store, in every town, in every State.
The Hand is the Smoker's 'Protection,
monly known air indigostlon, dyspep
sia am weak stomach. Thoy aro
sorlous troubles all right, but not
only can they be avoided .but can
also bo cured, and that without loss
of tlmo or propor fool and nourish
ment. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro the
cortaln rollof of dyspoptlcs, rich and
poor alike. Thor Is n such thing as
stopping their onwnrd progress now.
A gieat nation has placed Its stamp
of approval upon tholr hoble work.
The thousands and thousands of
euros they havo effeoted and tho
happlnoea roeulting thorefrom have
mado tholr name a household word
throughout tho land.
Tho story of Stuart's Dyspopsln
Tablet can bo told In a word. Thoy
actually do tho work that tho weak
and wasted stomach Is unnblo to do
and allow ti to rccuperato and re
gain iti strongth. Thoy contain all
tho ossontlnl properties that tho gas
tric Julco and other digestive fluids
do, and thoy digest tho food just as a
sound and well stomach would. Thoy
rollovo tho stomach just as one rest
ed nnd refreshed workman rolioves
tho ono on duty that Is tired and
worn, and Nature dooa her own work
of rootoratlon. It Is n slmpiet nat
ural process that a child can under
stand. You can eat all you
without fear of rosulU. Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets aro for sale by all
druggists at 50 conts a box. .Drug
gists' all know bettor than to try to
got along without them, as the de
mand for them Is great and universal.
"Portland and Return Only $2.20."
The Southern Pacific Is now selling
round trip tlckots to Portland from
Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday
or Sunday, returning Sunday and Mon
day, giving all day Sunday and Mon
day In Portland. Tho.samo arrange
ment applies front Portland, giving all
Portland people a chanco to viBit val
loy points nt grcntly roduced rates.
W. H COMAN, O. P. A.
Climatic Cures.
Tho influoncc of climatic conditions
in the euro of consumption Is Tory
much overdrawn. Tho poor patient.
want i and tho rich patient, too, can do much
bettor at homo by propor attention to
food digestion, and a regular couroe
of Gorman Syrup. Froe expectoration
in tho morning is mado certain by
German Syrup, so is a good night's
rest and tho absence of that veol
onlng cough and debilitating night
sweat Restless nights and the ex
haustion duo to coughing, tho groat
oat danger and dread of the consump
tive, can bo prevented or stopped by
taking German Syrup liberally and
regularly. Should you be able to go
to a warmer clime you will find that
of tho thousands of consumptives
there, tho few who aro bonofltted and
rogaln strength are those who nse
German Syrup. Trial bottle, 26c; reg
ular size, 75c. At all druggists. At
Dr. Stone's drug stores.
O -A. (3 I O 33. X .A. .
3eo tho f Iba Kind Yoa Haw Ahwn toxf
Branson & Ragan.
Keep all kinds of groceries, and
they are tho best that can be fottml
in the city. Yoa don't know it until
yon havo tried them.
Daily os? Weekly
S&tasd&Y "Dec. 26
etffopaiitaii Mag a me
Fee Fof One Yea
Two Gtfeat Offers
Journal subscribers will this year ba giveu another epeciul bargain day and it has been set
for Saturday, December 26th On that date you can get Tho Daily Journal for one year, caah'in ad
vanco, by mail, for $3, or by carrior for $5. This is a flat reduction of one dollar, not only for the
ubo of your cash, but to savo us, as well as our subscribers the time and trouble of numerous pay
raents during the year. It saves uswork and it saves the subscribers cash. Remember tho date
December 26th. All who pay up arrearages, if thoy have any, can on tha't date get the benefit Of
this offer, Even if your subscription is paid up to the present timo or in advancoTyou can get the
benefit of an additional year on that dato at the reduction. If you can't come to tho office on that
dato send it in sooner, and tho credits will be made on that date, December 26th.
To any of our subscribers, old or new, who pay a year in ad vonco, $6, by carrior or $4 by
mail, The Metropolitan Magazine will be given free for one year. See the announcements of this
wonderful magazine elaowhere in this paper, and preparo to profit by our great offer
Sample copies of tho groat Metropolitan Magazine can be seen by calling at the Journal of
flco or at any news stand. It is one of the finest magaxinos in the country and tho price is $1.50
per year. Look up this great offer and take advantage of it.
Salem, Oregon.