Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 21, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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m i.
I will continue until
i this sale it you want to, but yot will lose
Note a few
Suits ot
i 2.50 Suits ot Overcoats teduced to 8.00
J 5.00 Suits o Overcoats teduced to
17.50 Stiits ot Overcoats teduced to
20.00 Stiits os? Overcoats teduced to
25.00 Stfits 'O Overcoats seduced to
Remember you have the largest stock in Sa
lem to select from. Don't miss this oppofta nity.
H VLtaiflLV iflNi
8crlpps News Association Telegrams. '..The Oregon I ail wanted thorn to
change tho state portage bill so as
DY HOFER OROTHER8. to i,M). Ul0 rlBht of wny for tll0 f0ll.
eral government, and got a fodoral
Daily On Year, 4.00 In Advance canal at onoe, but will not Insist on
Dolly Throe Months, $1.00 In Advance, that If thoy will only adjourn tomor
Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Por Month. ' row and go homo.
Weekly One Year, 11.00 In Advance.
Oho YYook t .10
Ooo Month $ .35
Thrco Mouths $1.00
tAt Journal Office.
At Daue'a Grocery, South Salem.
A,t Oovrersox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenuo Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East Stato 8L
Poultry and pet stock show, Salem,
December 17-19.
Bpoclnl Bosston of tho logtilature,
Salem, December SI,
NnUonul, . llvoatook.. convention,
Portland. January 1246.
-Angora goat shoT? Dallas, Janu
ary 14-16.
The Weather.
Qluutly, with occasional rain
night and Suiulitj.
uu uuuu.
Tho I'orllund Oreguulnn has stood
up om forty members of this legis
lature ami xtrooted a promise from
them, to be good.
Thar are to meet today nt 10
o'qtock, adopt a llttto verbal amend
ment to the nssesoment and taxa
tion jaw and go home. The Oregon
Inn BterUU in to havo them repeal
tho now tax law ami re-enact tho old
one, but it will waive that out of
pure patriotism, if the legislature
will only speedily ndjourn. v
Tho Orogouiaa wanted them to ro-1
peal tiio state portngo appropriation
lH-H-H I t-M-H I llllllll'
Evor hour of one?
We call it a Determination Sale because wo are
determined to carry over no winter good?, if cut
fricea will move thorn. Profit is lost sight of, This
s your month you get tho profits. Don't think
about this sale too loDg wo can keep it going but
a short time.
A Thnhy Man's Opportunity
Cut prices on all suits and overcoats and we are
determined, fully determined, that Winter wear
ables tn,U8t go. Corao, get your sharo of tho good
Inventory Sale
Dec - 28. Of course
of otr prices. Everything CUT.
Overcoats teduced to $ 700 1
WT t
j onnson
257 Commercial St.
, and Biive the taxpayer $1G6,000, but
J will nlso waive that out of puro pa
triotism if they will only go home.
The state Is all right, tho laws and
Industrial conditions aro nil in por
teot onion, and tho only thins that
tlu catena tho poaco and prosperity
of the commouwonlth is tho fear that
this legislature will not adjourn at
onco. It does look as If thero was a
a lion; on.
Tho Salem.' Fodoruted Trados havo
adopted resolutions calling for tho
repeal of tho polltax restriction on
voting in tho Salem chartor. Tho la
bor organisations of this city aro op
posed to any taxation or property
qualification on tho voting franchise.
I)y interesting themtelves in such
practical matters as this the labor op
gnniiattons can do a great deal of
lly endorsing and promoting poll
alee that make for equal rlshUj the
labor unions will confer blowings on
society. x
I Labor .organlantions should turn
I tltalr attention to aoMtruoUvexpolt
. Diet that oroeto favursblo bmlnti
. conditions. '
Polltax restriction on voting works
? "Rr,, 0ft T, N . and
nm w wnrHiHiiw IU uiuu iv"
tvor t hn8 bftn ir9A
The period of Christinas shopping
le upon us. The holiday atmosphere
is the atmosphere, of hurry. It is
tho rushing tlmo preceding tine
Chrfstin&g cheer. Wo aro in such a
stroauoua stato that wo beglu to spell
it "Xmas." Tbore IsTno timo to spoil
it In full.
Let's hold up a spell,
It la a time to use common sense.
For Instance:
You feol that you aro . In duty
bound to "remoaiber" some one for
nation Sale
yo con stay from
money it you do.
J 0.00
J2.50 f
1 6.501
whom yon do not enro very much.
You will succeed In making the
doneu feel uncomfortable. You will
put him under obligations. lie
knows your heart doos not go wth
tho gilt. He knows you are only fol
lowing a custom. Ho will whht to
glVi you something In return. And
both gifts will lack tho real spirit
of ChrUtmas.
As a rule, o'no should giva only
whore it will bring real pleasure
- It Is not neooBsary to givo oxnon-
sivq things. Such gifts, if tho giver
can ill afford them, may not only
strain tho ability of tho ouo who
glvos, but bring real dlstrosa to tho
roclpiont bocauso of his inability to
return in kind. Tndead, soma are
tompted to givo who had bottor keep.
Is that treason to tho Christmas spir
it Not at all. It Is wrong to give,
mora than ono can afford.
Do not give to mako a splurge.
Givo w'horo tho gift will do real
good. It Is a bloaeed boon to givo to
tho children whom you lovo. It
blessos both you and tho children.
Thoro Is Joy In your heart, gratitude
In theirs. It dpn't oost much to make
a lot of children happy.
And then thero Is that other fine
giving tho gift for tho relief ofsflmt
real want. Nor should one be ox
trwvagant even hero. Thero Is no
call. A little goe a long way.
You say all this caution means
sUnglnfw If you think so. empty your
tyurse. Anything but that.
Our plea is this: Discriminate.
Plan. De MMlble.
A Dox Social.
A box social ami program wa giv
en by tho pupils of Mr. Grace Thomp
son, fn West Salem, Saturday night,
December 19th. Tho entertainment
waa well attended, and the numbers
on the prognm well endored. Tho
proceeds of the social, which were
something ovor $12, -will bo applied
to the library fund.
The much talked of jack-rabbit
will, it conditions dp not change in
Eastern Oregon, be only an echo.
Aria nil it nor to .Frofliable Employ
ment. You cannot afford to grow old.
In theso days of strenuous competition
It Is necessary to maintain, as loner as
posslblo ones youthful appearance.
It Is impossible to do this without re
taining a luxurious growth of hair.
Tho presence of Dandruff Indicates tho
presence of a burrowing germ which
lives and thrives on tho roots of tho
lmlr until it causes total 'baldness.
Newbro'a Horplcldo Is tho only known
destroyer of this pest, and It Is as effec
tive as It Is delightful to uso
Hcrplcldo makes an elegant hair dress
ing no woll as Dandruff cure.
Accept no substitute there Is none.
Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In
stamps for samplo to Tho Horplcldo Co.,
Dotrolt, Mich.
Daniel J. Fry, Spcclnl Agent.
Cottage Qrovo will ask tho special
Session for a new city charter, needed
by tho rapid growth of tho city.
Walter L. Toozo can always be re
lied on to nupport tho tlckot anyway.
It Is a common mistake of public of
ficial after thoy get in to forgot who
put thorn thoro, and do things that dis
gust the people, as woll as their best
It will bo a raco In the county which
town will organize Uio first young
men's Republican club.
Tho Pcclflc Homestead has an nble
article ou how to get oggs in wlnton.
How to got thorn for less than 40 cents
a dozen Interests mout of us.
Oregon llvo stock of rill kinds Is
worth ovor $41,000,000, but It don't
get onto tho assessment rolls that
way. ,
In a.i office window In Hubbard,
Marion county, may bo seon a 90
pound pumpkin, a 17 pound beet,
nnd a tiunflowor C7 Inchon in circum
ferenco; also a flno variety of npplos,
hickory nuts, English walnuts, black
walnuU and osago oranges, all rais
ed by farmors noar Hubbard.
Albany Herald: Is Sonator Hoar
has ontorod upon a careor of going
about llko a "raging lion, sooklng
whom ho may dovour," It seoms
strnngoly sad that his first roarings
should bo directed against tho von
orablo editor of tho Oregonlan, who
happenod to got In tho way. Orogon
will rojolco that tho gdntlo Harvey
sot aside for tho moment his custom
of turning tho other choek, nnd an
swered lit kind.
Ashland Tidings: "Imagine whftt
you or I would havo boon if wa had
not beon snvod," said John D. Rock
efeller, Jr., to his Dlblo class, in .New
York last Sunday. The people of the
United States havo reason to think
about that every day, and they nevor
cease to return thanks that young
Mr. Rockefeller hns boon saved, and
thnt he romaved In his youth from
Rlolford, N. Y., which was n very
wicked town, without those rollglous
Influences which have Influenced tho
whole Rockofollor family. Tho price
of crudo oil has advanced only 35
cents within tho last few months.
Just think how ,muoh highor it might
havo gone If young Rockofolor nnd
John D. Rockofollor, poro, had not
boon snatched as brands from the
Moro Obsorver: In amondlng tho
tax law noxt weok tho assembly will
do a sorviceablo act for tho tax pay
ors by providing for greater publicity
of tho ntinual ossossmont roll. Lot
tho peoplo know all about it, In somo
way, boforo tho board of equalization
moot, and tho court houso will not
hold tho tax payors who will como to
tho motlng with protosts.
Tho Salem wator company Is
spending $175 a day trying to Im
provo tho quality of tho favorite bov
ernge of the members of the legisla
ture. Roprosontntlvo Hum, tho million
aire cannoryman of the Rogue rlvon
who has had a llbol suit on his hands
the nast yoar, who has nin and ed
ited newspapers, and who Is a great
admirer of Harvey Scott, Is the od
Itor and publisher of n monthly call
ed "The Radium." Uko thnt won
derful new metal. It evolves light,
heat ami power from within Itself
In other wonts, Mr. Hume edits, pub
lishes and pays for all tho copies him
self and sends them to his friends. It
is published wherever he hnppons to
bo. IJke Its name, Tho Radium is
hot stuff.
The people pt Court street aro to
meet tonight and consider street Im
provement That street is pretty
good now. It has been summer-fallowed
for forty years or mqre and
grows good enough grass for several
cows. To talk of putting down brick
pavement is folly. It would employ
too many people and labor would be
come scarce at Salem. Besides we
havo a. lot of land good for nothing
but to mako brick of.
But Many of Them Have Pet
Measures Up Their
Two carloads of legislators, clerks
and attendants came up from Port
land on tho Albany locnl Sunday
night, and wont in search of tho hash
houses and sleeping roosts. Most of
them still had llngorlng on tholr pal
ate toothsome reflections of tho good
cookery of Salem prlvato boarding
housos and hotols, and roturned to
their quarters at tho last rogular cos
The splons in tho city last evening
gathered in tho corridors of tho Wil
lamette Hotel, and compared notes on
tho proposed work of tho session.
Whoh approached tho members gen
erally stated that thoy wore in favor
of a short session, an'd their destra
was to complete tho necessary work
as quick as posslblo, but thoro was
apparont n.i undercurrent in favor of
a long session and a program of gonor
al legislation. .AH, or nearly all of the
mombers of tho legislature, havo n
few pot measures thoy would llko to
lntroduco', and seem to bo waiting only
for somo ono olso to propose to lot
down the bars, wjion thore will bo n
flood of bills equal to that usually
seen nt a rogular soseion. Many of
the members have charter bills to
spring, and are anxious to have somo
one break tho Ice, though the fear Is
oxprossod by a fow of tho Republi
cans that such a course would be bad
This "much is certain tho work of
ilio solons will not be confined to tax
legislation, for thore are enough fa
voring the correction of tlio recorders'
feo law to insuro the bringing of that
measure boforo tho logislnturo at this
tlmo The Dakor county contingent
nlso has bills ready to lay bofore the
sosslon to regulate the .oxccutlon of
Plonsant Armstiong, which Is now
hanging first awaiting tho action of
the loglslatvro, and should nothing bo
dono, tho case will bo appealed to
the United SUtos courts by the
friends of tho condemned man, for tho
purposo of caving his life. If tho log
Islaturo should passman act, howuver,
providing for the execution of all mon
convicted and originally sentenced tin-
der the old law by the sheriffs of the
counties in which the trials wore had,jnH as presldont of the sonnto, It Is
all ground for appenl would be ro
moved, nnd Armstrong would be
hanged In Dakor county, In ' accord
ance with tho sentoiKO of the court
It Is practically certain that such n
bill win be proposed.
The Republicans all seem to favor
a conference this afternoon or tonight.
when It will probably be determined
what the program will be. Some ob
ject to a caucus, for thoy do not wish
to bind themselves, but it is oxpectod
that at a conferonco, which is sure to
be hold, a program will bo arranged,
a stooring committee appolntod, mid
all arrangements completed for gon
oral legislation.
Below aro a fow statements made
by somo of the " mombors,, showing
their positions1 rogardlng tho longth of
tho sosslen:
W. T. Hume I think tho session
should not bo too short Now that
wo aro horo, wo should tako ample
tlmo for tho full consideration of the
tax quostlons. I havo no special bills
to lntroduco, bub. If tho flood-gates are
oponod, I will havo somo matters1 to
propose. No now legislation, but con
rectiou of old laws that need It badly.
Thoro aro laws on tho statute books
that aro unconstitutional, and Bhquld
bo corrected.
J. E. Hunt I havo no now legisla
tion to propose, nnd think tho sosslon
should not be prolonged.
M. A. Miller (Linn) The session I
think will be short, but It may last
to tho ond of tho month. Very little
will bo dono I think, oxaept correct
ing the tax muddle, and a few amend
ment may be passed correcting other
laws. I have an amendment to the
Lebanon charter that I will lntroduco,
but that need not take up moro than
six or seven minutes of the timo of
the senate and houso. Tho re-enactment
of the $300 exemption law is one
J Three New Shapes
In Bluchor and Bal shoos
New last, best fitter on
See our now onamel nnd box
calf shoes at
99 State St, Salem. Oregon.
"of tho measures that should bo ca.
J. M. Shelloy Wo want to SC
through as soon no possible, and j
havo no- special legislation to proper
in which I am fntorcsted, except tic
correction of thd tax law. I have ao
bills to propose.
E. V. Carter It will bo short, aj
I havo npthlng to push forward, m
loss tho Lars should bo lot down and
gonoral legislation ontorcd Into. in
thnt case I will lntroduco somo city
dinner amonumonis lor Asliland, and I
possibly I will tako up ono or two oth. I
or matters, but I will not be tho one
to lay down tho bars.
Speaker Harris Tho sosslon will be
a short one, and I hopo wo can ad
journ boforo Christmno.
O L. Hawkins In nddltion to the
tax legislation thero will bo several
matters brought up for cohsidcratlon
Among them is tho ono regulating thej
recording or transform which is at
this timo causing somo discussion and
throatoned litigation. Tho $300 ex
omptlon law should also bo ro-onnct-ed,
and I think will bo at this session.
W. H. Hobson I havo no legisla
tion to propose, but I think thero will
bo enough- proposed to keep us in boj.
sion for moro tlinn this week.
E. T. Judd I have no bills to lntro
duco, unless tho bnrs aro laid down
and, gonoral legislation decided upon,
when I will havo a fow matters to
bring up for consideration.
Sonator Rand, of Eastern Oregon,
says thore may bo necessity for an
amondmont to tho capital punishment
law to facilitate a fow hanging's that
aro hanging fire.
Senator Drownoll says thoro Is great
need to amond tho feo law, under
Which evory county Is liablo for large
sums collected by tho county record
ers. The ropoal of. the $300 household
ers oxomptlon should bo sot nsltlo, as
it Is manifestly unjust to tax the tooli
a man work with, tho bod his wife
and.chlldron sloop on and tho clothes
thoy wear.
Owing to tho groat advanco In rail
road ratos that taxes offoct on Janu
nry 1st, thore is somo talk of railroad
legislation. Flvo years ago Oregon
ropealod tho railroad commission act.
which was a very woak affair and gate
tho state no protection wl.atovcr
Slnco then thoro has beon a general
policy of non-lntorforonco, based on
tho groqnd that tho railroads could
take bottor caro of tho Industries ol
tho stato than tho state legislature
could. All wont smoothly until tho
past year, whon tho linos in Oregon
practically all wont undor tho Harri-
man syndlcato. But tho way tho leg
islature Is organized, nnd with Brow-
not bollovod any bill, oven if intro
duced, would ovor como out of the
committee, much less stand any show
for passage. Indicntlons nre) thero
will bo qulto an unovitful sosslon.
Notlcfe Change of Time of Street
Beginning Wodnesday, December
23d. All depot cars will leave for de
,.. uv ...... uvea, uuiuib uio iruin is uucmi
This applies particularly to car fori
c:i!) p. m. train.
Tho legislature should nieot, paw
tho little tax amondmont nnd adjourn
in Hftcon minutes. What Jf thore
aro $750,000 recorder's foes collected
by all tho county rocordors in thli
stato, that can bo sued for and re
covered from each county That li
nothing to keep mon horo for, whoa
wo can savo $4,050 by having them
go homo after flvo days.
What do tho Eastern Orogon people
want of a state portago railroad anr
how Havon't. they got tho Jack-rabbit
cannory Industry started ovet
Is nearly always followod by ser
ious complications. Protect tho syi
torn from suddon Colds, Chills or at
tacks of Malaria, Fev.er and Ague bf
taking Hostottor's Stomach BIttersJ
It is tho best safo guard in oxlst
nco and at this season of the year
no homo should bo without It. It will
also euro Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Troubles. Bo sure to try It. Ask four
druggist for our 1904 Almanac. '