Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 19, 1903, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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tasting The
Christmas Ball
i A Rolling
The Barr Store has started the Christmas ball a rolling with a ver,
geance. Oure Is not the kind of store that waits until the very last
week before Christmas to get Its holiday stock. On the contrary, wo
have been ready for ten days past or more, and already a great many
people have heeded our suggestion to avoid the crush and. congestion
of later on by buying now.
We were never better prepared to fill all sorts of Christmas wishes
than we are this season. If you could see the cases full of choice silver
ware, of exquisite Cut Glass, or Rings and Brooches and Charms and
Fobs and all sorts of other Jewelry for personal wear, of watches and
watch chains and clocks, of opera glasses, of fountain pens, and many
fine things of the truest Christmas suitability, we are very sure you
would not go away empty handed.
And tla very easy for you to see them, at any time you wish.
Governor Chamber
lain's Message Will
Success of the Foul'
try Show Pleasps
its Promoters
Will Be Ready to Transmit as, Amissions Much Better Than
Soon as the Legislature
Is Organized and
Ready for Business
Tho legislature moels In special
Expected -Outside Vis
itors Express Their
Tho poultry ami bonch show onds
i 'i inwrwi iihi'Mi'i iiirmiiiium
1 ' VOX ftVVNJl? WWjfrl
Unsurpassed for beautr'and
comfort, got your husband ono,
mut he'll spend all his evening
at homo horenfter. '
SefJM&fx rfrss-
r-'Xy l
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Ore.
HWWWfrfl'IIWH 1 1 1 II'
:;a-Social Realm
fH4W-WI I I H 1 1 1 I M 8-Hf
Judge Duniett went td Portland to
day. John L. Sporry, of Portland, la In
tho city.
Ji Li. Sweonoy Is a visitor In Port
land today.
John S. Read, of Turner, was In the
city this morning.
Johh A. Carson Is In Portland for a
few days on business.
Hon. David Craig, of Macleay, was
a Salem visitor tills morning.
Stato Senator Fnrrar was n pas
Mngor for Portland this morning.
Sam Rundlett wns an early pas
senger for Portland this morning.
L. U. Geer was In tho city last night,
and attended tho Ropubllrnn ban
quet. Elliott C. Ball, of the Turner neigh
borhood, was In Salem today, to do
soma trading.
0. P. Robertson, the Turner post
master, was In Salem this morning,
doing his Christmas trading.
Mrs. Harry A. Green, who attended
tho Ollngor-Matthows woddlng. re
turned to hor homo In Portland this
Mayor Grant B. Dlmick, of Orogon
City, was ono of tho out-of-town visi
tors last night to attond tho banquot
of tho .Republicans.
Norman McLooc, a Spring Valloy
farmer, was In tho city yostorday af
ternoon, and while here his team bo
camo frlghtonod at a steam wood saw,
ami a runaway was narrowly avorted.
Tho rig of Mr. McLeon was wrecked,
but no Borloua damago was dono.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dollarhido have
returned from an oUended visit with
their son, Rev. R. II. Dollarhlde, of
Roseburg, Ore.
0. 13. Lewis, of Turner, Is In the
city on business.
John Gentry, of Marlon, was In the
city today on bu&lnoM.
W. H. Darby, of this city, was a
passenger to Glendale this morning.
Representative I. B. Riddle came
down from Riddle this morning, and
will leave tonight for Salem, to bo
ready for thu special session of tho
legislature, which convenes ncoct Mon
day. Mr. Riddle was accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. J. B. Riddle, who will
visit hore for a short tlmo with hor
daughter, Mrs. George Frator. Roso
burg Roviow.
session Monday at 10 a. m. Tho old tonight, after tho most successful
orimnlznHnn wWli Tlne r . I
fnn mnnt... ., ,,' . ..' :uo AW nra ever had by a similar
mas, for Proeidont of tho sonato, will ontorPr,BO ,n u" Northwest. Tho at
continue. .tondnnco has beon all that was ex
It ought not tako tho two houses pected, and tonight a largo crowd Is
moro than 15 minutes to organize, and looked for by tho management, ns
bo In running ordor. Tho governor's ' many peoplo havo wait Ml until tho
message will bo ready to dollver as premiums shnll bo awarded before
soon as thoy aro ready to rccelvo It. coming, ns thoy wliih to mo Uio
Tho message will go Into a column prlze-wlnnors especially. Yesterday
of newspaper matton, and treats of tho tho receipts for admission woro over
amendment noeded to the assessment $50, and Oils, It Is bollovod, will bo ox
and taxation law Copies will bo glv- celled today and tonight. Tho Judges
on to tho press, subject to release for woro all bus) today with tho awards,
tho Monday nowspapors. and It Is expected thoy will conclude
before ovenlng.
LOST IN THE MOUNTAINS. Among tho most nttractlvo oxhlblU
tare tho white turkeys from tho farm
of J. A. Joftorson, preeldont of tho as
sociation, and these beautiful birds
are constantly surrounded by visitors,
who appreciate their beauty and sizo.
These birds are not as plentiful in Or
ogon at In BoniP of the Eastern states,
and aro of much Interest here.
Dog fanciers are constantly coming
In to see the flne display at tho bench
show and many of them oxprees sur
prise at tho flno collection of bloodod
canines to be found thore. Tln many
different breeds on oxhlbltlon show
that Oregon dog fanciers tako as much
Interest In th best breeds as any In
tho country, and Mr. Turner, tho Vic
2j $5 to $J5 ji
Prospector Near Sumpter Sought by
Jesse Hobson.
Jessi Hobson, of tho Hobson Men
cantilo Company, wns out Dsor Creok
way yesterday In soarch of George
Swift, the old prospector and miner,
montlo'ned in Saturday's Issue, who
has disappeared, but found nc traco of
him. Mr. Hobson did not go the en
tire distance Ho saw Roy Wenceslaw,
however, who was Jur,t back from
Deer Creek, who told him that Swift's
cabin was daserted, and there were no
signs of recent occupancy. Mr. Hob.
son made a search through tho neigh
boring gulches, but was not rewarded
Tho Hrst thing you naturally think
of for a man '
Wo show a handsomo now lino 1ft
ArcoIs, lmporlals, Kour-ln-Hands,
Tccks, Clubs, Bows, etc.
JOc to $(.50
Grips, Traveling Bags and
Suit Cases
WVvo a special lino, also Nama
TagB, shouldor straps, etc.
Prices for all Purses.
Worrylug because you don't know tho also In a glovo, or a hat, or
a suit or don't know Just what color, or cut, or Bhnpd will suit hlmt
Wo'vo a plau to help you out a ticket payablo In morchandlso.
then ho can choose for himself. Como nnd lot us oxplalh It to you.
Electric Road for Tillamook.
Representative B. I Eddy left on
Wednesday to attond tho spfclal ses
sion of tho state legislature, which
convenos noxt Monday. In all proba
bility he will confer with Mr. C. P.
Llndsley, in Portland, on Saturday,
with regard to the proposed electric
railroad to Tillamook. The editor
thought this was a good opportunity
for Mr. Llndsley to get in touch with
representative mon of Tillamook
county, and as Mr. Kddy would be out
side then an appointment was made
to meet Mr. Llndsloy. Of course, it is
premature to predict what tho out,
como will bo, but the citizens can rest
assured that Mr. Eddy and thoso who
are fn correspondonco with Mr. Llnd
loy will do all in their power to inter
est him, and bring tho project about
Tillamook Headlight.
Talking Machines.
Buy a talking machine- of Goo. 0.
Will for your folks' Christmas pro
" He has a largo stock of Victors
Columbia and Zenophono nacMnoa m
Wholesale Tobacconist and j
Cfeat Dealer j
.. n(. i Wjffamette VaHeV l
A clear Havana 12io cigar. For sale
stein, Manufacturer, baicm, wn
Jewelry iw
rlftB Is best selected ahead. We Java
laid in a splendid stock for the holiday
trade, which it will pay you to ox
amlna Wo havo a magnificent stock
of rln in all tho latest eetungs, solid
gold rings at S1.50 and up. You can
mako your selections now, nnd we
will hold them for delivery.
Jeweler and OpUelsn, 5W6 0oa.Su
by all dealers. Auq Hucken-
m And a rood one at tkat-Flve Hundred of the finest little bound Zl
classics you have htd the tleasire to look at, and offered at the bpj
H extremely low price of fifteen cents a cony They embrace rellr- m
A ion. fktlon. eisiys, history, toetrr aid javealle stories. Prlated
w on first class cicer, an J attractively baaid ia handsome colors. "
HI Special crlces made in farrer quantities. la cocpyrlsbts procure a $
S copy of 'Little ShepardofKlaedora Come" which is one of the
" best aelllnffbcois of the year--Pienty of courteous tatea people to
19 wait atoa you, and will help to sake Vour Christmas shopplnr
g Pleasant. p, Bo()fc g HI
with any trace of the missing mnn.
Swift Is about 06 years old. and
when he left hero was not In very good
health, which leads to the fear that
he might have grown weaker nnd
perished In tho snow, However, Mr.
Hobson thinks It la Just possible that
he received some money from putald)
sources, nnd loft for some other quar
ter, without going to his claim at all,
though ho says It was the custom of
Swift to always let him know when
ho wont away, and it was his under
standing that Swift loft for Deer
Creok about tho tlmo of tho first snow
It was Swift's habit to spond a
great deal of tlmo in tho hills pros
pecting, Mr. Hobson says, and fre
quently, during tho summer, he has
known him to spend months away from
town, sleeping under troos, withoiu
oven a blankot His ago and Infirmi
ties, howevor, would not pormlt him
to onduro such oxpoeuro very long at
this season of tho year. Sumpter
Hurt While Drunk,
j a Glandorn. an old rosldent of
Claokamos Station, this county, met
with an acoldent last Monday evening
whirh mlcht havo provod fatal.
bad been In town all day. and report
says had taken several drinks of "the
cup that cheers" and n!o inebriates,
so that when he started homo h- wan
considerably the worse for wear. When
he reached the Clackamas depot of
the 0. W. P.. he was In a stage bor
dering on drunkenness, and lay Un
leatde the track to take a nap. An
eU-ctrie car camo atowg and caught the
clothlatT. urBK It into shrede. and
palafully Injur him. Another revo
lution of U wheete wouW nave cut
him In two. The ear waa stopped, the
old wan taken aboard and brought to
this city, where his Injuries were
patoaad "P by Dr- w- tt Cdr"' aU
WRleh he was taken tb the 8t. Vincent
hospital In Portland. Ills Injuries are
not supposed to w serious. . .-"
ralnutea later another man. presum
ably a saltor. Judging by his appear
anee. was walking aorosa the treetlo,
when the headlight from a freight
train that flashed upm him, and
bo became to excited that he fell trom
the trestle. He suffered no Injury,
save a bad shaking up. Oregon City
torla doK-fancler, Is loud In his
praises of the excellence of the exhibit
Law Point Decided.
Prof. J. IL Aekerman has Issued an
opinion upon a much-disputed olnt in
tho school laws, and has sent ooplot
to all the county school superintend
ents for their guidance. The decision
"No part of the JfiO apportioned to
each district In accordance with sub
division 3, page 17. Orogon school
laws, shall bo transferred when a
board of directors of any district
transfora to another district any child.
together with nil school moneys due
by apportionment to such child as
provided for In subdivision 11 page
42, Orogon school laws'
Sslem Y. M. C. A. Defeated.
The Salem Y. M. 0. A. basketball
team wns last night dofoatwl In a
gamo with iho Dallas taam. at that
nlaco. The local team was handi
capped. It is assorted, on nccount of
tho sraallness of the gymnasium, ami
poor light. Tho team worti of tho Dal
las boys was faultless, and, although
the Salemltes played a strong gamo
they woro outclassed by tnolr oppo
nent In team work. Captain Prank
Meyers, of this city, played tho Mar
gamo for the Y. M. 0. A. and Wilson,
of Dnllns. who Is considered ono of
the strongest players In the state,
was easily the star for that nggroga.
tion. it Is said by the Salim boyH
that Wilson can run up the side of tho
wall and tots a basket any tlmo he
please) The score nt the end of the
game stood .3 to IC In favor of Dallae.
A veturn game will be played I" 'his
rlty soon.
Officers Eleated.
Pnalfic lodge. No, SO, A. K. and A.
M., lt evening elected the following
cort of eIllMrs: C. A. Orny, W. M.;
A. A. Cunningham, a W.; M. I
Meyers, J. W.; Jo. DamiiRartnor.
treasurer; I-ot U 1'enroe. secretary.
i Bty and Sell f
A Divorce Suit Granted.
Judge llolse yesterday granted a di
vorce to Amanda A. Johnson froia
Chan. B. Johnson, upon the ground of
desertion. Bho was rflven tho, cub
tody of IhO minor ahlltV, Carl J0hnon.
Frank Holmes appeared as nttornoy
Tor the plaintiff.
One Qlory Ticket
A marrlago license was tills morn
ing IsMted to Viola Flndloy nnd Homor
I). Weaver; Islah Weaver, tho father,
gave his consent to the young man's
marriage, who l under Ihe ago 'it 2,1
Our Winter Business
Makes money for all con
cerned Schilling's Best and
is safe.
At your grocer's, and moncy-back.
Out Beer
Families who like to baro a
case of bright, sparkling,
beer at home, which will
give a zest to their food and
tone to their system, will
have a case of our now. It
is a fine beer. Call up phone
Salem Bewey
Mala Office 174 Com'l St.
Sales. ureron.
Acomploto lino of umbrella
coyera to eoloct from, prices from,
$1.00 up. Handles 20o up.
To Loan
I Salem Abstract
and Land Co. 1
FW. WATERS, Mgr. 1
To fit all roakw of whools. ,
Shipp & Haunet
Opposite OipltAl Nat Bank
Football Supplies
Three New Shapes
1 In Blucher and Ual flbo
New last, best fitter on
Sw our new enamel and box
calfehow at
m .. m. 4. b ! nrtttnn.
'"'wW rA.
i a
I1 1 tmLf3ll
fTMtim 7 i