Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 19, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Salem Young Men's
Republican Club's
First Dinner
I The Band riayea Patriotic
Airs, Good Speeches
Were Made and Fun
ny Stories Told
e Fatal Germ aa lu neme(1
PncU ot Selene.
. " ? rt thing In the world for
whoso Wf ne.crarlly N nSS
clde fh V.. . so "6Wofo'8 Herpl-
oft , r - ' A"m.that cta the hair
dandVuff 'and ioe. Tta ' .(
health, condlUor Mr VaUttP"aeCtty9
elfli. h 1 . ,e? lhaa a month Horpl.
SSJ?4 "m0M the enemies ot hair
BroWth. nnrt noli... Jin 1. ? 7 "a"
iS? U ?ead wUh thl llf an Inch
suht 2 SLx,weeks h0 d a norma
iT? ln Btamps for anPlo to The
Herplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich.
DanH J. y, special AKenl
I ' " - - - - "w,,l,'iaiw ' . -
Tho Young Men's Republican Club
pro tliolr first annual dinner at Hotel
ffillamotte last overling, and It was a
peat succoss. About 150 tickets wore
Isold, and every chair was filled with
1 jmlllng. happ youthful or middle
tied exponMit of Republican princi
ples. Nearly every part of the coun
tywas represented, and perfect har
mony prevailed.
Thoro were plenty of bright speech-0
U Some very good funny stories wore
fold besides.
! Nothing occurred to mar the good
feelings of a single person present.
Three mayors woro heard from
jll young men in their prime, and abl-j
bread and write.
Called to Order.
At 8 ! 30 Hal U Patton, president of
fto club, had the doors of tho Wil
lamette dining room thrown open," and
Ike guests woro seated at tho groat
table around four sides of a square.
lie maydr, aldermen and ofllcors of
lie club wera seated facing tho ontirc
jAueerablago, which was composed on-
My pf good-looking men. At times
lio enthusiasm arose to a high pitch,
Bwhen tho mayor of Jefferson proved
Oat he was a good hand at tolling
President Patton's Speech.
II Gontloraon, and Fellow Republi
Mns: On behalf of the Young Mon's
Republican Club I wolcomo you to
BtJght at this dinner, to assist us in
celebrating thd return of Oregon's
Capital City to Republican administra
tion. (Cheors.).
The cJtlzons of Salem, aftor a lapse
of lire years, havo again shown tholr
confldenco in the party of progress,
prosperity and national advancement.
g (Applause).
In every crisis ln tho history of this
SOTernment of ours since 1800. tho
jWy of Lincoln; of Garflold, and of
fStcKlnloy, has met evory omorgoncy
iat has .confronted it; has llboratod
wry slave and mado a unltod coun
tfjf; has mado an American dollar
pdrth 100 cents; has freed tho suffer
fc; people of Cuba, and forced the
Wo of Spnin from tho new world, and
Ws proclaimed tho lives and property
w Amerlenn citizens safe whersvor
Believing that in unity there was
length, tho Young Mon's Republi-
a Club was organized to work for
e Republican tlckot in each cam
!gn. We have all labored hard and
mostly for evory man on our ticket,
frd we are. proud of its success.
Nest spring you will find u all
Wrklng for the success of our stnte
"4 county ticket, and when the au
wt loaves aro falling may the peo
Jto of our common country again pro
lm Teddy Roosovelt the president
tb world's greatest republic. (Pro
Ked cheers).
Fellow citizens. I take pleasure In
"wntlng ono in whom we havs evsry
wfldcnce; ono who will do his best
adtanco the political and moral in
vests of our city; one whom It Is -
ure to know; one whom the citl-
of Salem have chosen as their
it mayor.
Mayop Waters Spoke Next.
The first mnyor-olect of Greater Sa- j
!" n& recolvod with cheers when I
got up to rospond, and there waa
Wmlne and hearty good will in ths
Option ho got at the hands of every
Republican nresont. He thanked tlw
vang Men's Republican Club for(
'r loal work during the recent (
algn, which was largely due to(
r efforts, but added that we must
ays remember that no victory wai
"lble without th support and co
aUon of tho older Republicans, ai
'l Ho pledged his bet efforU to.
TO the city a progressive aaaum
ttlon consistent with good bualaees
Second Church of Cluist Scientist.
140 Chmeke'n street Serviced
Sunday nt UJ-30 b. m. and 7-30 p. rm
Subject of lesson sermen: "Clulstlan
Science." Sunday School at 11:45 n.
m. Wednesday evening testimonial
mooting nt 7:30 o'clock. Reading
room ln the church, opon each after
noon except Sunday. All aro cordially
First Church of Christ Scientist
Services: Lcsaon sermon and chil
dren's classy at 11 a. ra. Sublet of
lewon sermen: "Christian Science."
Wednesday evening meeting at 7:30
p. m. Rending room open dally, ex
cept Sunday. Christian Scioneo hall,
corner of Court and Liberty stroeta
First Unitarian.
Cornor of Chomokota 'and Cottage
streets. Frank Abram Powell, pastor.
Sunday School nt 10 a m. Preaching
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning
subjett: "The Common Virtues." Bv
onlng subject: 'Secrets of Evnngol
lstlc Success." All cordially wel
comed. Y. M. C. A.
Corner of Commercial and Chomek
ota streeta Rov. C. T. Hurd will
speak to men In tho Y. M. C. A. gym
nasium tomorrow afternoon at 3:30
o'clock en: "Darabbos or Christ
Which?" Special music by orchestra
and male quartet. All men Invited.
Evangelical Lutheran.
East State street. Fourth Sunday
In Holy Advent. Rov. Adolph Eberle,
pastor. Sunday School at 9M5 a. in.
Altar sorvico at 10:45 a. m. Sermon
at 11:15 n. nt Strangers wolcomo.
United Brethren.
Sorvico at the U. 13. church in Yow
Park as follews: Preaching nt 11 a.
m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Waltor Reynolds,
W. C. T. U.
Rev. J. Oliver will speak at tho W.
0 T. U. hall Sunday at A o'clock. All
St Paul's Episcopal.
Services on Sunday at 7:30 a. m
10:30 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. in. Sundav
School at 1 m. Children's fostival on
Thursday at 7:30 p. m. SorvIcs
Christmas day at 10 a. m.
First Christian.
Corner of High and Contor streets
Preaching by the pastor, Rider D. Br
rett, at 10:80 a. m nnd 7:30 p. m. Re
spective themes: "Neglects" and
"The True Purpose of Life." Bible
School at 12 m., Charles Shoemaker,
superintendent. Junior C. K. at 3 ?.
m. Senior C. B. at C:30 p. m. Dr. H.
O. Eppley, chorister. Frank Churchill,
organist. A cordial InvltaUon Is 'ex
tended tc visitors and strangers 10 at
tend these service
Was a Convict
J. O. Cornelius, the patient at ths
asylum, who died Wsdnewlay of epi
lepsy. w a convict at tho Oregoa
penitsntiary, and was but recently.
November 21st. transferred to Uie
asylum Cornelius was convicted In
.Multnomah county of the orime of
criminal asault. and was sentenced to
serve 20 years.
AM.- Timber Claims.
Travel bstwawn Prinevllle and Sil
ver Lake during the nest two months
. ,.... hu nt lively as It was a
year ago during the rush for timber
claims in that district. At present a
large number of final proofs are being
.. ,i,.h la the cause for the in-
emsU passer fct. HrT a
that eomos in irom "" -
Ioad of claimants, and tho cmwdrtll
be coming most of tho wlntor.-Prine-
villa Journal.
No homo Is completely furnished
It contains a handsome clock,
fa have kinds onoueh to suit any
tlnk . . . 11- 4AtlAfi.I
it. At w. uaivevs, "" -1
HtchmnVaf Mn ikr State street. I
' -Jf .w.
.. - Ita Ktsd Yoa H AhMJS dH&
The range of our stock of Jewelry
is wide enough to satisfy everyone-
you want a brooch or a plain
ring for your girl or mptHer-ln-law It
nnb :j .a wil as auallty.
2 T'calr PracUcal watchmaker.
No. 1M State UeeL
VVhen You Want
Something to eat. Just try the Walts
r eaa serve you at any
hour of the day or night
Plate tuottble is a common tnmg, and these are vat iotis kinds of it. Many plates ;
nevei'wcre tight. Oth- t"-"1'1"1"1""1111"11"1111"" and the plate is tm-
ets ate propedy made, :: ii& :: comfortable. Soine-4
hat the mottth is not :: SffitSffPWlT :: times a little shaping,
placed in ptopet con- :: IBfflnil 1 1 Y f in ''' or a little gfinding;, or
dition tor the wearing ii MJJy-sr-y--rr :: polishing, is sufficient. !
of plates. The mem-
hranes become tender, f
red and inflamed. The i
a3Bsist9P sv Y 7 f r I K5;
&j$vm mWVBmk IS!!
I Occasionally a plate
: i is so utterly wrong as
ii to! be worthless. If
gams become swollen wrw t m imwtwwwii 1 1 1 h i ijj- yoar plates arelin any
way tinsatisfactory we will be glad to mate an examination and tell yoa the
cause of the trouble.
'tt rttWtrtr,TttT'r'iTHlli r'tfl'l"! r
j; I had a tooth pulled by Dr. 2
J I Wright's Painless Method I
; J and It was certainly the 5
X first tooth I ever had pulled
i ! that didn't hurt me.
' ' poiK county, uregon. A
2 I had seven badly ulcerat S
2 ed teeth extracted by Dr. J
il tul.. IUnrl . .
(I wrignvs painics. iminvui u
- and can certainly say that It
' ! is the best, safest and quick- ;
i ) est way of extracting teeth )
i I that have ever experienced. J
Slncerlv yours,
rnr nf r.anltal and Unlver- i
; slty Streets, Salem, Or. ; j
KOtIH'OtC-Hb-HH-O O i 8 1 PtO-
f I
HHPHHBkN 'fMj&i vPhBbB
IbbbSww' "'ifcyBB BpJHHHWBHwHaBstitai aflDafpsBpsB
bhjoHHnHji k?? ?8B9B9rHilBBB
IBjy fJg &t SPHbBHpBK IWlffi -PEaBBflBBBBaW
KKKMFMIIWhlmKSt '' llBaB BtsaBaBPlsT
4 tl 111
I ?lpHMft4
Aftej- having read Dr.
Wright's advertisement, I
concluded to try him, as I
had been almost killed by
having teeth pulled by other
dentists. He pulled my tooth
and I can honostly say that
It did not hurt a bit
Qervals, Ore.
J Salem, Or., Dec. 10, 1903 J
Dr. B. E. Wright
. . n nlri
I most oertalnly con truth- J
J J fully recommend your dental , ,
work, both extracting and
' orown work, which was high' ', ;
I J ly satisfactory nnd thorough- ( ,
' ! c c. wilson, ! !
( , Salem, Ore0
- - Care of the Statesman. X
M jv
','., 'i ,
f I HI IM-t-fr-M-H-H-H-i-i
it v
Weekdays 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., 7 p. m to 8 p. m.
Sundays 0 a. m. to 2 m.
Liberty and Court Streets,
Telephone Main 259J
Steaaloff BaiMlng.
Office Heurs: 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. 40
EventflgsT 7:30 to 8:30; Sundays 1Q , m, to 2 m
ibs iwiiBMinnriirBsWMiTftTBMBBBMrWBBBmBffBfB