Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 19, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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Christmas on the
Is thctitleofamostitifnrH- . , . .
tan Magazine, ckwly , I'.ZTT" ""?
and breath i the tKtatrial !? M'who " to live
h suge, their Hto and S1;and ' "P1 of
tdb int ah, rlgltemrrde,(C;?a" ?"" H
u -l 1UI"6V entertaining way of how the staee folk cele-
bratc Chnstmas; how Richard Mansfield and othide en
tcrtainment and mfts for thr ,),! ,. , ? Prov,dc en-
ho. her alSE" An"iC
16 Full-pag'e Portraits
of Pretty Women of the Stage
This feature alone sells many
thousands of copies each month
160 Pag'es-32 in Color
, Full of clever fiction ; descriptive arti
cles ; the finest of illustrations ; and
till printed on the finest of paper.
for December
B. H. RUSSELL. Publisher
Rules for the Woman Vho Thinks
Herself Too Fat
Hf rttiBn - -n hk rmm.
1 1 M THtHlTHVniR K I flv
uKaHttwmiMfl I .L
( Now York Sun.)
It Is a pity that nny woman should
be unduly fat, unl.ss sho doslres to
bo so. Ovorstoutndss Is unhoalthful.
it Is uncomfortablo. It hurts good
looks and It Is unnocossary. Numerous
examples oxlst of women who have
boon fat and' havo, taken off fifty
pounds, and thoro are countless cases
of women, past middle llfo who retain
the graceful flguro of girlhood.
It Is tho way of living and tho habits
that cause fat to come. You can
build yourself up or you enn reduce,
and the beauty of It is that It takes
very llttlo tlmo to do olthor. Tho
woman who Is too Uitn can add nearly
ton pounds to her wolght In throo
weeks, whllo tho woman who Is too
fat can take oft ten pounds in tho
same length of tlmo.
Now, here are somo rulos for tho
woman who wants to get thin:
Eat fruit before you go to bed, nil
you can, choosing figs, prunes or
Do not He In bed more than sewn
hours. Either go to bed Into or get
tip early, but let sevon hours bo tho
Do not drink ovor one cup of tea,
coffee or water at each meal, and do
not have olthor toa or coffeo very
sweet. One cup must Bufflce, no mnt-
tor how much you may wnnt nnothor.
For breakfast tako nothing but
dry toast ilit a little Bait on it in
stead of button Bat threo slices of
toast If you please, but only ono cup
of coffee.
Do your own marketing and your
own shopping and your own Bight
Boeing. Threo hours Is not too long
to rpond In walking. Don't sit down,
but keep moving.
Havo your foot In good condition,
for tno fat woman who has troublo
with hor feet might as wall havo no
feet, so far as exercise is coucorned.
Sho cannot walk.
Don't wear tight clothing, for tight
bands, tight lnclngt and tight collars
keep the fat firm and It Is Impossible '
to exerclso whon tho muscles are .
tightly banded or bound down.
Don t have ailments, although fnt 1
peopU' aro vory apt to havo many '
achos and pains. Forgot them and
remember only that you are g-nng to
grow thin,
Don't, when walking, try to wear
high heels, for high heels Injure the
feet and make them ache so that It
vH W oHNfaw H iBi whN a & iH H m p
5 -Slfa-t-jC
r V'-
Eb Kind Yon Havo AlwnyB Bought, nnd which lias beca
la uo for orer 30 years, has horno tho slgnntnro C
and has hecu insula timlcr Iila pot
Innivl ntlnnrvlslnn nlnnn ltd tiifhnfrr.
Allow tin nnn frwliwMvn vnit In itite.
All Goontarfolta, Imttatlom nnd " Junt-na-good" aro tmfc
Experiments tliat trlflo trlth nnd oodAngcr tho hcnlth oC
Infant and Children Exporknco rifctvhist ISxporimeaU
What is CAST0R1A
Ca ria la a harmless aubstltuta for Castor Oil, Fare-gory-
Drops and Soothlujr Syrup. It is 1'lensant. It
contwfl neither Opium, Morphine nor oUicr Nnrcotla
ftubsuvnee. Its apo is lta cunrauteo. It destroys Worms
and allays Forerishncss. It euros Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It rclioTos Toehlngr Trouble, euros ConsMpattoa
nd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, rcgnlntos t&o
Stomach and Hotrel, grtvtngr healthy and natural Bloep.
The Children's Paaacw Tho Mother's Friend.
Soars tho Signaturo of
(tk&yt fi&cc&tU
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
It be tlmo to begin on his noul.
Meantime 'rah for American plgi
Soattlo Time.
Branson & Regan.-
Koop all klnita of groceries. &ni
thoy aro tho best that can bo found
I In tho elty. You don't know It untW
1 you havo tried thorn.
3 Trans-Continental Trains Daily-3
2 Daily Through Trains to the Beautiful Twin Cities 2
Minneapolis and St. Paul
1 Transcontinental Train Daily 1
... Northern Pacific-Burlington Route ...
Denver; Lincoln. Neb, Omaha, Neb., S, Joph. Mo ; Kansas CUy; S..4.ou,s and ,U
points East and Southeast
The Old Reliable
Dining Car Line
Excellent Through Car
Service o
n r rh.rked Through to Destination. Union Depot Connections.
Your Baggage Can Be checked inrougn
TDv THri
'North Coast Limited'
The Crack Train Of The Northwest
Assistant General passewerAtent
255 Morrison St., Cor. Tnird, Portland, Oregon
proforrod pork to blackmail meat why
not teach him to make hl black men
work to earn porkT Nothing l BtrdiiB
or as an argument to a human bolng
than hlehly d Ml rod food. If this can
will soon be lmnoiwlble to do the ro- nlbal liked pork, other cannibals will
quired amount of walking In ordor to llko It too. Let tho missionary open a
got thin. can of pork, InBtoad of a theological
For tho second meal tako moat, If discussion Whon tho cannibal hoa
you prefor to do bo; othorwlso llvo on boon taught tho valuo of human llf
vegotables and try to cultlvato a taste " ' "1
for all tho nice green salads of tho cOia(9IH8tltt4H44fr-
day. ..t . . 4 r S
Kat an tno rniiu, an tno vorciooiob,
all tho groon things you can got, but
do not drink a deal of water wnno
eating and do not tako bread and
Avoid saucea Avoid starchy foods.
Avoid tho mado dishes which arc tho
dollght of tho stout people.
Tho pruoughtorB. who must Keep
to a certain wolght, diet, but not in
nn uncomfortablo mannor. Thoy eat
enormously and partako of n great va
riety In food, but thoy drink no stimu
lants and tnoy eat no gront contrasts
In food. Thoy do not tnko vinegar
and cream nt tho same meal, nor do
thoy nartako of tho mixtures which
aro a dall part of'noarly every house
hold monu.
Arctic explorers grow vory tnin.
Yet nil luve had all that could bo
eaten of good food, three, four and
five tlmoB a day. But It Ib compressed
food It was a food that had no fatty
substance In It. It was food mat was
not mado for the puttln on of fat
and tho tickling of tho palate, but for
tho nourishment of the body and the
preservation of tho -health.
Exorcise Is a vast thing In tho
schomo of reduction. If tho fat wo-
mnn would buy a nalr of pajamas nnu
a football and would turn horsolf Into
a vigorous klckor sho wouiu soon
transform hersolf from a fat woman
Into a vory thin ono. If sho would
religiously kick ovory evening from 10
until 11 and overy morning from C to
7 sho would lose llosh, nnd loso It
vory rapidly.
Fo the Most Complete Stock of
Caves Chafing !i
&nd Nickle Plate Ware
at reasonable prices, sea
H 1
E &. CO. i!
!! ti Jim
Only Direct Line to the Famous
National Park
pork as a ClvlUzer.
Chvlos Lamb recorded tho acci
dental discovery by the Chlneso that
"roast pig" wnBgood to eat and better
than raw food. Upon this fact the
nnklnir nr nt China Is Constructed.
Now comes the tale that the Cannibals
of Africa prefer "pork" io " human
The story runs that the British
schooner Mary Hendry arrived at I'jill
adelphla the other day after haying
made a trading voyage to a number
of Isolated ports of Wetrn Africa.
uiiiin riiirhnruitic a portion of hor
cargo at one place tho ship was vis-
PhQM ; Main 2953.
193 Cemmirclal St.
Our The Journal.
WFRFynu too busy?
Ton did not send me that order for prlwtttifl
lt month. You had Utter do it now. Thm
Is no better time to get a fresh supply of.sU
tlonery than Just before the new year. If yon
order It soon It will bo ready for you.
Elliott, the Job Printer.
Willamette University
John II. Colkman, PjinfliDKhT, Balbm, Oukoon.
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Music,
Oratory, Theology.
Ud by tho klnK of the Niger Bottle- pnEpARAT0RY DEPARTMET-OreB 10 StufleutB COBPletlnt tljMh ;"dJV
ment. He was entertained by Capt PREFAHAloni uvr ni B..MlBn Altirimttt. DCSldlS fllfordter
?S!f"."?7eV.;i:tV; s.i w ...iito i ",,t"1
. .. ma.-.. H.fUu uiTki Mh
rootoorine wr '. "-..,. '"-.::. ;..,.i. ,. iiftiv.rftltv
ports that the king ami nil me , proiessionai hoimim.. ... --";;" 'i... ftf trained train,
jtcta are cannibals of the most fore- edition for all who are aware of tbe value or trainee irn.
Catalogue Upon Applicatloo.
Thokn'1he king Htdmf the TE WOHMAL DEPARTMENT-;0f.r. "W": SSI
-. innar . ihe sho's cook could nrfUtt of teich Itt. Mecll all toe H QUircnunie Ul
lWb - - .... .. -- - - . . . M
prepare he was helped io a, snee teachers are In COnSUM oemana.
porK, wnicn ne " " .--laslsted
In filling up on It. lllscults
u. .....rnui nmi unr dines he pushed
away untested. The pork was good -enough
for him.
w... , imii nil he wanted, at last.
be smacked his Ml with much satis
faction and asked whether It was
white man meat. He had never eaten
.BVMntr hut blackman meat before.
ir.ccry and
Ham tt & Lawrence
. . i,. t,.M AMYRODY
aad he found the new kind so mueli Sell aore Orocerlea -83 WW '" "". "Wr, fl0tJ3
SKs S2Uitott,S-"S There's where yon get GOOD treatment and GOOD wow
r:?.- .n m b. Vhen told that Hi . , , .. rlf. CCD r. u. "-"
:.rn7man mt at all. but th . BlOP in uu w
WCV9 .. -.AAt
flesh of a pig. W woimer ; -He
made many bhxHkw "
..I... nmi ainreeeed a deem
to dUeovVreome wa'y In which the
product of his country might be ex
changed for pork. , ..
Here Is a new text for Mr. Lorlmer
in hU letters from "0M Gorgon Gra
ham" to that convenient n: Pork M
a olvlllxer; the pao lag ; house as a
lohool of morale and the traveling
m m a mliiloaarjr. If this eannlbal
desire '
....m vlll AD.
- MKHUIAIW i""v rnrtStit
... nfnrb ..Jr. ii..,il
I fcjssaTBSffiRS''' -
S . ....AeaAWMH
frg m-tTrrrrwvr
t i
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