Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 19, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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THE iLl'i
la News
1 i M
- 1 r ,
Association; Teleprsms.
.'Dally One Year, 94.00 In Advance.
.Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance.
tDally by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Advance.
Cao Week $ .10
Ono Month I .35
Throe Months $1.00
ttAt Journal Office.
.At Daue's Grocery, South 8alem.
iAt Bowersox Grocery, Yew Park.
.Asylum Avenue Grocery 8tore.
(Electric Grocery, East Stato St.
rHIIHI I M II i ii wnmij
Hllilllinillil 81 I I I I H
TPoultry and pet stock show, Saiom,
December 17-lft.
Spoclal Bosslon of th legislature,
Salem, Docombor 21.
Rational,, Urostock.. conrontlon,
Portland, January 12-16.
Aacorn. goat shot, Dallai, Janu
ary 14-16.
Impaired Digestion
May not be all thnl Is meant by dytprptla
now, but It Trill bo If neglected.
The-uneasiness after eating, fits of now
ous hoadachd, sourness of the stomach, and
disagreeable bclpblng may not be very bad
now, but they will be if the stomach Is
suffered to grow weaker.
Dyspepsia Is such a tnlserablo dlecato
that the tendency to It should be given
early attention. This is completely ovor
comoby Hood's Sarsaparilla
which strengthens tbonhole digestive system
publication Is of the greatest Interest
to women. $2.00 per year.
The Craftsman.
For Docombor numbor ot this
monthly published at Syracuse, N.
Y., has a rich variety that appeals to
all lovers of beautiful and artistic
handicrafts, architecture, coin collect
ors, sllvorsmlth work, oriental, deco
rative art and many othor depart
mqntB are covered in reading and
pictures This number contains a
spcclnl article from the pen of Will
lam Morris, not heretofore published,
Member of Wiedeman's Show
Robbed of Wealth
The Weather.
Cloudy, with occasional rain tc
mlght and Hundaj.
New Edition of Stories About
the Ancient Greeks.
Tho Klndorgiirtuu Magazine for
Docombor is a grand symposium of
tho boot thought of child educators
of tho ago. Tho papors by Earl
DarnoH, Pi of. Dewey am! othor londors
nro very flno In this numbon. If you
would gut fundamental mattor on pro
grpmilvu thought In tho lino of teach
ing, th In magazine Is a good placo to
got It. Flno Arts HullUlng, Chicago.
Out VoHl,(odltod ly Chas. F. I.um
mis and published at Los AugeluH) is
making an oxtrn bid for now sub
northern tills year, both by prosontlug
somo unusual feature in It program
for 1004 and by uovol but vory at
tractive piumlum offer. The inttur
conelBJe of a portfolio containing jiort
raits of Hlxtuon of thotro living an
tliont whoso work counts for tho
most In WBHtoni lltonituro. Thooe
nro nrtlBt' proof shoeta from lltho
tint engravings nuvdo from rucont
photogmphH, most of whleh havo
navor boforo l(oeu leproducod. Kneh
will carry tho author's autograph
signature In faun I ml la. Thoy will bo
sunt loolo for framing. .If doslrud,
and will bo vory well worth tho frame
Parlor Plays.
Tliro Is n revival of light parlor
plays, suited to from throo to six
chnraoturu, and in this lino Small,
Mnynard & Cumpany, lloeton, havo
published a bright collection by M.
O. 11 M. Mason, a writer of acknow
ledged grace and ability. Four of
tho collection havo nppoarod In tho
Saturday Kvonlng Post. This Tolumo
1b nalkd "A lluuch, of lloswa."
Animal Fables.
Wandorfolk In Wonderland is tho
imiiw of a holiday quarterly wrltton
in a rather heavy stylo of humor that
children consider Bomething funny,
but that an adult can hardly call
sldiMipllttlng. Tho Illustrations are
redeeming and the whole Is Innocent,
hnmihvM reading that goes a Ions
way to rodoum dull hours for th
ohlldrtui. Smnll Maynard & Co., pub
lishers, Iloston.
The Christmas "American Boy".
Tho December number of Tho
American Boy (Spragito Publishing
Co., Dotrolt, Mich.) comes to us this
month in enlarged form and in num
ber of pages. Seldom havo wo seen
botweon tho covers of a magnzlno a
greator amount and varloty of matter
of special intorost to boys than this
numuor contains. Tho notable fea
tures of tho number are tho first chap
ters of a story by Kirk Munroe, who
has just returned from a trip around
tho world and Is writing for The
American Boy, tho story being on-
tltlod, "Tho Blue Dragon a story of
tho Chlnoso people" thoro are a num
ber of othor good stories and illus
trated articles. Whole pages nro given
to oach of tho following departments'
Tho Order of tho Amerlcnn Boy,
Boy's Bookii Reviewed; With the
Boys; Stamps, Coins and Curios;
Tho Boy Photographer; Boys in tho
Home, Church and School; Boy
Monoy Makors and Money Savers;
Tho Amorcan Boy Lyceum, and Pus?
zlos. Its pages aro onllvonod with
Bovonty-ono picture. $1.00 a year.
Spraguo Publishing Co., Detroit,
The Houso Beautiful.
Thoao who are building homos or
those who have home mid desire to
ituthu thorn more bonuilful should got
acquainted with this miujnxlno pub
lished by Herbert 8. Stone. IS I dredge
Court. Chicago. TheM are twsinty
departments. Illustrated many of
them, and the whole purpose Is to
cantor iu the heme all tlmt U sweet,
bright, beautiful and rhnrinlug. ThW
Stories of the Ancient Greeks.
Qlun & Co., Publishers havo issued
a vory attractlvo book for children
called Htorios of tho Ancient Grookrt
By Chns. D, Shaw, price by mall 70c.
This collection of stories of tho
ancient Creoles Is Intended for sup-
plomeutnry reading, and mny bo ueod
prolltnblj as early us the third year.
It Includos many of tho charming
tales of the Croek mythology retold In
a maimer suitable for young people
Tho second part of tho volume deals
more particularly with Greek history.
The fnmilinr stories aro given in
chronological ordor. Sulllolent at
tention Is everywhere paid to the
mattor of guarding the reader ngalnst
Implicit bollof In tnlos which havo
been partially discredited by modern
resoarch. Yot It has been thought
wlso to koop In currency nnrratlves
which have so long added to the
ploasure of tho world, though thoy
cannot be defomled as actual history
The style Is picturesque, and viv
acious, Th twonty-rtvo full-page
Illustration, from original decorative
pen drawings, are unusually attract
ivo, and really holp to explain ho
text. Tho ppoclal 'bream Uitod papor,
thd attractlvo binding, and artistic
nrrangomont of typo and Illustrations,
give a pleasing and appropriate, sot
ting to tho toxt.
On the corner occupied by tho
Presbyterian church In Kosoburg,
about 12 o'clock last night, Just across
tho street irom where O. C. Clayton
was robbed last Tuosday night, and by
a man whoso description almost tal
lies with tho one who committed that
robbery, John King, leai'lng man with
the Weldeman theatrical troupo, now
playing in this city, was hold up by a
lone highwayman, and relloved of
about $0 n cash. As Mr. King ap
preached tho church corner on his way
to tho company's car, to retire for the
night, ho was hailed by somp man In
tho dark, coming from tho direction
of tho Empire stables, Thinking it
another member of the troupo, who
was also going to the car, Mr. King
stopped and waited for him. A mo
ment later ho was looking Into tin
muzzlo of a blackened Colt's revolver.
hold by the man for whom ho had
waited, and, complying with the da
man to hold up his hands. With un
steady hands tho robber kept Mr.
-.ing covered, and r'olloved him of his
cash. Then placing tho muzzlo of tho
gun ngalnst Mr. King's head, tho rob
ber started to escort him toward tin
Empire Btablos. Tho robor'a hnnds
wore still trembling, and Mr. King
began to get nervous for foar of bolng
"Tako that gun away, will you?"
said King. "You'vo got my monoy,
now lot me go."
The gun was lowered a trlflo, but tho
robbor refusocl to leavo his victim un
til tho Btnblos wore reached. Horo tho
robbor prepared to lonvo King, and
did somothtng which showed that he
was a greon hand at tho business!
"Havo you got a gun on you?"
asked tho robbor, nnd King was actu
ally allowod to put both of his hnnda
In his roar pockets and pull ' out a
handkorchlof from ouch to show Mr.
Ilobbor ho had no gun.
"YOu enn go now," said tho high
wayman, but as King turned to com
ply tho robber stopped him.
"Lot mo soe If you havo a walc.li." J
Fortunatoly King had nono on IiIk por-
son, nnd was allowed to go. Ills de
scription of tho robbor is as follews:
About six foot tall and slendor build;
had on a soft, light-colored lint, light
colored coat and bib overalls, blue
with stripe. The robber woro a bun
dnna handkorchlef ovor the lower part
of his faco. About tho only way In
which tho mnu differs from the do
Botanical Plants.
Recent experiments conducted by most eminent scientists,
prove that light is a great remedial agent; it is essentially
Nature's agent. It may be either sunlight or electric light, but
it has a decided effect in helping nature to banish disease and restore health.
Other scientific men have proved that oxygen electrifies the heart and can prolong life.
The people on this earth are susceptible to some
laws which govern plant life. A plant cannot be
successfully grown in the dark. A man is seldom
healthy and strong who lives in the dark or in sun
less rooms. After all, Nature's ways are found to
be the best. A man who lives close -to nature in
God's free air, in the woods or fields, is usually a
healthier man than the one confined iu factory or
workshop. Nature's remedies are always best for.
eradicating disease, and by this we mean a medicine
made of plants and herbs. The American Indians
have known for centuries of certain roots and herbs
that were useful in curing disease.
Get as near to Nature's way as you can. There's
a reason. Vegetable foods are the best for the body
in health. The human economy digests and assimi
lates them best. In disease, remedies made entirely
of botanical plants and roots are best and safest for
the system. They are assimilated in the stomach
and taken up by the blood and are, therefore, the
most potent means which can. be employed for the
regaining of lost health. Dr. R. V. Pierce, con
sulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
msiuuic, at muiuio, xn. y., in many years ot ex
tensive practice, found that he could pin his faith
to an alterative extract of pertain plants and roots
for the cure of all blood diseases. This he called
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Containing
no alcohol nor narcotics, entirely vegetable, this
"Discovery" makes rich red blood and is a power
ful tissue-builder, gives the tired business man or
woman renewed strength and health. Rapidly
growing school-girls and boys often show impover
ished blood by the pimples or boils which appear on
face or neck. To eradicate the poisons from the
blood, and feed the heart, lungs and stomach on
pure blood, nothing is so good as Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, v. Nothing spoils the red
corpuscles of the blood and causes such paleness of
the face as malaria, this is also'true of the . If
you "put your house in order" by making the blood
pure you will not be subject to such troubles. This
"Medical Discovery of Dr. Pierce is just the
thing for those who are recovering from attacks of
the grip, malaria, or typhoid. It is a reconstructive ,
tonic whose effect is to increase the blood cells rap-idly-s-increasing
the red, blood corpuscles, bringing
back color to the face restoring appetite and
strength. In the case of aged men and women it
is a tonic which prolongs life and vitality.
$3,000 FORFEIT will be paid by the World's
Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, Buffalo, N. Y.,
if they cannot show the original signatures of the
individuals volunteering the testimonials below, and
also of the writers of every testimonial among the
thousands which they are constantly publishing, I
thus proving their genuineness. f
"Some time has elapsed since I have written you in regard l
to the treatment I have been taking under your Instructions,"
says Mr. E. V. Cingmars, of 533 Penu Avenue, Minneapolis,
Minn. "When first I commenced taking your remedies
I had been for four months under treatment ot a well
known specialist in this city for catarrh and stomach
trouble, rapidly getting worse. Got so bad that I could not
cat anything that did not distress me terribly and I was
obi iced to emit takintr the doctor's treatment entirely. I was
greatly reduced in flesh. As a last resort I wrote to you and '
stnted my case, and nfter receiving your instructions I fol
lowed them closely. After taking five bottles of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery and one vial of his ' Pleasant Pel
lets ' I commenced to improve, and decided to continue the
medicines and observe your instructions regarding hygienic
treatment. It is now nearly six months since I commenced I
your treatment and I can say that I am well and never felt 1
better in my life. Am very grateful to you for what your '
medicine ha9 done for me."
"It has been about two months since I stopped using Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery," writes j. M. Veuters,
Esq., of Rcgina, Pike Co., Ky. "I stayed down in Texas
last year and contracted chills and fever while there. I came
back to Kentucky and was about shaking my boots off my
feet when I commenced using it. I only weighed 149
pounds. Had been suffering with chills nnd fever for twelve
months. Took treatment from my doctor nnd tried many
kinds of patent medicines, and all seemed to do no good.
Since I have used four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, and one vial of his ' Pellets,' I feel well in
every respect nnd weigh 1S6 pounds instead of only 149, my
weight when I begnn ita use. I advise the whole South to
keep it in their homes nil the time, and I will guarantee they
will have no more chills and fever if used as directed."
overalls, whereas' tho 0110 of Tuosday MMIMW9WHMWIMMMIMHMIMIHWMMM
night had n plated automatic revolve. 5 . e mT m
JLots or new izoods tot
and worro trousors. itosoburg Re-
Now imported French harps, in any
koy, for salo vory cheap, at W. Cal-
vot's, practical watchmaker, 158 State ,
8trcot. eod
Christmas Ttade t
Sneezing and Health.
Snoozing has been said by at least
scrlptlon of tho man who held up ono Kroat modlcal authority to bo ovl
Clayton, Is that tho robber of last lonc fa, robus,t comMuHou. In
luuui ui jiiib iiu uutiiufu 111111 puupiu
In foeble health novor do snoozo.
night had a blackened
revolver and
Cherry Pectoroll
it your doctor says this is the
best couch medicine vou can
take, then take it. We are willing
to leave it with nim.
J. O. ArerCo.,
Lowell, Mul.
In addition to our regular Dry Goods we have Real China, Toys,
Cut Glass, Dolls, Fine Umbrellas, Table Covers, a thousand useful
articles to choose from.
Doll Hats 25c Each
1 is n 1 n n 1 1 n 1 h-i-h iiiiiHiimi in 1 1 a 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
W. Calvot, practical watchmakor,
168 Stato streot, will fix your clock
and watch in a workmanllko manner,
nt reasonable prices, and guarantees
his work for ono yoar. eod
The First Pill
the biggest feellor in tho world I
Why ? Because tho bast to cure
Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Hendncho ant nil troubles from
Disordered Stomach Is
. SoU Evtrywhuc. IatoxcilC.ss4ilA '
Will Not Interfere With Attractions
On the Stage,
Theatrical managers In Portland,
Oregon, have effected n compromise
with the Child Labor Commission and
hereafter children under 10 yeans old
will he permitted to appear in the
flnK-cluM theatres of Or)""- George
U linker, malinger of the Maker Hit.
tenirises, had r-eimred to cmic-el hi
contract wlUi the wtU-kow Polliml
Juvenile Opera Company because or
the oottetruoUoft placed on the law by
the commission. i.tgal advice, how
evwvshowod Air. Bakw that th treaty
rlghU existing betweH th United
State hihI Hnglaml permitted th
Polkmle. who come from Australia,
to play In Oregon, despite tho child
labor law. Tho inter8tat laws also
nullltled the Oregon child labor law,
respecting stage children, and upon
this showing tho commission with
drew all opposition. The maaagoru
however agreed to ao-operat with thj
commission and present chlldron
from participating in any act that
would be injurious to little people
i 49 State Steet
The time which ro advertised to continue this salo is
very short. Ouly a few weeks, and we do iuat as we adver
tised oloso this salo. You, who are not "buying now are
missing opportunities to purchase goods that will not probably I
come 10 you again, xou can now got
$15 Overcoats for $10.00 Overcoats Worth $7.50 for $5.00
Milts worth $15 for $10-00 Suits worth $10 for $7 50
Pants worth $4 and 5 for $ 3.50 Pants worth $1 50 for $ 1.00
Sweaters worth $1 50 for$ 1.00 Sweaters worth 75c for 50c
A good line of Hats left aud Gents' Furnishing Goods tlmt
I will please tho most critical.
A few 13nrgoln8 left m Quilts and Blnnkels.
Trimmings and Fringes in Jet aud Silk, Great bargains at
small prices.
Itopo silk and Embroidery silk at lo por Skein.'
100 yard spool silk at 5o
A small Hue of dry goods to bo out in prices in order to oloso
ii you watHio got oargiuiis uooa goous, jwoney placed in our
pocket come to 140 State street and invest beforo Jan. 1.
f-H-H-n-i-H n 1 1 w i i ih-h-h nil ihii 1 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 iT
I Rosteln & Gtfeenbatm I
S ;;
302 Commercial Street. ;
! 1 0. CROSS
Meats and Provisions
Established 1884
Htie Wing Sang Co
AH Kinds Holiday Goods
At coet prloo, Salo on before Christmas. Kmbroldory. Bilk, Hand
kerchiefs, Chlnawaro, Toys, acuta and Ladles Furnishing Goods,'
Heavy Wrappers, AU kinds ot Oormeata and Ornament. Court
street, corner o alloy.
" ' '
Signs of Renewed Activity
In the real estate world Indicate in
croaslne building operations tali
8pring, an prompt us to remind yon
that our facilltloa for supplying bard
and Boft wood, lumber, lath, shingles,
and other building matorials are ex
ceptionally good. We will be pleased
to furnish estimates on contracts,
large or small, A car of Mill City
shingles received.
. . . Near 8. P, Pas Dtpet
Phone IS1.
:::::;::A G E N C Y O F::::::::
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. CrpJe and atlcic Sulphur.
i J. fk Graham kitmt ...,
, .., wauaeroai jyu, oftiBm uro.