DAlLV APITAL JO.UrSaL, tALEM, IIRN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1903. TWELVE. ' n I Next Friday will be Christmas Do you realize that you havo only five day In which to do your shop ping? Tho last fow will bo lively onos, so bettor avail yourself of tho oppor tunity to shop In comfort and como to day, come oarly If you dan, but If you aro delayed wo will havo plenty of help lo sorve you, Iq Reductions Make Buying Brisk at our stores. All Jackets. Hal! P Ice good assortment to solect from Bly Reductions In Dolls and Toys Dost assortment of drossod dolls In tho city, lots of toys to be closod out boforo Christmas day. Itonvembor wo nro shaping our bps lness affairs for oxtonslvo Improve ment which will begin shortly after tho first of tho year, and In ordor to bo ablo to raovo our stocks wo must rodnco thorn a great deal. Today will bo a great day for busi ness and extra help will bo oraploycd to wait upon tho trade. ' Come Today for Holiday Bargains In Men's Clothing Men's SultH $ 3.00 $ 8.50 Suits 5,00 10.00 Suite 0.SO 12.50 Suit 8.00 1H.C0 Suits 8.50 15.00 Suits 9.35 20.00 Suits 13.00 22.50 Suits 15.00 '! Stockton & Co. Stores Open Evenings taam.iiawwmnrggaiH ENJOYED A DUTCH EVENING Novel Entertainment al the Purdy House Last Night Misses Ruth Purdy and Lena Mcln tiro la3t evening entertained a num bor of their young friends at the Pur dy home, at 320 Mill street, Tho en tertainment took tho form of a Dutch party, and It Is the first of a series the young ladles will give. Little Miss Bessie Goodhue, attired Jn a typical Dutch costume, received tho guests at tho door. Everything was carried out In Dutch Ideas, and tho guests, coming attired in full Dutch coBtumos1, caused much merri ment. In the guessing contest Miss Una Baker received first prlzo while Miss Ilattle Odekirk received tho consola tion prlza. A unique Dutch luncheon was served to the guosls. When tho guosts dopartcd for their several homos all exprossed them selves as having had a most onjoyabb time. Those prosont were: Misses Mata Klein, Maudo Butler, Daisy Mor gan, Delia Briggs, Maudo Morrison, Una Baker, Laura Sharp and Hattle Odekirk. Entertained Her Friends. Miss Katie Savage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Savago, last night entertained about 40 of her young friends, at hor home on the Garden Hoad. Tho guests reported a vory pleasant time. Mr. Ladd Resigns. Chan. B. Ladd, of Portland, lately Appointed by tho govornor as a dole xato to tho Natlonnl Livestock Asso ciation convention, to bo hold in Port land, has resigned. A miccossor has uot ns yot boon nppolntcd by tho governor. Oregon Fite Relief Association Oregon's Orent Mutual Insurance Co. $15,440,588 insurance at risk. Safe, economical Insurance for itie people. Head office, McMlnvllIe, Or. fil. A- JOHNSON, Agent for Marlon Co. Salem. Orecon. MODEL OYSTER PARLORS 140 Court Street. Oysters any stylo nd short orders. Orster Loaves, Uhlokun 'i itmslea, Shell Pub, Km. in eeBOn. Special clilcki'ii dinners nvery cny, 25 ceuti. Wanted Potatoes WcWatit Ourbank potatoes. Early Rose Potatoes. Early Jackson Potatoes, Peerless Potatoes. Qarnett Chill Potatoes. James M. Kyle & Co 1 75 Commercials. Ffesn NAVAL QUANGKS Today AT Fcwi.c(e dU dward Ellis. 144 8UU 8t. Stanford Musicians. The Stnnford Unlverrlty GIco and Mandolin Clubs, tho most populnr musical organizations on the Pacific coast, will give ono of (heir dollghtful cntortalnmonts at tho Grand Opora IIouso on Christmas night Tho clubs are making a holiday tour, and whor over thoy appear those collego musl ctnnti delight their audlencos At tho Salem ontortalnmont the following la dles havo consentod to net as patron ossee: MrB. F. A. Moore, Mrs. C. K. Wolvorton, Mrs. Z. V. Moody, Mrs. T. 1'. Geer, Mrs. W. C. Kantnor, Mrs B. Ilofor and Mrs. R. J. Hendricks. WHEAT MARKETS. Chicago, Dec! IS"" Wheat 79 79c. Gold Dust Flour Mde by THE 3IDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sidney, OroQon. Undo for family use. Ask your r"cr for It. Dran aud shorts al- ays on hand A. T. Wain, Agt. An Official Visit An official visit was last night paid to Court Sherwood Fdrost, No. 19, Forostors of America, by several grand officors, and tho occasion was made ono or groat Interest Tho visi tors wore Grand Chlof Rangor W. II. Klopper, of La Grande; Grnnd Treas urer Dcrgooiso, of Portland, and Dis trict Organizer W. II. Campbell, of Albany. Tho visitors attended tho regular lodge session, nnd lator a so cial tlmo was had, refreshments were sorvod, and the presence of the visit ing dignitaries was made the occasion Say Wit Htfsfaafid You. You're tho man wo mean. How'a your wife's machine? Ever ask her If she'd like a now one? No? Thought you couldn't afford It so said nothing. Well, now. Do you smoke? .Only threo a day, eh? Woll that's not as bad as some men. Somo eat um six or odght or a dozen a day; all good too, ten cents, "threo per" and better. Now that's your business. Only Don't toll your wifo you can't afford her a nlqo now machlno when you could pay for it in threo months with tobacco money. This is Christmans. ( And you said you'd lovo, honor and chorish. Just throw away tho cigar for three months and do a llttlo cherishing; you'll enjoy it Speaking of machines, our machlno trado Is splendid, especially tho last week. Christmas salos aro good. Our Whlto Rotary Shuttle takes tho eyes and Uio Wheeler & Wilson, too. Drop In and look them over nt your leisure. F. A. Wiggins' Implement Mouse. 255-257 Liberty St Farm Machinery, Bicycles, Automo biles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. N. H.BURLEY, Sowing Machlno Ropalrlng. of ono of tho most pleasant sosslons of the year. Fine House Burned. Now York, Dec. 19. FIro this morn ing destroyed tho residonco of Wmt Muschonholm, ono of tho show placos along tho Iludson. Muschonhcim per sonally caved tho lives of his domes tics, carrying them down a ladder front a third-story window, before as sistance arrived. UBBBQMiaaBSPesBaiaBaHwaMBBn Next Issue f 3 of the Delinquent bulletin will be out 3 about January 1st. 2 3 Get one free of charge g by letting us do your g I collecting. a B3 Van Alstlne Cordon & Co. M 257)6 Cotn'l St. Phone 801 g A, R Morcan & Co. Mgrs. B iicBaEKa!iisr"M"'nBv'..anHn ftMNKHHWRBHftVtBrsHR i Timely Suggestions iot Cktkimas Presents Dfessy Christmas ' JLtCliCS Will be interested in oat elegant line of beautiful Silfc Waists, Fms, Silk Skits, Etamine Skirts, Viole Skirts. I Charming Sittptises iot Tasty DesseffSc- Out silk waists are elegantly trimmed in Cluuy Laeo, Lace Medallions and othor swell effect?. The. colors arc hi up, grey, rod, black, white, etc. A Fine assortment of Ladies' Handkerchiefs New Lace Cape Collars AT- ? Diamond Rings from $10.00 to $300. Ladles' Watches from $0.50 to $50. Qentt Watches from $-1.50 to $50.00. Boys' Watches from $1.50 to $8.00. Solid Gold Rlnos from $1.00 to $20.00. Diamond Brooches from $10.00 and up. i Diamond Cuff Links from $3.50 to $25, Diamond Studs from $11.50 to $200... Watch Chains from $1.50 to $15.00. Opora Glasses from $6.50 to $18.50. Gold Pens and Pearl Handles $1,50 . to $2.00. Otlok Pins, beauties from $1 to $1.50. Matoh Uoxea from $1.50 to $5.00. Shaving Mugs from $3.50 to $6.50. cpectactea and eyejatsea selected for Xmas presents will bo r I puoa aiier wo noiiaay. rour selections iaia aiiao until you want them. Clias H. Hinges. Jeweler and Optician, 88 State Street. m s Fase'$ 271 Commercial Street SALEM THE SADIES; EXCLUSIVE OREGON C83B China China, See our line of china cups, and historical wedgewood plates, in old blue Just the thing for collections A Clossene Vase would make a beautiful present x Variety Stoe, Miss A. M. Welch, Proprietress GRAND OPERA HOUSE JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mflr SATURDAY, DEC. 19. Special Return Engagement Of Inst season's laughing success. Goodhuo & Kollogg'a splondld com pany of players, Including Mr. John Daly Murphy and Mlos Pauline Hlckler. . In tho Jolly comody HELLO BILL! HELLO BILLI HELLO BILLI America's funniest comedy. Tho same splendid company that has delighted all California, and Is proclaimed by press and public tho vory Jolllest and laughlost over. Prices 75c, 50c and 35c Seats on salo at box offlco Saturday at 9 a. m. Monday Dec. 21 Bngagompnt of tho' Peculiar Comod Ian. MR.W. B. PATTON. Supported by a cast of uniform excollonco In a magnificent production of tho charming stago story. The Ministers Son A sweet, wholesome story of life In a llttlo down East village. , Tho most natural piny yet glvon to ho stago. PRICES 75c, 50c, 35c. Scats on salo at box offlco Monday at 0 a. m. Claggett Home Sold, Tho ChnrloB Claggett proportion tho corner of Marlon and Commer cial streets, was sold this aftornoon at public salo, to F. N. Dorby for $4200. D. D. Horrlck, ono of therof-oroes- In tho caso, acted ns auctioneer. Tho' Lincoln school entortalnmont nottofl about $15. Tho ladlos up that way havo a hearty way of going aftor results that makes thorn almost Irrc-slstablo. Salem always extends a cordial wolcomo to tho legislature.,. Justlco of tho Pence Queoner, of Stnyton, is In tho city on business. NEWT0DAY Buff Rocks For salo. Several trios of the best Duff Plymouth Rock chlcUons. A. F. Hofor, Jr., East Sa eom. . 12.19-3t r Misses and Children's " luilOKS 2 Price This is an opportunity of the year to get a late style garment at less than whole sale cost. See window display. Wanted. Pantry girl nt Wlllnmotto Hotel. Apply nt onco. Rooms for Rent 321 Mill street. Phono 2481 Black. A. Ollngor. 12-1 9-3t Wanted. Llvo boys, who wish to oarn Eome money over tho holidays, ap ply to Journal ofllce; soiling papers during loslslntura Don't Let It Escape Whda you liavo at loot seized sucb a good opportunity of having your laundry work dono la such perfect condition, and of such ,nn Irreproach able color and finish as you 'will find ovorything that leaves our establish mona Wo havto aimed to mako th work dono at tho Salem Steam Laun dry perfect, and to keop. It at tho toj 'notch of porfoctlon, and wo havo buc cooded in gratifying our patrons be yond our fondcut hopes. Drop us a postal card or tolophono, and the wagon will stop. Salem Steam Laundry Phone 411 230 Liberty 8L 8-l-Bl4B4B-tBa!H4-BH-fHIIHEH4'a1m-rH-8m-B-l-BB4-a4' DON'T FORGET That THE FAIR STORE is located nt No. 274 Commercial Street, and that wo curry the largest stock of toys and holiday goods in Salem, at prices that can't he beut. "Wo havo express wagons, hobby horses, wheol barrows, doll carriages, children's rocking chairs, toy trunks, drums, horns, top?, banks, tool chests, oir guns, boats, toy furniture, doll houses, Christmas treo ornaments and, in fact, everything in that line. Wo have tho best values in dolls over seen in Salem. THE FAIR STORE 274 Commercial Street a H H H 9 S H H ? KHHJtBB-m-i-Ka SH H I-SRK HBf-0gE-Hia3C4H4K VCMOS nrwaarfc ir m mmmrar Jjp 'MOIVCJES EARGAlNrIXOyr$J& 'EKttaotdinaty Low Prices Oiieted on CAitistnias Goods Preaonts galore in every department. Fine Silks, Dross Goods, Fine Woistlngs In Silk Velvet and Oxford Cloth, Black Silk Mercerized Under shirts. Unsn and Silk Handkerchiefs, gibbons, Lacoa and Kid Olovos, Dross 8klrts, -Knit Wool Shawls, Capes. Laco Collars, French Flannel Waists, Pocket Books, Wrist Bags. Mon's and Ladles and Chlldrpn's Hosiery, Underwear and hundreds of other useful presents too numorous to men tion. Prices cut down to the lowoat rock bottom. The Cheapest Store in the Northwest M'Evoy Brothers, Court St.,Salem HfH4fXf4H4vH49KaaiUKe4K49lH j MMMHbIIiI