Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 19, 1903, Page ELEVEN, Image 11

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"Hello Bill" the Attraction
at the Grand Opera House
In announcing the appoamnco at
the Grand Opera Hotuc tonight of
Willis Maxwell Goodhue's jolly.come
U "Hollo Dill," Manager Cordraycon
ldontly predictsthat his patrons will
enjoy one of tho. greatest comedy
treats ho has yet given them. For tho
benefit of those who do not know
hat "Hollo Bill" is, it rany bo said
that this most amusing of lator-day
tomedles la an absurd conglomeration
of ridiculous situations brought about
by "Bill's" acting like a truo descend
itn of tho father of lies, thus lead
ing to a lot of tho funniest compil
ations that over wore thought of by
t farco WTitor. To escapo going to
jail for an. escapade ho hides for thres
months, and in tho meantime makoa
yg bride of a fow minutes bellove
a is a General In tho United States
my fighting for Cuba. Tho real
General, whoso Identity ho has at
tempted to assume comes upon tho
Kno Just as "DM" is nbout to bo
Iron a rccoptlon by hta Iwonspoople.
Incidental to tho plot aro scores of
thor absurdities and It is not exag
Such Delicious Coffee
It l cot the coBee-it it the Cream. Your coffee will alwayi taito deticlout II you tut
Itlnot like the weak and watery milks put up by otheri. but tt creamy and uniform In con
tfS lUtency every can alike. Any can ol Evaporated Cream beanngourcap label,
EEJEMhX reproduced herewith, il guaranteed to be the best and purcit. 11a tura you lee
'" l w io'o you ouy. m it trie cap ol merit the ilgo ot hooett goodi.
aHa4aNkVtH M MMIVf.AtWUkUl V tt TsiyVJ MICU VI CtUU "
i There is No
wo have
Chai8. Opon
The House Furnishing Company.
Salem. 269 Liberty Street. Albany
We do what We Claim !
We kill and remove cancers and tpmors without the aid of a knife. J
RaH fh wi'mnnv of a Drominent Salem man:
I ! TO THE PUBLIC. In justice to Dr. Cook and that the
; ! world may know uhat great work he is Joing, wish to
!! infnrm trJm that I have been taking treatment from him
for ,he put fifteen monihs
" o owths a large aJs a man's 'hand, all from (he f
I laZ interne. AISonother cancerous w h
f2!l KMccSS plishcd ,hrou,h m;di.
i I cines alone, they killing the growth and the spider I ke
i : roots and nature itself casting them off. without ine
1 1 aid of knife or surgery. I do not be have I could nave
1 1 if you need it.
geration to say that laughing "never
ceases,. Tho company engaged ,nthU
!u?oromation ot thc -
no """ u" capau o people
as Harry Ulakomore, Arthur U Cog
"80r' Pr Mostyn Kelly, Echllnl
GllifnM ir.C "ou'on' Kathleen
Clifford Kathryn Vincent, Alice Mof.
fett. and Pnniinn tn.1,1.. .
i . .. ".Rir. seats on
rlws at 8:15 tonight.
The Minister's Son.
"Tho Minister's Srm" i i, i.
Ion at tho Grand Opeia House next
Monday night. This promises to be
one of tho banner attractions of the
tho season. While tho play and star
are somowhat now to local thnntor.
goers, tho Eaitein critics look upon
Excuse I
for not making somebody happy during tho
nrosout holidays. If vou can't find tho;
article at other places, como to us,
mado every effort to supply you
with a great variety irom which to mnko '
selection. Toy Work Tables for the child-1
ron, Rockers for all ages, Music Racka and
Cabinet Book Sholves and Cases, Podestels, :
Screens, Pictures, Picturo Frames, Parlor
Tables, Lthor Couches and Rockors, Morris
and in that ,n,e lie nas re-
Hit! Firel!
When that cry sounds how people
rush to help and sympathize I And
wiicn some fireman rescues a woman
from the flames, the
streets echo with ap
plauding shouts.
And yet if that
woman had perished
in the flames tt is pos
sible that she would
have suffered less
than she suffers al
most daily from the
inflammation which
disease has lighted in
the delicate womanly
That fire of inflam
mation can be put
out. The gnawing
ulcer can be cured.
Dr. Tierce's Favorite
Prescription not only
establishes womanly
regularity and dries
enfeebling drains, but
it heals inflammation
and ulcerations And
cures female weak
ness. It makes weak
women stronir and
sick women well.
"I suffered for four year with what four phy
ilciani pronounced ulceration and prolapaui of
the menu," writet Mrs Ada nrooka, of Xirby
vllle Taney Co., Mluouri. "Also inflammation
or bladder and urethra. My caae wa chronic
and complicated. Had several good ptiytlriana.
but kept jettliiR worie. Had been confined to
my bed Ave month when I wrote to you. I
received your reply very aoon and then dis
missed my nhyslcfau and bettau talcinc Dr,
rierce'a medicines. I took eight bottle of hi
'favorite r-rcKrlptlon' and 'Golden Medical
Discovery.' and beean to ret better at once In
wo montln 1 could nit up In a chair, and kept
gelling Deuer in lour monina couia no an my
noiue work, including waihlng and aewltig."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on
receipt ol 21 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y,
W. Ii. Patton and "The Minister's
Son" as ono of their storllng at
tractions. His quaint and peculiar
methods, togothor with a fine stage
presence, have won for him tho un
stinted praise of the entlro Eastern
press. Tho play Itself Is u pastoral
comedy, depleting tho life aud sceuos
n thev actually exist In every day
llfo. Tho scont "bf tho apple blossoms
and the new mown hay Is over ap
parent. A beautiful story of heart
Interest told with loving simplicity.
The scenory this season. Is entirely
new and ory expensive, ench net
being out I rely special, thus adding to
an already finished production. Seats
will bo on sal 6 at the box ofllee, Mon
day, Dec. 21 at 9 a. m. Curtain rises
at 8: 15.
Climatic Cure.
Tho Influenco of climatic conditions
In tho euro of consumption Is very
much ovordrawn. Tho poor patlont,
and tho rich patient, too, can do much
bettor at homo by proper attention to
food dlgostlon, and a regular course
of Gorman Syrup. Freo oxpectorntion
in tho morning Is mado certain by
German Syrup, so is a good night's
rest and tho absence ot that weak
ening cough and dohllltating night
sweat, rtestloaa nights and the ex
haustion duo to coughing, tho groat-
ost danger and dread ot tho consump
tive, can be proventod or stopped by
taking Gorman Syrup liberally and
rogularly. Should you be ablo to go
to a warmor clime you will And that
of tho thousands of consumptives
there, the fow who aro benefitted and
regain strength aro those who use
German Syrup. Trial bottle. 25c; reg
ular slxe, 76c. At all druggists. At
Dr. Stone's drug stores.
Salmon Eggs at Yaqulna.
The salmon hatchery on Uio Ya
qulna river, near Toledo, baa Just re
ceived a shipment of salmon oggs of
tho chlnook variety. Tho oggs, about
10.000.000, mora or loss, wo didn't
count them all, woro sent down on
Saturday from tho Frazler rlvor hatch
ery, in British Columbia, and part of
n. Bhlnment made to the different
hatcheries in Oregon. Corvalllu Ga
zette. How's ThlsT
We offer ono hundred dollars re
ward for any caso of catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO..
Toledo, Ohta
We, tho undersigned, have kuown
v. J. Cheney for the last IS years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in nil business transactions aud flnan-
-i-if.. wl nnfiv nnf nnv nhlt&-
tions made by their firm.
WEST & TJtUAX, Wholesale Drug
gUts, Toledo, Ohio.
Wholesale DruJsU, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials seat free. Prieo 7Se
per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
Flao aMorUaeat of ladles and
gents' gold watshes and chains, for
tho holiday trade, for salo cheap, t
W. Calvet'fl. Practical watobmakor,
158 Stato street
a - oc cj xjl x Ji.
Raaralla ,1 IM W W WW ni lyv
S3T . sfTZZaL
; ; AdvertlsemenU, five lines op
. , less, In this column Inserted ',
three times for 25p. r.n- iu,..!. . .
' $1.50 a month. All over five "
llnan ... U. .-
k mu imc raie.
imniiii MiiiniMiiinT
Girl Wanted For goneral housowork,
lu a small family, with no chlldrou.
Call at 310 Liberty BtroeL 12-173t
Horse Strayed. A chestnut bay. bald
faced gelding, weighing bctwoon
1400 and 1500 pounds, with haltor
on; strayed from place Saturday ev
ening. Reward for his return to
Joseph A. Dlttor, Aumsvlllo. Ore
gon. R. F. n 12-16.U
Money Found. Anyone would fool a
thrill ot plcasuro to pick up & silver
half-dollar on tho highway. Thoy
aro lying around ready to pick up
(no capital required) if you aro
willing to rustlo and can talk only a
little bIL Good for either sex, young
or old. Address or call at Journal
offlco. 13-10-tf
For Sale. Twonty-fivo goats. Inquire
of Chas. Datt, Routo No. 3, Salem.
For Sale Or trade, a flno IQ-acre
chicken or fruU ranch; flrat-class
buildings and ImprovMnonts; close
to school, postofflco, storo and rail
Vay Blallen. Will trado for city or
unimproved farm property. Address
"W. J.," Caro Journal. 11-B-
Fop Sale. At a bargain. For anyone"
wanting n good business location,
lnrgo store and house combined;
good chanco to carry on n gonoral
merchandise busluoss on ono of Sa
lom's best streets. Addrosa "I.,"
enre of Journal. 12-lC-lm
Fop Sale. Now house and lot, ono
block from school houso; TC0O If
sold before January 1st. J. F,
Dlanchard, Salem Postofflco.
Market Quotations Todays
Capital City Mills Quotations,
Bryant & Penned, Praps,
Duokwhont 80a
Poultry nt Stelner's Market
Chlckons 810c. ,
Errs Per doion, 30a
Turkoys 12'Allo.
Ducks 9lQc.
Hop Market.
Hops 10fl22o.
Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc
Potatoes 30c. '
Onions lUc.
Dried Fruits.
Poaches 10a
Apricots 10a
Apples 10a
Potlto prunes la
Italian prunes 6a
Wood, rncs Posts, Ete.
DIE ilr J4.00.
Socond-growtli J3 CO.
Afh J3.00 to I3.7&.
Dody oak $4.60.
Polo oak 1 4.00.
Cedar posts 12c.
Hide. Pelts and Pure.
Oreon Hides, No. 1 6a
Green Hluos, No. 2 Ja
Calf Skins 45o.
Bheop 76c.
Goat Skins 26c to il.Os.
Qrtln tnti Flour.
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills 76a
Oats 32c,
Darloy 118.60 per ton.
Flour Wholesale, T3.C0.
tlvs Stock Markst
Stoors 3a
Cows 2 Ho. -
BhwA 2Ha
Drossed veal 6 Vic.
Dressed hogs 6c.
Llvo hogs 4a
Mutton 2c per pound.
Voal Cc.
Hsy, Fesd, Ets,
Baled cheat J1X.
Baler" clover JlOOvll.
nran T20
Shorts 121.
Creamery snd Dairy Product.
Oood dairy butter 20025c.
Creamery butter 30a
Cream separator skimmed, at
Com. Creamary. 30c, net
Wheat Walla WJIa, 71o4?72
Valley 78a
Flour Portland, best grade, IS 750
$3.86; graham. 3.75.
Oats Choice White, 1 1.10
ariy Fed, $M pr ton;
Mlllstuff nras, $1&
Hay Timothy, 16
Potatoes 60 W
Bbhb Onifia raMb, 37Vie
TV.iilrt-vrThUkAaS. IfilTCsJ.
18V4e per poB4; spring, He turkeys
live. lZfflie.
Mutton Drossod, feuea
Pork Dressed, 66a
Deef Dressed, E6a
Veal Zlc '
Hops 1903 erop, 16022a
wool vaiiey. iiwc, -
Oregon, 18016j; Mohair, 07V4c
Hides dry, 1 wwads aai. opwams.
MtolBtte. .
nutter nest dairy, nonst.
cy ereamery.JOci storo lCOlSfte.
19, 1903.
Fop Bargain In pruno orchards, soe
Derby & Wilson. 12-10-tf
Vetch Seed for Salev-I havo a quanti
ty of first-class votch seed for sale,
both varieties. Call at placo or ad
dross F. Achillea, halt mllo west of
Kalsor school house, four miles
north of Salem. ll-10-l-lwk
Three Choice Young Orxrs Uoglstcr-
ed BorkBhires; weight 200 pounds;
terms ronsonnbla Thoao pigs are
from1 tho flno brood sow I purchased
of Mr. Ladd, paying $50 for hor.
J. W. McKlnnoy, Tumor, Oro,
Christmas Tree All alios, finoat
snapoa. loiepnono your ordor for
a Christmas treo to Clarunco and
Porcy Illundoll, Mornlngsldo. Phono,
Hod 20CC. Treo dollvorod; prices
low. IMMwk
Fop Sale. O. K. Grubbors, Beat in
Oregon; lhvo stato premiums;
one horse haa tho power ot 09; can
grub an aero a day. James Flnnoy,
Brooks, Or. ll-2G-lm
For Sale Inmprovod and unimproved
block property in South Salon. For
information inquire ot E. Hofer,
Journal offlca 10-9-tt
Choice Farm For Sale. Throo mllco
northwest from Brooks, having
dwelling houso, barn and two hop
houses, with 30 acres ot hops, bal
anco fanning land, with running
wator, except enough choice tlinbor
tft supply tho placo. M. J. Egan.
Fop Sale Eighty acres of land in
Washington county, for $450. A
bargain tor somo ono wanting to
mnko a home. Some tlmbor on tho
placo; somo clcarod. E. Hotor, Sa
lorn, Oregon. 10-C-tf
Fop Ront. Six-room house, all mod
era conveniences; also furnished or
unfurnished rooms. Inquire nt 85
Commercial street 12-18-flt
Rooms fop Rent Up stairs, Cottlo
block, by day, wook. or month. Al
so light housekeeping rooms. Elec
tric llghta Opon all hours.
Commercial St, No. 333.
Phone: 2965 Main.
Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop.
Mrs. L. Campbell Does dressmaking
at her homo, on the car lino, near
tho South Salem comotory. Country
trade solicited. 11-18-lm-d-w
Shooting Match. Turkeys, chickens
nnd goose. At tho Geo. O. Snvago
placo. 1V4 mllos east ot Salem, on
tho 8llvorton road, Tuesday, Decem
ber 22d. Lunch served at the house.
Turkey Shoot About fifty first-class
turkoys Bitot offff at J. II. Elgin
placo, olght miles South of Salem
Monday, Dee. 21st Lunoh serviHl
free. 12-14-lw
Cabinet Baths And massage treat'
ment Mrs. M. F. Flfer, hours 0
to 11 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. in. W. O. T.
U. hall, phono 3051. 12-lMwk
Hot Soup Ten and ooffeo, nt tho W.
C. T. U. hall; entrance Forry atrot
Hours, 11:30 to 1 u, in. and C to 7
p. ni., extopt Sundays. Phono 2951.
12-1 2-1 wk
Meier's Barber Colleoe Of Salt Lake
City, offora advantages In teaching
the trado thai cannot bo had else
where. Avoid schools the Oregon
and California barbers' now laws
aro apt to close at any tlroa Write
today for our special offer to dis
tant students. lMO-lm
The Propsr Thing Tbs popular
drink for family use Is O. 8. soda
and carbonate! beverages. Every
body should keep these goods at
their homes. Call up Oldoon Stole
Co. 'phone 421.
Say Have you tried Edwards tt Lusoh
era for moats. Wo bavo tho host
taus&ge In town. Como and try it
and bo convinced. 410 Bast State
Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and beet quipped company In Sa
lorn. Piano ard furniture moving
a specialty Offloe 'phone, 8C1. W.
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office
No. 60 State street P-Mrn
Dr. Z. M, Parvln At 237 Commerolal
street, upstairs. Singing sehooL
Rudlmental and sight reading class
es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc
tober J4th. Class every Wednes
day evening to May 1st next Tui
tion. $1.00.
Unique Cleanlrm Rooms Shaw A
Johnson, the cleaners, are now lo
cated at 209 Commercial street
They do a general pressing wJ
pairing business. Specialties: Skirts,
ink waists, kid gtoves, genU' otota
In, etc. Phone 2614. 6-2Hyr.
Xl " u a mint .win hereafter be
round in the Bivy block. 276 Coo
eroUl sueet over Oregon Bkos
Co Office telephone. 2931; res
deneo phon. 2751. Offle boart
to IX. SPO m v.
New Sweet Cldervflend yw or4f
the nearest grocery, or etll p
phone 42L Oldeon Stols
W. CalVet, Practical Watchmake
las Htaio siroot makoa a specialty
of repairing watchos, clocks &sd
Jowelry, and guarantees good woriaS
at reasonable prices. lMHyr
Fergusons RetUurant 95 Stfttsj"
street Open day and night Our
20c meals aro better than any iiof
houso in tho state. Six 20o meal",
for $1.00; 21 20c meals for $3.00.. i
Valley ledge No. 18, A. O. U. W. MeW)
l IL.t- t . . ... I
iu moir nan m iioiman uiock, eor-v
nor Stato and Liberty, ovory Mot
day ovealng. Visiting breUirwa'
wolsomo. Uoy Mclntlro. M. W. ' A.
E. Autraaco, Recorder.
Central Lodgs No, 18, K. of P. Gastk
nan m Iioiman block, corner Btatfl
and Liberty Sts. Tneeday ot &
week at 7;S0 p. m. A. El Btraa
O. P.. It J. Fleming K. of R. snd 8.
Foresters of America Court Sa
wood Foreotsra No. 19, Meets Frl
day night la Turner block. 8. W.
Mlnturn. O. R.; A. !. Drown, See.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No, 5246. Msvta
ttrtrr Thursday ovenlng at ft o'elsckj
Holm&n Hall, Frank A, Turner, V.
C.t A. la. Brown. Clerk.
Prolscllon UdgsNo. i, Andettt Or
der United Workmen, meets trrswy
Saturday evening la tho HolBaaa
Hall, corner Stato and Liberty
streets. Visiting brethren weloctaw.
J. O, Graham, M. W.; J, A. Oellwoed
Drs. M. T. Sclioettle, Frank J, Barf
and Anns M. Barr. Gradnatss
Ameritan School of Ostoorthy,
Klrksvllle. Ma, aucecs6M to Jr,
araco Albright Offlcr hours 0 W
13 and 1:30 to 4:80 o'clock. Odd
Follows' Templo, Phone Main JTlf
residence phone 2603 red.
Evan's Barber Shop Only first-class
shop on State stroot Every thing
now and up'o-uato. Finest porxs
laln baths. Sliavo, IRo; hair-cut Ho
baths. 25a Two flrst'Class boot
blaokn. O. W. Evans, proprietor.
Hop morchnnts, 97 to 99 Stats
street, Salem, Oregon. Represented
by Jos. Hnrrls.
WM. BROWN & CO Hops, Mohair,
wool, hop growers' suppllos. No.
229 Commorrlal streot, Salem. Ore
pon. Phono 1301. .IV '
SQUIRE FARRAR Hop merchant
and purchasing agent No. 911'
Commercial street upstairs, Salem,
Oregon. Phono 1651.
T. A. tlVEStEY A CODealon la
hops and hop supplies. Phono 1811,
offlco room 18 Oborholm bldg, Ba
lem, Orogon.
J. CARMICHAEt Hop buyor. OfflflS
In lliiMi-Hrnymnn building, BWrto,'
Oregon. Samples of oliolce hops so
llrltetl from all growers.
CATtIN & tINN Hop buyers. Room
8. Bush-Breyman block, Haieni, ort
gon. Phone 1431.
HUDOARD & CR088AN Hop buy.
era. Room 3. Murphy blook, Sales,
Orogon. Telephone No. 371.
For wator service apply at offle,
Bills parable monthly In advance.
Mae all complaints at me omce.
Express and Transfer
Moots all mall and paaaengor trains
Baggage to all parts of the city,
Prompt service. Toiepnons no, zfi.
Just Arrived.
A carload of woven wire fencing.
Special prleos till -Deeember 18th.
Poultry Netting, Shingles and P. U.
roofing. WALWIR MjpRLMY,
CO Court Btroot,
a..naA tn TV J. M. Keeae. in
White Corner. Balem. Oregon. Parties
desiring superior operations at mod
erat fee In any branch are In espeolsw
reoupst .
206 Commerslal Street
Regular Dinner at Noon 25e
Meals at all Hours
Service a la Carte
For Infest! and Cbildres.
Tin KM Yh Hm Always BheM'
Bsars ta