Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 19, 1903, Image 1

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    :" $&' MWZ
Acts of Aggression
on the Part of
Japan Expected
Czar Anxious to Float War
Loan-Englishmen Offer
to Enlist in Mikado's
St. Petersburg, Dec. 19. Papers to
day aro devoting columns to tho Jap
anese trouble, and express fears that
popular scntlmont la Japrn Is so
itrons "" "-" " "l'"-08"'"
bio to commonco at any tlmo, and tended tho services of tho Hanoer
that Japan will doacond on tho Coroan Inn regiments this mornlnu.
9aQiGle909C&US-i 8 1 04tt0a-H
Have you seen
of Holiday Shoppers at the
The New Yot kl
They all. know where to trade when they have cash to spend,
have a splendid assortment of
Holiday Goods
Every Item Is marked on a "spot
Picture Books, Dress Cases, Shaving
Handkerchiefs, Perfumery, Slippers
suitable for Christmas Presents,
Salem's Cheapest One Price
Cash Store.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
I a mim smiHusiaEamsm3S!wsBK3Kj ATI1 WW fT how near at hand ChrUtm" "7 Thorc r0 but few short 1
I -t52!er,A V IuKhI & sffw ffl T Idr l Jk 1 1 Jr m t,',y and " wl" be hcre be,ore You ,now ,l Do you M' 1
wa - sTWffTtfo Ai"Ft($&YT7 A t&PbaJ' Jfa tes xjwJ' JtlaiilkicBariJ ,JSLMui&xi member what trouble you had to ot somethlno to suit I
sM0t jfiSuyS&L you when you put off buying. Christmas pre.ents till the last minute? No doubt you promised yourself you would never be cauuht that way 1
J&x8&4, 88 china ware. &&( Store FvnillP'S H?!1. , l i MS) I
I , Ur,sartrepS; ' Pea flVefl g Christmas J 4$$ a .we,. Um ef mmM I
.e d china Mil ttllV ft WHlLm.JmBhyM Th.-, .re tk lMlsLL&i W
Heio Is your opponunlty to ge. m J JjJ IJ J XTm3KIIWA)Jji M '" ' lUMl "r" vabes t
It a doll for the little girls Christ JH MxMBSLffiMWlfitt &vW j M U "u tty . Ml
I mas gift An oppo.tunlty -o laU.. W- W WSMfclfV LSUm mib..r mU "" Va ' " Hi
I cant afford to overlook. " J0 $125 1 Vffl!Z7wBBi.Wffill I --MsSTB .m for l.r "' " ' "UIWWI; I
Ono lot of 35 dolls. 12 Inche, t,lhw 1 J SMf lB I 'Cfe-B , W ' 0l-Mw,t ?
J long. Jointed, fully dressed. reu e o I H W9j IHfiP' JsVaB ''a''y " lo m Um llii. cW- g
liar 40c Kind. Special to doe jTolU I y-fc T Wl IP) 1 fHH2l h " " 'fJIT " " " i
I 25c abrac-u.ha.s V 1 M 1 U I-g 1 WSSBl"M Uiu.gn.wal. -J
1 One le: ot 11 inch full kid body guuuttti-n I O IlllVP 8l WW MtSM ,h'Urae- iuhI Vls
f dolls, bisque head, regular 26: brouz or- ntal M JjWJl - v fl hk Iw'lsB !o f3,00 . I
J 9c
Full Jolntod. 20 Inch, mngnlll
cently drossod dolls, bisque head,
regular $3.50 value. Special
Full Jointed 17 Inch fully dressea
dolls, blsquo head, regular 1-ea
Blogantly dressed, fully Joints
dolbi, roeular ?2i0 values
30 inch stuffed body dolls, rmr
uiar 68c special
22 inch stuffed body dolls, reg
ular 39c special
-"". WHIlOUt a
formal declaration of
Russia Wants Monsy.
London, Dcc.-A dl.mntM, ,
financiers this mnmi.. -
that urgent Inquiries have been ramie
hiit. , . Capltal as t0 lhe ll
b My of raising a nw Russian loan
of 25,000,000. It Is understood slra
liar inquiries hae boon addressed to
New York. Th0 financiers are loathe
to undertake It, as it Is regarded as a
war loan. Lloyds again advanced in
surance rates on Japan-bound essels
The admirallty ha Issued secret or
ders to tho Asiatic squadron. Eng-
uenmon, unofficially seem to favor the
( Japanese side, as hundreds nre dnll
maivine application to Japanoee Min
ister Hayaashl to enlist. Many of
them are formor army and navy offi
cers. As tho Japanese law forbids the
enlistment of lorolgnora, tho minister
is compolled to decline.
Kaiser Attends Services.
unnovor, uec. 19. Tho knlsor at.
unnovor, Dec. 19. Tho kaiser
the crowds
and i
margin of profit. Dolls,
Collar and Cuff Boxes,
ill kinds of merchandise
nrtna4 . f it.
35C to 5750 XjgK llR'II nl imm wrONEfiDAY A.U.H.
d!$tk I iCilJ J m 0NLV
mm ay i
I Tfli (Br
Ulv mm
v Fifr
Mrs. Botkin to Be
Given Aiother Tri
al in February
Her Attorneys Expect Her
Early Release Owing
lo Slipshod Alelhods
in Court
San Francisco, Doc. 19. Mrs. Cor
delia Botkin, who wns convicted of
poisoning Mrs. John P. Dunning with
a box of candy, appearod In court this
morning with a deputy. Her now trial
was sot for February 15th. Her attor
neys expect to obtain her reloaio bo
foto tho trial Is holu duo to tho slip
shod mannor In which tho oxhlblts In
the caso wero handled!
Discovery of the Papal Funds by an
Home, Dec. 10. About the time of
Cardinal Gottl'r delivery to Pope Plus
of the late Pope Leo's legacy, In the
papal apartments, an electrician, while
removing the hanging In the late
Pope Leo's chamber, In order to get
at the electric light wires, found In a
hole in Uie wall several bag which
- ....i .... ,.... it i
were careieeeiy uou. wnun uiwe uag
wore opened thoy wero found to con-,
tain D.SGO.ffuO francs ($1,850,000.)
American Consulate Closed In One
Turkish City,
Washington, Dec. 19. Tho navy de
partment received word of tho sail
ing yostorday of tho cruiser San rran
clsco from nolrut to Alexandretta,
with Consul Davis aboard.
Tho Peruvian minister this morning
notified tho stato dopnrtmont Hint his
country had recognized tho Panama
The Czar to Preside.
London, Dec. 19. Tho Imperial
commission which was formed rccont
ly for tho purpose of oxamlnlng Into
tho affairs In the Far East Is to hold
its first meeting tomorrow, according
to, special dispatches fiom St. Poters
burg. The cau will pi lde over the
meetings The commission will make
a final reply to the demands of Japan.
nnvc WnTrr Manv
GITJLS, How Many
By Striking Livery
men in Chicago
Police Called in
Conflict Between Officers and
a Mob at Church
During Burial
Chicago, Doc. 10. Tho most seri
ous demonstration since tho llvory
strlkfe began occurred this morning at
the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Vleck, who
wns murdorod a few days ago. Tho
lK)dy, accompanied by her two smnll
children, was hurriedly driven from
tho roeldonce to St. Precoplus church.
Iti anticipation of trouble a dotnll ot
police had boen sent to tho church,
where a crowd of 300 men nnd boys
hnd gathered. When the dead wagon
drovo up purses and rat-calls were
hurlod at tho driver and the undertak
er's assistant. The police woro com
pelled to charge the mob with clubs
beforo the body could be enrried Into
... !,,,
Only the two children were permit-1
ted to enter the church. They cried
mn.l citliha,! tn tarrnr mill arlwf beside
,, ,,, . , riu nnminnini the
l'"v ""'" " "" '" . ..
services, the police In tho meanwhile
fonnng ,n a M phnlanx nt lho door.
tho oroftd cursing nml shouting. The
services ocr, the police ngnln charged
the- orowd, and formed two solid linos,
between which four officers carried
tho coffln to the hoarso, which wns
thort driven rapidly away, tho driver
lashing the horso forward, whllo the
remainder of tho squad checked tho
Similar Bcenos fnced othor funoralB.
but tho disorder wns not so mnrked
In ono Instance, owing to tho lack of
a conveyance, tho prlost was com
pelled to conduct the sorvlco for
tho dead at the homo bsforo tho body
was rcmovod In an uxpiees wagon.
Funerals Postponed.
Chicago I.f. 19. The livery strike
cortlnuos unnbatul. Fabulous prices
were offered today for a hears", by the
relathes of tl-e lato Frederick Otis,
a millionaire, and Judge Jone Hutch
Inson. one of Mie most prommeni uii
nols Jurists, both of whom died
Seeds In the Pumpkin?
Seeds In the Pumpkin?
das ago In both Instances the pro
ixxnls wore refused, and arrange
ments were mndo to convey tho re
mains In dead wagons, tho mourner
following In prlvnto carriages.
Nearly 76 funerals wore scheduled
for today, none of whom were ablo to
imako arrangements. Tho undortnk'
ere announco thoy will not send out
any hearses until the drivers aro
forced Into submission.
Man Arrested In Polk County for Vlo
latino Federal Law.
Dallas, Or. Dec. 19. Albort lint"
rlngtotK of Falls City, nrrostod yoster
day on a charge of Impersonating an
ofTlcer ot the United State, was giv
en a preliminary hearing beforo Act
ing Commissioner Hardy Holman. nnd
at tho close of tho examination ot tho
govommont witnessed was bound ovoi
to appear before tho fodorol grand
juryi Ills bond was fixed at $1000.
Harrington wns arrested nt tho In
stance of Special Inspector A. It.
Giecn, nnd the principal charge
against him Is that, by Impersonating
an officer of tho United States, ho In
ducod A. II, Dodge, a clorgyman of
FnllB City, to relinquish IiIb home,
stead, and thoreby defrauded htm out
of $350. Kvtdonco wua Introduced to
tho effect that Harrington lias told
people In Online and Falls City that
lie Is tv deputy Inspector, nod that ho
Is receiving a salary ot $76 a month
and expenses.
j 'x """ ur '
appeared for
A number of representative cltlsent
tho government, nnd
! Commissioner Holman considered tho
evidence sufficient to hold the prison
er oer to the United Statee grand
The prosecution was conducted
.1,., iT,,llo.l aintam nlntrlnt Alfnr
"' """-;; "7" I , ",
!Jonn " "" J- "t. of Dallas,
peared in tho defendant's bohnlf.
Two Vaorants.
Offlcors Ivowls and Murphy last
night arrested two mon, Wra. 8taata
nnd Dort Ilrnndoni for vagrancy. Thoy
appeared before Judgo Judah this
morning and wero llnod $10. each, In
default of which thor HI occupy colls j
In the city Jail for five days.
Administrator Discharged.
Tho final roxrt of Administrator
Henry Keouo, of tho osUito of Nt S.
Hrown. doeensod, wo today heard In
the probato court, approved, and the
administrator ordered discharged, and
his sureties oxhonurnted.
A shrewd Salwn holiday gootls deal
er has hie bright oung lady clerks
note what ladle cost longing oyee nt
nUd then when their 1'iisbandB come
around they nro shown what would
pleaso their wives, nnd given a tip
that generally rults In a purchase.
V offer an
other Hue of
fancy fa
tltows In a
great variety
nt eotors am
utar Ws val
ues for this
Uy fHtly
NO. 292.
Killing and Robbingr
Citizens in a Ten
nessee Town
Then Escape Pursuers-
Negro Murderer Taken
From Jail and Hanged
by Mob
Knoxvtlle, Dec 19. Thiw. maskodr
highwaymen last ulght killed anil.
robbed Corbln Itowa Thoy entered' '
tho offtco of tho Proctor Coal Co., bent
tho bookkoopor unconscious, robbed
tho plneo, and n fow minutes later at
tempted to rob Chas, Rogers on th
street. The latter fled, but was wound
ed by n shot Tho highwaymen then
Hanged by Mob.
Ripley, Term., Dee. 19. Jos. Drake,
a negro murderer, wan taken from Jalt
last night and hanged, and tho body
riddled with bullet
For Convict Labor.
The Lnewetaliwrg & Going CO., lee
seefl of tho Northwest Foundry at the
penitentiary, today paid to State
Treasurer Mooro I911.7G for amvlet
labor for the month ot November.
Loans Approved.
The stnto land board today np
proved 59 applications for loano from
tho school fund, aggregating $80,450,
and nlno application wero rejected,
amounting to $5700.
Dound for Panama,
Dromotron, Dec. 10. Tiro New
York loft tho Pugot Sound nnvy yard
today noon, for Panama. Buo wilt
coal at Ban Francisco. Tho Benning
ton leavoi Monday.
Fom now on
Special prices on
Candies for Xmas,
Trees, Etc.
Jsi JL Js Jh JL v?
154 Stats OL
Phone 1971 Mala
9c to $J.75
Ohrlrtmas Tree Deortlws.
iMlu04H UwwJ bell of -
uhU cdlorN sliiage
of fancy edJwed UmAm, round,
bright erwJ H,
4eMd Utt'K tM&r ulps, (o
verled perairffe, Japrr Jolh
with Uww4 trliamlniie nod all
Uie Utmi MveiUw fit the low
eat jwleee
9c t rTTTMfflutiiil " mnmtt