Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 18, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Rally of the Yeung:
Republicans at the
The Banquet Promises to Be
the Most Important Pol
itical Meeting in
Unsurpassed (or beauty and
8 4 fa v
Wotfke in Glass
Quality of Exhibits
Equal to Any in
the Country
Many of Them Would Be
Prize-Winners in the
comfort, got your husband, ono, J
turn no u npona an his oveningj
at homo horcafter. '
$5 to $J5
Few arts are do wonderful and, so charming In fruition as the art' of
glass cutting. The subtle skill, the firm yet delicate hand, and the keen
artistic eye of the master glass cutter Invests cut glass of the betW
.or, With a brilliance and beauty such as belongs to nothing else In table
wares. We Invite every person reading this who Is at all Interested In
beautiful things for home usage to take pains to Inspect our Christ
mas showing of Hawke's Cut Glass the handsomest sight of Its kind
ever seen In 8alem.
This display Is of vast variety, Including new designs In everything
from-the tiniest cut glass peppers and salts; up to the most magnificent
fruit bowls and vases, costing as much as $20.00 each and fully
worth It. ' . -V
Cornet State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Ore.
wtH-wiii i nmmiHH;
I Local OinirtlDnnltt-i::
t in the
m - ..........
frf-H 1 1 1 IWlii iiiiiiunif
John Spanlol, of Stayton, was a Sa
lem visitor today.
Judgo Dolso returned homo fron.
Corvallls yestorday.
Mr, and Mrs. M. L. Hamilton wont
to Portland yestorday afternoon.
Governor Chamberlain wont' to
Portland this morning for a fow days'
Tlsit with hla famll
t Mrs. E. C. Patton was a passenger
tor Portland on tho Albany local thl
Judgo Burnott camo down from Al
bany, whoro ho has boon holding court
for a fow days.
II. J, Ottonhclmor Is In Portland on
I. L. Patterson roturned to Portland
last ovonlng.
Ehorlfl Allen, of Harney county, re
turned to his homo at Burns yoator
day. W. D. Fonton, who had a caso before
tho supremo court yostorday, has re
turned to his homo In Portland.
A Musical Social Event
On Saturday aftornoon an Interest
ing hour was upont at tho music studio
of Mrs. Etta, AndorsAVIllman. A num
bor of hor pupils met for tholr semi
monthly muslcalo hour. Bits of music
JilBtory and analysis of famous mu
sicians' work), aro tho Important fea
tures of thoso meetings, which aro
held at rogular Intervals, and have
become popular with tho students, as
well as tho visitors.
Tho social features of theso meet
ings Is of great importance, as it as
tlvo thought, as woll a listening. Tlw
young ladles and gentlemen who at
tend, as well ns tholr friends, speak
enthusiastically .of thoso informal
Important Meeting Monday.
Tho signers of tho petition for a
permanent street improvement on
Court street aro to meet Monday night
at tho city hall, to confor about vari
ous kinds of pavement. With all poll-
tics ended for a fow months, this Is
tho most Important public matter
beforo tho pooplo of Salem. Tho com
ing year will bo a red-letter year in
tho history ot tho Capital City, It ono
stroot can bo mndo what tho prlnci-
nal streets of this city should be-
clean, passable and sanitary, summer
and wintor. Nothing will glvo such
an impulse to tho progress of Salem
as this roforra. That will mark tho
boKlnning of a now ora In a naturally
conservative community, In a natural
ly c,onsorvatlvo valley of Oregoa Ro-
member tho mooting Monday night.
"Richard lo Himself Again."
I am back to my old Btand on State
street, whoro I am ready and willing
to mako and ropalr. Good work, woll
dono, at roasonablo prices. Come on,
I havo tho boat machines In town for
One Unfortunate
Marguorlto Lohnoy was committed
to tho asylum from Wasco county to
day. ho was brought down by Pat
T.,rtt. Tuck will Blvo a public oxhi
bltlon of dog Judging tonight at the
show. Everybody como; 8 p. ra.
Bring tho cat to tho Poultry and
Pot Stock Sshow which bogan yester-
" o x. vv - I
lists in forming ,a habit of consocu- day.
World's Best
Tho poultry and pet stock show is
a splondld success, nnd tho attendance
til that had been anticipated. Tho
show Is constantly crowded by people
interested in tno lltus birds and ani
mals on exhibition, and so well aro
tho pcoplo In attendance pleased with
tho exhibition, that futuroshows hbro
will bo genorally demanded, and a gon-
Last nlcht and this mornlne thn
Judges were' at work awarding premi
ums on exhibits, and this work will
bo kept up all day, and possibly to
morrowj beforo all exhibits aro dis
posed of. Tho ontrles aro numerous.
and of tho best, and the Judges of the
show exnrcss tholr surnrlso nnd crat-
Ideation nt, tho fine quality and splon
did breeds or tho exhibition stock
considering tho show, In point ot
quality, tho best to bo had, and com
paring favorably with any in the coun
E. J. Lndd, of Portland, one ot tho
Judges of tho poultry department, in
speaking of tho exhibit, grew enthusi
astic, and said: "Tho quality of the
stock Is fit for any show In tho coun
try, and tho Whlto Wyandottea and
Plymouth Rocks aro good for compe
tition In any show In tho world. I
nover saw a bettor collection of birds
In any poultry bIiow I ovor attended,
and I am delighted with Uio splendid
The fifty-cent dlnnor, to bo given by
tho Young Men's Republican Club, at
tho Hotel Wlllametto, at 8:30 o'clock
this evening, promises to bo tho most
important gathering of tho Republican
hosts of this city and county ever held
hero, and especially will tho younger
mombors of tho party bo in evidence.
All '-arrangements havo been complet
ed for tho event, and a good program
of speeches has been prepared.
Tho young men who originated this
form of a rally and Jollification had in
mind tho keeping up of tho enthusi
asm of tho members of tho club, and
discussing tho futuro policy ot tho or
ganization, but tho matter has grown
far beyond tho original plan. Tho in
dications aro now that tho banquet
will havo an important bearing on tho
spring campaign, und tho koy-noto of
that campaign will In all probability,
bo soundod nt this time.
Although open to any Republican,
admission to ths banquet Is by ticket
only, and tho mombors of tho oxecu
tlvo commltteo of tho club will bo at
tho Hotel Wllluraotto nt 8 o'clock to
assist President Patton in receiving
and entertaining tho guests. All hold
Ing tickets to tho banquet aro urged
to bo prosont, and to como on tlmo,
so that, no tiresome delays may oc
cur. Tho speakors on tho program aro all
nuunai Buunoi k
That's what we want to talk about today. Thousands upon sg
thousands of new arrivals direct from around the horn Just In
and now we offer books at prices that defy competition. We J
offer a fine line of dollar books for 60c, while a big 75c line of
beautiful bound books will be sacrificed at 35o. No bettor values W
ever shown for the money, bchool who have libraries should take
advantage of this sale.
Patton's Book Stoue.
Tho first thing you naturally think
of for a man Is
Wo show a handsomo now lino In
Ascots, Imperials, Four-in-Hands,
Tecks, Clubs, Bows, etc.
JOc to $(.50
Grips, Traveling Bags and
Sttit Cases
1 Wo'vo a special lino, also Name
Tags, shoulder strops, etc.
Prices for all Purses.
Worrying becauso you don't know tho slzo In a glove, or a hat,or
a suit or don't know just what color, or cut, or shape will suit htmT
Wo'vo a plan to help you out a ticket payable In merchandise.
Uion ho can chooso for himself, Cornqtind lot ub oxplnla it to you.
MJ&fom i
rsft' v vv v jf , ,
j fc -r
yrfi&itTIalr i
E?TTi IllllltllllllltlllllllltlllllllllllllllillllJll JLill UJ1 llXuAllJuXUlJ
Wholesale Tobacconist and
Cteay Dealer
La,get Stock in Willamette Valley
asasaa Mnia
A clear Havana 122c cigar. For sale
teln, Manufacturer, 8alerfi, Oregon.
't t-S B
Is a necessity In making your ! 'J
Purchases fdr gifts. HeyoowiilM
the largest variety, tho highest qMlW.
the lowest prices.' We havo
with reliable movements, in the wm
"yle of cases, 2.60 to $30.00, chatelsin..
Hnge, earrings, brooches, all kinds o
flno jewelry.
.Jeweler aad OpUelan, 888 Cosa. .
by all dealers. Aug Hucken-
showing made. Salem Is to be con
gratulated at tho success attained,
and tho Bplondld lino of stock ex
Frank Tumor, of Victoria, D. C.
who Is Judgo of tho bonch show, and
has ofuclatod in this capacity in nu
merous cities, said: "Tho quality or
tho stock shown Is na good as any I
havo ovor seon anywhoro in tho North
west, and, whllo the show 1b small, it
Is oxcollont, and hard to surpass any
whoro." Amonc tho 52 dogs on exhibition
thoro aro 20 fine animals from Port
nA nmonir them somo of tho highest-
priced dogs In tho Pacific Northwest,
and the kennels aro constantly sur-
mnniiv! bv lovers of dogs. Dr. J. i.
Zan's Great Dane, "Llof," is tho first
one seen on entering tho bonch show,
and this magnificent animal is tho
.t mimird of any ono mora
Among tho stock might bo mentioned
Mrs. W. O. Smith's pair or nno w
rats, ho dere of nno peaiBr
and winners of scvoral prizes. Fred-
dlo Lamport and Mr Edwards aiso
,,v mn nno Maltoso on exhibition.
A pair of whito Angora cato, tho prop
erty of Mrs. H. W. Meyora anu ...
R A. Pierce, also attract great atten
tion, as dooa a nno urango pw
Haired, owned by Mildred fliinion.
The beautiful white Angora rnuui
always havo a crowd about me.,
cages, and they are the tuutim
neclally of the children, and It Is safe
to say that tho result of the show will
be a sudden lnoreo -
population of Saltm. Tor every im
and girl rtB8 the beautiful pu
will want one or two.
m. .Ilaxv wit OOMMMI unm l"
ni.t. nod m wall ItM tit
re.nagtta.nt wee. that'll ;
to say that it will be held annually in
the future.
Russia1 BJg Road.
Sft Petersburg. Veo. J8-The re-.-
h tmns-Slberlan railway.
published today, show a total cost of
tho road for me p " - -ronstruction
and strengthening to be
nearly 1724.00,000. The cost '
increased Ja exact projruu - -road
is extended eastward.
Judge Tuek will glte a public exhl
biuoa of dog judging tonight at the
show Ererybocr come; 8 p. m.
membora of the Young Men's Republi
can Club, oxcept H. B. Thlolsen, who
wob Mr. Waters' opponont at tho He-
publican primaries, and Claudo Qatch.
who Is tho president of the Salem Re
publican CluU A fow visitors ami
othora may bo called on, but all tho
speochoa will necossarily bo vory
short, and inthor In the lino of Jubila
tion nnd harmonious work in tho fu
Guardian for Neckermann.
Upon tho potltlon of Mrs, FnnnU
Nockormann, Judgo Scott yostorday
afernoon appointed Sheriff Colbath
guardian of tho ostnto of Fred Nockor
mann. Tho potltlon states that Mr.
Neckermann haB boon In poor health
for Bomo tlmo, and Is unablo to look
aftor his business properly, and that
his business Is valued at about 2&0,
nbovo Incumbrances, which, if not
proporly looked aftor, will bo mvopt
away by claims that. aro not proporly
a lion on tho business. Sheriff Col
bath was required to glvo a bond of
$500. and on filing tho samo David Mo
Faddon. A. A. Ihj and Fred Palmer
woro appointed appraisers of th
property, consisting principally or a
stock of liquors and saloon fixtures.
This, stock was recently attached in
connection with a milt brquRht against
Mr. Nockormann. anil nrtorwarus num
on a chattel mortgage, and has thuf
been in the sheriff's hands for a week-
Want a Pardon.
A petition was filed In tho gover
nor's office today for tho pardon of
William Molton. convlctod of criminal
assault and sentenced January 9,
1903, for ten years In tho ponltentlary.
Tho petition was signed by a great
numbor of tho people ef Wasco coun
ty, whoro the crlmo was committed.
Salem Man to Portland.
M. I Hamilton, ot this city, has on-
gaged In business In Portland, whore
ho has purchnsod a saloon on tho cor
ner of Sixth and Star Btreots, iw
has named tho place "Tho Hamilton,"
and proposes to mako It ono of th
places of Portland, and a headquar
ters for his Salem frlonds who visit
that city. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton
wont down yestorday afternoon, and
will Bpond tho major portion ot tholr
tlmo In that city, though Mr. Hamilton
will bo horo frequently to look after
his Baloon In this city, which ho will
conttnuo to conduct.
See the handsome dogs from Port
land, Salem, Arlington, and olsewhoro.
nt tho Poultry and Pet Stock show
which oponod yostorday and continues
throo days.
Out Winter Business
Housekeeping Is easy
enough, so far as Schilling's
tM IM't rrrim tfltm
MSM UruUt u(U tub
go. They are moneyback;
make no trouble to anybody.
Buy and Sell
Otf Beer
Promotes 1
Families who like to have a S
cose of bright, sparkling. S
beer at home, wuien win
give a zest to their food and
tone to their system, M
have a case of our now. It
is a fine beer. Call up phone
Salem Bewey
Halo Offlc 174 Coa'l St
A pmrmlf,tii linn of uinbrollft
covers to solcot from, pricoa from
91.00 up. iianuioa zoo up.
To Loan
I Rii
! Salem Abstract j
and Land Co. j
To fit all inakea of wheola.
Shipp & Hause
Opposite Capital Nat. Bank.
Football Supplies
Three New Shapes
$ New last, best fitter on
9 -iC
I ! See oor new enamel and box
u calfflboeo at
99 State Sti SalcM, Cretei.
i .
Nsatv. ii n
? f