Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 18, 1903, Page FOUR, Image 4

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"Western Cfotmsel Says There I Ore in Sicht Worth
Twice What the United States Paid for Alaska.
- Johtt A. Carson, Western counsel or
Oho Alaska Copper Company, accom
panied by Mine Qnbriollo Clark, sten-
ographor la tho case, roturnod today
.from tho successful completion of lit
dgatioa beforo tho Alaska federal
court at Valdoz, In the great suit for
itho possession of tho valuable copper
zalnes on tlto Yukon In tho Ihterlor of
.Alaska Ha was accompanied by P.
. 3D. Arthur, ijonoral counsol of the Now
Work company, who wont on to his
liomo In tho Bast. Mr. Arthur will be
xwnombored by many Salem people,
, whom ho mot when ho was In tho city
booking up tho law In tho caso In tho
ystota library, In company with Mr,
'Carson, tho Oregon statute and court
fbdeclslonq bolng tho laws governing
TAlauka litigation',
T Mines of Great Value.
Thoro was directly Involved In this
suit proporty aggregating In value
over J35.O0O.O0O, thoro being ore In
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
ThU anestlon arises ia the fatnllr
very day. Let us tuwir it to-Uy. Try j
a Ooiicions aau Healthful dessert, fro
pared la two minutes. No boiling I no
baking I add boiling water and set t
oL Flavers: Lvcacn, Orange, Rasp
fcorry And Strawberry. Get a package
tX yaur grocers t-day. o otx.
sight of tho value of twice what the
United Stales paid Russia for all
Alaska. So far as tho litigation Is
concerned, the plaintiffs nover had
a ghost of a chanco. Boforo Judga
Wlckcrsham, who was obliged, on the
law and tho ovidonce, to And through
out for the defendants, represented by
Arthur and Carson. Tho plaintiffs
tried to play a game of bluff all the
way through, winding up with an ar
ray of counsel that it was hoped
would Intimidate tho court. On tho
findings tho court sold they nover had
a partlclo of ovidonce, and there Is a
moral. certainty that no successful ap
peal can bo prosecuted. Tho counsel
for plaintiffs gave this away when thoy
protonded that tho court was so uni
formly ruling in favor of the defend
ants to provont their having any
grounds for an appeal, ahd 'probably
none con bo taken, as tho principal
prosecutor, Frank C. Holm, is under
arrost In Buffalo for obtaining monoy
under false pretences. Ho represented
and sold stock on tho strength of
such representations that tho Copper
Rlvor Mining Company was tho ownir
of tho Bonanza mines, securing large
sums pf monoy in Now York, Pennsyl
vania and Illinois.
Oregon Is Interested.
Mr. Cnraon goes to Portland tomor
row to Interview tho Portland Cham
bor of Commorco, with a view to In
teresting that city In making It an ob
ject to put a lino of stoamors from
Valdoz to Portland, Instead of Seattle.
Tho Alaska Copper Cot, which is
backed by Uio H4vdfti6yor sugar tiust,
Is going to bullda iraliroad from Val
doz into their mines on the Yukon, and
will onofaio steampraifrom Valdez to
Seattle or Portland. 'To secure the
steamer lino to Portland would mean J
a great deal for the WIHametto valley,
as an enormous amount of suppllos
will be needed In that region, and Mr,
Carson Is sanguine that this Bteamcr
line can bo secured for tho Oregon
fr-Hfr4-H llllllllllllllll Mil t'M-H IIIHIIIII1II Hi
1876 lfecQjJ 1903
Don I
Forget our m
Governor Chamberlain Is in receipt
of a lettor from a patient at tho asy
lum, who demands to be heard beforo
tho legislature at th ecomlng special
session. Tho letter Is as follows, giv
en, verbatim:
Oregon, State Hospital,
Marlon County, Oregon,
of, tho United States, of America,
December 8th, 1903.
J. Ft Calbrcath, Realdant Superintend
ent of, Oregon, State Hospital,
Marlon County, Oregon,
of tho United States, of America,
You Stated, unto mo, myself, that,
Governor, George B. Chamberlain,
Governor, of tho State of Oregon, of,
tho United States, of Amorica, bad
called, a spcolal Session of legislation.
to convono, on, the 21st, of, this month.
I demand, of Governor,
George B. Chamberlain, Governor, of,
tho State of Oregon, of, tho Unltod
States, of Amorica, to, bo hoard, in,
my own volco, In tnat, special session,
of legislative rights, when, it, Id is, In,
Special Session.
I am, respectfully,
Mott Smith, '
an, cquallflcd voter, of, tho United
States, of Amorica.
To Govornor, George B. Chamberlain,
Governor, of tho State, of Oregon,
of, tho United Stat03, of America.
' Daily on Weekly
Reduced One Dollar
Saturday Dec. 26
ettopolitan Magazine
'Fee Fo One Yea,
Farmers Held Up In Jhe Northern
Part of Marlon County.
Don't fomet that the largest and oldest music houso In Oregon li
; I represented In 8alem, and that the Salem representatives can do Just
'. '. as well by you as though you come to hoadquartcrs, at far as prices
'. 1 and term an concerned. Howevor, If you are In Portland, drop
! ! around and see our new store. It la the finest building occupied by
! '. any music house In the Northwest, a befitting home for the oldest
!! and moat reliable house. .. , ,i Ltij llillOf
The Oldest. LargestiHStrongest
$ Sixth and Morrison Sts.
Portland, Oregon
HH4WI I Mil It 1 1 H IHHtHHrU 1-H-l-f-M 1HH1I ill
Woodburn', Or., Doc. 18. Tho cltl-
zons of Hubbard and Woodburn aro
groatly ,oxcIted, having Just received
news of a bold robbery throo miles
cast of Hubbard, on Rock Crook,
which was followed by an attempted
At 8 o'clock last evening n masked
robber appeared at tho home of John
Watchman, and, at the muzzlo of a
revolver, demanded tho farmer's
money. Wnchtman delivered ?i5 to
th ohlghwayman, who departed and
Immediately proceeded to tho homo
of Potor Troyor, who lives only 260
yards distant, and again demanded
monoy, but Troyor failed to dollvor,
for the very good reason that no
funds wero in the houso.
Going back on tli'o public highway
one-half mllo to tho Whisky Hill
school houeo, whore his companion
nnda buggy wore hi waiting, the
highwayman rapidly drovo away.
Armed cIIIzoiib from Hubbard and
Woodburn are In pursuit of the
thlovos, and their oscape appears Im
possible, as tho onttro country there
abouts Is provided with a telophone
systom connecting with the adjoin
ing towns.
Two Great Offers
Journal subscribers will this year be given another special bargain day and it has been set
for Saturday, December 26th. On that date you can got Tho Daily Journal for one year, cash in ad
vance, by mail, for $3, or by carrier for $5. This is a flat reduction of one dollar, not only for tho
use of your cash, but to savo us, as well as our subscribers tho timo and trouble of numorous pay
monts during the year. It saves us work and it savos the subscribers cash. Romombor tho date
December 20th. AH who pay up arrearages, if they have any, can on that date get tho benefit o
this offer, Even if your subscription is paid up to tho presont timo or in advance, you can got tho
benefit of an additional year on that da to at the reduction. If you can't come to tho office on that
date send it in sooner, and tho credits will bo jnade on that date, December 20th.
To any of our subscribers, old or now, who pay a year in advonco, $0, by carrier or $4 by
mail, Tho Metropolitan Magazine will bo given free for one year. Seo tho announcements of this
wonderful magazine elsewhere in this paper, and preparo to profit by our groat offer
Sample copies of tho great Metropolitan Magazine can bo seen by calling at tho Journal of
fice or at any news stand. It is one of tho finest magazines in tho country and tho prico is $1.50
per year. Look up this great offer and take advantage of it.
Salem, Oregon,
Will De Punished. ... -
Columbus, Dee. 18. Govornor Nash
todaj instructed tho attornoy-genoral
of Ohio to bring to punishment alll the
principals, promotors and witnesses
of tho prlzo light between Ruhlln and
Green, pulled off at Akron last night.
Fivo hundred spectators wore present
Rosa Died Game.
San Francisco, Dec. 18. Bert Ross
was hung today for tho murder of
Deputy Sheriff Ward, of San Diego.
Ross d,led garnet
Exposition Secretary.
St. Louts, Dec. 18. Lavlna Egan, of
Shriovoport, Loutsina, was today olect
ed secretary of tho exposition board
of lady marogors,
Destructive Dlaxe.
HarrUonvtllo, Mo Dee. 18. Fins
today destroyed a lumber yord; tho
loss Is $40,000
Judgo Tuck will givo a public exhi
bition of dog Judging tonight at th
show. Everybody eomo; 8 p. m.
Mrs. Clyde J. Harris, of Drookg,
is in tho city.
Able Editorial From the Mc-
Minnville News on the
clal soselon of tho loglslaturo Is con
vonod for tho purnoso of considering
tho question of taxation, no more op
portune timo will ovor bo had for em
bodying such legislation on the stat
ute books.
This papor Is now publishing a list
of taxpayers of Yamhill county paying
taxes on $2500 or ovor. As wo stated
last week, wo havo heard of no gonor-
jal complaint of tho valuations given;
and yot it has Btartod a discussion,
and, outside of its value as a list, be-
Tho Initiative takon by tho Orogon
Law School Journal, ,of Salem, in tho
campaign against what is termed
"tax-dodging" is developing hearty
support all over tho state. It sooma
that In somo of tho counties many r'os
donta havo given In but a fraction of
their wealth, and tho nood for somo
remedy Is Yory apparent
Tho Idea of tho Law Journal is to
publish In a county papor the assess
ment of each porsona llablo to assess
ment In a county, boforo tho board of
equalization moots. This publication
is now required In sovoral states, and
In Illinois tho effect has been magical.
Each poraon is made awaro of hla
neighbor's list of proporty given In to
tho assessor, and It such neighbor
omits any of his proporty subject to
nesoasmont ho is compelled to hasten
Us correction. This law has brought
about a revolution In thafc state with
regard to equal and Just taxation, and
It Is almost Impossible for ono to os
capo his Just proportion of tho taxoo.
It occurs to tho Nows that this ia
an excollent Idea And slnco tho spo-
ing preserved by many, wo aro confi
dent that it will result In good. But it
must bo homo in mind that tho list
comprises only a small portion of the
assossmont rolls; and wo aro confi
dent that tho publication of tho entire
tax roll by tho county boforo tho
equalization board moots would result
In a moro cqultablo apportionment of
tho burdon of taxation, and would
much mor,o than pay for tho expense
In tho additional taxes recolvod on
account of It McMlnnvUlo Nowb.
li Closing Out
:l Sale
at the Fatt Store I
Everything, Including gerferal racket store goods of every descrip
tion; also the largest stock of toys and holiday goods 'la Salem,
. , Than all otnor houses In Salem combined. I moon buslneoa, and,
! ! realizing that, whilo It will bo a loeo to mo, It will bo your gain. Must
J J bo sold within two wooks.
i Business elsowhere demands my attention, and everything must
j be closed out Do not miss the great opportunity to get yonr holl- Z
( ) "" 6wu uuu wiuiur Bupjwos. iuu rjur oioro, 211 commercial bi.
O. P. DABNEY, Pfopweto.
The "SpaVf Christmas Announcement
Walnuts I Mixed Candy Out
And Almonds, .tba for 25c.
Special prices Inarfle quantities.
We keep the best pure goods
No gum drops.
Come In and see what a
sackful 25o will buy.
::. Candy Canes ::. Automobile A Box
1 Chocolate
In fancy boxes are the bead
Ideal of delicious confections.
These are. a, 'delight to both T
young ana oio
They "caught the popular T
Candy boxes for the children,
A nice gift filled with candy,
15c each.
See our Christmas bell boxes.
Of Spa Candy will please
more people as a present than
any one thing In Salem.
Are fresh and home made.
T This means much to buyera.