Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 18, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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iflfllBsRlVfHHftHBHUaiMpjl V I 79
The Kind You Havo Ainm -n i. ., ... . .
to nao for oror 30 years, has borno tho signature of
3 tfATT- and lm8 bcoilin"lounacr Ills per
jfV&& Bonal supervision slnco Ita infancy.
AIT Counterfeit!!, Imitations and Just-aa-good" are bnfe
Experiments that trlflo with and oudanpcr tho health of
inflmta and ChUdrcn-Experlenco n&atnst Experiment.
Cm, -rla is a, harmless substltut for Castor Oil, Paro
Bjorfe Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contaim neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its Rgo Is its guarantee It destroys Worms
and allays Foverishncss. It cures Diarrhooa and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tbo Food, regulates tbo
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep,
Tbo Children's Panacea Tbo Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signaturo
rf Bears tho Signaturo of
SF 4
V .
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Basket Ball.
Tho Y. M. C. A. baskot ball toam
thlB afternoon started for Dallas,
ybero they wfll engage In a game
rith tho Dallas college, team. Captain
rank Meyers thinks Ills team will
show up well, but hardly oxpects to
win, ns tho Dallas players last year
were 'an exceptionally strong aggre
gation. Thoso composing the team
are: Yantls, center; Allon an'l
Rhodes, forwards; and Jones and
Meyers, guards.
. :
JO percent
On Chafing Dishes and
Carving Sets
Large assortment of Chaflnp dishes, larGer than ever
before. Best make, flood finish and- with the Improved
burners. ' Our Carving Sets are of best steel, and all
style of handles to suit
1 Fie Roasted Coffee and Fane Tea. a Specialty
Yokohama Tea Store
. cr nellvery
Phone 2411 buck. MUwS
. The Entire StocK
nf RnntQ and Shoes and Rubbers
We have purchased of Jacob Vogtmust ;;
be sold at a sacrifice, Come early and ;;
get (he bargains,
7. - 4 i.mh vnrt. 265 Commercial Street
I ;,,nlltrtmwwiiitw"
Hold-up Gang: Operating: in
That City-Two Men
Roseuurg iieAla two or thrd night
policemen until tho reign of torror
has passed.
Last evening," about C:30, as John
W. Wright, an lneiirnncu agent of this
city, was on his way home In Klnno
vllle, In the north part of town, ns he
was nearlng the railroad spur which
runs to the prune packing plant, sonw
desperado hit him across tho right
ear with a sandbag, knocking him
senseless. His pockets were searched,
netting the robber only 00 cents. Ills
watch and chain were not taken, pos
sibly being overlooked In the robber'!
hurry to escape, fearing detection.
About an hour later a passerby dis
covered Mr. Wright as ho was regain
ing conBcloiyrtiotw. and holped him'
homo. D.i Dil'Qas was called In at
tendance, and" today says no Serious
consequence have rosultod,
Mr. Clayton (anothor caso) was on
his way to the station to check a smalt
lot of luggage, preparatory to depart
ing on the northbound overland.' Aa
ho was passing boforo Hon. Wm. It.
Willis' refrfdenco, opposite the Pros
byterlan church, he was met by the
robber and ordered to throw up his
hands. Mr. Clayton compiled, and tlis
highwayman, not losing any time, Im
mediately began searching his pook-
ets, keeping him covered with the re
volver. As he reached Uie Docket con
taining the mone), Clayton showed his
courage by telling the robber "There
Is $18 In there, and you may aa wJ
take It." The robber did so, and then
placed tho weapon to Mr. Clayton's
back and orderod him to move on, ac
companied hlm for a short distance
thon disappearing In tho dark.
Mr. Clayton doicrlbod tho man as
being nbout C foot 10 liichos tall, and
of Blonder build, with a prominent
nose and light mouBtacho, wearing a
light-colored coat and vest and a soft
hat, and iho robbor1 stooped some
what Mr. Clayton eald ho could ooal
ly Identify tho robber In caso of cap
tures but tho authorities are unablo'o
find any cluo to tho Identity of tho
robbor, Itosoburg Plnlndoalen
It Is a Great Handicap In Alt Business
and Social Relations.
The man who looks as If he had lost
his last friend Is in no danger of be
ing crushed by the Jam of new ones
unless ho "choors up." People are not
going out of their way nowadays to
associate with tho man of mournful
nnd melancholy appearance. They nro
afraid ho will tell them of his troubles
and they steor clear of him as they
all have plonty of their own.
Tho most universal cause of tho
forlorn and hopeless appearance today
Is dyspopsla. It unfits a man for every
duty of llto and causes htm to become
despondent and gloomy and necos.
snrlly his looks do not bollo his feel
ings. He appears cast down and do
Jectod and becomes a burdon to him
self and humanity In general.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets oro tho
dyspeptic s certain relief. Thoy do tho
work that his stomach Is unablo to
do and by relieving that organ of Its
burdens, permit It to regain Its health
and strength and again becomo artlvo
and useful In Its functions. Thoy
contain all tho osseutinl Ingrodlunts
that ontcr Into tho digestive fluids of
tho stomach and thoy actually tako
up tho work and do It Just as a
healthy, sonnd stomach would.
By this means a man can go right
ahead with bio work and cat onough
to keep him In proper working con
dition. His system is not doprlved
of its nccossay nourishment as It Is
In, tho cao of tho "starvation euro" or
the omployment of eomo of tho first
oltss chicken foods now on the mar
ket. Starvation, even If It woro a
good thing, could not bo continued
long enough to offect n euro; for a
disordered and worn-out stomach Is
not going to become strong and heal
thy In two or three days.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets act
naturally because they contain natural
digestives. The principal component
parts are aseptic popsln. malt diastase
and other Ingredients with like prop
erties that do the work regardless of
tho condition of the stomach. Thero
Is no unnatural or violent disturbance
of tho digestive organs ns tho result
of their action. In fact, the existence'
of tho stomach Is entirely forgotton
as soon as they have had tlmo to
begin their operations. They also
possess vory curatlvo and noallufr
proportlos and nsslst Uio Btomach
In gottlng well, whllo rollovlng It of
Its work. Thoy porform tho duties of
both nurse nnd physician.
Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets aro for
salo by all druggists at EOc a box and
thoro Is very llttlo dangor of any
druggist trying to sell you something
else In Its placo that Is "Just as
good." Thoy aro so well established
and havo.dono so much good In tho
world that tholr namo has becomo a
household word; so tho usual warn
ing, "Accopt no substitute," Is un
necessary In tho caso of Stuart's
Dyspopsla Tablets.
wtth their absurdities supposed td be
wisdom, It Is with genuine plios&Mf1
that one eon look forward to a visit
of the "Minister's Son," the pastoral . Thr can stop Tunr xutr Vin.r oe
What would you do If on the eve
play that tho eminent comedian Mr,
W. n Patton Is soon to present here.
An evening that can be replied with
the most plcststtnt memories can but
fall to the lot of Uie auditor who sits
through a performance of "The Min
ister's Son," a ulny of worth, of
With Ilrrptclilr.
LaaiM Wh0 have thin hair nnd whose
-. fWne out, oan r-revwrt tae hale
falling out, and thicken the growth, whit.
Newbro's "Herplolde." Dwld,, Hf.
claa la one of tho most njjreoablo hslr
drMlni thero Is. Herpleldo kllln tha
aanarurr germ that tots the hair eft at
...,. uv, ., .m. ui vruilll, ui i - n fcwrm IIIBl QIS tne Ilftlr Oft 8l
naturalneesi, a ploy that I uplifting JJ? '". .A,f,9'' " "" ' destroyed
nn.l nlmv,, ll lnv II..I I ...! J?" r00t Wl" 'ot UP- the Wr grow
and abo-o all a play that Is pure and
one which competent critics have
nt to say that "one is hotter for hav
ing; soon." It Is a well known fact
" --v.- v. uu uiu nir grow
.u.w .i over, isvon n sampio will eon
vlnoe any UJy that Newbro's Herpleldo.
is an lnilljpnAble toilet rwiulrite. It
contains no oil or grtnse. It will not alnln.
?L i e" d by ,M,Jln dmgnlita 8ent
.. . .. ... . v,c. nora or leaamir amgnuta sentt
that a play without heart Interest ,n stamps for namplo to Tho lterel-
i .., .... .. Cldo Co.. Delralt M!t, r
Kronil "
rarely ovor nchlavoa success.
tho boy In the gallery to the envy
hnlrod man down stair they all wnnt
somo love, some doratlon, but It must
bo true to naturo. and clean. With
a play so purely human nnd so admir
ably presented small wondor then
that Mr. Iatton has nc.hlevml a sue-
ceee of the most pronouncetl kind
and reached a prominence that fow
stars attain without years of waiting,
Daniel J. Fry. Special Agent
Branson & Ragan.
Keep all kinds of groceries, and:
they aro the host that can bo founds
In tho city. You don't know ft tiul$ y
you havo trlod them.
When You Want
Romothlng to eat. Just try tho Whlta-
tTnllHJl Pl MM MAM .... U. i -. u
Miwuou, auuj van nuivu juu u ny"
u,s1 "" "' mu l' "cci;hour of th0 dajr or n,ght
ui, inn iaak mKiuu iiriNiuciiun m
umnngemont hoe seen fit to surround
Mr. Patton with tho very host oast
attainable nnd the soenary nnd no
coeaorlos will bo of the most luvl&h
description. Seats on snlo Monday t
9 a. m. Curtain at 8:15.
We have a fine tract of timbet
land near Cottage Grove
1000 acres will make
about 4milJion feetto 1-4
section. From 100 rods
to 1 1-2 miles of river
this is a snap.
Three or four housos for salo on
Installment plan, from $100 to G0O.
Small payment down.
If you havo property ta sell Or rent,
or want to buy or soil, trndo or ox
chango for othor proporty of any
kind, or If you want a loan or Insur
ance boo It, It, Ityan & Co, 10-Ji-tf
R. R. Ryan
Tho layers, the crowors. and th
caoklers all will bo on display at Ihrts
Poultry Show today and tomorrow.
6r tli v? T6 Wwl Ywi Hiw MwifS B8j
Afllislllstlif A OAiT ,JfciTilfssasM
Tt I V TIFF Wl VfHTVIOTwrV fflsjf"
' j HOW ;
l About , ; I
Wo liars all varieties for urn )
T Mti rtt ImNin fn snlhfn vAit V
A vii ui mwiovn rt aiiw fi
client, clover, oat, wheat . Or
veicn nay, nnu n in uuuu a,,
hay. Also bavrf oats and X
Wheat Btraw. Quality consld.
T ... .
flrml vnu will fflnil nnr nrlrfva
are right. FREE DELIVERY. V
I D. A. White
& Son
I Fcedmcn and Seedsmen
301 Com'l St. Phone 1781 1
, A Prtty Good Lad.
Pctor Zlrka. a lad who has beon In
tho reform ochool slnco last yodr, was
last evonlng paroled by tho' board of
trustees, and will roturn to 1,1s nomo your mnrrngei Juit nk 18 cuImlimt,
tlon was taken uiwn the allowing that "' '"" ' -
tho boy has been orderly and obedl- nnd yon wore to load to the iJtar tho
ent since ho was received at tho1 woman on whom all your heart's
antinnl mill nil tha rmmmmendatlOn Of l.nllm, nmullnni nr. nnnlnrml If n
Frank Menefee, district attorney of j,ugo slierlff placel his hand on your
The Dalios. at Whose Instance the boy.houlder. and Informed you thnt sixty
was seni 10 mr reiunu jvi. jays in tno county jaw nwniiea you
" for being an Inmate of n gambling
Tlmrn will ha Willi WvandottSS. I. ...,. rp,. ,:. ,.., nnuwar- vnu
Tlnrro.l PlvmiVllth ItOckS. WllltO LOK- ...... 1.1 nnnn,..nnv t,u .l.nrlff nn.l ltn
horns, etc., by the hundreds at the &mii your destination to your bride
show In Salem this week. Admission to Tnnt sounds very easy, hut
16 cents. what llo would you tell horT William
Fuller, tho hero of Willis Maxwell
Ooodhue's Jolly comedy. "Hello Wll,"
which oames to the Opera House next
Saturday, thinks he has a very good
want to cet fat and fat people flctition to nn tho occasion which
t . - tfn unrn.,n suddenly arises, but after five or six of
want to get thm-human I hll fft Jh00di bav. mcte,ion him. he
nature. If YOU arc fat don t i. untt Incline! to etmnue his mind,
fnl-P Smtt's Emulsion. It and agre that 11k- tnith Is better at all'
. . ,11 Tr limes. If evar a man kU Into tnmbl"
will make you gain llesn. U (hrHlgh prov,rtcltaHi tllB lKxir. luck-
you are thin Scott's Emul- loss "mil" is that fitow. Kvery
sion is iust what vou need. flon ' nvBU l0 aew"t for hta
It is one of the greatesv hUn lBt0 a wor,t t HnUi he is
flesh producers known. Not about ready to give dp the ghost
tLnr,f rrntnc K.it ri filth v HusJiawls who want to think up goo-l
temporary gains but healthy, pxf(uw foj. r1m(iIIbk thwnM)lvH
Solid flesh that Will fill OUt oasloHalli- from the connubial nest,
the hody where it is needed, and wfves who have a tteslre to bshoU
There s nothing better than wbw Rway fwm tMr WB-hfMl oye
Scott's Emulsion for weak- ,nould aU see "Hello mil." and they
will learn a thing or two. beside
laughing till their sides ache at Uie
merry fjulp awl screaming situations
of what Is described as the funniest
farclenl oowerty ever. The splendid
fmflftny whkh Messrs. Goodhue &.
K'Uog have gsuhcred tneher for
season's ureoeHtsUuH Inelutloe,
henMes the faverlte cmedlau Harry
UlaksoHXe. who has been espwilally
snslBlKieeiBf lei tHe4s)ttff
For the Most Complete Stock of
CatvetSf Chaiki
and Nickle Plate Wate
at reasonable prices, see
I R. M. WAOE &, CO. I
!! , ;;
i iiaia i ftf aiieHs-tUittet8ini4 !
Phem: Main 3053.
ness and wasting.
WVII tJ r i tutfi itt Hfa TtaiiHl.
SCOTT & HOWNE, 49 foil . Nw Vwt
. .-.-.i-iftimiisifinimt
J0. BECK. this
German Market lis
A 1. 1.
193 Cemmtrclal 3t
0rr Th Journal,
Von did not send mo that order for printing
last month. You had Utter do It now. There
Is no better time to get a fresh supply of ta
tlonery thau Just before the new year If you
order It soon It will be reudy for yon.
Elliott, the Job Printer.
! ! tfuiaaed far the Ulle role, surh well-
known and sterling artMts as Arthur
Oogllscr, Prank Mestyn Kelly.
.. ... . rm Ikt.lllft.. fill.AfnJ.l
, . Ktnnn. r. usrer. runup w(n.
Just oeesed. next door to Har lUnry Atlsffis, the Misses Irene Heb-
.... .i..n. rrooerr store. son. Kathleen Clifford. Kathryn Vln-
. .... w u !! renL AHee iMelfett. anl TaitMne
a eleu. new .... . ,, jIJe H HM mrty at
kinds of meat ean be bad. "(IUnii CrUN at 8:1.
prices and Brempi aeuvery our .,,,
motto We ke a speolalty of J "The Minister's 8on."
ta. German saasase of all A(t-r a serf of torl and over-
. m . a siL 1 " eso4fsss. sealled eeaedles
kinds. Give us s esu. 4 w. . . ... , ,..,- .oiij m
4. wi(H wteir nw"- !"" . -.
4 Bt ttHflHttJTft; and the nnfstsefshle problem jMm
Willamette UniveirsUy
John II. Colkman, PitiaiiDKhT, Saucu, Oiikqon.
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Muslcr
Oratory, Theology.
PREPARATORY DEPARTMET-0r.f n to SlutfenlS lOWt Utiot tltbit itltt it
wrtraeot-lowerrid8ltiprt8ralorvdrirHntBt BtaMts (fordlre
professlonil Irslnln, the University iceU to lve s troronf b judical
educntlon for ill who are aware of the value of trained train.
THE H0RMAL DEPARTMENT-Offere nltborouinccurie In tfce tfctory tnt
practice of teacblar. MeeUallttnnoofrcenla of eiate scbool law
Its ttacbers are in consiaar oemanu,
Catalogue Upon Application
arritt & Lawrence
Sell ore Oroceriea and better Orocerlea tban AKYBOrt
There's vhcre you get GOOD treatment and GftOD pods
Stop in and foryoureelt Ci-D p. 0. aROCKHY.