Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 17, 1903, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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This Is not a political artido hm,.
It la on an emlnontly political sub
JocL It la on Tammnnv fh ...
oTganizattoa which has Just succooded
-tipparontly to tho surprteo of every
bodyin, capturing tho government of
now lore onco. ocain. It n tmrtu
trying lo make English readorn imt.
Btand something of that extraordinary
organization, which now for almost
half a century has succeeded In hold-
iuk uiu government or Now York
with uch a few brlof rennlt h.r.
and there when It had in some way or
othor managod to offend public senti
ment, or u aisappoint prlvato ex
pectations In eomo flagrant manner.
It le. perhaps, tho grcatost and al
most tho flrut lnatanco In modern do
'nlocracy of masses- of men who have
Totes being so bound up together that
their discipline 1b almost as great and
as Iron as that of an army; and, that
undor tho freest government In tho
world, whoro overy man Is tho equal
of tho othor, hundreds of thousands
can Btlll bo moved on tho nnllHrnl
chess board by a fow men, and some
times oy one man, as though they
woro tho morest pawns upon a chess
board. Though I havo boon often In Kaw
iYork, tho first time I ever really ap
preciated what the Tammany organl
i zatlon meant was whon I waa dlBcusa
ilng with an Irlsh-Amorlcan tho
! cbancoa of Mr. Blaine, who waft flght-
Irjg for tho presidency with Mr. Clove-
land. I was undor tho Impression that
rMr. Cleveland was going to win It
! turned out aftorwards that tho lm.
iproslon was correct whon my friend
tunica round to mo and said: "Do
you realize that tho presidential
election Is ultimately decided in tho
atroota of Now York?" This set mo
to thinking How could It bo that so
Insignificant a portion of tho mighty
'wholo could bo tho pivot of so great
' a national ovent ois tho election of tho
chief nilor of tho nation?
And yot tho boast was do a cortaln
extent Justified. In tho United States
i thcro aro throo groat divisions, First,
thoro aro tho states that aro Bolldly
: and staunchly republican. Thon there
Steel and Gold Beads and Jewels for Collars,
Shopping Bags, Rubber Balls, Dolls and
Animals, The Burro Books and Pictures.
Variety Sto?e,
C99e99m0OO999999WO9999m99999e9C9WM9 1
There is No
The House Furnishing
Salem. 269 Liberty Street.
miammrlMlllltlf ! iaiailWWWWWWttW
We do what we Claim I!
We kill and rtfmove cancers and
Read the testimony of a
! ! TO THE PUBLIC. In justice
,orlM mav tnnw u hat rrreat
! ! ;frtrm thm that I hnve heen
. IIIIU1IH ,11V........ ...-,--
! ! for the past fifteen months
i ..aA (mm mv niimntnrv
P ... nmnrthc larar 3
lliuvt j j
. i - infActino Akn another cancerous eruwtn lrom
!! off my right right foot and another from my right;;
.u " u TMc Leoii hn arromnl shed through medi- ?
This has all been
;; cines&l'one, they killing the growth and the spider like ..
roots and nature itself casting them, off, without the ;;
; ; aid of knife or surgery, i do nor dc neve i uuu.u ., ; ;
ii found equally successful treatment anywhe. n ;
:: word and cneenuuy iciu...a.m r. ,:'r.:i '
Botanical Doctor, to all who read this testimonial. ; ;
: ! n J Soencer. We can do as mnch for you or more . .
; ; if you need it.
8 DentscBer Botanical Doctor. Cures
aro tho states that are solidly and
staunchly democratic. Tho third, and
in some rospectn tho most Important,
section Is what aro known as- the
doubtful states that Is to say, the
states that at ono -election voto for
tho democrat and nt another for tho
republican ticket. It is these Btates
which ultlmatoly decide tho struggle.
Of theso doubtful states tho most
Important Is tho state of Now York
indeed, it may bo said that, as a rule.
Now York stato decides tho presl
dontlal election, unloss perhaps there
is somo extraordinary wavo of feeling
which swoops all bofore It and which
makes tho candldato so strong In tho
other states as to bo Independent oven
of Now York. But In ordinary times
Now York, with her thirty-six votos
In a presidential olectlon, docs say the
final word.
Thus you havo already reduced the
vast colloctlou of over forty states
down to ono no tho decisive factor.
But tho process of reduction must go
still further. In tho midst of tim
state of Now York aro New York and
uio different adjoining cities which,
undor recent legislation, havo been
added to New York, of which Brook
lyn Is tho mcut populous and tho most
notable. It Is evident that these
great cities, together counting over
two millions must havo tho declslvo
lnfluonco upon tho entire voto of tho
stato of Now York, and In normal
circumstances It Is as New York City,
or grcatro Now York, as It Is now
called, that tho stato of Now York
But this Is not tho end of tho pro
cess of reduction. Tho city of Now
York In Its turn Is govornod by Its
municipality and Its mayor and othor
municipal offlccrs. They, then, In
turn dccldo what tho voto of tho city
shall be. But again, they In tholr
turn aro chosen by tho Tammany or
ganization If they happen to belong to
tho democratic party Tammany In
Its turn Is govornod by a small board
of men I think tho numbor Is under
twenty. And at tho head of thl-s
board Is tho "boss." Tho "boss," If
a man of powerful Individuality, gov-
Miss A. M. Welch,
Excuse I
for not milking somebody happy duriny tbo
presont holidays. If you can't find tho
necessary article at othor places, come to us,
wo havo made every effort to supply you
with a great variety lrom which to mako "
selection. Toy Work Tables for the child- j
ren, Rockers for all ages, Music Racks and j
Cabinet Book Shelves and Cases, Pedestels,
Screens, Pictures, Picture Frames, Parlor j
Tables, Leather Couches and Rockors, Morris
Chais. Open evenings.
tumors without the aid of a knife.
prominent Salem man:
to Dr. Cook, and tnattne ,
. ..,.,! aH
WOFK ne 15 QOIIlKi I wish iu .
takincr treatment from him
, y , . .,
and in mar. iime nc n c- .
ranal three tumors of can'
fl man's hand.
t. ,A oil frntn ihp ''.
accomplished through
-. IU..tu A
an Diseases- ;... - j
" u
11 i ' i i
Qm Her Feet
All day longjuio racking with pain froth
her head to her heels. That la what
many a self-supporting girl must experi
ence. On those
days each month,
when in other cir
cumstances she
would go ,to bed,
she must still be
at the desk or
counter and Strug-
le through the
ay as best she
Backache, head
ache, and other
pains caused by
womanly diseases
by Dr. Pierce's Pa-
vorue rresenp
tion. It cures
the cause of these
pains. It estab
lishes regularity,
dries enfeebling
drains, heals in
flammation and
ulceration and
cures female weak
neas. mates
weak ttvmett
strong and sick
women wtll.
"I hare taken your medicine with the cmtett
MtUftctlon, writes Mr. George Rlehl. of I.nck
port Station, Westmoreland Co., renna Your
Favorite Preacrtntton ' baa cured me of uterine
trouble thai I auOered from for fifteen vrar,aud
painful monthly trouble. I can honestly aay- I
can work a whole day and not ret Ured. and
before taking Dr. Pierce', medicine 1 alwayt
felt tired. My pain l all none and I feel like a
new person. I tuITcted with headache all the
time, but have no headache now alnce taking
your medldne. I have been cured of trouble,
ihal 1 auflcrert from Tor fifteen year, and the
best doctor In the state could not cure me."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of a i one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
R. V. Hcrce, Buffalo, N. Y.
crns this board, and thus It comes
down to thlu, that, Just one man may
bo tho decisive factor In tho choice
of tho candldato and his olectlon to
tho presidency of tho Unltod States.
It is one of tho most astonishing
results of pure domocracy ono of tho
results that oven the most clear
sighted political phllosophors did not
entirely anticipate. Eighty millions
of peoplo with manhood sufforago,
oqual franchise for all, porfoct equal
ity, an amount of Individual indepen
dence never reached by any com
munity In tho world before millions
morcovor, with a higher lovel of edu
cation, with greater Individual self-
reliance, with mora hopofulnoaj and
ki.inoss than any population that
ovor was created eighty millions of
that kind of peoplo Anally dopendont
for the cholco of tholr almost abso
luto rulor on the will of ono man!
It Is a responsibility and a power be
fore which even that of tho ezar seoms
There is this enormous dlfforenco,
howovor, betweon tho position of tho
"boai" and that of tho czar that tho
"boss' has to win his position by his
own onormotis strength of character,
and that, dlfllcult au It Is to got his
position, it must oven be more difficult
to retain It,
One peculiarity noarly ovory "boss"
of Tammany has had. and that Is reti
cence Tho man who gets to that
dizzy omlnonco Is novor a mnii fa
mous for his oloquonco or for his
power of swaying multitudes by his
pominsivo gifts. Tho leadors of Tam
many havo boon of all kinds, so far
as education was concerned; some of
thorn havo boon almost Illiterate. Hut
thoy havo all had somo kind of po
litical genius, and all have had that
curious kind of charactor which im
presses and controls men. It may bo
brute courage, It may bo Arm will,
it may bo the tight grip of tho born
conqueror and advonturor; whatover
It Is, it Is a quality which brings In
stlnctlvo and Inevitable obedlonco.
Eight millions of free born, fiercely
assertive citizens at Uio disposal, in
tholr mightiest affairs, of ono man's
will was thoro ever a development so
singular, so unexpected, so remark
ablo In tho various systems that gov
ern mankind? Tacoma Lodger,
No homo la completely furnished
until it contains a handsomo clock.
Wo havo kinds enough to suit any
fancy. At W. Calvet', pracUcal
watchmaker, No. 158 State street.
Omer Folds His Tent
Omor Konyoh left Sunday for IJno
vlllo to visit a special friend. Beth
any (Mo.) Republican.
We have a fine tract of timber
land near Cottage Grove
1000 acres will make
about 4 million feet to 1-4
section. From 100 rods
to 1 1-2 miles of river
This is a snap.
Three or four iouses for salo on
Installment plan, from 1 160 to I WO.
Small payment down.
If you have property to sell Or rent,
or want to buy or sell, trado or ex
change for other property of any
kind, or if you want a loan or insur
ance, see II. It. liran & Co, 10-JC-tf
R; R. Ryan
rifc '"'
How's ThlaT
Wo offer ono hundred dollars re
ward for any case of catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Haifa Catarrh
Cure. F. J. CHENEY A. CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
We, tho undersigned, havo known
F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years,
and bellovo him porfectly honorable
in all business transactions and finan
cially ablo to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm.
WEST & TRUAX, Wholosalo Drag
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c
por bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are tho boat
Market Quotations Today,
Capital City Milts Quotation.
Bryant & Penned, Prepa.
Wheat 75c.
Buckwheat 80a
Poultry at Stelner'a Market.
Chlckons 8010c.
Eggs Per dozon, 30c
Turkoys 12 mg 16c.
Ducks 910c.
Hop Market.
Hops 1922c.
. Potatoes,. Vegetables,
Potatoes 30c.
Onions t He
Dried Fruits.
Poaches 10c.
Apricots 10c.
Apples 10c.
Potlto prunos 4c.
Italian prunes 6c.
Wood, Tenet Poets,
Rig fir 34.00.
Second-growth $3.60.
Afh-13.00 to 33.76.
Body oak 34.60.
Polo oak 34.00.
Cedar posts 12Ho.
Hides. Pelts and Pure.
Oreon Hides, No.' 1 6c.
Oroon Hiues, No. 2 ic.
Calf Skins 406c.
Bhoep 76c.
Goat Sklnc 26o to 31.09.
drain anti Frour.
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mill
Oats 32c.
Barley 218.60 por ton.
Flour Wholesale 13,00.
Live Stock Market
Stcors 3c
Cows 2Hc. i ' ' '
Shcc 2Ua
Drcsjcd veal CHc.
Dressed hogs Cc. ' r'
Uvo hogs 4c.
Mutton 2c per pound.
Veal CWc
Hay, Feed, Eto.
Balod cheat $11.
Bale' clovor ?10Otll.
Bran 320.
Shorts 321.
Creamery and Dairy roduot.
Good dairy butter 20026c
Croamory butter 30c
Cream separator skimmed,
Cora. Croamory, 30o, not.
Wheat Walla W-lIa, 71c072o
Valloy 78c
Flour Portland, best graite, 93.760
33.86; graham,' 33.76.
Oats Cholco Whlto. $1.10
llarloy Feod, $20 por Ion; .oiled,
Mlllstuff Bran, $18.
Hay Timothy, $16
Potatoes 60O$0o
Eggs Oregon ranch, 37ttc
Poultry Chlckons. mired, 10cO
lOo por pound; spring, lie turkoyi,
1ITO. 1214C
Mutton DrosBod, 606c.
Pork Dressed, 66Hc
Boot Drosacd, 66c
VeaJ 808c.
Hops 1903 crop, 16022c.
Wool Valley, 1718cj Eastern
Oregon. ilOlSe; Mohair, 360370.
Hide dry, 1 pounds ani. upwards.
IE to 16H0-
Butter Beat dairy, 20O22c; fan
cy croamory.SOc; atoro 16Q16Hc
AdvtrtlMSMstt. five Ha je er U. tfjaoH
Giierteoihrti ttsMfof ase. iitiylttk $1.50
s Boaia. AU ever meluts sitae wail rate.
Wanted. lloom and board in private
family by young man. Not farther
than four blocks from business sec
tion. Address "L.," care of Journal.
Wanted. A lady would like work by
the day; wages. $1.60 per day. AA
dross "It.." oare of Journal offlse.
i oat A brown chain nurse. Finder
leave wlUi Geo. F. Rodgera, at
bookblndery, and receive reward
12-1 4-3 1
Money FouncL Anyone would feel a
thrill of pleasure to plek up a silver
half-dollar oa the highway. They
aro lying around ready to plek up
(no capita! required) If you are
willing to rustlo and can talk only a
llttlo blL Good for either eex. young
or old. Addreea or oall at Journal
office. jjmu-u
For 8ale Block hog. All sixes of
Poland China hogs. Web. H. Egan,
P. O, Oerrals, routs 2; phone Far
No. 2$. JMMWK
DECEMBER 17, 1903.
Foe e!v A good driving or -work
horse, at -a bargain... A. SV Hofor,
Jr., 8aleaj. U-H-tf
For Dargalne In pruno orchards, see
Derby ft Wilson. 12'10-tf
Vetch Seed for 8lev I havo a quanti
ty of first-class retch seed for salo,
both vnridUes. Call at place or ad
dress F. Achilles, half' mile vest of
ftalsor school house, four miles
north of Salem. 18-10-lmMwk
Three Choice Young Doars Register
ed Dorkshlros; weight 200 pounds;
terms reasonable. Thoeo pigs aro
from tho Ono brood sow I purchased
of Mr. Ladd, paying ft0 for hor.
J. W. McKtuney, Turner, Ore.
Christmas Treo. AU sizes, finest
shapes. Tolephono your ordor for
a Christmas treo to Cl&renco and
Porcy Dlundoll, Morntngsldo. Phono.
Rod 206G. Treoa dollvorcd; prices
low. 12-12-lwk
For Sale Or trado, a flno 10-acro
chlckon or fruit ranch; first-class
buildings and Improvements; close
to school, poatofilco, store and rail
way station. Will trado for city or
nnlmproTod farm proporty. Address
"W. J" Care Journal. 11-6.
For Sale. O. K. Grubbers. Beat In
Oregon; thve aUto proniluma;
one horao haa the power of S9; can
grub an acre a day, Janloo Finnoy,
Brooks, Or. 10-26'-lm
For Sale lnmprovod and unimproved
block proporty In South Salcn. For
Information . inijulro of E. Hofor,
Journal office. 10-D-tf
Choice Farm For Sale. Throo mlloa
northwest ; from Brooks, having
dwolllng hotiso, bam and two hop
houses, 'with SO acres of hops, bal
ance farming land, with running
wator, except enough choice tlmbor
to supply tho placo. M. J. Egan.
For Sate Eighty acron of land In
Washington county, for $460. A
bargain for somo ono wanting to
mako a homo. Borne Umber on tho
placo; some cleared. E, Hofor, Sa
lom, Oregon. 10-C-tf
Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottle
block, by day, weok, or month. Al
so light housekeeping rooms. Elec
tric lights. Opon all hours.
Commorclol SL, No. 333.
Phono; 2066 Main.
MatUo Hutchlns, Prop.
Mrs. L. Campbell Does dressmaking
at her homo, on Uio car lino, near
tho South Balora comotory. Country
trade solicited. 11-18-lm-d-w
We will commence Packing Wednes
day mornliiR. Employes will gov
ern thomBolvos accordingly. Wil
lamette Valloy Pruno Asssclntlon
12-214 3t
Free Dirt About 400 yardB of good
dirt to bo given nwny. Inquire of
Dr. J. H. Drowor, Snlum. 1214-3t
Cabinet Dathe And masaago treat
ment Mrs. M. F. Flfar, hours 9
o 11 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. W. 0. T.
U. hall, phono 2961. 12-11-lwk
Hot Soup Tea and coffee, at tho W.
C. T. U. hall; ontranco Ferry strot.
Hours, 11:30 tola.ni, and 6 to 7
p. m.,
nxcopt Sundays. Phono 2961.
Motor's Darber College Of Salt Lake
City, offers advantages In toachlng
tho trado tnat cannot be had dee
whoro. Avoid schools the Oregon
and California harbors' now laws
aro apt to closo at any time. Write
today for our special offer to dis
tant students. 1M0-Im
The Proper Thing The popular
drink for family uio Is O. S. soda
and carbonated beverages. Every
body should keep theso goods at
their home. Call Up Oldoon Stoli
Co. 'phone 421.
Say Havo you tried Edwards Lusch
or for inoata. Wo havo tho beat
eausago In town. Corao and try It,
and bo convinced. 410 Bast State
Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and beat oqulpped company In Sa.
lora. Piano ard furniture moving
a specialty Office 'phone, 811. W.
W. Brown & Bon, proprietor. Office
No. 60 State street M-1p
Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 297 Commercial
street, upstairs. Singing school
Jludlmental and sight reading class
es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 14th. Class every Wednes
day evening to May 1st. next Tui
tion. $1.00.
Unique Cleaning Roome 8haw A
Johnson, the cleaners, are now lo
cated at 209 Commercial street
They do a general pressing and .re
pairing business. npoouuno.. ".
silk waists, kid gloves, genu' cloth
ing, etc. Phone 2614. 6-28-lyr.
Dr. W. 8. Mott-WUI boreaftoi b
t,nA in the lirov block. 276V4 Com
mercial sueet, (nor Oregon Shoe
Co. Office telephone, 2981; real'
denes phone. 276L Office hours I
to 12. and to 6.
New Sweet Cider, Bend your order ts
tho nearest grocery, or call up
phono 42L Oldoon 8UU A Co.
W. CalveL Practical Watchmaka
' 168 Stato atroot'-CMkoerft spedaKy
of repairing watches, clocks - aat
Jewolry, and guarantees good vretfc
at reasonable prices. lMMyr
Ferguson'a RturanL 86 State
street. Open day and night -Our
20o meals aro bettor than any So
houso in tho state. Six lOo moala
for $1.00; 21 20o m(vala for $3.00.
Valley ledge No. 18, A.O.U.W. UoetJ
In their hall in Holmaa block-corner
8tato and Liberty, crory JJo
day evening. VlslUng brethxea
wolsomo, Roy Mclntlro, M. W. A.
E. vAufraaco, Recorder.
Central Lodge No, i K. of P. Castla
Hall In Uolinan block, corner Stata
and Liberty Bta. Tuesday of eaek
week at 7:30 p. m. A. EL Btraaji
a P.. R. J. Fleming IC of IL and B.
Forester of America Court Skr
wood Forestera No, 10. Meets Fri
day night In Tumor block. 8. W.
Mlnturn. C R.; A. Ix Brown, Bee.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No, 6248. Meeta
every Thursday evening at Q o'cleek
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, T.
O.: A. L. Brown. Clork.
Protection Lodge No. 3, And eat Or
der Unltod Workmen, meota arrery
Saturday evening In tho Holtaaa
Hall, corner Stata and Liberty
streets, VlMtlng brethren welcome,
J. a Graham, M. W.) J. A. Bellwoei
Drs. M. T. Sehoettle, Prank J. Barr
and Anna M. Bsrr. Graduate
American School of Osteopathy,
IClrksville, Mo., scccoasora to Dr.
Oraco Albright ORlc- hourt 9 ts
13 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. H&
Follows' Temple, Phone Mala J7M
'resldenco phone 2603 red.
Evan's Darber Shop Only flrttalan
hop on State street Erory thing
now and up-'o-oato. Finest porce
lain baths. Bhave, 16c; haircut Sfe
bathe, 2(c. Two drat-clsis boot
blacks. Q W. Evans, proprietor.
Hop morcbants, 97 to 09 State
street, Salem, Oregon, Representee!
by Jos. Harris,
WM. DROWN & CO. Hope, Mohair,
wool, hop growora' snppltos. No.
229 Commercial streot Balora, Ore
eon. Phono 1301.
SQUIRE FARRAR Hop merchaat
and purchasing agent No. 2U
Commercial streot, upstairs, Balers,
Oregon. Phone 1061.
T. A. LIVEBLEY A CO Doalors la
(ops and hop suppllos. Phone 1211,
dice room IS Oborhotm .bldg, Sa
lem. Oregon.
J. CARMICHAEL Hop buyor. Offias
In Ilush-Breyman building, Bales,
OroRon. Samplos of choice hopsso
licited from all growers,
CATLIN A LINN Hop buyers. Room
8. Buih-Broyman block, Salem. Ore
gon. Phono 1431.
ars. Room 2. Murphy block, Sales,
Oregon, Telephone No. 371.
wATen company.
For water sorvlcJ apply at offlwu
Bills payable monthly In a4raae.
Mao all complaints at the office.
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and passenger trains
Baggage to all parts of the city.
Prompt service. Telephone No. S4L
0 Jurt Arrived.
A carload of wovon wire fencing.
Bpoolel prloes till Decombor Ills,
Poultry Netting, Shingles and P. A B.
,t0 Court Street
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene, ta
White Corner, Salem. Oregon, Parties
desiring superior operations at moo
erst foe In any branch aro In especlatf
208 Commercial Street
Regular Dinner at Noon 25c
Meals at all hours
Service n la Carte
a ECKERLBN, Proprietor
7or Infants asd Children.
Tta Kind Yea Kavi Always Mit
Bears the