Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 17, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Christmas "
Ctt Glass . H
A Series of Gleaming Gems.
Among art the choice and beautiful Christmas gift, which the Darr
Store contains, nothing attract, .o much admiration from Christ.
UDSoPemuCh9rthe "UPerb ,"h0W,n0 f HaWke'8 Cut Q,aM "h,c" te
up so much room In .everal of our .paclou. cases. We believe that no
rZ H uC" n?'38 " Ch,Ce r " eXte"8,Ve Wa .hownTn Sate"
Tho Hawke's Glass, as all connoisseurs know, I, one of the most no-
notable product of American Industrial art. In cleanness and prismatic
purity of color, In permanence of lustre, and In beauty of form and
artistic accuracy of cutting, Hawke'. Glass outclasses any other that the
market holds. Among other beautiful Christmas pieces we offer the
follewing: x
Pepper and Salt Shaker. 85c to $2.50; Knife Rests, $2.45; WaTeV
Bottles, $4.00 to $9.00; Bon Bon Dishes, $2.25 to $8.00; Fruit Bowls,
$5.00 to $20.00; Sugar and Cream Sete, $7.00 to $1830; Celery Dishes,
$6.25 to $10.00; Vases, $2.25 to $20.00 and many other exquisite piece
rEach one nicely packed In a neat box for Christmas delivery, If you
so desire.
Need we Invite you to come and nee them?
Corner State and Liberty
VH-Hrt:tH II I i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 I
Social Realm!
In the
Sttpt. James la in Portland on busi
ness. Jasper Wllklns hayloft for his home
in Coburg.
George Dorcas was a pusscngor for(
I'oriiana mis morning.
George Cbandlor loft last evening
for his homo at Bnkor City.
Jul! b Plncus, tho hop dealor, went.
to Tho Dallas tins morning on busi
ness. Mrs. McCluro and daughter, of
Klamath Falls, aro visiting with Mrs.
Governor Chamberlain roturnod this
morning from Itosoburg, whero he in
spected tho soldlors homo.
W. H. Chatton returned to Portland
this morning, hav(ng attondod the
Ollngor-Matthows wedding yostarday.
L. Solomon, of Portland, manngor
of the Kuqltablo Llfo, vao a Salem
visitor yostorday, returning homo this
Mn and Mrs. O. C. Overman loavo
tonight for Santa Ana, California, thnlr
old home, after a stay of two months
in this city.
Hon. W, II. Wohrung returned to
his homo at Illllsboro. Ho loavos In
a fow days for St. Louis, to take
charge of tho Orogon oxhlblt at Uio
Louisiana exposition.
A. O. U. W., Attention.
All A. O. U. Wt and D. of II. mom
bors aro Invited to bo at their hall
Saturday evening. Brothor D. Soils
Cohon, of Portland, will bo with us.
M .. . GEO. E.
Wholesale Tobacconist and
Qgat Dealer
Largest Stock in
A clear Havana 12c cigar. For
stein, Manufacturer, 8alem, Oregon.
Is a necessity In making your Met of
purchases (or gifts Here ybu will find
the largett variety, the highest quality,
the lowest prices. Wa havo Watohea
with reliable movements, in the ateet
style of cases, $2.60 to $30 00, cbatelafns.
rings, earrings, brooches, all kinds of
fine jewelry.
Jeweler and Optician, 288 Com. Sl
Give Us Your
Pumpkin Pies
At the Calilornia Bakery.
Streets, Salem, Ore.
Accident at the Pen.
Valontlno Bauer, a prlsonor nt tho
penitentiary, whlio going about his
work as gardonor of the Institution
yesterday, slipped on a wet board and
fell, sustaining ono of tho worst frac
tures of tho thigh bono ovor seon by
tho local physicians. Tho infortunato
man was remoyed to tho hospital,
whoro Drs. Shaw and Byrd did what
was possible for him.
Bauor was at work around tho onion
bods, and, whllo In tho act of remov
ing the glass covers, ho stepped on a
slanting board, slipping in such a way
as to twist his right lok, breaking tho
thigh bono In two placos, ontlroly sov
oring a small particle of tho bono. The
surgeonB think It Imposslblo to set tho
bono bo as to make it knit properly,
without wiring It. and thoy oxpect
tins oporation will havo to bo per
Bauer was mndo as comfortable as
poaslblo In the hospital, and Is ro
colvlng tho best of caro. Ho Is a 10-
year man, from Washington county,
nnd was sont hero on tho chargo of as
sault with a dangorous weapon. He Is
a German nnd a good prteonor, stand
ing woll In tho estimation of the ofll
cors. Lincoln School Program.
Tho teachers and pupils of Lincoln
school have arranged to glvo an on-
tortalnmont for their school library
fund on Friday evening of this wook
at tho school house. There will bo a
Christmas cantata, and musical and
lltorary numbers, Tho price of admis
sion will bo 10 conts, Kvoryono Inter
ostod In tho school work In that neigh
borhood is Invited to bo prosent. There
will bo ono vory commondnblo foaturo
two choruses of 100 children encn.
Willamette Valley p
by all dealers. Aug Hucken-
r covmi
Order For
- JVSKr- WJL" -v
Important Matters
That Are Being Pro
motedfor the City
Practical Work Will Be Done
to Get the Chemawa Mo
tor Line Constrncted
This Summer
Secretary Graham Is kont vnrv imav
these days answoring correspondence
from Eastern inquirers for homes In
tho city, and lands In tho country. Tho
domand Is so great that tho executive
committeo has hail tn nvnll a Inrn-n
block of tho pamphlets sent to tho!
narnman syniucnte, to uso for East
orn pcoplo, who havo not seen thorn.
Tho Flax Industry.
Tho Greater Salem Commercial ninh
has taken Btops to collect Information
anout tho relative profits of flax qui
turo, for fibre and seed, as cordparcd
to growing wheat and other crops.
A committeo Is at work 16 gnthor
this Information and It will im Hvi.n
tho widest publicity to oncourago put
ting out at least a thousand acres of.
The establishment of tho flax Indus
try, and. securing the construction of
a linen mill for this community Is tho
most Important work before tho club.
Motor Line Extension.
Mr. Lloyd Reynolds hns been added
to tho committeo on tho oxtenslon of
tho motor lino to Chemawa. Mr. Rey
nolds will secure some valuable sta
tistics about tho amount of population
to bo served, tho traffic In fruits, dairy
products, and prospects of right of
Tho lino could be built along tho
county highway via Hayosvlllo and
across to Chemawa, or down tho west
side of tho Southern Pacific. Somo of
the farmers along this lattor route
have already offered to glvo tho right
of way, and on that lino tho enrs would
get Into Chemawa without crossing
tho Southern Pacific tracks.
Southern Pacific Improvements.
mo executlvo committeo of
Again and again we've called your attention to our exquisite 5
line of dolls both dressed and undressed, with sewed wigs and W
mentioned the fact we need room for our gigantic stock of books, Ml
I We've become desperate with determination to dlspoce of every 2
" doll. You are foolish to go elsewhere, when we are nlvlnn bin W
Qp reductions.
H . S
9 Patten's Book Store, 2
Comm.Tclal Club have positive nssur
anco from Manager Koehler, of the
S. P. Co., that the grade on Twolfth
streot will bo lowered through the city
and that the Improvement will be
made early In tho coming spring. The
company would undertnko this at one
If the community Insisted upon It, but
tho work can be done better and
cheapBr after tho weathor settles. Mr.
Koehler will also give somo attention
to Improving the depot grounds, which
10 improving inu ucpoi Krounus, wmcu
havo boon neglected tho puBt year,
and havo already bogun to fill In
Trado street on both sides with gravel
along tholr tracks.
Met and selected Officers and Dis
cussed the State Fair.
Tho old stato board of agriculture
comploted Its work of examining tho
accounts and premium list of tho last
stato fair yesterday, and adjourned
sinp dlo at 3:15 o'clock yostorday af
ternoon, Tho new board, consisting of
tho two mon recently appointed by
tho governor to succood W. H. Wea
ning and J. Hi Settlomler, resigned.
and tho throo holdover mombera, at
onco convoned, and olocted offlcors foe
tho next yoar. Tho board now con
sists of the following members:
Qeorgo Chandler, torm expires
March 14, 1904; O. A. Westgato, Al
bauy, March 14. 1905; Frank Lee.
Portland, March 14, 1906; W. H.
Downing. Shaw, March 14, 1907; Jas
per WllklM, Coburg. March 14. 1M7.
lee and Downing succeed the retiring
The election of ohleora resulted as
shown below :
President Gsorg Chandler. Hak-r
Vlce-prealdcnt Jasper Wllklns,
Treasurer a. hum. Balers.
Secretary Wylle A. Moores. SaImh.
President Chandler wae appointed a
deletcaU to the North Pacific Pair As
sociation meeting In Portland In Jan
uary, when the date of the fairs lu
tho dlutrtet will be named, so as not
to coofltt After a discussion of the
matters connected with the future of
the state fair, and plans for next year s
me-t. the board decided to poetpone
the selection of the rn nor otOeer of
the fair nntil a meeting to be called
early In February by the president A
finance coranMUee was appointed, con
etoUng of W. H. Downing, a A. Went
gate and Jasper WiBrtna, after which
Schilling's Best and good
judgment are one and the same,
with the world to choosofrom,
Your grocer's'; moneyback.
tho board adjourned subject to tho
call of he. president. A '.,
The Nevy Secretary. ' ' '
The no'w secretary , of Oho board Is
ono of Salem's most popular "met, a
mombor of one of tho old pioneer lam
Hies, and rjrominoat In fratotual cir
cles. Ho has for raany yeara beon
tho chief assistant of the secrotary of
auv biuio uoara or agricultu.ro, and
thoro Is probably no othor man In the
stato who Is as well Informed oh the
work of that office, and tho needs of
tho board as Is Wyllo A. Mooros. Ho
Is thoroughly familiar with all phasos
of the work. In touch with ovory de
partment of tho fair and knows tho
leading race horso men nnd exhibitors
On the Pacific coast, with all of whom
ho Is on terms of intimacy. Ho was
warmly supported for tho position by
the best friends of tho fair, as soon as
It was knor that ho would be a can
didate for tho plnco In enso Mr. Wis
dom decided to rotlro from tho posl
lion, but he was loyal to that gentle
man, and urged him to again tako tho
place. Mr. Moore Is a thorounh ac
countant, a reliable, hard-working nnd
competent man, nnd will mako an ex
cellent secretary of tho board, and.
with tho offico located hero, will bo
nblo to look after tho Interests of tho
fair to tho beat possible advantage.
His election Is a credit to tho hoard.
and will bo recalvcd with pleasuro by
all vho know Mr Moores, nnd appro
ciato his sterling worthi
, Mr. Moores Is at present clerk of
Snlem Camp, No. 118, Woodmon of tho
World, with a membership of nearly
550, and has Just been elected for his
sjxtu year, the longest terra of offlco
ever nom by a mombor of that organ!
Jaatlon, showing tho confidence has
f raters place in him. and tho estoom
In which ho Is held
by thoso who
know him best.
1 ' m j )
Not' Our Thomas.
In Tho Journal a fow days ago, la
a list of sleepers rooming at tho city
pall, appeared tho namo of Thomas
Caufield. This Is not tho woll-known
Salem man of that name, who returned
to fils city a fow woeks ago from his
Polk county farm, to spond tho winter
horo. Mr. Cauflold has beon Joked n
good doal In tho last fow days In rt
gnrd to this Item, but ho takes It good
naturedly, and. while It cost him n
few cigars, he thinks tho Joke a good
ono. His nninesake, who slept ono
night In tho city Jail, was a tramp
who, on being released from his
night's frco lodging, nt onoo struck
tho trull for a wnrmor and more con
gonial climate. In which to spond tho
rest of tho wlntor. nnd it Is likely that
Mr. Cauflold the Salem capltnltst.
Will never set oves on tho Rtrfltiirnr nt
I that namo.
.. mo a j
I AuS. VlQO. W. Gray DCpartCd
From This Life After
Gradual Decline
At the family rosldonco. In Salem,
Oregon. Wednesday. December 17.
1903. Mrs, Prudonco M. Gray, relict
of tho lato Q W. Gray, agod 72 years,
Mrs, Oray was boru In Anderson,
Indiana March 11. 1831. 8ho was mar
riod to O. W. Oray Juno 30, 1848, and
camo to Oregon with her husband In
1865. She leaves a family consisting
Of Mrs. Ulancho O. Patterson, of Tho
Dalles; Mrs. Oortrudo O. Lownsdale,
of Portland; W. T. Oray. of Seattlo,
Wash.; and Geo. II. Gray, Mrs. Jennie
8, Kyle nnd Chan. A. Gray, of Salem,
rogon, besides numerous grand
children, and great grand children.
Sbo has always beon a consistent
member of tho Methodist church. She
died surrounded by her Immediate
family, all of whom were prosent.
Mrs. Gray was ono of Oregon's noble
pioneer women. She came with her
husband In an early day from Lansing
Iowa. Mr. Gray died in 1900, and she
baa always deeply mourned the lots
of her consort through life. Rhunnlng
public life. Mrs. Gray had a soul that
was tender to any call of the unfortu
nate. She was one of the organisers
and a life member of the Oregon Chil
dren's Aid Society, and for many years
its treasurer. Her social life was one
of concentration on her home and fam
ily, though taking a great Interest In
all the affaire of the community. With
her husband and children she spent
her summers, when able to do so. at
Newport, and, with Mr. Gray, waa
there many winters. Her cheerful
disposition and universal klndnean of
heart were made manifest to friend
and stranger, and she will long be re
membered as one of the sweet and
motherly women of the Capital City.
The funeral will be had from the Gray
family residence on Mate street Fri
day at 1 ji m. Rev. Jehn II. Cole
man, prenidejU of Willamette Unlrerv
alty. will probably conduct the ef
. . a
The Young Ladles' Circle
Of the First Christian ehureh will
boW a boxaar at V. A, LUton'a reoras
en Court street, Saturday, Deoember
191b. Also nome-B.a4e eandy and
luaah served.
ii i.tO hy,
pa J S.H -
ciHiSpv 'i
Where toSGo.
To replenish his Xmaa etorcn. ,
glfto aultablo for men of all agon
traction of what's Insldo, howover,
;; Have Yoa Thought of These Tilings ;;
i -
! For Hosband or Fathet
A Hat
A Suit
A Muffler
An Umbrella
An Overcoat
A House Coat
J For Wife or Mother
$ A Pair of Fine Dlankets
ft An Indian Robe for a
Couch Cover V
f tar"a:iy?yF:JJl-, 'i'yt'J-JfJ-JTTJ
T If you'd like to make a present of a pair of gloves and don't know 5
S the slxe, come to us, and we'll see that you run no risk. Z
Tax on Them Must Ue Paid A New
Ordinance inereon la a oiem
Wlnder. Chief I-nno will shortly bogln the
annual raid on Corvnllla dogs. Tho
signs aro that ovory dog-ownor in
town will havo to pay a tax or 1IV0
to sea his boloved canlno climb tho
goldon Btalr. A now Iron-clad, stool
ribbed nnd turrotcd ordinance has
beon passed that douls out fatal death
to all canines on which no tnxoH nro
pntil. It Impo&ps a tax on a dog for
living, fines tho ownor tUat refuses to
pay the tax, flnos any man Hint Inter
fomi with tho chief in tho dlechargo
of his duty, and otherwise dlBitenses
big troublo to any and all things or
men that conspire to dofont tho ends
of Justice, as pertaining to the public
tax on doRH Tho tnx falls duo mi
tho first Monday in January, ami on
that dny tho new stem-winder, with
Chief Lnne nt the helm, will go into
operation, to tho unquestionable tor
ror of all dogs and their owners.
Tho ordinance provides that every
porson who owns or hnburs a dog In
Corvallls slmll. on or before tho first
Monday In January pay a tax of ono
dollar on male doss and two dollant
on female dogs. The payment of the
tax entitles tho payer to a motnl tag.
which must be kept displayed on tho
collar of the dog. It It made tho duty
Buy and Sell j
To Loan
I Salem Abstract
and Land Co. 1
j F.W. WATERS, Hgr.
! Three New Shapes
; ; In Hliichor and Bui shoes
! ! New last, best fitter on
;; earlh
i See our new enamel and box
ii calfflhotta at . ,
! ! o 9 stif e St. Siltn. Ortffoi.
! W(ieoaiisgnnitfiitiiiH
r. tSff:
Our big windows aro fillod with
and tasten. Thoy can show but a
and our nda can do no mora than
, i
For Brother or Sweetheart ! !
A Suit Case
A Fancy Vest
A Fancy Shirt
,,,iA, Pair of Cloyes
A Pfl'r Pf cyff RHftni
Fo? th LHtfe Laci
A Hat , A Sweater
A Oult A Necktie
A dllk Handkerchief
u Z
of the chief of police to "aclxe, kill nnd
properly bury" all dogs on wblcu tho
tax Id not paid, provided such dog bo
kopt In the pound 48 hours before
said death by vlolonco. Any ownor
who refuses to pay tho flno or ltooa
a collar with met til tag on hie dog
shall ho fined not loss than 5 nor
more than file. Any ponton who hln
dent or molests any officer discharg
ing his duty under tho ordlnanco shall
tin flnod not less than $10 nor mora
than $50. Corvallls Times.
W. Calvot, practical watchmaker,
158 iltato street, will fix your clock
and watch In a workmanllko manner,
nt reasonable prlcos, and guarantees
his work for ono year. cod
Our Winter Business
A comploto lino of umbrella
covers to eolcct from, prloos from
$1.00 up. Handles 2ic up.
To fit all makoe of wiicole,
Sfiipp & Hatise?
Opposite Capital Nat Bank.
Football Supplies
HE!? Jiie&i