Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 17, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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Scrlpps NTs Association Telegrams.
1 3 and 6 O'clock Edition.
& Xt&Y.HOFER..bRofHERe.
Dally One Vear, $4.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Months, 91.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier. 50 Cants Ptr Month.
Weekly One Year, 91.00 In Avance.
Oue Week $ 10
One Month 86
Throo Months 1.00
Att Journal office.
At DaueM Grocery, South Salem.
At Dewersox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery 8tore.
Electric Grocery, East State 8L
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 M 1 1 l-M-H-HHH-fc
DoJrymon'ff association, Corr&lUs,
Dccombor 1516,
Peel try and pot stock show, Salem,
Docombor 17-1&.
Spoclal session of tho legislature,
Sftlom, Dccomber 21. .
'National.. livestock., contortion,
Portland, January 12-15.
Angora, goat shOT, Dallas, Janu
fUT 14.15.
The Weather.
Tonight and Thursday, cloudy, with
occasional rain; cooler.
Thoao prlvnto cltlzons who support
tho Creator Sal am Commercial Club
by tholr presonco, or by tholr buu
Bgriptlon are to bo commended for
tholr patriotism, and ontorprlse.
It 1ft onsy to bo Interested In somo
thing or somo ono out of which rela
tion profit comos to. tho individual.
But without tho highor and moro un
selfish public spirit thore Is no munic
ipal progress posslblo.
Tho advnntago of bolonglng to n
church or lodgo or political party are
npparont' and tangible) But tho hlgh
or cltlzonfllllp a oxprosscd by thoso
who arc willing to glvo ovon a amnll
amount to promote Uio gonoral wol-faro.
Heading ovor tho proceedings of tho
Commercial Club ono Is always Im
pressed with tho fact that tho matters
thoy nttc to aro not llkoly to recolvo
attention In nny otlior wny.
So tho tlmo tho club tnkos from
nhy oltlzon or tho cash ho pays for
membership dues nro a sacrifice that
Is for tho common good and henco
entirely In tho lino of unsolflsh labors
for tho community.
13vory year tho newrjpnpors, tho
utarolcoaparo and tho faces of tired
olerUii nppanl to tho public to -shop ear
ly. Kvory year thore nro thousands nnd
thousands of persons who put on hol
iday buying until tho laHt week beforo
Christmas, and pay well for their de
lay. Christmas Is n matter of planning.
Nearly ovor)' ono buys something fot
somebedy: figures nbout how much
monoy may bo oxponded. and how it
shall be spent. These plans are made
days and woelM ahead. It In only hu
man to want nil you can get for tho
monoy, In goods nnd courteous treat
ment. You enn shop NOW with plonsure
and profit. Tho clerks aro not run to
death, nnd thoy take tlmo to nnswor
alt your questions, show you nn un
limited nmnunt of goods, and help you
dealdo what would host pleaso the
boy, or most appoal to tho Ideas of a
If you wait you will become a part
of a holiday riot.
You will bo angry, bocauso It Is dif
ficult to koop one's temper whon you
aro, olbowod. crowded, stopped on,
and: tho clork who Is waiting on you
Is trying, also, to attond to tho urgent
wanta of a dozan other customers.
You will got a hotter selection by be
ing! early. You will not hear tho fa
miliar "I'm vory sorry but wo sold tho
last ono yosterday." Thore will bo no
trouble about dollvory, and you will
And Christmas shopping a pleasure-.
Instead of a task.
Ilest of nil. you can be kind You
can distribute and therefore llghton
tho labors of tho stor people. Decem
ber Is a tragedy In tho lives of some
of Uhho girls behind tho collators.
Thay work for you until they aro al
most norvnue wrooks.
You onn bo of great assistance to
You can bo kind to those that work
la tho storo
By shopping early.
Thore nro persons ro sanslUvo that
thqy oonsldor It a personal affront to
refyf to their public record during a
The right to overhaul the acta of any
political party In a state, county, city,
or naUouul campaign cannot be denied.
I low would any program become
possible In the affair of t(overnmfit
If Individual notions In public offices
ooifld not be pointed outT
No one will prtotul that this right
does not belong to uewtipapors, nnd
no one vhould admit for u moment that
it Is not campaign argument
Tho wtHMure ot tne r001"1! of nny
publlo olllolal, If there Is anything
worth mentioning Is a duty of a news
paper often disagreeable.
Somo of the Cltlsons were very
glad to have Tho Journal expose the
bad rooord made by tho Republicans
when they wore turuod out of the city
Some of these satno men wEo ro
Jolood tnost when when, their oppo-
samo servlco is rondored tho commu
nity at their expense
Tho corn is always most comfort
able on tho othqf fellow's toot We
laugh heartiest when tho Joke Ib 6ri
the other follow.
But the ngnt to rotor o uie rocoja
made by any official, high or low, or
oven any prlvato citizen's connection
with public affaliu, cannot be aban
doned in a free country.
'me now city council should unite
in asking tho Marion county delega
tion to strike out of the Greater Salem
charter tho road poll tax qualification
Imposed on voters.
It is wrong in principle to impose
any taxing or property qualifications
on the voter.
In Its practical operation It will re
sult In less and lees payment of the
tax. and less voting.
Even on the ono trial mado in the
four wards of tho old city, tho result
vfiii to keep many from voting, and to
keep many from paying.
Men will nolthor vote or pay under
compulsion. Tho freer mon are to
cast tholr ballot and the moro difficult
to brlbo, and tho more secret tho bal
lot, tho better tho result In good gov
ernment. Tho educational Influence of tho
poll tax restriction Is evil, and ovll
only. Tho object lesson of the young
man or first voter casting a ballot, for
which some candidate or campaign
committee puts up $3 00 is not en
nobling. Thinking mon of all parties will
agree- that tho poll tax restriction
Bhould bo abolished before thero Is an.
other city election, and that will have
to bo done at tho special session.
At a Iowostlmalo, not ovor half the
vote of Creator Salem was cast at tho
recent city election.
Tho Elks seem to bo ono lodge that
puts n premium on pure sociability.
The Eddy bill Is raising about one
sixth of tho state revenue tho first
year It is In existence. Next year It
will ralso one-fifth. Of courso, the
farmer law-makers will be hot to re
peal such a law.
Somo people's Ideas of politics Is to
officially doclaro that othor pcopple
aro slnnors, and thon domand that thoy
uo extirpated.
Some of tho Country Jakos at the
Young Republican Club dinner may
surprlso their city cousins when It
comes to oratory.
If tho electric stroot car line can
furnish a bolt lino to tho stato fair
grounds In tlmo for tho noxt fair, and
bo propared to handlo about twice as
many people, It will reduce the busi
ness of tho gang of profoss'ional pick
pockots nbout one-half, and Increase
the attondnnco nt tho state fair.
It would soem that Gonoral Wood
Is a little too much In 'the public oye
for his own good.
Tho woman editor of Tho Dallos
Chronlclo hits the bullseyo this tlme:
"And now comes a silly girl by tho
immo of Dunn, and declares alio will
mnrry the Chicago outlaw, Harry Van
Dlno, ovon on the gallows, If noces
snry. Such creatures show a lack of
good sense and proper mental balance.
There are asylums for Idiots and In
sane, nnd thero should be some place
whoro silly girls like this Miss Dunn
could be Isolated from the respectable
portion of socloty. They should not
bo allowod to bo at large and contam
inate by tholr examplo girls of Imma
ture minds, who aro vory susceptible
to any sonsatlonal Influence."
8outh Salem Personals.
Mrs, Emma Slngloton nnd daughtor,
Dosslo, loft on tho 11 o'olook train
this morning for Eugene, to attend tho
wedding of tholr cousin, Miss May Mc
Allister and Prof. I. Arthur Camber,
of tho Unlvorslty of Oregon, which
takes plaoe Saturday, December 19th.
Tho boat quality and tho loweet
prtcos on Italian strings for violin,
guitar, mandolin and banjo, at W. Cal.
vot's, practical watchmakor, 168 Stato
street, eod
nont8 ware roaUtni take the matter to
heart and beootnp personal whoa the of tlmo. Crook County Journal.
Postmaster up to 8nuff.
An amusing Incident Is said to havo
happened somo tlmo ago to Postmas
tr Summers that Is not too old to
boar telling. It's about snuff.
It seems that ono of our late ad
ditions to Prinevllle's population, who
by the way, came from a southorn
stato. contracted In his early youth
tho habit of using snuff. Upon his ar
rival hero with the habit, he found
that the demand for the artlclo did
not warrant Its being carried In stock
by local merchants, and falling to
control his appetite, he sent to his
hdme state for a fresh supply.
The wrapping around the latter was
strong enough to stand the entire
Journey except the stage ride which
lauded it In this city. In consequence
the mall sack was very liberally
sprinkled with the fine grained fra
grant weed, and when Postmaster
Summers opened the sack he was
taken vvlth a violent fit of sneeclng.
When his good wife went to Investi
gate the Muse she also sneeaed. and
the chorus was soon nugumented by
the nasal explosions otjthelr assist
nub. It took some tlmo to probe the
ma'ter to an understanding, but Mr.
Summers went at it with a sponge
over his face, and when he found the
source of the trouble It is said he used
a gallon of perfume and his whole sup
ply of small pox dlsonfoctants to re
lieve the situation and himself.
The party to whom the package
was conslgnod Is said to havo also
commonced sneezing when ho heard
of his lose and is still keeping up tho
performance. Meral: It's a wise
nose that recognizes anutt In plenty
(By Cornelia C. Bedford; Former
Principal of the New York Cooking
School, in Table Talk.)
Brown Onion Soup
Fried Eols Tomato Sauce
Rolled Flank Steak Brown Gravy
Rtced Potatoes
Scalloped Carrots Lima Beans
Wator Cress and Beet Salad
Caramel Custards
To mnko the soup, peel and cut
fine four largo onions. Heat thrco
tablospoonfuls of butter or clarified
beef drippings; add the onions and
ono scant teaspoonful of salt and cook
slowly until they are a golden-brown
color. Dredge In three tablespoon
fuls of flour and stir often until it is
molstoned and lightly colored. Add
gradually three cupfuls of boiling
water, stirring constantly until thick
and smooUi. Draw to ono side; cover
nnd cook vory slowly for twenty min
utes. Now mix smoothly with It three
cupfuls of hot milk, add white pepper
and moro salt if necessary, and sim
mer for five minutes longer. If a
puree is desired, rub all through a
slevo and reheat. This is a nourish
ing and easily digested soup, henco it
Is especially recommended for child
ren and seml-lnvalids.
For the fish courso tako oilo pound
and a half of skinned and cleaned eols.
If cola aro not obtainable any small
pan fish may be subsetitutcd. Cut In
three-Inch pieces, wash, drain nnd dry
thoroughly in a cloth. Break an egg
in a saucer, add ono tablespoonful of
hot water and beat with a fork enough
to break tho strlngincss without froth
ing It. Have ready a quantity of fine,
dry broad crumbs. Dip each pleco
of fish In tho egg, thon roll in tho
crumbs, making euro that no spot is
loft untouched by tho ogg. As done,
lay each pleco on a pan or board;
do not pllo on one another. For fry
ing, a deop kottlo is safest and host.
Havo In it sufflclont fat to entirely
submorgo tho fish. Any kind of fat
may bo used; a very good combination
is equal parts of lard and clarified
beef suot. Heat tho fat until a thin
bluo smoko rises from tho center as
well as round tho Bides; test by drop
ping In a pleco of bread; It should
brown within half a minute. If you
havo a frying basket dip It first In
tho fat to groaso it, arrnngo in it four
or flvo pieces of the fish and plunge
In tho ho't fat; If not, uso a wire' spoon
Draw ho kettlo asldo a little so that
tho fish will bo browned In from four
to flvo mlnutos as tho plocos nro not
thick tho Intense heat will cook them
In this tlmo. Lift out and drain for
a moment qn unglazod paper. Whon
there are several on t-o market which
can be bought for about thirty cents
each. After paring and boiling in
salted water drain tho potatoes and
put through tho press Into a hot bowl.
Season with butter, salt and peppor,
add a spoonful or two of hot milk,
then put again through tho press,
dropping tho flakes into tho dish in
which they aro served.
Mdny persons do not appreciate the
good qualities of carrots, and in some
families they never appear as a spec
ial dish. They should bo on tho reg
ular list for they contain a large per
centage of Iron, and tend to promote
a clear, pink and whlto complexion.
Select thoso of medium size; wash
and scrape sufflclont to make a pint
when cooked. Bell In enough salted
wator to baroly cover. When tender
cut in nair-incn dice. Mako a sauco
with ono tablespoonful of butter
cooked for three minutes; add one
half of a cupful of tho water In which
they wore boiled and ono half of a
cupful of rich milk, and whon smooth
ly thickened season with salt and
pepper. Put carrots and sauce) in
alternate layers in a baking dish,
cover with two-thirds of a cupful of
flno, dry crumbs, mix with ono table
spoonful of melted butter and place In
a quick ovon nutll browned.
'Dried lima beans should bo picked
ovor, washed and soaked for twenty
four hours in cold water; then
drained, covored with fresh cold wator
and simmered very slowly until ton-
dor. This will take at least four hours
and they should bo seasoned when two
thirds dono. Half nn hour beforo
serving thicken by adding a table
spoonful of flour mixed to a thin
paato with cold wator. If parsley is
llkod chop a little vory flno nnd
sprinklo ovor thom whon In the sorv
Ing dish.
For tho salad uso threo red beots
which havo boon standing In vinegar
for a fow hours at least. Wash and
dry a bunch of watercross and or
rnngo it In tho salad bowl. On this
lay tho boets cut In dlco or fancy
shapos and sprinklo with a dressing
mado by mixing four tablospoonsful
of salt nnd ono-tblrd of a teaspoonful
of popper, thon slowly adding ono
tablespoonful of lemon Juice or vino
gar. Early In tho day put two-thirds of n
cupful of granulated sugar In a clean
frying paw. Stir ovor a moderate flro
using an Iron spoon. As It hoats tho
sugar will lump llko tapioca, then
gradually molt to an ambor-colored
Bymp. Do not let It bocorao too dark
or It will bo bitten. Pour a portion of
Old Saofa
in the
Line of
He will
Know just
Where to
Get it
We have had new goods arriving every day during the lait two
weeks', and are well prepared to supply the demand for holiday fur,
tlltd In nnnli Bmnll mnM . A.n ....
l'tT the latter round until coated. F.,1
with raw custard mado with two cup
a r,,i ...in, m. . ..i.i .....
""" "i -u-in, wiivu UlUiiraiJUUUlUipS Ol
fillf?nr fmir finntnn nvrna nml .nv
toos. ono cupful of boiling wator, ono , ., - T "" . """ , lu"
,n t . . . 8Poonrul or vanilla, nnd bako in a very
small onion cut lino, ono sprig of' ,... ft nvon -, , ., '
parsley, one-half of a bay loaf, throe
oIovob, ono-hnlf of a toaspoonful of
and garnish with tufts of parsley.
For tho tomato sauco, put In
saucepan ono-hnlf of a can of toma-
salt and ono-quartor of a toaspoonful
of whlto peppor; cover- and slmmor
for twonty mlnutos, thon press
moderate oven.
Icy cold.
Turn out and serve
Stone and the Clipping Man.
A dapper young man camo to Sena
tor W. J. Stono, of Missouri, and ex-
weighing about two pounds and cut
from tho Jnsldo of tho flank. It Is
freo from bono, tho grain runs
Iongthwlso and the wholo pleco is
J."" Vlev' In" c'ean sauf Pfn Plained to him tho benefits of a press-
SLSl'r HVr , ,T tabl0, e,,PPB burcatf h0 wa conducting.
' ' butor an,d " tabe8P7- Ho told the senator that ho could fur-
ful of flour, and gradually pour In tho nlsh hlm wUh Q now8papor mentIon
TSSTfinln Tl or h,m80,f at a borate price, and be
ly thickened. Add moro seasoning If 80Ught a tra, onJcr
desired and sorvo In a boat ... whf ,. .. , .
l!!rik !lla.V!l,0la.C!' b!.!.-o a batch 'til, I see what It Is like."
Yesterday tho sonator recolved a
tromondouB bunch of nowspaper clip
pings, and a bill for $76. Whon ho ex-
nmlnofl ihn nllnrvlniro tn mA . .
ETEL tough muBclo wh ch Thoy a cmmai I 'B.
ctokStn, T h P? f QU,C tlng attorney of Colo county Mis
.TwlVrf , iV Tl' IT1 Bourl. wh ,s ,n trouble ovor bood.lng,
7ucv wi?.flavo bUt " and wh0 ,a ,n no wa" relatod to Sena!
ib juicy, woll-flavo.cd and Inexpon-, tor gtono
slvo and If slowly cooked will provoj ,.Haven;t , troubIe8 h
.."'ownr said tho senator, as he tunS
: " , -"""'' " "" " the dippings back to the bureau,
a sharp knife, rub ono sldo with salt xw v,i, w.M V
and pepper and sprinkle with onion
Julco choppod paraloy nnd a llttlo
thy mo or savory; roll up and tie. Molt
some dripping In a frying-pan and In
It brown tho moat, turning until com
Now York World.
Tho range of our stook of Jewelry
is wido enough to satisfy ovoryono.
plotely soarod and colered: thon trans- lt yu want a brooch or a plain gold
fer to a deep pan or dish a casae- r,ns for your g,r or mother-in-law. It
role is Just tho thing If you have ono. ,s k1"0' and Pric0 as wa" a8 Quality.
To the fat In the pan add a table- at w- CalV8t. practical watchmaker,
spoonful of flour and stir till well N5, 158 stato street, eod
browned, add gradually one cupful i "
nnd a half of water or stock and stir
till thick and smooth. Season with!
Safe Procedure.
Count 100 beforo speaking If you
salt and pepper, add one quarter of a are angry, and If the other fellow la
cupful of 'vinegar or claret a ad pour, the biggest count 10,000. Stockton
fNlin.l tl.. ,..u(. ffn..&.. .. ... a ! Ill Tfn.1.1
iwumu iu. imvui. wir ciooe.y anu ; nibj nwraiu.
place In a moderate oven for two
hours. Remove the twine, lay ou a
hot platter and pour round tho
Rlced potatoes need but a moment's
work when one bos a potato press;
Editorial Enterprise,
This week we devote a department
in the Tribune to "snakes." Next week
we will glvo the "corn huskers" a
chance. McCallsburg (Iowa) Tribune.
Just ask your doctor all about
it He will tell you "It Is the
oest Qiooa medicine you can
possibly buy."
ATr Co.,
House Ftttnishere
Hte Wing Sang Co
All Kinds Holiday Goods
At cost prlco. Salo on before Christmas. Embroldory, Silk, Hand-
kerchiefs, Chlnawaro, Toys, Gents' and Ladies Furnishing Good,
J Heavy Wrnppors. All kinds of Garments and Ornaments. Court
street, corner of alloy. i hi tJ' j S p J
iiaiieif iieieieniisaii8 8ai8taf i98ut
that are useful as well as ornamental, Utiv '
brellaSf gloria silk, black or colors, handles
neatly mounted with sterling silver, Look
like 55 values, our price $1,75 to $3,00
Shawls 25c each that are worth 50c, we have others ran
price up to 2 50. Millinery late style and good quality
tu percent reaucuon a nai costing only i.zu.
A $3 Hat costing you only $1.80,
A S4 Hat costing you only 52.40.
N 50c Satins only 25c per yard, bright co'ors.
Rostein & Greenbaum
302 Commercial Street
i a piss
Meats and Provisions
Established 1884
Signs of Renewed Activity
In tho real estate world lndlesUM
creasing building operation tfcSij
Spring, aw prompt u to remind 1
that our faclHUea for supplying M"
and soft -wood, lumber, lath, shlnlrt
and other building materials
cepUonally good. Wo will be pie",
to furnish estimates on contrwttj
largo or small A car of U1U C
shingles received.
. . . . Near 8. P. P DP ,
Phone 851.
wtaieieiieioftf & mSian a iiiwi !!
::::::::A G E N C Y OF:::::::: !
Oats For Sale.
BOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulonur.
J. 6. Grata!, Agent 207 Comniflmal a.. Salem. Ore. I
' a a w4omw a i 1 wt a & b imiMMH'O'1