Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 17, 1903, Image 1

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    ML .,.. . j.
2 v-' kA- 4.
in nmW T LmW " vkKk W " mf "x.al n, piw ""in tftatwwMM T
rejoicing Over the
Passage of the Re-.
ciprocity Bill
Ktars and Stripes Run Up
uyer xne Fort and
America Played by
Havana, Dec. 17. Whon the offlclal
Sows was received last night of the
passing of tho reciprocity treaty bv
Iho sennt?, Paltna had a national an.
Ih!f iw irom,th Cuban fortress. As
cJ .b. uviunca wo stars and
mik &TT ovor Morro Castle.
tt" S. v" ? took up
k 1 1 ""iu. unmsnso crowds
cheered America wildly.
Heath Saye'lt Is a Lie.
Chicago, Dee, 17. Parry Heath ar
rived last night, en route to Indianapo
Ua Today, referring to tho charges
made against him In tho postal frauds
report, ho said: "Tho stuff rolating
to mo is a Ho from beginning to end:
thero is nothing in It, and It Is" a mere
rehash on old lines."
Is All Right New.
Washington. Dec. 17. Tho Nlcnra-
Eimn tnlnlnr M- .ui .. . .
department that Nicaragua has recog
nized Panama, to tho oxtont of ap
pointing a consul at Panama City,
So Says Hanna.
V ashlncton. rw 17 unn. .i.i
today emphatically that'he would con
tinue his flght against Wood on tho
uoor 01 me senate.
l "
I - ..jVW-jf "T
Captain Benjamin.
Manila. Dec. 17. Capt Benjamin,
of the Twonty-sovcnth Infantry, died
In tho hospital hero this morning, of
malarial fovor
Preachers' Theory
They Must Work or
Go to Jail
Taking Care of a Family of
Six Too Strenuous a
Reform Movement
Display of Purps and
Poultry, Kittens
and Canaries
Polled Angus Rabbits and
a Select Gathering of
Oregon's Canine Aristocracy
Tho? first Salem poultry, pot stock
nnd 'bench show opened In tho Kllng
or building, at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
Caries Two Stocks of Goods
tt One in the store the other scattered among his credit custom
Carrying customers 'on the hnnUe inrr... ,. n. - j.i
W business. It's one of the things that compel merchant to get high
J prices from those who pay.
vny aoni you pay cash and be Independent. Trade where
prices are figured on a spot cash basis.
I i
Is 8alem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store. Quality Is always the
first consideration with us. Reliable merchandise sold 15 to 23 pr
cent cheaper than at "regular stores" keeps us growing.
Have you seen our line of
I Holiday Novelties?
We sell them on the samo margin of profit as regular lines.
Don't put off your holiday shopping till the last day. The assort. I
ment Is bettor now and tho prices will never b lower.
Two rooms full of goods suitable for practical presents If you
prefer them to the fancy novelties.
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor
mmi niu unnir n ininr
mum MKum
Spokane, Doc. K. ino preachers'
crusade against tho scarlet women
was given a unique tost by tho Soo-
kano Press. Itov. George Wallace, tho ! cr "M(nB. ," J o ciocic this nftcrnoo
head of tho clergy, who is agitating I mm , A"0 "rsi m?monf oro was
the matter, declared ho would hlro'!V,R01. "ttondanco. Insuring greater
any girl from tho red-light district, if "lcrc" tj0" von lt most cntluiBlas
Bho would reform. His theory Is "let f2ll!, nT, hop Th?
the scarlot womon hlro out as Bor-lblB Tp,l,1fa,'2' fllle? wlth cnBCS aml
vanjts, or go to Jail." Tho Press sent a ' ''I"8'"?,11 ,n lh? P0""" department,
woman of tho slums to his home. Ho 5". "'? .Rront5Llnlo,rtn "'.
offered her a Job in his mother's house, ltfiEoi? P T R00,blra8.on
whero tho girl had to do washing for ,"lfc ".7 fln, btr,e0lJ from Hi0
tho family of six. wash tho hardwood n'Kn,WiltLlnPJymouUl Uo(?8 ,0, ,ho
floor, and do gonoral housowork, but """"l, beln,K proeonted and tho
had no uso of tho bath Tho salary cnolJl? ?ca th? ln,'rMelon of barn
was JIG a month. Tho girl laughed In yal '" ih?,,Pf ,
the mistress' face, and loft In disgust. fC,arny roJ'"l '"P1 pr-
- rusloiij and these sweet llttlo slngors
A Portland Fire. I nttcnct tn0 nttwitlon of tho ladlos OS-
Portland, Doc. 17. A nro In the ! ''i"1': ., .,, ,
building on- Second nnd Oak streets '.J? " ?" "took dojiBrtment nrp to
last night occupied mostly by Chinese. I be ,f"Vn,8orariIn.bbU', R"d" k,ntl"
caused a low of $43,000; fully Insured "fJ"1-1?"? nnd ,lmr?9:, M,nU? nml
Three bodies have boon found. Half , . , ",n0cat8' nnd 1)!t stoc,t of overy
a dozen Chlneso nro missing. Tho i.Vi! ii ',. ., 1
building Is located across the street ' " " LL8'h?be"' 8'Tf ""I1 mnkwi
from the police station, and tho offl. , VrTSSm 1 rSi1, r m "n ttr?
cors helped many to escape; $10,000 , ba fn'1 f.2 gs of tho nnest
are rcmnrtnii miusinp- "".tircoilB, from tho Oroat Dane to tho
are reported missing. diminutive Fox Terrier, and all aro
Adludned Insane hoard as soon as tho visitor ontore tho
London. Dec. IT.-Oeorgo Robinson. lni,iOrih?!lrbJ0)lCnnln0
, i, i. ..t 1 J with pedlgreos as long ns the moral
v..i u..h.u. ,uu iuuuu u muiutiuim , .-, ..l, .., ,..
i.w. &ivtiaiii uivttl Ullb ill ju.ruim
attack on tho secretary of tho Dank of
England, Graham, nearly a month ngo,
wns today adjudged Insane and sent
to tho hospital.
Russia's Dad Habit
London, Dec. 17. A Router's din
paten says Russia's reply to Japan
hasn't resulted In Bolvlng tho Eastern
dispute, and furthor negotiations will
bo necessary.
1 O' -
Saw Some Colombians.
Pnnama, Dec. 17. Tho Atlanta haa
returned to Colon, and reports sho
saw about COO Colombian
north of tho Artrato rlvor.
barkluir, and dog fanclors constantly
surround tho Kennels pf those beauti
ful animals.
President John Jefferson, Secretary
O. D. Mlnton nnu Supt. B. V. Ryder,
assisted by K. 8. Craig and Lloyd T.
Hojrnojfla. aro In charge of tho sliow, '
and doing all to Interest tho vlsltnrsT
whllo koeplng a cioho look-out for
their many charges In tho building.
Tho room will be kopt aa neat as a pin
throughout the show, which will last
tho ontlre week, nnd all offorts will bo
mndo to mako It as pleasant as possl-
soldlora "i" f0"" visitors.
Tomorrow mo judges .win uegin
tholr work, and promlums will bo
awarded tomorrow and Saturday. Tho
country. Th?y nro! Poultry, a J.
Ladd. of Portland, nnd Elmor Dixon,
of Oregon City; for oogs, Frank Tur
ner, of Victoria, D. a
Signed Reciprocity QUI.
Washington. Dec. 17. Roosevelt
Blgnod tho Cuban rcclnroeltr hill nt 1
o clock this afternoon, with tho samo
pea as used by Fryo and Cannon. Th
pen will bo sent to Havana, at tho re
quest of tho Cuban minister, whore It
will ho placed In, tho Cuban musoum.
Qucsnda has notified his government
that tho bill Is signed, nnd. upon re
ceipt of a roply that Cuba Is prepared
to carry out Its provisions. President
Koosovoit will Issue a proclamation
putting tho law Into Immodlnte affect.
Palma will Issue a similar proclamation.
Woods Qot Postponed.
Washington. Dec. 17. Tho sonnts
military committee decided to post
pono action on tho Wood nomination
until January 4th. It was announced
nt noon that tho President had ton
dored tho position of civil servlco
commissioner, vacated by tho death
of Proctor, to General John lllnck, of
Chicago. commandor-In-chlof of tho
Grand Arm. Tho rar department
confirms tho news that Tnft and tho
Philippine friars have reached an
ngreomoiit for tho sale of tho church
Guard the Train.
Now Haven. Doc. 17. Hoavy nuarda
havo boon placed on tho special ox
press of tho Now York, Now Havon &
Alonzo Reeves Kills
Deputy Sheriff and
Then Fights
Deputies Fire Through tho
House, and This Morning
Being Wounded He
Rlvorsldo. U 1., Doc. 17 Aloirao
Reovos, who shot and killed tno dopu
ty sheriff yostorday, when tho latior
nttomptcd to Borvo papers on hlm.ntul
thon barricaded hlmsolt In his homo,
surronderod this morning, after do
fending tho houso tho entlro night.
Fifty deputies surrounded tho houso,
nnd whon Reovos rofusod to surrender
kopt up a flro with rifles and shot
guns. This morning tho officials mad
tianioru railway, aa a rosnu 01 a lot-1 n My fttui nttnmnlixl to mivi hn
tor received by the offlclal In which iSoS.nrvtiSSd andTrcd
nhotKua on Uie Invndors, no ono of
whom was seriously Injured. Reovos
received a charge of buckshot In tho
fac, nnd a fow minutes latsr gavo up.
Rewves In bolloved to bo Insnno, and.
It Is now learned ho wrote numerous
letters threatening President Itoooso-velt.
tho writer threntuns to wreck nnd
rob tho train, unlose a specified sum
of money 1b put In n place he desig
All Were Durned
Phlladolphln. Dee. 17. Mr. Harry
Smith and two children, aged 12
and 1G, wero cremated nt a lire nt
their homo this morning. Mrs. Shot-
mire, a iwlloomans wife. In trying to
roeeue the Smiths, was Berlousl; and
perhaps fatally burned.
Not Enough Ships.
St Petersburg. Dec. 17. Tho Nova
Vrsmya today says America won't,
find It easy to keep nn open door In
Mdiioliurla, as has licon shown beyond,
n possibility of doubt hero. Hor navy
Durned to Death.
8nult Bto Mario. Mich, Dec. 17 A
flro this morning in a ramshncklo . is too weak, and her raorcnntllo fleet
wntor front dwelling burned to death .too small.
Martin Olson. John Husk nnd I An- . ., ....
dorson. lodgers. Mrs. Chas. Sundstrom K.i.er noes H.mtinn
had hor lop brokon whllo Jumping
from a window.
l'otsilam, Dec. 17. Tho kaliwr, no-,
companlod by Grand Duko Vladimir,
of Russia, loft Gehdrca today for. &
two-days' hunt. They will attondtho
Murderers Brought Dock.
arrested In ' Kngl'and for murdering """wr fostlvltlea at Hanovar,
Contractor Ferguson McDonald, In
Pennsylvania, arrived In Now York to-
iay.ond will botnkon to Pittsburg to
It Pays to Advertise.
Washington. Dee. 17. A fraud op
der was Issued ioday against MtJtII nnd
flnu tnf tl.,at.. uti n fr. i,k,,mul .
with having caught many "uckoroinPfiggs Etc
through oxtonslvo advertisements. I'wl -4vw
From now on
Special prices on
Candies for Xmas
Ten Million Dollars.
Now York. Dec. 17. Tho Atchison
stock on exhibition will bo Judged by , railway has sold 110.000.000 worth of
Let Us All Da Glad.
London. Dec. 17. David HiBliani
tho famous barltono, today lost his suit well-known breeders nnd Judges, who , mortgngo bonds to Morgan, to provide
for divorce against his wife; both are havo acted in a similar capacity at funds for new equipment and construe
Amorlcans. ninny of tho prominent shows In tho tlon noxt year.
iiin s
154 State OU
Phone 1971 Main.
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Christmas Problems
Hints How to Solve Tfaein
"What shall I give?" 80 many people are putting that question to themselves Just now. The one solution of this puzzle Is to
make sure that each Is a response to a desire. The glfu'that bring happiness are the pretty things long craved and yet given
up as luxuries. The person who sheds happiness abroad at Christmas time Is the wise one who has tactfully ascertained what
In each case Is the most longed-for luxury or necessity, as It happens to be. Here are a few suggestions for gifts, respectfully
dedicated to our perplexed Christmas buyers. -i
A Nice Necktie.
Pair of Warm Glovoe.
A Nice Cap.
Half Docen Handkerchiefs.
A New Hat
Half Dowm Whllo Shlrta.
A Flannel NiJt Robe.
A Stout Walking Stick.
Suit of Warm Undorwtar.
A Warm Overcoat.
Pair of Sllppere.
Half a doawi Pain Half
Hoo. Umbrella jjbb that
will serve as a walking
Good Umbrollx
Colored or Ores Shirts.
Colored Rorder Handker
chiefs. Watch Fob.
Suit Case.
Military HalrDniRbos.
Shaving Set.
Pair of Slippers.
Smoking Jacket.
Rath Robe, I
Hat Brush.
Pair Gloves.
Tie Pin.
How About These,
Pair of Slippers.
Smoking Jacket.
Half Docen Drees Shirts,
Hair Doten Colored ShlrU.
Silk Umbrella.
Pair of Gloves.
Suit Cae
Watch Charm or Fob.
Dozen Initial Hamlkerghlefe.
Hair Dozen Pairs .f- Half
Pair of Suspender.
Pocket or Hill Rook.
Hand Mirror.
Military Brushes.
Box of Collar.
Rex of Cuffs.
Silk Mumer.-
Fancy Vest,
Shaving Mirror.
Night Robe.
JreUy Hood.
New Cloak.
Rosy Go-Cart
-Rubber Animal
Rubber Doll.
Teething Ring.
Infant's OutiH.
Raby Jumper.
Dainty Pair fhoes.
Box of Blocks.
A Drum.
Police and Fire PatreL
Iron Toys.
'Train of Catt.
Printing Prew.
I Soldier Outfit.
Bxpreee Wagon.
Malc Lantern,
l Warm Pull Down Caji,
Suit of Clothe
Shirt Waist
Reefer or Overcoat
Tlee and Handkerelilefa.
Tool Cheet.
Steam Hnalne.
Musical Tope.
On Christmas we will give
away a beautiful doll HO-eart
valuyd at 1100 to tho girl
under U years, gnetwlng
neareet tho Member of seed
In the pumpkin, and a 'One
police patrol valued at (10 00
to the boy. under H yearn,
gueeslng aearest Die number
of seeds la the pumpkin. If
your boy or girl ba not
reglstored their fc'oeee have
them do so.
Dreee Pattern,
Box of Olovee,
Table Linens,
Tailor Made SnIL'
Fur Boa.
Tea Gown.
Chateialae Hats.
Fancy Vato.
Silk W'Hlet
Pair or Iltanfcete. ,
Hllk Umbrella.
Dosen llnndkurobltifn.
Flue Cape.
Glove Cortinsnta,
Card Case.
Pocket Book.
Wrist Hag.
Iaee 8eof or Collar.
Hllk Umbrella,
Handsome (fan,
Pleture for Her Room.
Handsom Sofa Illlowv
Gold Clock.
Box of Hosiery.
A Doll.
Doll Heads.
Doll Furniture.
Doll Osk
Ut4 Neektaee.
Work Roirttet
A NlM r
A M.
A Vatwmi. '
JMIl Swing.
Comb, Uruah and Mirror Bet
Tu Slot Outfit
Ty Set Of DUIiM.
Doll Txujik,
A Prutty Apron.
NlM Umkrojla.
Pair BlankftU.
Wlk WaU
HewlBK Bosket
Meet Chair OoJhion,
DreM Pattern- blaok tnor
terlaL all vool material,
:..tf b
Stoe Will
Be Open Evenings
Till Chistmas