Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 16, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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& oVff viHk IH B 9 bv H B !E?
H rjffH fcLJH ILh- vLI H B iff lan R
ffibo EInd You Havo AIttoth noun. .v i.t.,. ... ...-
to 6 Mr oror 30 years, ho tho siXroTf
V'T SAZTTa?" and llJl8 bccn nmdo wnilcr his pcr
W&72&' Bnal supcrvlslou slnco Its Infancy.
ii x . Allownoonotodocolvoyoulnthls.
AIT Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-os-Kood are but
gcpBrlmcnto that trifle with and ondanjjcr tlio health of
infitots and Childrcn-Bxpericnco ofcalust Experiment.
an tla is u harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
pori Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contacts neither Opium, Hlorphlno nor other Nnrcotto
subsvance. Its ago is its ffiiarantco. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fcverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Tcetkingr Troubles, cures Constipation,
JUid Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bonds, giving healthy and natural sloop.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years,
$ ,.r, xr, r $
we ris rvjK a
ail, Express
Freight of
Ficsh Roaittd Coffee Srnd Flae Teas a Specialty
We have experienced packer who can pack any kind
of China, Cut Glas, or any kind, of piece.'
Last year only one report was made of breakage; two
years ago none.
Out Stofc is
Open Late Evenings
Until Xmas
We have a well-lighted store, and plenty of accommo.
dating and experienced clerks to wait on you promptly.
Remember goodsare marked In plain figures.
The stock Is bigger than ever before, and the big rush
we have will tell that our prices are right.
Yokohama Tea
Free Delivery
Dhnna 9411 Rlack.
. -. -aa44i8rlww,rr"T,rr"
WT1wrai' . .
Transact Easiness and
Adjourn to lues'
day Eve
When Final Business
the Old Council
Will Be Closed
At a meeting of tho city council
last evening Mayor Bishop presided,
with Councllraen Burrows, Catlln,
Hubbard, Larson, Phd'lo, Sims, SJols
and Walker.
After approving the minutes of last
meeting, Street Commissioner Oris
wold reported that ceitaln sidewalks
in Capital Park on 21st stroot bad
been built as directed.
That ofilclnl also reported Hint tho
Par Board had asked that a quantity
Tbey take possession of tho body, sad
arc Lords of Misrule.
V7 attended by pimples, bolli, the
Itching tetter, salt rheum, and other cu.
Unepui eruptions; by reclines ot weakness,
languor, Ktneral debility nnd what not.
Tbey cause more suffering than anything
Health, Strength, Peaco and Pleasure
require their expulsion, and this Is posl
timely effected, according to thousands of
gratefut testimonials, by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which radically and permanently drlvef
them twit unrt bnlM tir- th oi -
to place thom at the reepectlvo cmle
of tho approaches to tho bridge.
Mr. Qrlswold noxt called attention
to tho fact that over 200 citizens hnd
not- yet paid their road poll tax, and
asked for Instruction to send n no
tice to each delinquent saying that
If the romo was not paid It would
be placed In the- hands of nn attorney
for collection. Rccordor Judnh colled
attention to the ract that this tax
had become delinquent Dec. 1st nnd
that tho proper way to pursue Was to
pass nn ordinance so deciding It de
linquent. Such an ordlnanco was
orddrod drown an tho Street Commis
sioner wns authorized to tako such
furtljor steps as. ho doemod necessary
to collect this road poll tax.
Mn Slmma roportod favorably on
tho petition for curtain sower connec-
-i'... f ii ' -
B hie Htfirw Midi Mull.
New York, Dec. 15. In a sermon on I
tne me or the lato Herbert Spencer. . . ... ,
the Rev. Dr. Mlnot J. Savago. in tho ' d MomB uaimo Ak.t jC
Unitarian Church of the Mpeslah, has ' ai'ny """ rP and wall and refuse
Riven the Uyxiry of evolution credit '?" c0"fortfd because tljelr ones mass
for having "forever destroyed lntelll- ?",5nt,, Me hvo thh and!
gent bellot on the part of anybody In w!r.. ,115r !nnv.!ncl.,r8 t0 Pwfattlt
the garden- olBton. Ad. A Kve or the . JJ2ZL2 i
inn ox man." evolution" he said .. . " .C " .":r'" ! ."'" "" ""
imovei thn .tnriU :v :r.vx."c'"u'" oi. ?!n x. : w
lorover removeu tneso ones im tk.t w.-.M.. ;.: ;. ::r.:'j
and kindred one tn Mm 1nr,,l nf vii, K.V: ". "' .l.""'"vr??ao. n"'
xthm n,t.vi ;- "" '"' r: "1. ? m?FK0,. . u the new.
ov.,. Kcwmeiun nnu amiiCDiio thai nets
of tho mud bolnc taken from tho tlon In block 78.
streets bo deposited In Wlllson nvonuo Tho street commlttco wns grantotl
without cost to facllltato tho erection moro tlmo to report upon tho claim
of a fountain. Ho nBkod for porrals- of tho lndy rocontly Injured by a de
8lon to do this. Stolz opposed tho fectlvo sldownlk.
proposition on tho theory thnt It I Mr. Pholo roported tho ropnlred
would not bo croditable to our city to i nro engine roetoretl to sorvlco.
use Its only park na a dumnlnc
Mr. Lnrson favored filling the sec-'
tlon of the park referred to, with some
suitable material. Mr Hubbard
moved that tho request be not granted.
Mr. Qrlswold reported that he had
new signs lettered for the big st?el
Hooch & Nndsnuck wero granted
a. roiiownl of liquor llcons and Mr.
TalkluRton's renewal application was ( while thero wero n dozen moro walk-
wha thby belonc,
in concluding his remarks Dr. Sav-
age said:
"Humanity haB been on this earth
two or three hundred thousand years
at least. Humanity, howovor slowly,
has been evolving, and frdm the far
off beginning thoro ncvor has been
any fall. Evolution hns wrought out
not tho fall of man. hut tho nscont of
man. That meana tho comploto re
construction of tho entire theology of
Christendom. It Is coming, It hns got
to como. Thero nro thousands of
churches today in which tho Kden
story 1b quietly referred, as though It
were poetry or allegory. Thoro are
thousands ot others whoro It Is quiet
ly laid to ono sldo."
,,A Good Alibi.
(Clitcago TrlbunO.)
"You say," Bnltl the stato's atto
noy, "that on the night of tho fif
teenth of Qbptombor, tho time when
this arlrao was committed, you wore
riding In tho town of OnkvllloT"
"Yea. sir," said tho prisoner, who
was trying to sot up annlbl.
"Havo you any witnessed to prove
that you woro out rldlngt"
MWoll, ldon't knqw their namos,
but .tlmro; ratut have Uicn ton or
twelvo gonttomen cnrrylng tho mil
by destroying the jterm or microbe tlut!
Is tho underlying eauw of all hair dp
atructlon. Ilerplelde la a new prepara
tlon, made after a new formula on at
entirely new principle. Anyone who has
tried It will testify ua to Its worth. TrR
It ypurtolf hd be convinced. Bold or
leadlnr drutnflsta. Bend 10c. In alampai
fr, Ple to The Ilerplcldo Ca, De
trolt, Mich.
Dnnlel J. Pry. Special AgonL '.C
Branson & Ragan.
Keop all kinds of" groceries,
thoy nro tho host thnt can bo fourjj
In the city. You don't know It unU
you havo tried thorn. f
' - "When You Waht
Something to oat, Just try tho White
Houbo. Tlioy can aorvo you at any
hour of tho day or night.
Dills Ordered Paid.
W. 1 George 9.30
Chaso & Sknlfo 1.0B
Clmso & Skalfo 4.00
It. M. Wade & Co. 10.00
bridge warning drivers not to drive Salem Wator Co 118.30
faster than a walk, and was Instructed i " nuo ji uo.
l'ac. atntoe T. & T. Cx
F. A. WlMln
Stntooman Pub. Co
Pac. Stale T. & T. Oo.
P. J, Laraon
N. J. Judnh
W. II. Uurglmrdt Co S.0
W. U. DvLong 00.40
UMlllnniH j& naaBMf 1 1K
It Is a Great Handicap In All Business Selgmund & Pugh 2.00
ana social ttciations. d. a. witito & Son 3.00
The mnn who looks as If he had lost iV,1'" n'.'?,,! C J 55
kls last frlond Is In no danger of bo- j Potzoi 1470
Ing crushed by tho Jam of now onea;l,M- Wndo & Co on
unless ho "choers up." Pcoplo nro not j f qilt, ,nn inn
..,.m,m,ttm4fiafimi9irT,"v' a
rrwrvrvTv. . . .
The Entire Stock
Of Boots and Shoes and Rubbers
We have purchased of Jacob Vogtmust ;;
be sold at a sacrifice, Come early and i i
get the bargains.
i,,Ai,vnirt o 6 Commercial Street i;!
going out ot tholr way nowadays to
associate with tho man ot mournful
and molancholy appearance. Thoy nro
afraid ho will tell thom of his troubles
and they steer clear ot him as thoy
all havo plenty of tholr own.
Tho most universal causo ot tho
forlorn and hopeless appoarnnco today
in dyspepsia. It unfits a man for ovory
duty of llfo and cnusos him to become
dospondont and gloomy and nccos
sarily his looks do not belle his fool
lugs. He appears cast down and de
jected and becomes n burden to him
self and humnnlty In goncral.
Burroughs & Frasor 1.50
Pholo & Bishop 1.B0
W. J. Culver . . . 20.50
Tho official returns of tho recent
city olectlon, as canvnwed by Mayor
BlBhop nnd Rccordor Judnh, woro
rend nnd approved. Mr. Hubbard
offered a resolution npprovlng this ro
port. and recoinmondlng thnt tho
Issuo of popular loan bonds bo pro
ceeded with. Mr. Stolz offered nn
nmondmont providing that the coun
oilmen elect In tho now wnrdB who
received tho lagct numbor of votea
should sorvo for tho long term
Stuart'a Dyspopsia Tablets aro tho' a,!.,i.i n. nmnn,i.i Thi .i..i. ,
dyspeptics certain rollof. Thoy do tho long9 torm8 t0 Q n Jncobil R c
work that his stomach Ib unablo tojChHrehm nnd Jn0 IJnynei nml tho
o and by rolovlng that organ of its. Bhort terms to Young. Smith nnd
burdens, permit It to regain Its health ' cheeon
and strength and again becomo actlvo j.Tetl Nockorman nnd Fannlo Neck
and usoful In 1U functions. Thoyormnn a,km, (Jmt ther unexpired
contain all tho osnentlal Ingrod onta ,qil0r jconio ll0 transferred to their
that onter Into tho dlgestly j fluids of BUCcrsors. "tho North Pnclilc Brw
tho stomach and they actually take nf q(x arnntcd
up the work nnu do it just as n i Alderman Stolz aroe to a question
healthy, sound stomach would. of nrivlloKO and took occiwlon to ox-
Br this means a man can go right nnri Aiiinrtnnn iinrmuu -mm ttm
ahead with his work nnd oat enough reK)rt drojiiatod tn the recent city
to koep lilm In proper working con- cnmnnlKn that ho had purchased n
dltion. His system Is not deprived lu.rtim. .r n tnt (mm th ritv wiiiio
of Its necessay nourishment as It Is ni,annan. 0 n&c thnt no man
in tho cno or tno "Btarvauon euro or wou,,j t0(Jny b8 Winng to give for
tho employment of some of tho first u lmIt wnnt Mr- uitrroWH bad paid tho
class chicken foods now on the mar- rty for t e called ntlontlon to
VoL Starvation, even If It wero n U)e fn,.t that this lot hnd been ad
good thing, could not be contlnuod vertlsed for enlo nt tho tlmo and that
long enough to offect a cure; for a every lKjble step had been taken
disordered and worn-out stomach Is (0 nmtio tho deal regular. He spoke
not going to become strong and heal-,in the hldiest terms of Mr. Burrows'
thy In two or three days. I Integrity and moved that the city re-
Stuart's Dyspopsia Taoieu act cnrdr ho naked to eive the nress of
aturally because they contain natural iw ejty an the facta prtalnlng to
digestives. The principal component jj,g ninttor fully exonerating Mr.
parts aro aseptic pepsin, malt diastase nurrows.
and other Ingredients with llko prop- jr. jublwd staUxl that nolKMly who
ertles that do the work regardless of kncwi Mr. Burrow b'-Ucven him to he
the condition of tho stomach. There anything but an honorable g-otle-
Ib no unnatural or violent disturbance maRi ajMi M a (riitud. he thouuht It
of the digestive organs as the result i,,4t not to sUr up ounpnign 4t
of their action. In faet. the existence m.-nt which Lo thouKbc hod jirt
of the stomach is feUrsy fofgottcn ai,jy uocn indulged In too frwly on
as soon as they bare had tlmo to M)(n tides.
begin their operattoss. They alio upon rootlosi adjourned to Tu
possess very curative nnd healing day evening next.
properties ana aasisi me aiomacn - "-
In getting well, while relieving It of Alioiit ( per rent, of all innikwn
IU work. They perform the duties or agricultural impiomenu auu toon
both nurse and physlelan. used In Maxlco are Imiwrtod from the
Stuarts Dyspepsia Tauieta are tor usuwi maioa, i rwiimim--r uum
sale by all druggists at Me a box and Germany, latter principally with sin
there Is Yry Ilttto danger of any gl handl and wooden frame, all be
druggist trying to sell yeu something in usually of the ch.apeat construct-
else In Its place that U "Just as Ion.
good." Thoy are so well established
and have done so much good In the The Excitement Not Ovsr.
world that their name has become a The rush to the drug store sltll con
household word; so the usual warn- tlaues and dally scortu of people sail
(ng. "Accept no substitute," Is un- for a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tho
necessary in tno case oi aiiiari inroai ami iuohh iur mo omu w
UtUgns, UOIUS, AOlIlIfln, iirniiBimin
and Consumption. Kemp's Balsam,
th standard family remedy, is sold on
a guarantee and never falls to glv6 en
tire satisfaction. Price See and Ma
Ing behind
cnrrylng the tar nnd
is for babies and children
who are thin and pale when
they ought to be fat and
ruddy; fo men and women
who are weak and delicate
when they ought to be strong
and hearty for all who are
Tho Inlpst euro for lutornnl cancer"
reported In Knglnlid It a tabUviJ6on
ful of moinsaoB four or five tltnoa n
day. ' . ,.
e . in
Brt tU sf I Mo TiW Hirt Unit I
I Hard I
! Wheat
Only $J.jt5 per sack ,
i The famous unexcelled
' Peacock Brand of flour.
I Thn fitmcf flniit1 aimf crtlrl Z
. - i. Illb IIIIUI IIUUI k.TV-1 ilWIU A.
not getting proper nourish- " in the city lTry it once ;
muni irom uieir iooa. . . We wiU se, j0 you agairu j,
i uui uiuuu, uiui uuuy, ujjyu
the door for disease. Scott's
Emulsion bars the way.
Makes the blood richer, pro
duces healthy flesh and above
all provides nourishment.
WYIt tend you i umplt frt t upon rtqutit.
SCOTT & UOWNK, og I'.til Stuti, Nw Yoik.
D. A. Wtite
Fecdmen and SeedsnM I
301 Com'l St, Salem, Oregon, i
lKfr)f lfrf HHf
: ! For the Most Complete Stock of
Carvers, Chafing
! Dishes
and Nickle Plate Wate
at reasonable prices, see
R. M. WADE & CO,
latiaiattt mi ttfrxtcimf tKf
""" w ---- ' r 'i Kii
ii ' p- m
II ( H
Dyepeptfei Tablets.
German Market i!
Just opened, next door to Har
rltt k Lawreneei grocery storo.
a clean, new market, where all
prices and prompt delivery our
motto. We make specialty of
floe German sausage of all
klol. QlT us e eJL
"Portland and Return Only $2.20."
The Southern Pacific is now selling
round trip tlekets to Portland from
coi.m for ti'Mi enod nfiloK Saturday
or Sunday, returning Sunday bh4 Mon
day, giving all day Sunday and Mon-
J day lo Portland. The same arrange
ment applies from Peruana, giving an
Portland people a eb&noe to visit val-
kinds of meat oan be had. Low T joy points at greaUy reduced rates.
W. UUJIAW, u. y. A,
Pbnnt) Main 2953.
193 Commercial St.
OrtrThi Journal.
You did not send me that order far printing
last mutith. You hud latter do it now, There
Is no better time to net h fresh supply of sta
tionery than Just before the new year. If you
order It soon It will be ready for you.
Elliott, the Job Printer.
Willamette University
John H. Colkman, Phwjidkkt, 8ai.km, Ohkuqn.
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Music,
Oratory, Theology.
PREPARATORY DEPARTrtET-Oten to students tomtleling f ItM Bflde it
pflrtraent-IowergraicslnprerarolorydenrlBitBt- Besides afiordlr
professional tralolnsr, tbe Unherslty seeks to live a ttorovcb tisctkil
education for all who are aware of tbe value of trained brain.
THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT-Offers altboroujhtCBHelo tee tfceoiy and
practice of teacblor. Meets alMbenoulrements of state scbool law.
Its teachers are In constant demand,
Catalogue Upon Application
im m TN tn Nin tmffi
W Bund, A
arritt & Lawrence
Sell taore Groceries sad latter Groceries tfeau AWYBODY ;
There?5 where youget GOOD treatment aad GOODgoods
Stop In and for yourself. ccd f. o. orockwY.
OUCteUl lOJawuw ivb. --- Z 4tti0Hi0fHIIHHtttttf
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