Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 16, 1903, Image 1

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    ""WT- i
' ' " - SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1003 ' ' '''"' !LJ .""- " !&
I I - i " 6
S,n; He co?tenle(l the war was
waged from a humanitarian stand
point, and our futuro conduct Bhould
lie on the samo high plane.
They Must Eat Humble Pie.
wisnington. Dec. 16. Tho state de-
YiZriZ. w 8 "wrnoon announced
that tho nsult to Consul Davis would
bo atoned In tho most public manner.
loii i . iii -",v "" uiuumis respon
sibly will make apology, and express
iw no taken on
tho apologies will be made aboard the
Striking Miners wnirs.rs
I - ii n,oiuier tho San Francisco or Brooklvn
KG SPrVPi Witll On 11T. "elrut to.. Alexandretta, where
Mine Owners Will at Once
undertake to Start
With Non Union
Cuban Reciprocity.
Washington, Dec. 1G. The senate
UiIb morning voted on tho Cuban rcc-
.piwivy uiu wnicn was passed by a
1 :7 t0..18 votc' whlch cnme after Sena-
or?.Hoar nnd Ba,l0' followed Spooner
, ... ... ojvuwii. rtiue democrats voted
m its fa-or.
Panic In a Hotel.
Clncluna-1, De. 16. A fire of un
known origin brok out, this nftnrnnnn
HodBon, Calif. Dec. 1G. An tninnn. in the Grand Hotel. Sovernl hnmirmi
ion will l)c served on 150 minora at 5 ' S"?818 flwl o the streets In n panic,
'clock Uils evenlnc. restralnlne thnm . an" several are still unaccounted for.
: i . . -----ci - i mi. a . . . i . -
rrom interfering with the mine and tho
aon-union miners. Tho strlkors are
now encamped about tho mine, and
imvo a line of pickets ontlrelv nmumi
Iho property. Watchmen, wltli Win-
chosters nro Euardlnc the nnmtm
rhich are still runnlntr. Tronhin win
start tomorrow, for a's soon as tlin In.
Junction is served tho mine ownors
will bo opened with a non-union rmw.
fney claim that in 12 hours thoy will
socuro all tho men they need, if urn.
lee ted.
An Excellent Job.
Tokamah. Nob.. Dec. 10 Solomon
Paddock, who killed his own nn
RVIlllam, on Thanksgiving, while
Inink, hanged himself In Inll Inst
light, making a nooso of his coat
The flames, at 3 oVlnV.it nam nn!
tlcally under control.
Discovery Wreck Found.
Seattle. Dec. 16. A dispatch from
Juneau states the wreck of tho steam
er DIscoery lmu been found by Indi
ans near Cross Landing. The United
States ship Hush has gone to the
Bcene. .
Miners Go on Strike.
Cumberland, Md., Dec. 16. Eight
eon hundred minors In the Meyers
dalo, Pa., district went out on striko
this morning, against a 10 per cent reduction.
Will Adjourn to Saturday.
Washington, Dec. 16. Tho sonate
fas crowded today In anticipation of
spinieu ucuato on Cuban reciproci
ty, fapooncr was first on the floer:
-armack Introduced a resolution
about tho postofllco lnvostlentlon.
which, under the mle. won over.
ao sonato committee on nnnronrla-
ulons agreed to adopt tho houso resolu
tion providing for tho ndiournmont
Of both housoo Saturday until Janu-
ary feurtli: tho houso had only 40
(representatives when It opened.
apoonor'B speech wao hlchly Im-
prosslvo at ono point. Amidst pro
found Bilenco, ho said in a low. dollb-
Iprnto voice "It seems but yestorday
thn.f flnntlnolntlnn wnc fint.l Imrn nr
iUho white-faced. Bllcnt. natlont man
who was thon President of Uio United
Statos, becauso he was not wllllnir to
go to war with Spain, with that haste
floctned necessary. Having boon a
soldier himself, and knowing tho hor
rors of such a conlllct, ho moroly de
sired to oxhaust all diplomacy In his
loairo to avoid it. Thero was even
suggestion heard hero that ovll mo
Ives governed his nctlon.'i Boforo
continuing ho mado a dramatic pause,
men ho resumed by saying ho hoped
no roreign government would detect a
sinister design In that resolution ask
ing for tho annexation of Cuba,
Bffored by tho senator from Novada.
Ho declared tho taking of Cuba to our
eolvos would havo boon criminal ng-
The Treaty All Might
Washington, Dee. 1G. The senate
committee on foreign relations today
reported favorably, and without
amendment, the Chlneso commercial
Will Fight Jeffries.
New York Dec. 1G. Joffries this af
ternoon agreed, In view of Munroo's
showing last night, to give the miner
a battlo.
Greek Politics.
Athons. Dec. 16. Tho Greek minis
try rosignod tholr portfolios today
Kansas City Gets It
Chicago, Dec. 16. Kansas
gets tho prohibition convention.
fom now on
Special prices on
landies for Xmas
State Ot
Phone 1971 Main.
Snake-Killing Cats of Cairo.
(Egyptian Gazette.!
A nattvo woman living In old Cairo
was ontorlng her houso when, to her
great torror, sho perceived a snako ox
formldablo dimensions which had tak
en possession of tho hearth during tho
ownorte absence. Tho woman hod.
leaving tho door open. Her cat thon
appeared on tho scono, ontered. saw
the cobra, put up Its back and tail
spat and othorwlse manifested Its
hostility, and In turn went out A fow
minutes aftorward It roturned in com
pany with a second cat. After a sim
ilar exhibition both went out and re
turned with a third, and similarly
wont away, returning with n fourth.
Considering that sufllclont forco had
been recruited to kill the snako, the
four at once foil on tho reptile, and
after a short florco struggle tho latter
was literally torn to pieces.
Where Nature Smiles.
Mrs. William Thompson has her
second crop of lottuco, which speaks
volume for our wonderful soil and
climate. Heltonvllle (Ind.) News.
Little Sea ot Azof
Has Evidently Sprung
a Leak
Water Disappears Leaving
Ships High and Dry-
Shores Sending up
Clouds of Dust
London, Dec. 16. Advices have boon
recolved hero of tho strange fronk of
tho Sea of Azof, north of tho Black
Sea, which is drying with such rapid
ity that ships at anchorage nt Tagan
rog nre loft high and dry. Taganrog,
a city of 50 000 population, Is under
clouds of sand,, which nro bolng blown
over the shore.
Robbed the Bank.
Vladivostok, Siberia, Dec. 16. A
dlspofch today sayu Chlnoso brigands,
who have been conducting a rolgn of
terror in Manchuria, attacked tho
bank nt Kuna Chends. a nitchod bat-
tie ensued, In which four citizens were!
wounded. The robbers escaped, taking
UUV lUlllilUB.
Dr.; Biernber Sent to
the Penitentiary
. for a Year
The Copy Comes Back.
Washington. Dec. 1G. Tho conv- of
the treaty with Panama, which ar
rived In New York yesterday, was re
ceived by tho state department this
Court Says It Can Uphold
Postal Laws but Cannot
v. Appoint Guardian for
j iiiiMiKu, uvm. io. Dr. jjiomoor,
preuldcnt of tho Nlcnragua Company,
nu Riicgeu innu swinuung concern,
was today sentenced to a year In tho
pen and a J1000 fine, for uslnir tho
mnlle to defraud. Ho claimed to own
$5000 acres of valuablo land in Nica
ragua, whllo his actual assets wore
said to bo 1S00. and of llttlo or no val
uo Ho obtained $117,000 from tho
schema Tho Judge. In passing son-
tonco. said: "This court cannot ap
point guardians) for suckers, but It
can bo tho postal lawB uphold."
Usual Railroad Wreck.
I'ort Scott, Tx.. Dec. 10. In a
wreck on the 8a IjoiiIs & 8an Fran
cisco, near here this morning, two
nro reported killed and a numbor In
jured; two probably fatally.
Aftqr Forty Years.
New Orleans. Dec 10. Tho French
cruJsor Grvlero arrived boforo Uio
pity tills morning to take part In thu
ceromon.les of Uio celebration of the
centennial of tho Loujfilna transfer.
Tho government cruisers Minneapolis,
Topoka and Yankco ontered tho del
ta this morning, and will bo boforo
the city tonight Tho training ship
Hnttford arrived Tuesday. 8ho was
Farrngufs flagship when sho last vis
ited the city 40 yearu ago.
That Tiresome Turk.
Washington. Dec.' 16.Tho stnto de
partment hnsi Instructed Consul Da
vis, nt Ilolrut, that tho occasion upon
which ho was assaulted nt Aloxan
Jrutta, and tho facts of tho rumnnit
are such oh to demand an apology nnd
reparation on tho part of Turkoy.
Davis Is fully sustalnod. It Is lenrnoil
Uio Turkish government Is consider
ably worried over tho affair, nnd has
offered Attarlan. tho imturall!
Atnorlcnn Armonlnn a free passage'
from Alosandrolta to II el rut, but At
tariau demands a cash indemnity.
Tho state doesn't specify tho oxnet
nnturo of the reparation desired, but
will nwalt furthor news from Lolslv
It Was Different With Miles.
Washington. Dec. 16. Secretary
rtoot. boforo tho sonato military com
mittee todny, mado a strong presonta.
uon or acts in uohair or Wood. Ho
denotincod tho nttacks as spiteful,
basod on no foundation. Ho said all
spocino" charges had ueon Investigated
by onicors or tho war department, ns
woll as McKlnloy, and tho Jattor had
caused i.ta promotion for dlsllngurshod
Borvlces. Ho sketched Wood's ser
vices In tho army.
Hanged In the Philippines.
Washington, Dec 16. Mall advices
were received this morrJng by tho de
partment, giving tho detnlts of tho
hnnglnR of rtlos, commonly called the
'Tope of Tyabas," at Antlmonan
November 37th. Tho outlaw gained
Infamy by his repeated atroclouH mur
ders. - ' o
Opened the Safe.
Qulmby, Iowa, Doc. 16. Robbers
last night blew tho Citizens' Savings
Hank, captured $3000 and eacnpod.
Objects to Newspaper
Criticism of Her
Little Lady Shows; Sne 'Has
a Temper -and That
She Is Able to Take
Care of He'rsVlf .
London. Dee. 1G. Tho llhill notion
brought by Marie Corolll agatiiBt a lor
eal counsellor, Wlntor, and editor of
Uio local papor, Unyden, opened at
Ulrmlnghnm this morning. Tim spaca
In tho chnmbor was Inadequate for tho
crowd. Correlll took, tho stand, as
sumed a dramatic nttltude, and toltt
hor lawyer sho didn't need his nsslst
nnco. ns sho wns nblo to tnko caro of
hoiviolf. The rnso nrlsos out of crlti
clsnis of Corolll in local matters.
Assassination Clubs.
TuHiijnn. Dee. 1G. llorls, Snraff, Uio
Mnoddonlan leader, arrired hero to
dny to consult with local MngeifonJans
nnd to try to rats tund'wllh which to
reopen the struggle In the spring- He
will then go to America for similar
Storm on Spanish Coast
Madrid. Dec. 16. Sevan) stc-rms
prevailed near Malaga yesterday, 14
tlslilng smacks being wrecked. Tw'ea
ty bodies have been recovered.
You can get a nlc-ve order here and
hand It to your lady friend as you
would a pair of gloves. It relieves
you of the trouble of making the
selection and leaves her free to
make It herself.
Store Open Eventagn Until Christmas
We recognize your right o speedy
andi satisfactory; service, and to
physical enjoyment and comfort
while under our roof. So far as
care, thought, experience and ex
penditure can secure these you
shall have them.
JL JL JL JLj Jb JL X sLsd A .Is
We havo this season the largest and flneet aswrtment of Christmas toys, goods and novelties ever brought together In Salem, Ths whole
wide range of gifts for old and young, Is admirably covered. None so poor, none so rich, that their tastes oannot be fully Indulged at Meyers'.
The windows give a hint of the many attractions we offer, but we want you to bring the children and stroll through Wonderland on our second
floor, and see what the toymakers of tho world have accomplished since tho days when you yourself watched nnd waited for Santa's coming.
Through tattooing on his right arm
a sketch of a young woman's head a
Crows workman has met his death
by blood poisoning. Tho outline was
drawn with copying Ink pencil.
It Is reported that 2673 out of 2894
Coneregatlonnl ministers in England
and Wales are total abstainers, while
In Ireland and Scottland the propor
tion Is eUII larger.
Games Two Stocks of Goods
One In the store the other scattered among his credit custom- f
r.ai-rvlnn customer on the books Increases the cost of doing 4
business. It's one of the things that compel merchants to get high
prices from those who pay.
Why don't you pay cash and be Independent
prices aro figured on a spot cash basis.
Trade where
Till! FiKMI
yn $
Gifts on Wheels
Express wagons, with iron wheels,
axles and sldos, all sizes
90c to $3.50.
10 Inch wheels $1 76
34 Inch wheels $2.75
Ith rubber tires, various prices
up from
$3.50 to $3.85 '
Auto Wagons, with propelling and
steering apparatus
25c to $2.50
0011 Ouggles, protty willow ones,
wlUi movablo backs and fronts
nnd nice parasols, at various
prkt fro :n
$7.50 down to $4.00
others In great variety of designs.
Iron axlos apd, whek to wooden
$4.50 to 25c ,
Wheelbarrows with Iron wheal an?
Iron rest, stout frame and Iron
box from
95c down to 75c
Trloysles, male vary Strang with
stsel frames aul running gears.
Iron wheals som with rubber
$10.00 down to $5.00
Gifts f of Men
Smoking Jackets made of fancy
mixed goods, elegantly lined,
handsomely trimmed nnd easy fit
ting $10.00 down to $4.50
Men's Bath (lobes long comfortable
house or lounging robes In plain
or fancy qolors
$10.00 to $3.50
Suspenders, a choice collection for
the holiday trado, Megantly sil
ver trlmmod ispndors with em
brolderod silk bends.
$2.00 to 50c.
Men's Neckwear, special slctloji
kultabl for Christmas giving
Z60 to 2o
oilk Mufflersl4MHKila1 iHiroluwe f
a larr holiday" Una. all colors al
wsjl as plain- and broRil(d s4lk
$3.00 b 75c
Men's Sweaters, w have the finest
assartmoi at U very lowoet
priests; all eotors. grades and
prices '
4.50 to 60c
Gifts for Women
Sweaters, for women nnd girls; a
now full line ooverlng ovury site
and color trimmed with the new
brass buttons
$3.60 to $5.00
Venice "Collar, Itlegant stole collars
In the latest designs, black, white
or ecru
$4.50 to $10.00
a loves, All the new shadits and ot
Uio finest material and makes, a
swell assortment from whlult to
$1.00 to $2.00
Fascinators, Daintjr hssdtlrossss
of faucy silk Md wool. Vary
pretty for erralHg wear and
moat accopUbla praaaML Wide
rattga of eliirtoa and prices
26c to $3.50
Dressing Bscques of soft warm
eiderdown; liflHdwiRely tsada ami
Ulmiitad with braid ribbon., appll
qua atMl frog fasteners; all eulora;
every rboice from
$1.00 to $4.50
The Doll
The largest doll papulation ovar
enumerated In a doll census In
Stalsm. Moke your saleotlons
All china dolls 1c up
Dlack or white uhlna dulls with
stuff! oleth bodies
6e to Mo
Dressed bisque dolls
16c to $10,00
Ukdreesed bisque doila with Jeint
limbs, real nsJr, ami ttaaJng eee
' ak to $10,00
Dull Trunks $14
Dull Oo-Carta c to $70
Doll ItoMs 6a to 75c
Doll iUoes ' lOe ta He
Dull Dufcee 26c to $4.60
Doll Watches ...t 6c to 25c
Ixill Norklacaa 6c to 25c
Doll Furniture 60c to $1.29
Is Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store. Quality Is always the
first consideration with us. Rellsble merchsndlse sold 16 to 23 per
cent cheaper than at "regular stores" keeps us growing.
Have you seen our line of
Holiday Novelties?
.... .... .u -n th Um maroln of nroflt as regular lines.
.. - uiu, .Hnnnlnn till the last day. The assert- Z
POn'l put on yvur nn -rr - ....
ment 1. better now and the price, will never be , lower
Two room, full of goods soluble for practical presents
prefer them to the fancy novelties.
The Big Stoe With the Small Price
Salem's best dressed men appreciate the fact that "Meyers" I. the only store In Salem where tytry suit, overcoat and shoe, every ple.o of nab
erda.hry can be relied upon, not only as to the perfection of quality, but as the very latest In style, and sold at the very lowest prise, made
by any other Salem store.
Clothing and Overcoats Ate Rapidly
Changing Ownership
Caused by the remarkable low prices we ask for strictly up-to-date reliable merchandise.
of this great sale.
Worth your time te oall snd Investigate the merits
$10.00 Snit'or Overcoat
i a
$20.00 Suit or Overcoat
' 22.50
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor f
n a
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