iT DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL; 8ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER'S, EIGHT , 1603. , " " r ft- ' I-.' riti &Wt r Stockton THE SALEM STORES. Our storo have becomo tho favorite shopping places, because wo show extensive linos of holiday goods at reduced prices, and treat every customer who comos to $ur stores the same as yon would treat the guest In ypur homo. Thore Is no question about the money saving advantages which wo offer to the public. Read en: LADIES NECKWEAR. Tao latest fads direct from New York, reduced from ton to thirty-three par cent CHRISTMA3 PORTIERS. , The most ologant lino In tho city, roduced as follows 3.50,valuoB for $ 2,08. 4.60 3.UU 3,98 5.00 COO' , 0 50 7.50 8.50 , 9.00 , 10.00 18.00 , 4.85 6i25 5,50 G.50 7.50 12.Q0 TAPESTRIE3. 75c values 55 yard BOc values 42c yard . Cushion Tops, Cushion Ticks Pillows, etc Remember Our Great- Sale of Men's Clothing is Still in Progress Brown check suits 13.00 13.50 suits reduced to $8.50 $ 8.50 suits reduced to.... G.tlO 16.00 9.35 10.00 C.50 20.00 13.00 12.50 8.00 22.50 15.00 SEE THEM ON DISPLAY IN OUR feA&osaassQura DIED. ANDERSON. At tho Orogon state in sano asylum, Monday, Dccombcr 11, 1903, Mlnnio Andorson, aged 32 years of apoploxyv Tho remains wero shipped to As toria, where her rolatlvcs reside. WHEAT MARKET8. Chicago, 7BV4C Dec. 15. Wheat, 793 Gold Dust Flour Mde by THE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY, 8ldaey, Oregon. Mado for family use. Ask your grocer for 1L Bran and shorts al ways on hand. A. T. Wain, Agt. mi hi win i riOTrmrnrflTOrriiorriTTnriTrr""" -"""-""""" - E Shopping With Profit NEW 8UIT8, NEW JACKETS, MILLINERY, 8ILK WAISTS. A Profit to You Although low prlceo prevail here, we give 10 per cent additional discount returned In silverware, chlnaware and glassware. FiifSf A Select Assortment Embroideries, Cushion Covers and all goods In stock 'subject to discount. IT IS A PROFIT TO YOU. AT- Wits Fffaseff's 271 Commercial Street CATDftn THE LADIES' OiLjaX Q-rnnp a The Up-to-Date Holiday 1 Stock Has Come i Our bright sparkling line of Christinas gifts is ready for X jnspoction. Our stock this soason ovor boioro, nuci with prwo aim confluence in variety, wo in- 5 vite you to look through our up-to-date line of Diamonds, Watches, Cut Gloss, Silvorwaro, Jewjblry, Clocks novelties. Thoro uro hundreds of articles that wohave not spaco to enu- $ werato, 5 If you want to buy reght, if you waut to bo treated right, w wako'our store your headquarters for, Christmas buying, if you S are at a loss to know what to buy, we have clerks who will snow you our Jino, ana you win diamond plan will interest you, on your mvostracut. wnowier you our different lines. Cf&as Jeweler and Optician, 4fSSU!HaU3H i',p ' ,QET YOUR ROOMS READY FOR THE LEGISLATORS. A special lino of Comforts add white spreads aro on snlo at our store. Our prices on rcadymade Sheets, Pillow Slips, Muslins and Shootings aro tho lowest In the: city WINDOW AT 29&300 COM. ST. Cashier Suicides. New Haven, Conn., Dee. 15. Asa nushnoll, cashier of the Yale Nation al Bank, ono of tho loading institu tions of the city, shot and killed him self In tho bank basomont tills morn ing. An examination of his accounts Is In progress. Olllcors bellovo there Is no shortage. Tho bank, this afternoon announced that Bushnell was a defaulter In a small sum. Big Cut in Wages. Conncllsvlllo, Pa., Doc. 15. Thirty thousand men In this roglon will bo nfTectcd' by tho 17 per cont reduction In wagos announced today, in which tho Frlck Coko Cp. tnko tho Initiative. Tho reason asslgndd Is tho great re duction in tho prlqo of coke. Tho Treaty Comes Back. New York, Doc. 15. Tljo Panama Hallway Company's stoamer Wash ington arrlvod from Colon this morn ing bringing tho signed canal treaty. A government ofllror rocolved It at tho dock. EXCLUSIVE rDK7nrlVT vijvj-i i is four tun 03 larger than una our prices riguu uur g as yotf can't loose auything uuy or noi come in anu sea H Hmges, 88 State Street. HtHrHMlfrM NEW CLOAKS, (jj PROSPECT FOR COAL. Company Takes Leases on Land for Investigation. ' ( 0 rant County News.) A company, or mutual association, of John Day citlsns has been formed for the purpose of investigating the coal conditions of this valley. In or der to form a basis of operations suf ficiently attractive to Induce corpora tion of largo capital, leases havo been secured on large tracts of land lying north of the rivor on tho Long Croek road; and options taken on still oth er portions of the prospective coal fields In the Immcnliafe vicinity and furthor down the river. Most of tho land so far taken under lease belongs to B. C. Trowbridge and John Silvers, and the tompany taking It over Is composed of P A. Snyder, Frank Foster and the Dexter Bros- The leases are made out on a roy alty basis for a term of 99 years, and Include todate 2800 acres. When the transactions have been completed there will he something liko 5000 acres subject to th leaso. It is thought that thess trms will furnish ample scope both In e ;tent and time, for operations on a scale large enough to attract a strong financial concern The local company Is going about these Investigations with good chances for success; but It Is fair to tho mem bers to state that they doslred no no toriety, and It was with reluctance they consented to give out theso facts for publication. They aro woll aware of the fact that they are undortak Ing dcvelopmnt work thnt Is expen sive and uncortnln. but that Is.of pro found Interest and Importance to the people of the valley und of tho entire stato Thoy know only that there Is ccal. and that It Is distributed over Immense areas. What they do not know, is tho thickness and quality of tho under strata. And It is to determine these two points that operations are now In nrocrcss. The plnns of the local company con tcmplat? sinking as the readiest practical means of reading tho mys tery of these conl deposits. A shaft will be sunk at some promising point As It Is needed machinery will be In. stalled, and it is tho hope of the pros pectors thnt a body of coal, large enough to demonstrate tho worth of the proposition, will be encountered. Further than this, no plans have been announced. A Future Financier. , Thore is a six-year-old West Phlla dolphlan who already glvos evidence of possessing tbo nccussary qualifi cations to place him at tho head of somo great trust. For somo weeks past ho has been troubled wth tooth ache, and his mother has coaxed, threatened, and hired him to go and havo tho tooth extracted, but tho small boy could not get his courage to tho necessary point. Flnnlly ono morning, wbqn mamma had bcon making bids, ltko tho crowd at an auction. "Ono dollar, ono and one-half," and at last had reached "three," tho Bm.nll.boy broko in with: "Say, mamma, would you give me flvo dollars?" Tho mother hosltatod a moment. and thon said: "Yes. Anything to havo It ovor." "I'll do it then!" said -tho small boy. So away' thoy wont In a hurry be fore he could rrpvnt' of his bargain Arrlvtd at the dontlst's. tho oporatlon win so painless and so soon over that tin small boy didn't realize that the tooth was out until they told him.' On the way home his mothor said: "Now, Harold, don't you think that .was a. very ll'tle thing for mamma to give you Ave dollars for?" "Yes. mamma, I do." said the young financier. "Hut. I'll tell you what! We'lKcall it $-1.75 and you glvo me tho $6 and I'll give you back.' tho 25 cents some tlmo when I havo anothoc tooth pullod, Philadelphia Pross. An Easy Job. "To run a newspaper," says an Oklahoma editor, "all a follow has to do Is to ba able to write j)ras, d(s- OPENS THURSDAY First Annual Exhibition of the i, SALEM POULTRY AND PET STOCK A880CIATION. Mako your ongagemonts bo you can attond. Throo dayB and throo nights. A fino exhibit of blooded stock. OOOS, CATS AND POULTRY. You cannot ntford to mlas it. COLLECTIONS MADE ANYWHERE ON EARTH GIVE US A TRIAL NOCOLLECTIONS.NO CHARGES. VAN AL8TINE, GORDON & CO. 275 Commercial Street. Phone Main 801. A. R. Morgan & Co., Mgrs. NEW TODAY Turkoy Shoot About fifty first-clastr turkeys shot offtf at J. H. Hlgta plaoe. eight mites South of Salem Monday. Dec 21st Lunch served tree. lMMs OPERA HOUSE JOHN F. CORPRAV, Mgr. Tuesday, Dec. J 5 EXTRA Majestic Revival of The TWO SISTERS By DENMAN THOMPSON Author of THE OLD HOMESTEAD. Presented with every advantage and many extra features, including Rastds and Banks Prices $1.00, 75c, 50c, 35c. Reserved seats on sale office, Tuesday at 9 a m. at box cuss the tariff game, report a wed ding, saw wood, describe a fire, so that tho readers will Bhcd their wraps make a dollar do the work of ten, shine at a dnnco, measure calico, abuse tho liquor habit, tost whiskey, subscribe to charity, go without meals attack froo silver, defend bimetal- Ism, snoor at snobbery, wear diamonds, Invent ndvertlscmoiits, overlook scandal, praise babies, de light pumpkin raisers, minister to tho afflicted, heal tho disgruntled, fight to a finish, set type, mold opinions. sweep the omce, speak at prayer meeting stand in with overybody and everything." New York Tribune White Rotary Sewing Machines Tho most thorough up-to-date ma chino on the market. Reasons why? First, its rotary shuttle. Thon tho shuttlo Is Instantly re movable. Othors aro not. It has tension Indicators. Others havo not. It has automatic tension release Others havo not. It has ball bearings. It has triplo feed. It sows a fourth faster than the vibrating shuttles, It runs lighter, runs easier, and tho automatic head lift is of tho cablo in placo of raw hide, henco does not strotch and leave tho head sag. It Is a machlno that you would thor oughly appreciate, if you would take tho tlmo to boo It. Call In any tlmcv Wo havo spoclal sowing machlno salesroom, and an experienced man In chargo Mr. N. II. Burloy, who will show you ovory cour tesy.. Besides Wo ront now sowing machines. Wo repair all sorts of machines, and guarantee our work. Wo sell best neadlos and oil for all machlnos. ''And wo lake your old machlno In exchange on new ones, and allow you what It Is worth. Wo havo a nurabor of second-hand machlnos, all in flno working order, for sale nt a bargain. Ask to seo them. p. A. WIGGINS Implement House. 255-257 Liberty St, Salem. Farm Machlnory, DlcycIeB, Automo biles, Sowing Machines and Supplies Ne H. Burlev Sewing. Machine Repairing. Oregon Fire Relief Association Oregon's Great Mutal Insurance Co. SI5.440.588 Insurance at risk Safe, economical insurance fr the ccoole. Head off lc. Ate t Invllle. Or II. A JOHN iON. Arcnt lor Marion Co S3lm. (iKsroii MODEL OYSTER PARLORS 140 Court Street, Oetereauy style end short orders. Ovutt-r Losvea, Chioktii lamales, tihell Fish, E-c n fes'on. ( Spt-cisl chlokvn dinner, Sundays, 25c- T Fesh NAVAL ORANGES Today AT tFfewicCe Edward Ellla. 144 Stats 8t Potatoes, Potatoes, POTATOES Call and see ts jbefore yoo sell yottt Crop ' James M. Kyle & Co 75CommefdaiSt. GRAND d&tin iChHdtenf&r l i Jackets j One of New: York'd leading manufacturers of Childien's Jackets closod out to us a Luuuitf ui. uiiu-iJiui ui uit'ir reguiur wuuiesuio prices. Wore. ceived them yeslerdny and will Our good buy will be u marked every jacket at Half This is tho greatest sale of tho city. If yon have put off buying is your opportunity. $12.00 Jackets mw $6.00 10.00 8.00 7.50 6.00 "When you sec It in out ad. It's so." Another Revolution. Washington. Doc. 15. Consul Simp son, of Puerto Pldtz, In tho Domini can Itopubllc, wires thnt a now revo lution has broken out gonorally throughout tho Ulandx Tho stato de partment has no advices of tho plot to kill Minister Powoll, and Is In clined to doubt its truth. Killed the Engineer. Omaha. Dec. 15. A Burlington en gine on tho eastbound limited jumped the traok noar Malvcr, Iowa, tills morning, and lolled down tho embank mont, crushing Enginsor Knox to doath. Beyond slight injuries, none of tlio others woro Injured. Clark All Right. New York, Dec. 15. Senator W. A. Clark, who was oporatod on for an ab scobs, is out of bed today, and tho phy sicians say he will bo able to leave his apartments In two weeks. I DON'T That TI1K FAIR STORK is iregt, and that wo tarry ihelargtst stock of ("vs and holiday J goods in ftt'eiu, nt jiricf tliat can't he beat. Vi- Ihim-i xpress 9 wiijiiuif, IiiiMiv hoist'-,'l barrov.s. doll nirriwco-. (hih'ren's nuking ohaiuj. toy Hunks, Hlf'SLri. 1111 OIII.S III (ltd ti- , v .... 0..w ... ...w, w. tree oriiHineutH and. in fuct. Wo have the best values in dolls evr Men in Salem 7THE FAIR STORE 274 Commercial Stxeet W-IH-H-t-Hn-BI-HH-aH-H-B-tM (mcr,o Store JPBO&ZES MAItmZN IZQTJS& Christmas Goods Now on Display. Prices lower than ever. It will pay you to investigate The Cheapest Store Ip the Northwest W'Evoy Brothers, Court St.,Salem number of their latest stylo gar- placo them on sale today. shared with you as wo have Price - Children's Cloaks ever held in your child a winter wrap this 5.00 4.00 3.75 3.00 A Series of Fires. Rochester, N. Yi, Dec. 15. A serlM of fires in tho factory district hut night night and this morning caused $350,000 damages. Among tho heaT lost losora wns tho Sherwood Leather Company, tho Foster & Armstroci Plnno Company, and tho Wendell Marshall Piano factory. At noon tho flro, which had been combatted all morning, broko through ilnto tho Marshall Wendell factory, bringing the total loss to $400,000. o Pine assortment of ladles acl gents' gold watches and chains, for tho holiday trado, for sale cheap, it' W. Culvofs. Practical watchmaker, 158 Stato street. cod Tako tho boy and girl to tho eat show this wook. PORCTT i locuted ut No 274 Commercial drums, horns, in, bnnkfi tool fni - liiilli'.. I ...n.o 1'li.iJmot T luiiiiiwik) mm i'iiui-T-1-, iirtiiMi J c-vervthinrr in tliat linu h n H9H-fSHRB85K4-Bl IMMAM'V W t M0 .- AurtriMA&lftitfn WiU J& ,ttMirft4-v"A -- M1 "m&il&m9m!m. ma. 1---.-1 . S$kJZ2 J?5PWS'P'