r UT"JSW PSYCHOLOGY OF THE (Jamea O. Kcornan.) Of the desperadoes recently cap tred Van Dlno Is by far tho most typical. Llko a wostorn prototype, 81ndo, whom Mark Twain found "bo polite, so friendly, so gentle spoken" that ho "warmed to him," Van Dlno has a mild look and gentle, even voice. Ite "Just wanted excitement and would havo takon up anything else had ttnro been tho sarao amount of excitement In it This spirit onco created tho Tlklng, the Ellzabothan sea dog. tho Merchant adventurer, and tho high wayman, and now, becauso of altered othlcs, not only forms tho harlot, port, hobo, speculator, "practical," but llkowlso underlies double lives such as Stovenson occultly portrays In "Dn. Jekylll and Mr. Hydo" and actual ly In "Deacon Brodlo." Deacon Brodlo raised more than a century ago the modern query as to the Influence of tho criminal literary hero. "Tho moral tendency of the 'Beggars' Opera,'" remarks Sir Wal ter Scott, "has been much questioned, although In all probability tho numbor of highwaymen Is not moro Increased hy tho examplo of Mashoath than that f murderers Is decreased by tho ataBtrophe of George Barnwell. Many years ago an unhappy person, rather from mlBplaccd, proverted ambition than from the usual motives of want and desperation, chose, though In easy circumstances and most respect ably connected, to place himself at tho head of a b.and of thloves and aousobroakers, whoso depredations ho directed and shared. On tho night they committed the crlmo for which ho was hanged ho sang (when thoy wero equipped for tho expedition) from tho 'Beggars Opera,' 'Let us Take tho Road.' But his confederates, professional tn eves who pursued from habit and education the despernio practices Deacon Brodlo ndoptml from an adventurous spirit of prolll nato quixotry, only romemberod some thing of a flash song nbout 'turning lead to gold.' This circumstance whllo It tends to show that drama may of foct tho weak part of a mind predis posed to ovll by diseased .imagination, proves tho truth. Dr. Johnson as sorted In his 'LIfo of Gay' that 'high waymen and housobroakors soldom rolnglo In any elegant dlvorslons, nor is it possiblo fcr any ono to lm aglno that ho mn7 rob with safety becauso ho sees Machoath reprlovod on tho stago.' " Cheating within "btiBlnoss" bounds, just grazing tho law's limits, seems lnflnltoly moro ignoblo to such mlnda than robbory, wh$ro llfo and limb aro risked. In Wadsworth's "Rob Roy" this logic appears: "Becauso tho good old rulo Sufflcoth thorn, tho slmplo plan That thoy Bhould tako who havo tho power And thoy should keep who can," Tho "uimo" novoi influence on such oesM4sfco8MetJaaft ?exeoi3 There is . 1 !The House Furnishing Company. ; Salem. 269 Liberty Street. Albany MiaiBaiotiai8'P'a(alol9li8lct'sl8tt I We do what We Claim ! ! We kill and remove cancers and Read the testimony of a prominent Salem man: TO THE PUBLIC. In justice to Dr. Cook, and that the world may know what great work he is doing, 1 wisji to inform them that 1 have been taking treatment from him for the past fifteen months and in that time he has re moved from my alimentary cahal three tumors of can" cerous growths, as large as a man's hand, all from the larger intestine. Also another cancerous growth from off my right right foot and another from my right thumb. This has all been accomplished through medi cines alone, they killing the growth and the snider like roots and nature itself cast ng them off. without the aid of knife or surgery. I do not believe I could have found equally successful treatment anywhere n he world and cheerfully recommend Dr. J. F. Cook, the Botanical Doctor, to all who read this testimonial. R. J. Spencer. We can do as mnch for you or more if you need it. J. F. COOK ...,..in,rt,' r.nrea l neniscHerBoianikai wwfc.v.. Iwwtwwww DESPERADO minds Is overestimated for the reason Dr. Johnson pointed out. Llko tho business" man. tho average desper ado scoffs at books. It makes a great difference! as to oxplosion whether a match be thrown Into an oxploslvo or Into tho sea. Literature may act on minds, but It noos not create those acted upon, which aro formed by forces originating In tho dim past. Tho voneor of regord for individual rights sits thinly on primitive dis dain for those outside tho family. Tho criminal has, says Haverlock Ellis, "always been tho hero, almost tho saint, of tho uncultured." Edu cation Is not synonymous with cul turo, whenco tho survival of such primitive bellofs among so-called educated classes. "That attlludo of unboundod rovoronco for tho lunatic, as for an Inspired being, an unquest ioned submission to his wildest acts, which today can scarcely bo found In Europo outsldo Turkey, has by no means died out where tho criminal Is concerned, oven In tho most civilized countries." Tho uncultured regard a criminal with tho revorenco of amaze ment with which tho cultured vlow a genius. In prlmltlvo thought, still preserved In folklore, tho criminal's relics, llko tho saint's, bring luck. A flngor or small bono kept In the purso prevents It from ever bolng empty. It keeps away vermin and protects tho thief against his victim. Occultly proparcd. tho hand becomes tho "hand of glory," which dlscovors treasures and protects tho discoverer. Burled bs noath tho threshold, the flngor brings perpetual blessing. In ToSB nrilfln tnm nmnnm 1t a . awtfc I ltu US tit t Hi V life I'lU l"hlghor educated" such veneration still exists. Lacennlre, a Parisian murderor. was served with exquisite meats and delicate wines while thieves from hunger starved on Jail fare. Women, young, beautiful, nnd elegant ly attired, frantically sought his cell. A countess, mother of a family, re ceived a coarse retort for sentimental .verses sent him. Cartoucho and .Troppman received lotters from fe males with "an unvownble sentiment ,of lovo born of mystery and the un- I 1. ......... ft t Tf 1 1 1 . I IWlUrtll. Ill UUKIUUU HI1U iVIUOriL'll similar antics occur. Womon Indicted for killing husbands receive letters with offers of marriage. Such public attitude toward crim inals Is doepsoated. Tho criminal hero of fiction Is Its expression, not Its cnusa No external force can chango It, nor will consorshlp of nows papers avail. Only education as to what crlmlnnllty means can effect pen manent change. Until this occur "contagion of crlmo," which Involves oxprosslon of criminality, not Its creation. Is a serious soclologlc dan ger. Mlnutoly dotallod, horrlblo crlmos nro soon wldo-Bpread. to stir up morbid sedimentary Instincts in weak and Ill-balanced minds, when m Excuse for not making somebody happy during tho prosent holidays. If you can't find the necessary article at other places, come to us, wo haye nad every effort to supply you with a groat variety from which to mnko selection. Toy Work Tables for the child ren, Rockers for all ages, Music Racks and Cabinet Book 8holves and Cases, Pedestels, Screens, Picturei, Picture Frames, Parlor Tables, Leathor Couches and Rockors, Morris Chais. Open evenings. tumors without the aid of a knife. ail Diseases- Salem. Liberty St. $ - flt WfW DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER mm mwmmn teas Motherhood means cither happiness or misery. There is scant happiness fot the mother, who in mill and wcaknes brings into the world a weakling babe which she can neither nurse nor nourish. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription fits women for motherhood. It strengthens the maternal organism. It tranquilizer the nerves, encourages the appetite nnd brings refresh!' ; sleep. It makes the birth hour prncaally painless and gives the mother the nourishment to give her child. There Is no alcohol in "Favorite Pre scription,'' and it Is absolutely free from opium, cocaine, and all other narcotics. "Words cannot express how grateful I am for your kind advice and your Favorite I'rescrip tlon.' writei Mr, D. b. Harriet, of Terrowa, Campbell Co., Va. " I feel that It has cored me. t hod been In poor health for (our yean. Suf fered grsatty wljh fay right side, also with beatiujt-aoivn paius, and nv nervei were In dreadful state. After mine four bottles of your ' Pavorlte Prescription I am now well. I am ;the mother of two children. With the first child I suffered twenty-eight hours, and with the xeoond I used your medicine aud was sick only three hour. I believe Dr. Pierce's Favor ite rresdption to be the bett medicine in the world for suffering fema! , t wish you RTcat success, and hope that Go.1 will bless you lu your noble work." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent frte on receipt of 31 one -cent stamps to nay expense of mailing only. Audross Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. over a largo community Is directly re sponsible for resultant crimen, os peclnlly nmong children nnd youths. Whllo Mark Twain shrewdly ob serves, the dosperado has cowardly, npathetlc moods, he dies same. Ills spree Is over nnd he Is willing to pay the cost, nor will his end deter Imi tators Imbued with fetlchlstlc revor ence for criminals. Society honorB their snlnt by martyrdom, and this they likewise- joyfully endure. In novels the horo, If a pure criminal. Is always executed, yet tho taste for them does not demand other ending. Society may develop the desporndo by creating In him contempt for all law oxcept that which ho makc-s him self. Slado was orlglnnlly a vigilant employed to oxocuto lynch law. Con tempt for Individual rights shown by lynchors and by Judges who loglslato croatos dosperado Instincts. In Chlcngo tho dosperado who "holds up" Saloons knows by previous immunity from riotous conduct there in that tho law-abiding saloonkeoner has the odium of crlmos commuted ngalnst him. Nearly a decado nnd n half ago a Bohemian rostaurnnt owner klllod ono of n hoodlum gang attack ing his wlfo and cash box. Ho wns In dicted for murdar, tried, and given the death penalty. A new trial resulted In n rapid nwiulttnl by a Jury Indig nant at Its pradecoMor. The desperado, knowing that law forms can be thus prostituted, be lieves they protect him against his victims amongst an unpopular clou Hanging cannot be deterrent to those who seek excitement at risk of life and limb. The desperado and his Imi tators havo tho old viking abhorrence for a iloi'i death death 111 bed. For this reason public execution stntes of the union have the largest pure crime and desperado rate. Life to the des perado Is a gamble; a possiblo gnllows fate fitly crowns a merry llfo, as so ciety's tribnto to his gallantry. HeWe ThlsT Wo offer ono hundred dollars To ward for any caso of catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure P. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, Ohio We, tho undersigned, bavo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bellovo him porfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan cially ablo to carry out any obliga Uona mado by their firm. WEST & TItUAX, Wbolosalo Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. WAL.DINO. KINNAN ft MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter nally, acting dlroctly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system, TosUmonlals ssnt free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills nro tho best. A Moral Lesson. 'The Two Sisters" as a moral toaann Is U WMt M llflWerS by th waysides of eountry roads eharw lag becauso they are natural. Many a man who has seen this play has sent his daughUr to drink la a lewon of life that ha eeuld not tell her of. K membsr tkat "The Two lsterMplays wero on Tuesday evening Dec- 1- - Bed Tims take a pleasant kerb drink, tie next rooming I feel bright and xiy com plexion is better, HMf dector says It sets geatly on the sjoaache, liter aud kidneys, and Is a ple&cont UuaUra. It Is made of kerbs, and Is prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lium's med icine. AH druggist U H at ? and DO cents. Lane's Fasslty Medietas moves the bowels ck slay. If yo cannot get it, send for free samples. Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy, N.T. t Branson & Ragan. Keep .ill Wada of groceries, and they are the best that can be feund in tho otty. Too doa't know it nntll you have tried them. -rfr,---'-ayy "Aunt" Sarah's Precedent "Aunt" Sarah Warren, ono of the best women In tho world, called at our sanctum Monday and put un three plunkers for subscriptions. "Go thou and do llkowlso."--Brookport (111.) Eagle. Tho host quality and tho lowest prices on Italian strings for violin, guitar, mandolin and banjo, at W. Cat vet's, practical watchmaker, 158 State street eod 3nU y?1lB Kted Yw Htw JUwrt fetf Capital City Mills Quotation. Bryant & Penned, Prepa. Wheat 76c. Buckwheat 80a Poultry at Stelner Market Chlckons 810c. Eggs Per dozen 32c Turkeys, 12HHc Ducks 9 10c. Hop Market. Hops 1922c. Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc Potatbee 30c. Onions lc Dried Fruits. Peaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c Petite prunes 4c, Italian prunes Cc Wood, renoe Pojts, Ete. Big fir $1.00. Second-growth J3 50. Arh-I3.00 to 13,75. Body oak $4-60. , Pole oak $4.00. Cedar ihwU 12V4c Hides. Pelts and Pur Green Hides, No. 1 Bo. Green Hlues, No. 8 le. Gnlt 8klns !6c. Sheep 75c. ' Goat Sklne 26o to S1.09 Grain anc' Ftour, Wheat Salem Flouring Mills 75c. Oats 32c. Barley $18.50 per ton. Flour Wholesale $3.C0. tlve Stock Markst 8tooru 3o. Cows ISHc. She4 2Ua Drosscd veal CHc DrosBod hogs Cc. , Llvo hogs 4c Mutton 2c per pound. VeaJ5V4o. Hay, FMd, Ete. Baled cheat $11. Balo- clover $W$11. Bran $20. Shorts $21. Creame-y nd Dslry Product. Good dairy butter 2025a Creamery butter 30o. Croam separator skimmed, at Com. Creamery, 30c, net. POnTLAND MARKET. Whoat Walla Walla, 72c Valloy 78c Flour Portland, best grade, $3,750 $3.85; graham, $3.76. OaU Choloo White, $1.07tfc Darloy Foed, $10 per ton; rollod, $21. Xllllstuff Bran, $1!). Hay Timothy, $160$16. Potatoes 50060c Eggs Orogon ranch, 36c Poultry Chlckons, mlxod, 8o por pound; spring, 10c turkeys, lire, Mutton Dressod, 6 '4c Pork Dressed, 60614c. , Boof Gross, 606 '4c Veal 8c Hops 1003 crop, 12022c Wool Valley, 1701o; Eastern Oregon, 12015a; Mohair, J507Ho. Hides dry. 1 pounds ant. aswarda. It to lBHe. Butter Best dairy. 2O022Mc; fan cy creamery, 3003214c; store, 15016KC CLASSIFIED ADS iUTMtlsjmtstj. nvs Ujes er Jflg. JfJ ft fcf s month. AD ovtrmslucs sttnsuas rt. WANTED. Wanted. Boom and board In prlvatP family by young man. Not rartuor than four" blocks from buslnesa sec tion. Address "U" core of Journal 12-14-31 Wanted. A lady would like work by the day; wag. l.6U per oay. au drew I.,M care of Journal ofllca LOST AND FOUND. tssVW.JSMls's'''1 Lost A brown chain purse. Finder leave with Go. r. uoagers1, i bookblndery, a4 receive rwwarA 12-14-31 Money Found. Anyone would feel a thrill of plawr to pick up a silver baJf-dolter on tie highway. They aro lying around ready to pick P (ao capital required) If you are Milling to rustlo and can talk only a little bit Good for either sox, young or okl Addreea or call at Journal office. WO-" fOf SALE. For Sale. Stoak bogs. All sltea of Polaad Chica hogs. Wm, II. Egn, P. O. aenrals, route J; pboae Farm No. J. WM Market Quotations Todays "Make Ssltm a Cool How sHUrXet1 15, 1903. FOR SALE. For Sale, Algood, driving or work noroc, at a bargain. J F. Hoter. Jr., Salem. 12-14-tf For Dargalne In pruno orchards, see Derby & Wilson. lS-lO-tf JK. Vetch Seed for Salo, I have a quanti ty of first-class votch seed for nalo, both varieties. Call at placo or ad dross F. Achillea, half mllo west of Kalsor school houso, four miles north of Salem. 1210-l-lwk Three Choice Young Boar RoKlstor- ed Borkshlrcs; weight 200 pounds; torms reasonable Thoso plga aro from tho flno brood sow I purchasod of Mr. Ladd, paying $50 for hor. J. W. McKlnney, Tumor, Ore 11-27-U Christmas Trefc All bIzos, finest shapes. Telephone your order for a Christmas treo to Clarence and Percy Blundoll, Mornlngaldo. Phono, Red 2066. Troot dollvered; pricoa low. 12-12-lw'k For 8ale Or trade, a flno 10-acro chicken or fruit ranch; flrst-claaa buildings and tmprovomonU; close to school, postoOlcei, storo and rail way station. Will trado for city or untmprovod farm property. Address "W. J.," Caro Journal 11-6- For 8ale-0. K. Grubber. Best in Oregon; thoo stato premiums; ono liorao has tho powor of 99; can grub an aero a day. James Finney, Brooks, Or. 10-25-lm For Sale Inmprovcd and unimproved block property in South Salem. For information inquire ot E. Hofor, Journal office 10-0-tf Choice Farm For 8ale. Throo nUloa nortliwcst from Brooks, having dwolllng house, barn and two hop housuti, with 30 acres ot hops, bal nnoo farming land, with running water, oxcopt onough choloo Umbor tc supply tho place. M. J. Rgan. 11-12-tf For Sale Eighty acres ot ' land In Washington county, for $450, A bargain for some ono wanting to jnako a home. Soma Umbor on tho placo; sane cleared. E. Hofor, Sa eom, Oregon. 10-0-tf FOR RENT. Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottlo block, by day, wook. or monui. Al so light housekeeping rooms. Elec tric lights. Opon at hours. Commercial St, No. 333. Phone: 20B6 Main. Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop. DRE88MAKER8. Mrs. L. Campbell Does drossmnklng at hor homo, on tho car lino, near tho South Salem comotory. Country trado solicited. 11-18-lm-d-w MISCELLANEOUS. . ssWss Wo will commence Packing Wednsa- day morning. JSmployea win gov ern themselves accordingly. Wll lamotto Valley Prune Association. 12-214-31 Freo Dirt About 400 yards of good dirt to bo given away, luiiuiro or Dr. J. H. Brewor, Balem. 12-14-.1t Cabinet Datho And masRago treat mont Mrs. M. .F. llfor, hours 0 to 11 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. W. O. T. U. hall, phono 2951. 12-ll-lwk Hot Soup Tea nnd cofToo, at tho W. O. 'J. U. hall; ontranco Forry strot. Hours, 11:30 to 1 a. m. and 5 to 7 p. m oxcopt Sundays. Phono 2961. 12-12-lwk Molar's Darber Colleoe Of Salt Lake City, offora advantages In teaching tho trado that cannot bo had tlso .whoro. 'Avoid schools tho Oregon "ani California barbers' now laws aro apt to closo at any time Write today for our special offer to dis tant students. 12-10-lm The Propsr Thing The popular drink for family use is u. a. soua and carbonated boverages. Every body should keep tbeso goods at tholr homes. Call up Gideon Stols Co. 'phone 421. Say Havo you tried Edwards ft Lusch- ors for meat. Wo havo tho boat sausago In town. Corao and try it, and bo convlnood, 410 East State stroot Salem Truck and Dray Co. OJdt and best oquippoa company in do loin. Piano ard furniture moving a specialty Offloa 'phone, 861. W W. Brown ft Son, proprietor. Ofnce No. 60 Stato street M-lin Dr. Z. M. Parvln-At 297 Commercial street, upstairs. Singing sohooL RudlmenUl and sight reading class ea. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc tober 14th. Olasa every Wednsa day evening to May 1st, next Tul tlon. $1.00. Unique Cleaning Rcrns Snaw 4 Jonnson, we cieonors, n nun oated at 209 Commoroial street They do a general pressing and re pairing business. Specialties: SkirU silk waist, kid glove, genta clota In, etc Phone 2614. 6-281yr. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEpN. DTrwTaT'Mott Will hereafter b found In the Brey block. 276 Corn merola! stroot, over Oregou SkM Co. Office tolepbpne. 2Jlj real dene phone, 27CL 0(300 hours I fe 12. aad I to 6. New 8wet Cider. 6ad yor ar&tr to tLe nearest grocery, or call P phone 421. Gideon 8tola ft Ca M0-t rSBVBN1 v WATCHMAKBmfrsV W. Calved Practical Watchmaker 168 Stato street, rnakoe n SDaclalty ot ropalrinc watchea, clocks tat Jowolry, nnd guamntooa good work at rensonabln prices. lMS-lyr RESTAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 95 8tat . street Open day and night Owe 20c meals aro better than any 350 houso In tho state. Six 20a meal for $1.00; 21 20o meals for $3.00. LODQE8, sssV Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Moots in tholr hall tn Holman block, cor nor Stato and Liberty, every Mo day evening. Visiting brethren wolsomc. Roy Mclntlro, M. W, A. E. Aufranco. Recorder. Central LodQS No. 18, K. of P-CaaOa Hall in Holman block, corner Stat and Liberty Sta. Tneeday ot each wook at 7:30 p. m. A. By StrtUMI O. P.. R. J. Fleming K. of U. and B. Foresters of America Court Bba wood Forestera No. 19. Meets Fri day night in Turner block, B. W. Mlnturn. O. R.; A. L. Brown. Sec. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets every Thursday ovoulcg at 8 o'clock Holman Hall, Frank A, Turnv, T. P.; A. L. Brown, Olork. Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Or der Unltod Workmen, moeta wary Saturday evening la tho Holman Hall, cornor Stato and Liberty streets. Visiting brethren woloowt. J. O. Graham, M, W.; J. A. Sellwo Recorder. 08TEOPATH8. Dre. M. T. Scdoettle, Prank J. Barr and Anna M. Darh Graduates American School of Osteopathy, Klrksvitlo, Mo,, anccossora to Dr. Graoo Albright omc- hours 9 to 13 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clook. Odd Fellows' Temple, Phono Main JT31 residenco phono 2603 red. Evan's Darber Shop Only flrat-claac shop on Stato stroot Every thing now and upin-oato. Flnot rjorco lain baths. Shave, 15o; haircut ISq baths, 26c. Two first-class boot blacks, O. W, Evans, proprietor. BENJAMIN 8CHWARZ A SQty&v Hop merchants, 07 to 99 Stats ntrcot, Salem, Oregon. Represented by Jos. Harris. WM. BROWN A CO. Hops. Mohair, wool, hop grnwora' supplies. No, 229 Commoroial street; Balom, Ore koii, Phono 1301. SQUIRE FARRAR Hop morchaat and purchasing ngont No, 210)6 Commoroial street, upstairs, Sclera, Orogon. Phono 1661. T. A. LIVESLEY & C9, Dealers In hops nnd hop sttppllqs. Phono 1211. ortlco room 18 Oborholm bldg, Sa eom, Oregon. v J. CARMICHAEL Hop buyor. Offloe In Bunh-Broyman building, Salem, Oregon. Samplos of choice hops so licited from nil growors. CATLIN & LINN Hop buyers. Room 8. Bush-Breyman block, Salem, Ore gon. Phono 1431. HUDDARD A CR083AN Hop buy. ers. Room 3, Murphy blaok, Salem, Oregon. Tolophono No, 371. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE OITV HALL. For water sorvlcj apply at offloa. Dills payable monthly In advaac Mao all complaints at the office. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. OAPITAL OITY Express and Transfer Moots all mail and passonger trains Baggage to all parts of the city, Prompt service. Telephone No. 84L HECKMAtMIEDRICK ft flOMYBR WIRE FENCINa Just Arrived. A carload ot woven wlro fencing. Special prloes till December 19th, Poultry Netting. Shingles and P. ft II. roofing. WALTER MORLBV, 60 Court Stroot DENTISTS. irfWWAiVWSf O. H, MAOK fitiirmtiuir In Dr. J. if. Keen, la Whllo Corner. Balem. Oregon. ParUea desiring superior operations at mod. oral fee In any branch are Its especlitf requeat THE ELITE CAFE 203 Commercial Street Regular Dinner at Noon 25c Meals at all hours Service n la Carte E ECKERLEN, Proprietor CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. Th3 Kind Yen Hays Always BugM Bears the glg&aturft.flC (Z&M&fa